My Goddess

Chapter 345 There will always be another

The wind is blowing.

Yang Zongyuan, standing by the sea, closed his eyes, and the sea was full of decorative cruise ships to cheer up tourists. Even the sea will become a toy in places where people gather.

Gao Kuan stood beside Yang Zongyuan with sunglasses, with both a sense of presence and no sense of existence.

Tourists who took advantage of the fun passed by Yang Zongyuan in groups, and the guide's commentary was accompanied by various beautifications, giving people a feeling that the city seemed to be infinite charm. Many legends that are likely to be made up temporarily come from the tour guide, but they don't know which one is true and which one is false.

Yang Zongyuan listened for a while, and his behavior attracted the dissatisfaction of several tourists in a tour group.

"Look at that young man. He is obviously very rich and doesn't even invite a tour guide. He is so embarrassed."

"That's right, let me tell you, the richer you are, the more stingy you are!"


Synical and discussion fell into Yang Zongyuan's ears, which made him smile bitterly.

The way most people in the world look at problems is really simple and rude... Yang Zongyuan took a look at the tour group with many aunts and suddenly walked towards the young and lovely guide.

The guide who is telling the legendary story on this beach is strange. What does this young man want to do?

- Even if you talk to me, you have to wait until the work is over, okay?

Yang Zongyuan took out a hundred dollars* in full view of the public, and Franklin's head was particularly eye-catching on it.

"I just secretly listened to your story and benefited a lot. This is my little meaning. Please accept it."

It's enough to dare to admit so directly that you eavesdropped on the guide's explanation, and also took out a hundred dollars of tip, which immediately made several aunts who had been talking about it dumb.

Looking at the tour guide taking over the hundred dollars in surprise, Yang Zongyuan took off his sunglasses, smiled at the young female tour guide, and turned away with Gao Kui.

After walking out for about dozens of steps, Yang Zongyuan turned around and asked Gao Kuan, "Am I bored?"

Gao Kuan looked at Yang Zongyuan and nodded.

"I'm bored because I'm only assigned to do boring things." Yang Zongyuan smiled bitterly and said, "If I say that you are in a bigger trouble now, do you believe it?"

Gao Kuan hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't believe it."

"Why?" Yang Zongyuan took a look at the new assistant with great interest. Although Gao Yun used to be a spy, he didn't speak like "Have you investigated me?"

Gao Kuan did not deny it at all: "I have investigated and have not gained anything."

No harvest means that there will not be too much danger around Yang Zongyuan. In addition to the threat from Su Xiaoqing, Yang Zongyuan also has to worry about whether he will be angered by Mrs. Yang.

The investigation received by the Yang family in the United States is protracted and seems to continue until at least next year. According to the efficiency of Americans, the cost of this survey is at least tens of millions of dollars, and the final result is nothing more than to split the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the current economic situation.

The Yangmou from the national level forced the Yang family to accept it head-on and could not resist.

"If the investigation can know, it won't be a big trouble." Yang Zongyuan had long lost the shock when he first saw Gao Kui. Feng Yun smiled lightly and said, "I don't know if it's better for you to continue to live a plain life, or to return to those thrilling days."

Gao Kuan said calmly, "I have no choice."

"Yes, yes, you have no choice." Yang Zongyuan sighed, "Just like I have no choice."

Gao Kun narrowed his eyes and took a look at his current boss. He understood what Yang Zongyuan was trying to say.



The disturbance of a high school in Binhai City did not last long. A few days after the news of Sun Yusheng's early illness spread, Wang Qin was appointed as the team leader of the new school year.

The senior management of the school maintained a silent attitude about the recent events and gave a lot of operating space without expressing their position. Sun Yusheng is going to be investigated economically. I heard that his wife has also fought with him. Divorce and separation are like a clear line during the * period.

Fu Li has resigned from her school and was absorbed by a private school, and her salary has almost doubled. Although she has not been formally established, she has found another way out.

This result is not surprising. Surprisingly, the school paid its own money to repair the newspaper column, and also sent a letter of protest to the daily newspaper to protest against the false report of the youth edition of the Binhai Evening News.

The protest letter was sent directly to the daily newspaper in the name of the school's teaching office after Sun Yusheng completed the resignation procedures, which was quite formal.

This protest letter also gave a big headache to the leaders of the daily newspaper. A high school said in Binhai City that it was not very influential, but it was better than many alumni. There are really some things to turn against each other and can also find a group of flag-waving shouts. This is the first time that a school in Binhai has sent a letter of protest to the daily newspaper, demanding to revise the report in the evening newspaper and apologize.

Because there has never been a precedent, the leaders of the daily newspaper don't know how to deal with it. The school suddenly became so hard that everyone could see that the wind was in the wrong direction. However, Xiaosheng now has many advertisements on his body, including real estate and electrical squares, and direct punishment is not very good.

Editor-in-chief Li had a headache for a while, and finally asked Xiaosheng to study: "Xiaosheng, you think this matter... Let's make it smaller."

Xiaosheng didn't expect that Han Yun would no longer trouble him, but was put up by the school. Seeing such a formal protest letter, the experienced Xiaosheng did not talk nonsense and immediately said, "Editor-in-chief, I will do whatever you say. If we want to be famous, we will do it. If you want to be kind, I will apologize without losing a piece of meat.

Editor-in-chief Li is obviously very happy to see Xiaosheng so: "Xiaosheng... This matter has wronged you. I guess the school can't withstand the pressure when those students make trouble. Let's just make a gesture to make everyone happy.

Xiaosheng curled his mouth and didn't think so. Of course, he didn't show it on the surface. He nodded and said, "Well, I'll make an apology statement, which means to apologize."

The report has come out and has caused the impact. In fact, even an apology cannot completely reverse the negative impact of the report. But this situation is too common for the newspaper. If the report is not true, apologize a little to calm the other party's anger. This is also one of the advantages of being a media. At least the right to speak is in your own hands, which is equivalent to mastering some kind of game rules.

Xiaosheng returned to his desk and spent about ten minutes writing a simple apology statement, saying that the previous report was a little biased and apologized to the parties.

This statement can take up about the size of a mobile phone screen on the Youth Edition of the Evening News. As for how many people can see it, Xiaosheng doesn't care.

Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing didn't know that the school had sent a protest letter to the daily newspaper, and their lives were still working normally after this small wave. Yang Bingbing has finalized the details of the flash event, and now it will be launched during the long holiday. Cheng Shuixin is a little busy, and she will still do many things in the company herself.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed, and Sony's people arrived in China.

Sony's branch headquarters is in Modu. Of course, the group went to Modu first, where they stayed for two days and then flew directly to Binhai.

The top leader of the team this time is Tetsuhiko Yasuda, president of SCE in Asia. This is a round and gray-haired old man who looks very kind and has always been polite to the Japanese.

Sony people have always only gone to big cities, but this time they suddenly killed Binhai, which made the media who followed them a little stunned.

I was stunned, and it was necessary to follow up the report. However, Tetsuhiko Yasuda, who has always had an excellent cooperative attitude towards the media, didn't pay much attention to the reporter this time. When the group arrived in Binhai, they hid directly in the Zhongjing International Hotel and did not appear, as if they were really coming for vacation.

For the strange behavior of a group of people from SCE's Asian headquarters, the olfactory media contacted some previous signs and suspected that Tetsuhiko Yasuda intended to visit the light spirit. The company's current technical strength has made many large companies consider cooperating with it. Although Sony looks a little cold, it has never rejected this new technology company.

Thinking of this floor, many reporters were excited and began to run to touch the squat. Wang Jiantao was touched by the calm and touched. There was nothing he could do about this big wave of zombie-like reporters. He could only deal with it in batches, saying more than 200 times a day without comment.

For Sony, it is no longer a mystery who is responsible for the light touch. While responding to the invitation of some local technology enterprises in Binhai, Tetsuhiko Yasuda took the initiative to visit Qingling Touch, which is equivalent to working hard on face.

Local enterprises can make the president of Sony Interactive Entertainment visit. Although he is not the president of Sony, it is already quite good. The local media in Binhai suddenly became very enthusiastic and rushed over and made another wave of zombies.

I heard that Light Touch is a company started by young people, and Xiaosheng of the Youth Edition of the Evening News is also among these reporters and so on. It's just that Xiaosheng is an old fox. He knows that even if the enterprise gives red envelopes, this kind of report will not be too big, so he simply went to touch it lightly with a group of reporters from the daily newspaper.

The touching office location surprised many people. Most of Chu Yin's real estate is full of powerful financial companies, and this technology company is really rare.

It's even more surprising behind - the young man who received the crowd was only 26 or 27 years old and claimed to be the touching general manager. According to the news about light touch that can be seen on the Internet, the management of such a company with a revenue of more than tens of millions of dollars is so young and really has a bright future.

Xiaosheng quietly followed a group of reporters, holding a recording pen and notebook, secretly observing some touching details.

Handsome men and beautiful women, young college students-like employees, team work state is very rigorous...

All this shows that this company is indeed a viable team like those traditional coastal local companies.

Then, Xiaosheng's pupil suddenly shrank.

He saw Yang Bingbing, who was talking and laughing with people, and Cheng Shuixin.