My Goddess

Chapter 349 Unexpected Return

Su Yifan's words are obvious. Of course, he will abide by the bet with Nintendo. Now it is less than three months before the final agreement, although Puzzle.Age is still on the game list, no one can tell the future variables.

Tetsuhiko Yasuda was silent. He lowered his head and thought for a while. He suddenly looked up and stared at Su Yifan's face with a pair of small eyes through his glasses.

"Su Sang, can your company cooperate with us without becoming the second party of Nintendo?"

Su Yifan nodded: "That's natural."

So does your company's Puzzle.Age have a long-term development plan? For this kind of game, the current market acceptance is very strong and the saturation is also very high.

"There must be this." Su Yifan said, "Our plan actually contains several predictions that may be encountered within half a year."

Su Lishi couldn't help looking sideways at Su Yifan sitting next to her. It was not surprising that the teenager did not pay attention to himself and those relatives at the beginning.

Tetsuhiko Yasuda nodded and said, "We also believe that Su Sang's game can get good results. Before that, we were interested in transplanting cute girls to the PS3 platform. I wonder if Su Sang is interested in this plan?"

Su Yifan looked at Tetsuhiko Yasuda unexpectedly. Looking at the old man's eager expression, he knew that this guy saw the influence of the cute girl in Asia.

In addition to Japan, there are also many cute girl fans throughout Asia. If it can really be transplanted, it should also be helpful for the current PS3 sales. However, as a manufacturer, Su Yifan's view of the problem is not so simple. He replied directly, "Although high-definition is good, our current development progress may not be satisfactory."

Tetsuhiko Yasuda lowered his head and thought for a moment, signaling Yamauchi to open his mouth.

At this time, Su Yifan finally saw why the gold medal game producer, who is the king of technology, went with him. It turned out that he was doing technical assurance for himself.

"Our team can help with the high-definition thing."

Su Yifan was a little embarrassed by Yasuda's determination. He shook his head at the old man and said, "I thought you wouldn't be interested."

Tetsuhiko Yasuda nodded and said, "We are also actively promoting SGEA to port Hatsune Miku to PS3. Such games are very popular in Asia."

Su Yifan actually has no resistance to multiple sales of a copyright, but he still stressed: "One of the selling points of cute girls is portability. Now that without this point, the sales are likely not be too satisfactory."

Yasda Tetsuhiko laughed and said, "This is another topic we need to talk about - since Su Sang is willing to grant us the PS3 copyright of the cute girl, we have the same reward."

This time, Su Yifan guessed the meaning of the fat old man and said quietly, "Mr. Yasuda wants us to Play Puzzle.Age on PSN?"

Yasuda Tetsuhiko had to admire this teenager's quick thinking. He just showed his thoughts a little, and Su Yifan already knew the specific plan.

Yes, in the concept of Tetsuhiko Yasuda, since Su Yifan wants the results of Puzzle.Age, he might as well help him, which not only hit Nintendo's face, but also has a new game on his side.

PSN is the abbreviation of Sony's TV game console network platform. Like Microsoft's Xbox.Live and Nintendo's Wii channel, it is a game-centered network service. Classic replica games and casual games often appear on PSN, but it is a better platform for Puzzle.Age.

This is a rather unexpected gain. Su Yifan thought that major companies would not be interested in Sanxiao games. Even if they are interested, it should be platform manufacturers like Facebook who will find themselves first. Unexpectedly, Sony was the first to throw an olive branch.

"Su Sang is really smart." Tetsuhiko Yasuda's praise is sincere. The Japanese worship the strong, the better Su Yifan performs, the more Yasuda Tetsuhiko is looking forward to cooperation.

"I thank Mr. Yasuda first." Su Yifan sent back the compliment with a smile on his face, "According to Mr. Yasuda's vision, we still have many opportunities for cooperation."

Tetsuhiko Yasuda also nodded with a smile, and neither side mentioned the virtual reality. In fact, Sony knows that Su Yifan must have more relevant technology, but it is understandable that people can live with strange technology. Su Yifan knew that Sony would not do anything, and he would not take the initiative to speak before letting everyone see the interests.

Even if this matter has been exposed, the next thing is about creative ideas and business topics. Su Yifan said that this topic is suitable for bringing Cheng Shuixin here. Cai Qi made some simple records next to her, which was quite relish.

Today, in order to go out to meet people, Su Yifan helped Cai Qi get some medicine to cover his scars. Su Yifan, the secretary, feels very easy to use now, and he really doesn't want her to get out early.

The harmonious talks lasted for more than two hours, and the two sides did not talk more except to finalize the copyright issues of the two games. After sending Su Yifan and his party to leave, Yasuda Tetsuhiko came to the door and immediately became much more gloomy than before. He ordered Xiaolin beside him, "Go and check the patent list. You have to apply for patents on virtual reality as soon as possible in the past six months."

Yamanuchi Kazunori is not surprised by Tetsuhiko Yasuda's move at all. Although it seems that SCE and Qingling have reached a cooperation, the competition in the dark still exists.

From Sony's perspective, they can't want the technology of virtual reality to be mastered by others. Maybe everyone's development ideas are different, but there will definitely be overlap in patent technology.

The light-touch holographic projection technology is quite mature, and no one knows how much the company has hidden under the water. In addition to trying to finalize some cooperation with Su Yifan this time, Yasuda Tetsuhiko also wanted to try the depth of this company.

Now it seems that Su Yifan really doesn't give himself this opportunity. Yasuda Tetsuhiko can only choose the most conservative way to let the company continue to register patents related to virtual reality.

Just as in the media format war, Sony registered more than 800 of the more than 1,000 technical patents involved in Blu-ray, making it impossible for other companies to bypass it, which led to the victory of the unified media format.

Today's Sony needs to do too much to regain its glory, and no detail can be let go of.

Yamauchi Kazunori is a high-tech person. He doesn't care much about these things of Yasuda Tetsuhiko. On the contrary, his mind is full of some ideas that Su Yifan talked about before. He always feels that this young man is really not simple.

After getting off the presidential suite, Cai Qi first said in the elevator, "The Japanese should hope to delay the time so that we don't cooperate with Nintendo so quickly. Until the final result comes out, Sony has a choice."

Su Yifan nodded: "Yasda Tetsuhiko is an old fox. I can't believe his words. It looks good that we have promoted the two cooperation now, and it is just an insignificant software provider for Sony, a big platform. If it hadn't been for the follow-up technical support, they wouldn't have been so low-profile.

Meng Shiyi didn't say much today, and then he answered, "I think Sony's idea is actually very simple, that is, I hope we don't become rivals with them. As for the extent of friends, it also depends on where Sony's own technical support can go.

Su Yifan looked back at Meng Shiyi and smiled and said, "That's right. It's just asking us to stand in line. Sony also has its own research and development, so I'm afraid it won't conflict with us at that time."

Everyone nodded with deep thought, and Meng Shiyi said with a smile, "I used to feel that I was quite awesome when I saw some domestic Party A, but now I feel that I am not very excited to see the Asian president of SCE."

Wang Jiantao said awkwardly, "Don't mention it. I saw Yamauchi Yidian trembling all over... Fortunately, I didn't shamefully ask him for an autograph."

The group of people talked and laughed, but Su Lishi, who had the deepest understanding of this matter, was a little sad.

Bother Sony or Nintendo are too big companies, and their own advantage is nothing compared with others. If you want Su Yifan to continue to play with you, what should you take out?

Such troubles deeply troubled Su Lishi.

After the meeting that night, the two bigwigs of SCE went directly to visit the company the next day and made a happy talk. Han Yun also received a notice from Su Yifan and ran directly to have a heavy interview with Yasuda Tetsuhiko and Yamauchi.

Because Su Yifan had said hello before, Yasuda Tetsuhiko gave Han Yun more than an hour, which was almost unprecedented preferential treatment for reporters from the Celestial Empire.

Han Yun also knows how to use his time. After interviewing Tetsuhiko Yasuda, he also put an advertisement for Qingling. If this interview was seen by Xiaosheng, it would be enough to slap him in the face. A few days ago, Xiaosheng felt that Han Yun was not enough. In a blink of an eye, Han Yun interviewed Sony's senior management, which was simply a judgment.

Tetsuhiko Yasuda and his party returned immediately after completing all the journeys of the Celestial Empire without staying for an extra minute. As the president of SCE Asia, Tetsuhiko Yasuda has a lot of work. While waiting for the plane at Binhai Airport, the president, who was respected by many people in Asia, was a little envious of Su Yifan. He felt that the teenager was too cheerful. Only at this time did Tetsuhiko Yasuda have a feeling of being old.

Su Yifan did not go to the airport to see her off. He was summoned by Han Yun's phone call to the revolving restaurant on the top floor of the Radio and Television Center to thank Su Yifan for giving her this rare interview opportunity.

All Binhai reporters hope to interview the Asian president of SCE, but Tetsuhiko Yasuda only gave Han Yun this opportunity. This made many colleagues envious and jealous. And Han Yun behaved calmly. After taking the interview materials back to the TV station, Han Yun went out to the top floor of the broadcasting building without following the later stage.

When Su Yifan rushed to the Broadcasting Building, Han Yun had been waiting here for a while. The lonely beauty always makes people have all kinds of reverie, especially the dress of professional suits. Most of the people who come to the restaurant for dinner don't know much about Han Yun, and always have peeping eyes secretly on the beautiful long legs of the female reporter.

Seeing Su Yifan appear, Han Yun smiled and said, "Thank you very much today. It's the only interview in the city. Other TV stations are asking us to buy this news broadcasting right."

Su Yifan sat down opposite Han Yun: "You have to give some benefits to work, don't you?"

Han Yun smiled and said, "Don't let others accept your feelings... I contacted Zhuang Shihan. She has been busy recently, but I heard that it's your business and promised to talk about it."

Su Yifan was not surprised at all. Zhuang Shihan did not call himself. I guess he hoped to ask for credit after it was done.

"Tspeaking about you, what have you gained today?"

Han Yun smiled and handed the menu to Su Yifan: "Isn't it you who has gained? I heard from Mr. Yasuda Tetsuhiko that he intends to use PSN's network services to help you promote new games?

Su Yifan nodded: "This involves an agreement between me and Nintendo. Although it is a private agreement, it has now become a big deal."