My Goddess

Chapter 355 Identity Difference

Su Yifan has always felt that the friendship of high school girls is amazing, which can be regarded as one of the few wonders in the world.

For example, Cheng Shuixin used to have many good friends in her freshman high school because of her high spirits. These students are closely united around Cheng Shuixin, studying literary works with her like stars holding the moon, watching movies to share their experiences, and talking about life prospects. But as time went by and the light around Cheng Shuixin became more and more prosperous, these friends gradually formed their own small circles. Everyone began to whisper about Cheng Shuixin's interpersonal relationships behind her back and talked about the boys who pursued her. An alliance that isolates someone gradually becomes larger.

After that, Cheng Shuixin's same-sex friends almost disappeared, leaving only a few decent people, and occasionally speaking a word was quite indifferent. Later, the incident of the joint slander of Cheng Shuixin in the literary society and the school radio station proved how much girls dislike Cheng Shuixin, and of course they did not like Yang Bingbing, who was getting closer and closer to Cheng Shuixin.

Su Yifan felt that it was not surprising that Li Yourong had a best friend at all. Now he is curious about whether these best friends are fighting in secret or in real harmony. After all, judging from the current situation, Li Yourong should have arranged for these best friends to call her a long time ago. This situation is prepared for Su Yifan.

Since Su Yifan promised to accompany Li Yourong to the party, the faint sadness on Li Yourong's face seems to be really much weaker. This subtle emotional change can make boys have an indescribable sense of achievement. Li Yourong has also been observing Su Yifan. She wants to see Su Yifan's subtle expression changes.

"Since your friend asked you out, do you want to have dinner together?" Su Yifan asked Li Yourong.

Li Yourong nodded and shook his head again: "I don't know what these people are doing... Why don't we eat together?"

Invited by a beautiful, lively and generous girl like Li Yourong, a boy should be moved. Su Yifan's performance was also less calm than his calm appearance. He nodded with a smile and said, "If possible, it's really an honor."

Li Yourong asked with a smile, "Don't you eat with Zhang Yao at night?"

"Zhang Yao has something to do. Let's make an appointment later."


Li Yourong's personality seems to be very cool, and the chat content is also extensive. However, compared with Cheng Shuixin, Li Yourong pays more attention to interpersonal and emotional issues. After saying a few words, I asked Su Yifan and Zhang Yao about their relationship.

Su Yifan himself has discussed this issue with Cheng Shuixin many times and has a clear understanding in his heart. Of course, he will not be tricked out by Li Yourong in a few words. The conversation between the two occasionally showed sharpness, and the other avoided the sharpness, but also went quite smoothly.

Before, he just chatted with Su Yifan, but Li Yourong didn't feel it too deeply. When he really faced this person again, Li Yourong felt that his estimation of Su Yifan seemed to be a little wrong.

Su Yifan looks gentle and looks like a typical rich second generation with a little self-confidence, but for some reason, Li Yourong always feels that there is something else hidden in that faint smile.

As for what it is, this is the reason why Li Yourong wants to have more contact with Su Yifan. She wants to know how this teenager is different from the people she used to know before.

She knows more than anyone how autistic Zhang Yao is. It is hard for her to believe that this young man who doesn't look outstanding has actually entered Zhang Yao's heart.

That day, after Zhang Yao saw herself talking to Su Yifan, her vigilant eyes were absolutely animal-level. Li Yourong could see that Zhang Yao attached great importance to Su Yifan.

Thinking of this, Li Yourong is a little disdainful.

What if Zhang Yao pays attention to it? Didn't Su Yifan run out behind Zhang Yao's back to meet him alone and have dinner together?

With this kind of disdain for boys in his heart, Li Yourong still has a fresh and pleasant smile on his face: "What do you have to recommend?"

Su Yifan remembered a place he had been to but basically never visited, and said with a smile, "What do you think of the bright moon on the sea?"

Mingyue on the sea is already a relatively famous restaurant. Li Yourong thought that Su Yifan would invite himself to eat fast food such as Pizza Hut or McDonald's. He didn't expect that the other party was so generous. It was really a waste to choose to meet Su Yifan with you.

"Isn't that place too expensive?" Li Yourong pretended to be embarrassed, "Shall we choose a cheaper place?"

"It's not expensive." Su Yifan took another sip of Blue Mountain, frowned slightly to express his dissatisfaction with the taste, and then got up. "It's almost time. Let's go straight there."

This slightly strong decision was very effective for Li Yourong. She did not argue anymore and obediently got up and followed Su Yifan to spend time with you.

Seeing Su Yifan's golf in the parking lot, Li Yourong always felt that his mood was a little contradictory.

After discovering that Su Yifan was not simple, Li Yourong not only hoped that Su Yifan was not as powerful as he thought, but also vaguely expected Su Yifan to surprise himself.

If it is not so strong, of course, you can play casually. If it is surprising enough, you can develop in the long term. Li Yourong had a relatively clear plan for both situations, and then saw Su Yifan's car.

Golf is not a good car. Although it is not cheap, it is enough to explain some problems.

Seeing this car, Li Yourong sighed in his heart. It seemed that Su Yifan was not as rich as he thought.

However, Li Yourong quickly comforted himself that this was actually nothing. Su Yifan was quite generous compared to some rich boys he knew.

In the bright moon on the sea, Su Yifan secretly called Zhang Yao and Cheng Shuixin on the pretext of going to the toilet, and then ate with Li Yourong as if nothing had happened and continued to talk.

After dinner, Li Yourong couldn't wait. He didn't look hesitant and reluctant when he called just now. He asked Su Yifan to leave early and go straight to Fisdi.

Su Yifan was helpless and drove Li Yourong straight to Faith.

Fiss is a good place for the student party. The basic consumption here is not high, and the environment is not as messy as other Diba. Faith is open until 2 a.m., and now this is the beginning of the influx of guests.

After entering, Li Yourong gave a name, and a handsome waiter dressed like a duck took the two through the dance floor to a booth.

There are already five people sitting in this booth, three girls, and another man about 27 or 28 years old, sitting next to a young man who looks like a younger brother. However, the young man's expression was very arrogant, as if no one paid attention to him except the man around him.

All three girls are dressed coolly. They don't look like high school students, but they are used to nightclubs in college.

Seeing Li Yourong appear with Su Yifan, the only girl with long black and straight shawl hair stood up first: "Auntie, I'm looking forward to you. Come and sit down."

One of the other two girls has short ear-length hair and wears a light blue dress; the other wears a pair of thin leggings, and the white shirt on it deliberately reveals a snow-white waist. Her long wavy hair doesn't look like it is made, but more like a natural curl.

The black and straight girl wears a narrow skirt, and her top is a small black and red shirt, which is significantly better than the other two girls.

Li Yourong turned his head and smiled at Su Yifan and said, "This is my good friend, Wang Pei, Xie An, and Ni Yanyan."

After introducing his friend, Li Yourong smiled and patted Wang Pei, who stood up and spoke: "You can introduce these two. I don't know."

Wang Pei is obviously also a social girl. After looking up and down Su Yifan a few times, he said, "This is Brother Xing, my brother's friend, and this is his friend Zhuo."

Brother Xing's eyes were a little gloomy, but he didn't care much when he glanced at Su Yifan. On the contrary, the man known as Brother Zhuo stared at Su Yifan several times, as if he had a strong antipathy to Su Yifan.

Since everyone knows each other, sit down. Anyway, it's not easy to listen to this kind of place. Everyone should talk to each other close to their ears. This convenience creates an ambiguous atmosphere between men and women, and also makes some topics that could not be said face to face become private.

There were three Heineken on the table, and the girls didn't order drinks. Su Yifan didn't expect that Li Yourong's friends had played so well that he couldn't say that he was also stuffed with a bottle of wine by Brother Xing in his hand.

After Li Yourong sat next to Wang Pei, the girls began to chat about the topics they were familiar with. Brother Xing smiled dryly and touched Su Yifan's wine bottle: "Where did my brother get rich?"

Su Yifan told the truth: "I'm still in school."

Brother Xing narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Go to school and cherish the good years."

In the face of Brother Xing's slightly pretentious attitude, Su Yifan nodded repeatedly: "Yes, you're right."

At this time, Wang Pei interrupted and said, "Brother Xing is very powerful. The boss here wants to give Brother Xing some face."

Su Yifan did not have a very intuitive understanding of Brother Xing's power, so he could only say "um" to show that he really admired Brother Xing.

Brother Xing is obviously also very popular with this kind of flattery and smiled: "Nowhere, it's all friends to give face. I'm not really awesome."

For Su Yifan, since he has seen how bigwigs at the level of Chu Yin can brag together, Brother Xing's set is obviously much lower.

However, this play still depends on how Li Yourong plays. Su Yifan simply continues to pretend to be his good student.

"Brother, it's better for you to study. It's useful to study..." After drinking, Brother Xing was not as cold as before. He began to talk more, and his name was also closer to Su Yifan. "When I went to school, I hoped that I could come out to make money. Later, I didn't study well and didn't earn money."

Although he said so, Su Yifan could see that Brother Xing was actually very proud of his current situation and did not regret it at all.

The next time, Brother Xing began to talk about some of his Jianghu experiences, mainly to four girls, which made several little girls feel novel and exciting. Su Yifan heard the true identity of this man from all kinds of trains in Brother Xing's mouth.

It turns out that he is also a person who has been under Chu Yin...