My Goddess

Chapter 364 Adults are not at home

It seems that most of Zhang Yao's worries have indeed gone, which makes Su Yifan feel very relieved.

For Su Yifan, he is very satisfied to help Zhang Yao solve her problems.

Zhang Yao herself also needs to grow up, just like Su Xiaoqing left Su Yifan a lot of space for him to play freely. Su Yifan felt that he could only help Zhang Yao open a door crack, and the remaining initiative to walk in was left to Zhang Yao.

Everyone should have their own choices, without exception in this world.

On the way home at night, Yang Bingbing asked Su Yifan, "Have you been busy lately?"

Su Yifan knew that Yang Bingbing felt that she was too busy with flash things, which caused trouble to everyone and felt embarrassed.

"No, let's do it step by step." Su Yifan said, "Sony just asked me to take your game. Nintendo and Microsoft are here. I guess your game will be available in all game stores at the same time."

Yang Bingbing prefers to listen to this, and her face suddenly seemed to be illuminated.

Is that right? That's great..."

Su Yifan smiled: "This is the result of your hard work."

"It's all your idea. I just implemented it perfectly." Yang Bingbing remembered the birthday gift and felt a little in her heart. She had hidden Su Yifan's handwritten notebook for a long time, so she didn't want to return it to him.

"Execution is the most difficult." Su Yifan sighed, "Everyone has ideas. Whether they can do something or not depends on persistence and hard work."

The two came home talking and laughing and found that there was no one in their family today.

"What's going on?" Su Yifan saw a note on the table, which was written by Su Shen to himself, "My father took my mother on a trip..."

Su Shen had been busy looking at the house a while ago, but after finally lowering the adjustment, he actually asked Gu Ying to ask for leave to travel with him. Gu Ying heard that he was going to change the house, and he agreed in a good mood. So the two shamefully went out with the money that Su Yifan secretly gave to Su Shen, and did not directly say hello to Su Yifan.

Su Yifan understands a little why Su Shen didn't call himself. I guess his father was afraid that he would satirize him on the phone, right? Although it seems that father and son communicate equally, fathers still want to have some face...

Then Su Yifan realized that there was no one at home, and the state of the two suddenly became awkward.

Although he has been alone for a long time, Su Yifan even fed Yang Bingbing in a secret base - just like feeding a huge pet cat. But that was the past, and now the relationship between the two is closer than before. And the real empty state, coupled with the elements of the bedroom and bed, makes the two have a burning feeling even if they look at each other after reading the note.

At this moment, Yang Bingbing wanted to go to bed, but there was an invisible magic that kept her footsteps.

"You have also worked hard recently." Yang Bingbing didn't dare to look at Su Yifan, "Mr. Euler, don't you go there often?"

Su Yifan smiled bitterly: "Mr. Euler is busier than me and has never disappeared. Now I'm taking my time according to the plan she left behind."

"Oh..." Yang Bingbing answered with understanding, her eyes floated over Su Yifan's shoulder, and looked at the painting on the wall behind him, "That..."

Su Yifan felt a little strange. Usually, Yang Bingbing was sharp and crisp. Why did she hesitate to speak now?


Yang Bingbing took a deep breath and suddenly straightened her chest and finally dared to face Su Yifan's eyes.

"Well, do you want me to give you a massage?"

Su Yifan was stunned, and then felt that happiness seemed to hit him.


Yang Bingbing looked up at the brilliant lights outside the living room window and got up to pull the curtains.

"Then you go and prepare..."

Su Yifan actually has nothing to prepare, but he changes into more refreshing clothes and finds a big towel to spread on the ground.

Yang Bingbing, who hung the curtains, looked back and saw Su Yifan planning to spread a towel on the floor and stopped him.

"Don't spread it on the ground."

Su Yifan was stunned: "Where is that shop?"

Under the light of the living room, Yang Bingbing lowered her head and blushed, just like a ball of flower buds blooming shyly.

"Let's lay it on you**."

Even if he was familiar with Yang Bingbing's usual amazing style, Su Yifan was still stunned for a moment, and then he quickly realized that the more stupid he behaved at this time, the more embarrassed Yang Bingbing would be. Originally, there was nothing to do, but it was more embarrassing for everyone to be more troublesome.

"Oi, I'll clean up the bed."

This seemed more ambiguous, but Su Yifan had no time to take care of more and turned to open his bedroom door.

Yang Bingbing is already very familiar with Su Yifan's bedroom. She has been so used to living here that she even sneaked to Su Yifan's room to sleep.

Everyone is familiar with that bed. When Su Yifan spread the towel and lay down, Yang Bingbing stood by the bed and was stunned.

If you change to another girl, you will probably wonder why you took the initiative to massage a boy. Yang Bingbing didn't think so much in her mind. She just felt that the current state of having private space was very good and comfortable.

Since it's very good and comfortable, just do something to make Su Yifan happier.

As Su Yifan bent down and lay down, Yang Bingbing began to massage seriously.

Push, press, squeeze, press, knead, step on...

Every action is standard, and every action is meticulous.

Light and soft fingertips touched her skin. Su Yifan wanted to remind Yang Bingbing that she could cover another layer of towel, but she always couldn't say anything.

This contact was so comfortable that Su Yifan felt that his selfish mood had been mobilized. He closed his eyes and began to try to enjoy it.

The two are also familiar with each other. After starting the massage, they didn't feel particularly embarrassed. Except for breathing a little more quickly than usual, everything is fine as usual.

It took some time for Yang Bingbing to help Su Yifan press his back muscles before getting up and wiping his sweat.

Su Yifan put on a T-shirt and got up. When he saw Yang Bingbing go back to his room to take a shower, he only felt a lot of warm currents rising in his heart.

In fact, Su Yifan knew that Yang Bingbing's pressure had recently increased due to the flash activities during the long vacation, and he felt that he should try his best to enlighten her.

"I don't think you need to think too much now. It's perfect to do it well, and it's also a rare experience if you can't do it well." Su Yifan said to Yang Bingbing, who had just come out of the opposite bedroom, "If you think too much, just bind yourself, not really willing to do something."

Yang Bingbing also accepted Su Yifan's statement, and she laughed at herself with a change of clothes: "I can't help it. It's easy to worry when you encounter problems."

"Then think about what will happen later." Su Yifan smiled and said, "After this, there is one more thing."

Yang Bingbing thought thoughtfully and nodded in agreement.

The night when the adult was not at home passed so easily. Although the two had their own things on their own, they slept soundly.

After a long talk with Su Yifan, Su Lishi really returned to the United States happily this time. She got a promise here and was also burdened by Su Yifan.

Su Yifan is not worried about Su Lishi's remorse at all. In this case, even if Su Lishi really regrets, he has not lost anything. In North America, Yang Bingbing released to help him find the Yang family, and in Asia, there are Nintendo and Sony. There are still countless ways to go, so there is no need to worry too much about it.

In order to prove his value, Su Lishi must go back to the United States to do something. Either commercial talent, or showing the upper hand in the family struggle. Su Lishi's lunch in the canteen meal has shown that Su Yifan is more patient and able to grasp his advantages. If he doesn't take advantage of Su Yifan's boat now, it will be difficult to have a better opportunity in the future.

Su Lishi felt that it was time to test her wisdom...

Similarly, at this time, the Yang family is still under federal investigation in the United States.

The huge capital chain and complex corporate relations make the investigation progress very slow. In the past, the U.S. authorities have repeatedly dragged down several enterprises in this way, but the Yang family does not have listed companies, and they can afford this kind of delayed investigation.

This seemingly cooperative but arrogant attitude has made the officials in charge of this case very annoyed. Recently, the Yang family has reduced some cooperation one after another, which is related to these obscure political briefings.

The Yang family maintained a consistent silence, and the senior officials with Jiang Ran as the supreme leader made no statement. Even many contradictions within the family became less obvious at this moment.

No one knows what happened except a few people.

After Zhao Xuan's father Zhao Chuanzhi went to the United States in person, there was no news. The Zhao family in China were waiting for Mrs. Yang's thunderous anger in panic, but this has been calm for nearly a month.

No one knows what happened, let alone where things will eventually go.

At the busy Kennedy International Airport, a young girl with sunglasses came out of Exit 7, followed by a dignified assistant dragging her luggage.

Such a capable Asian face is not uncommon in New York. Because sunglasses cover her face, the appearance of girls has not attracted much attention.

Through the crowd waiting for relatives and friends, the girl walked to the door of the airport and saw a handsome young man standing by the car smiling at herself.

The young man is two or three years older than the girl in terms of appearance and dress. The car is a Mercedes-Benz S series sports car, with a rich smile and confidence on his face.

"Li Shi, are you back?"

The young man greeted him in English, but the girl opposite answered directly in Mandarin, "Well, I'm back."

This change stunned the young man. He thought that Su Lishi would prefer to communicate in English.

In the final analysis, Su Lishi is a little stronger than himself, and the young man can only resist the surprise and help Su Lishi open the door: "Get in the car. Thank you for your hard work this time."

Su Lishi left the United States for some time and returned with remarkable achievements, which surprised the whole Su family. The young man wanted to be a good job of his sister.

"It's not hard, it's easy." Su Lishi responded lightly, got on the bus and took off her sunglasses, "Is my father at home?"

"Uncle is not at home." It was not someone else who came to pick up Su Lishi. It was Su Jumiao, who had been slapped in the face by Su Yifan at that time, "Will you go home first or take you to eat something?"

Su Lishi didn't look at Su Jumiao. She knew that Su Jumiao must have come to pick her second uncle Su Zhenwei. It is estimated that there may be an instruction from her aunt Su Baoling.

These people all want to inquire more about Su Xiaoqing from Zurich, including Su Yifan's recent situation.

Thinking of this complicated family relationship, Su Lishi felt a little tired for the first time. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm tired. Let's go home first."