My Goddess

Chapter 362 A Meeting

United States, *D.C.

For people who are familiar with the capital, the deadness of the city has always been the daily life they are used to.

The early morning sun swept over the city, and cars and pedestrians on the streets became noisy, but they could not believe that it was a vibrant city.

Compared with the busy financial Apple, everything in the capital looks lively and orderly.

The population of this city is far from the so-called capital in common sense, and even far from a medium-sized commercial city.

Looking through the curtains, the brightest side of the city was reflected in his eyes, but Zhao Xuan's face was full of sarcasm.

"Do you know why I feel that the special zone is dead?"

David stood behind Zhao Xuan at this time, and the position he could see was Zhao Xuan's white and delicate neck.

So slender, so beautiful.

If you kiss it when you are intimate, it will definitely leave an enviable red mark.

If you pinch it with your hands, you probably won't need much effort to break this slender neck.

David imagined all kinds of possibilities and wanted to stretch out his hands and press them on Zhao Xuan's neck.

But David finally held back. He looked at Zhao Xuan's back and naturally asked, "Why?"

"Because probably the worst bureaucrats in the United States are concentrated in this city." Zhao Xuan said in her light and cold voice, "System, various procedures, high-sounding nonsense, intrigue... Here, dreams are the most despicable and dark driving force."

Although he doesn't agree with Zhao Xuan's words, David has to admit that some of Zhao Xuan's sarcasm is very reasonable.

The so-called political center will always be like this, right?

David suddenly realized with vigilance that his thinking mode was subtly affected by Zhao Xuan, which made him a little annoyed and simply asked directly, "So what are we going to do next? Go to the front of the White House for a sit-in demonstration? Or, go directly hand in hand to the Pentagon to visit old friends?"

Zhao Xuan turned around and looked at David.

"Aren't you always patient?"

"That was before." David is about to be outspoken to Zhao Xuan. "Now I just want to know the answer as soon as possible."

Zhao Xuan raised the corners of his mouth: "What? Do you doubt me?"

"No." David tried to calm himself down and not be affected by Zhao Xuan. "I'm a man and hate waiting."

"But waiting is a romance for women." Zhao Xuan said indifferently, "Of course we still have to wait. It will take time."

David shook his head. Although he didn't know what Zhao Xuan wanted to do, he still waited patiently for the final answer.

Zhao Xuan returned to the room and didn't know what to do. David was a little curious and didn't dare to spy on it.

Zhao Xuan's knife really cut off part of David's courage.



At the same time, Harrison, a nearly 70-year-old senior advisory group member of the Ministry of Defense, is located in the office area on the third floor of the Pentagon on the outskirts of Washington. Maid is reviewing a report.

This report details the most threatening potential for the United States at present.

For ordinary people, the content of this report may be ridiculous. Because the report includes seemingly nonsensical reasons such as the legendary Mayan prediction of the end of the world, alien attacks, the increased possibility of thermonuclear warfare, and the possibility of small black holes in the European quantum collision program.

In general, when people see this content, most people will think that this should be a funny document. These unreliable danger signals have spread all over the world through Hollywood movies and various strange novels. Everyone talked about them lively, but never believed them.

But here, Harrison. Med still looks at each one carefully, although he has seen some of them many times in other documents.

Since the 60 years* of the last century, such a report will be generated every year and sent to the Ministry of Defense at the end of the summer for reference.

One by one, including the content that a Japanese professor is transforming the virus and creating super germs that the world can't resist, Harrison. Maid is very attentive.

Harrison is affiliated with the top advisory group of the U.S. Department of Defense, which includes the director of departments such as the Strategic Information Bureau and the Future Strategic Planning Bureau. As an intelligence officer who has served the United States since the last world, Harrison's ability to be selected into the advisory group naturally depends on his ability rather than his position.

Seeing the last page, Harrison suddenly found an entry that had never appeared in the previous report.


This is a number, which also represents a magical era.

There are too many files and records of entering black areas in the Ministry of Defense, and old Harrison has long been accustomed to this.

Although he is almost 70 years old, Harrison's memory is still amazing, and his logical thinking ability has not weakened at all. He remembers the black files sorted out in every decade, as well as the contents involved in each file.

In Harrison's self-deprecating words, he would have been assassinated a hundred times if he hadn't continued to work in the Pentagon.

SP, the bland beginning of the number, represents a great change experienced by the seemingly prosperous United States in the 1980s.

Seeing this number, Harrison rubbed his eyebrows and suddenly felt upset.

Harrison raised his hand and pressed the ringtone on the table.

"Kenny, come here for a moment."

Kenny, who serves as Harrison's assistant, is a very standard white-collar worker of the Ministry of Defense, with a straight suit, neat and meticulous short hair, tall and handsome and even a little sunny. His eyes look more like an idol star than a clerk.

"Boss, what can I do for you?"

Harrison threw his report to Kenny: "Is it still automatically generated by 'Athena' this time?"

Kenny took a look at the report, which is the highest permission content he can reach at this level.

"Yes, boss. The report of the goddess of wisdom this year is two days later than last year, probably because the Strategic Reserve Bureau has used too many resources.

The age spots on Harrison's face trembled with his expression, and Kenny, who was familiar with him, knew that it was a sign that the old man was going to lose his temper.

Sure enough, after less than two seconds of brewing emotions, Harrison began to explode. He stared at Kenny and roared, "I'm tired of the current so-called behavior analysis technology! What is this? Go and tell the director that I want a meeting of all the members of the advisory group!"

Kenny was always a little afraid of the old man he served. He subconsciously took a step back and then despised his timidity in his heart.

"Okay, boss, I know."

The same question does not only occur here in Harrison, but many members of the senior advisory group have raised similar questions. It is difficult for them to imagine that a number that has been forgotten by the times can be turned over and identified as the biggest hidden danger that may threaten the United States.

The advisory group meeting will be held immediately after 30 minutes.

In the Pentagon, all administrative processes are slightly lengthy, and efficiency becomes a possible term only after the administrative level reaches a certain height.

The people of the advisory group are in different office areas and rarely walk around each other, so the meeting can only be video conference.

"Guys, I think everyone knows why I started the meeting." Senior Harrison, who has experienced the whole era from the Cold War to the current cyber war, is recognized as a silent hero. "I hope the Ministry of Defense can prohibit computers from automatically generating threat reports. I'm tired of these pieces of information obtained from the Internet, and I'm tired of this kind of stupid thing that replaces thinking... I think it's really unwise for the government to spend a lot of money every year on this. We need stronger military power, not this kind of wrong report!"

There are eight avatars on the LCD screen. When old Harrison spoke, the rest of the avatars were listening silently.

The members of the advisory group are all good listeners, but they are stingy to express themselves.

After Harrison said his opinion, he pressed the button to stop speaking, and then quietly waited for the others in the local area network to speak.

After a habitual silence, the Director of Strategic Information spoke first.

"Mr. Harrison, I don't think our calculations are necessarily wrong..."

This plan to automatically generate threat reports came from the Strategic Information Bureau, and Harrison's words undoubtedly gave the Strategic Information Bureau a loud slap in the face.


"The reason is that the goddess of wisdom has never miscalculated." Strategist Information Bureau, Calt, is a white-haired black man with deep and restrained eyes, in sharp contrast to the still excited old Harrison.

"Does it include wars in Central Asia?" The Director of Future Strategic Planning asked coldly, "We have paid the heaviest price for this!"

Kart was instantly dumb. The war in Central Asia is the eternal pain of the United States, just like the Vietnam War and the war in the last century.

And that time was the first performance of the goddess of wisdom. The calculation results at that time led to the still protracted war, and the evil axis theory was also produced by the report at that time.

The reason why the goddess of wisdom can persist to this day is only because the Ministry of Defense does need a supercomputer at the highest level, not because of how magical it is.

The members of the entire advisory group are elderly, and Harrison's proposal has undoubtedly been approved by more people. In the view of these people, although the computer era is beautiful and convenient, it cannot replace human roles.

For this one-sided situation, Kart satirized with some dissatisfaction: "Are you all dystopian lovers?"

Harrison summarized his proposal in one sentence.

"Kart, I think human thinking can never be replaced."

"But you still need these tools that you think are stupid."

"Because it's tools, it's stupid to rely on them completely!" Harrison's voice was loud and his tone was very strong. "Kart, tell me, would you like to believe in a computer or eight of us?"

This is a question that can't have another answer. Cartt sighed helplessly and took the initiative to exit the video.

Withdrawal means compromise and abstention, and the result of this meeting was naturally adopted.

After doing all this, Harrison, who returned to the office, loosened his tie and sat on the sofa.

Outside the transparent glass wall, various screens flashed in the busy hall, like a projection of a world falling here.