My Goddess

Chapter 369 Flash 2

Once Yang Bingbing stood in the middle of the conference room and felt Su Yifan's encouraging eyes, the previous pressure and uneasiness seemed to disappear for a moment, and she talked calmly.

"I believe that every decision in life is not for no reason." Yang Bingbing still said lightly, "We have our own reasons for standing here. For fun, like, want to do something, or for freshness. But in any case, we should try our best to do one thing. There is only one chance for everything. It's always right to take it seriously.

"Our agreed meeting time is four o'clock, and there is still an hour to arrive at the preparation time. Now that the people haven't come yet, I believe they are more enthusiastic about this matter if they are willing to come so early. Yang Bingbing smiled faintly and continued with the microphone, "When someone arrives one after another, let's get to know each other first, and then someone will come and help repeat the process. Now assign something to everyone.

For the whole flash event, of course, the most important thing is the wireless headset. Because the flash made by Yang Bingbing is musical, of course, it is essential to prepare for this aspect.

All equipment is provided by Huang Le, as the largest sponsor of the whole event. Of course, it will be publicized by the Huangjia Electric Chain after the event.

Huang Le, the sponsor, looked at it happily and talked to his brother from time to time. Recently, Huang Di was so busy in the cinema that he touched Huang Le a lot. He finally understood the real thoughts of his younger brother.

Looking at Yang Bingbing's morale mobilization, Huang Le smiled and asked his brother in a low voice, "How's it going in the cinema?"

Huang Di and Huang Le usually live by themselves. One master plays the other's work, but they don't have as many brothers as ordinary people.

When Huang Di saw that his eldest brother was still habitually pretending to be honest and cautious, he shrank his neck and replied, "There is still a period of time when there are too many things to do, and you have to take care of him in the same way."

Huang Le nodded: "If the fire problem can't be solved, tell me, I'll let you know."

When Huang Di heard that the eldest brother took the initiative to take care of the matter, he suddenly felt much better and whispered, "That's fine... Now we still want to go to IMAX or JMAX. Su Yifan means to go to IMAX.

Huang Le, who studies electrical appliances, is very clear about this: "Then let's do what he means. If you don't have enough money, I'll add some more for you. The effect of IMAX is better.

Huang Di hummed, and the two brothers did not continue the discussion, but looked at Yang Bingbing, who was talking.

Yang Bingbing is sending wireless headsets to everyone, and by the way, let everyone introduce themselves. Everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding. They went to the center of the conference room to talk about their network ID and occupation, and then took the headset and automatically retreated aside.

Looking at this well-organization scene, Huang Le also sighed a little: "These girls around Su Yifan... are not simple."

Huang Di was immune to this scene. He shook his head and said nothing, and his eyes were still a little envious.

The speed of distributing headsets is not slow, and it didn't take long for everyone to know each other. Yang Bingbing's ID is a nickname "dry ice" on the time tree platform, which also means that she is the colorful smoke on the stage.

The girl in charge of the lead singer claims to be Wenya. She is a student of the Conservatory of Music. She is about 1.63 meters tall and has a good figure and has short hair.

Another leading singer named herself Xiaocha. This ubiquitous nickname is very popular and fresh, with a small face and a combination of shorts and black silk. Many boys are staring at Xiaocha's legs, which shows that they are still very attractive.

In fact, many people secretly stared at Yang Bingbing, but Yang Bingbing's temperament was too outstanding. Some people felt that they could not be hopeful, so they aimed at those girls who should be easier to start.

There are dozens of men and women, and the only boy who leads the singer is Shanan. He has broken hair like a draft star, dressed a little sissy and wears a little light makeup.

These people are all selected through the online voice chat room, standing closer to Yang Bingbing. Shanan's eyes have almost never left Yang Bingbing, and he is obviously very interested in this beautiful tall girl.

Yang Bingbing didn't care about Shanan's eyes. She wrote a few precautions with an oily pen on the whiteboard in the center of the conference room, and then began to let everyone use the power amplifier in the room to debug the wireless headset.

At this point, there was basically nothing wrong with Su Yifan. He stepped back a few steps and stood behind him side by side with Chu Ruo and Zhang Yao.

This is probably the first time that someone has carried out a pop-up activity in Binhai City, and everyone is very excited. Try the wireless headset while looking at each other. This rare activity is also a good opportunity to make friends. Everyone is paying attention to others and actively trying to show themselves.

Chu Ruo, who was watching, pouted with Su Yifan: "Don't look for me for such a fun thing. You are too bad!"

Su Yifan smiled bitterly: "Actually, it's not that fun. It's hard. How's it going over there? Is the surrounding area selling well?

Speaking of this, Chu Ruo was quite excited: "The surrounding sales are not bad. Recently, some regional manufacturers have come to us for agency."

"Then you can criticize it." Su Yifan didn't care much about this. "As long as the quality of the finished product is okay, it's no problem to authorize part to go out."

Chu Ruo looked at Su Yifan with a little surprise: "Shouldn't the authorization come to you?"

Su Yifan laughed and said, "I said it was handed over to you. I'm sure I don't care."

Although Chu Ruo is usually capricious to Su Yifan, there is still a lot of shrewdness cultivated by Chu Yin in his bones. The reason why he is usually willing to play little girl tricks with Su Yifan is that Chu Ruo knows that although Su Yifan scolds him fiercely, he really spoils himself. Now that Su Yifan opened his mouth and said that all the authorization was given to him, Chu Ruo immediately knew how much benefit he would get.

If Su Yifan's light spirit can continue to be popular, this profit will be immeasurable!

Thinking of this layer, Chu Ruo's breathing was a little heavy. She looked at Su Yifan in a staring way and didn't know what to say.

Look around. If it weren't for so many people beside him, Chu Ruo felt that he really didn't mind jumping up and nibbling Su Yifan.

What is good for yourself? This is really good for yourself!

Chu Ruo has long seen through Wang Jianhou's little tricks of chatting and singing with him. Wang Jianhou's goal is higher interests. On the contrary, Su Yifan doesn't take interests seriously at all, which is a completely opposite contrast.

When the two talked briefly, someone arrived one after another. Yang Bingbing compared the number of people on the list, and then asked the newcomers to introduce themselves and lead the headset to debugging. The atmosphere in the conference room is well organized and not busy at all.

Cheng Shuixin stood beside Yang Bingbing and didn't say much. She occasionally pointed a word or two, with a calm smile on her face, just like Yang Bingbing's biological sister.

Zhang Jian prepared throat-moisturizing drinks, as well as various throat-moisturizing sugars and other things for everyone in the conference room. A group of people held their drinks, and their eyes were still focused on the whiteboard beside Yang Bingbing.

Yang Bingbing has drawn a simple plan of the food court on it, and her painter naturally has no problem with such a small thing. After painting, Yang Bingbing began to explain some details of this flash with the help of the microphone. Even if this has been said countless times, she is still very serious now, and her serious look makes it easy to give birth to a sense of respect.

Lin Xi, who stood behind to watch the bustle, also came over. She and Chu Ruo were also old friends and had just greeted each other.

"That's great. I want to participate."

Su Yifan turned his head to look at Lin Xi and said with a smile, "Are you serious?"

Lin Xi nodded: "Is it okay to join now?"

Su Yifan raised his hand to Yang Bingbing.

Yang Bingbing has finished talking about the details of the process. She saw Su Yifan wag to herself and put down Mike and came over.

Seeing that Yang Bingbing actually treated this fellow teenager so differently, many people stared and began to speculate about the relationship between the two.

Yang Bingbing didn't care at all and quickly walked to Su Yifan's side: "What's wrong?"

"Give a headset for Sister Lin Xi." Su Yifan said, "She also wants to participate."

Yang Bingbing did not hesitate at all: "Okay, Sister Lin Xi, come and get it with me."

Lin Xi smiled at Su Yifan and followed Yang Bingbing to get the headset.

Chu Ruo asked in a low voice with a little worry, "Sister Lin Xi, is it okay?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Why not? She memorized more songs than we have heard. No problem.

Wang Jiantao, who stood behind the two, also came over and asked in a low voice, "I said... Can this activity hit our company's logo?"

Su Yifan replied with a little funny, "I don't know. It depends on the mood of the organizer."

Wang Jiantao curled his lips and said to himself that Yang Bingbing was so good that she almost slept with you. Does it still depends on other people's mood? How dare you say that.

Cai Qi is a little curious about this kind of scene. Although she has many social activities in the past, she has never seen such a scene. Nearly 100 people gathered together for one purpose, maybe for more than ten minutes, and then turned their heads and left. Cai Qi can't understand this spirit. The education she has received since childhood is more about how to benefit than happiness.

Time passed minute by, and Yang Bingbing took a look and there was still some time before the performance time. I suggest you take a break first. By the way, you can come up and introduce yourself more and say hello to everyone.

This proposal was approved by many people, so the boy's leading singer Shanan was the first to walk to the center of the conference room, stood with his legs apart a little coolly, and began a self-prouding personal introduction.

"Hall, let's get to know each other again. My name is Shanan, 21 years old, male and female..."

Shanan's eloquence is not bad. At first glance, he has participated in many activities, and his voice is also quite sexy. With his appearance with a little star temperament, it has attracted the attention of many girls.

Because Shanan started and many people felt good about themselves to promote themselves, the atmosphere in the conference room was a little warmer than just now.

After introducing some people in this way, Yang Bingbing looked at the time again, then took over the microphone of the previous introducer and directly announced, "Now everyone is in position."