My Goddess

Chapter 381 *One Day

In the special zone full of radar waves in the air, many bureaucratic vehicles are passing through the road.

In a city of millions, many government workers are in a hurry with their pride and pride, as if every move of them can change the world.

But in fact, everyone knows that even if the world has changed, this honor will still be left to His Excellency the President. The most powerful man in the United States who lives here can often attract tsunami-like cheers as long as he stands in front of the public and smiles.

If it hadn't been for the frightening air attack a few years ago, many people's impression of Washington would have become weaker and weaker. It was not until three consecutive terrorist attacks that many people suddenly realized that the heart of this country was here, not the prosperous city full of money and desire.

The Ministry of Defense located on the outskirts of *D.C is still eye-catching for its unique architectural style. Looking at the building from the air, the pentagonal building is the best in the world.

The Pentagon was built in the 1940s and has been renovated many times. Every renovation will add some new features, and every renovation will add some new departments.

Today, it has become an institution where even the Secretary of State may not know all its functions.

Huge and bloated... This is probably the first evaluation of most people familiar with the Pentagon, but they don't know that at the moment when a quick response is needed, this department that replaces the original name with a building will actually be shocking.

It's 827 a.m., and the day of the Ministry of Defense has just begun. The aroma of coffee spread in the office area, and the clerks ran back and forth in the aisle. Occasionally, you can see the white-haired old man wearing a military uniform, and the dazzling medal on his chest quickly walks through the crowd. The staff of the whole Pentagon are not surprised by this scene. They still don't squint at me and do their part.

A blonde and long-legged beauty came to the door of an office with the logo of the earth and DARPA, and knocked on the door gently.

"Please come in."

A low and hoarse voice came from the room, and the blonde immediately put away her relaxed and happy smile, holding the document and carefully pushed the door open.

The clean and tidy office, the overall tone is mainly black and dark brown. There is no superfluous decoration, only a computer, a desk and a pot of orchids.

A white man in his fifties sat by a computer, wearing a pair of glasses, and his curly hair was at least half white. The white man wore a clean suit and looked like he didn't buy it in a clothing store.

Even through the old mirror, the white man's eyes fell on the blonde secretary, which still made her shudder.

"Cad... This is the report for you."

In the era of insisting on internal LAN work, as long as you are a slightly older person, you still feel that traditional printed documents are the most effective and safe. The current director of DARPA is obviously such a person. After getting the report, he glanced at it and said in a voice without any gratitude, "Thank you."

"No, you're welcome..." The blonde retreated in a panic. She was worried that she would show her most flustered side in the eyes of the director.

The current director of DARPA has landed in the department and was previously responsible for the development of new network data analysis, which is the most important part of the information war in the new era and is now highly valued. The blonde beauty did not want to make a bad impression on the new director and hid back to the public office area to pretend to be nothing.

Take off the old mirror, DARPA Director Smith. Haydn picked up the report and looked more solemn than before.

As one of the most important departments of the entire Department of Defense, DARPA, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is located in the C2 area on the third basement of the Pentagon, with a huge office area, and almost all of the entire C2 area belongs to DARPA. Founded in the late 1950s, this department initially participated in the research and development of many new technologies that have changed the world, including most of today's network and communication technologies.

In its external role, DARPA has a "headquarter" in Virginia, where most administrative decisions are made. The office area left by the Pentagon is specially responsible for the evaluation of some of the latest technologies.

After the world pattern was changed by nuclear weapons, the confrontation between countries focused on the economic and microtechnology fields. As a result, the importance of DARPA has been gradually highlighted. After a long Cold War era, this department has developed many shocking results.

For example, the research and development of products such as flight jackets used in actual combat by the U.S. military has also contributed to DARPA.

Even in the face of scientific and technological investment from all over the world, DARPA still has an advantage in competition because of its long history. The Athena project is also from DARPA, which includes the most popular technologies such as big data analysis and security strategy algorithms. After DARPA completed the whole plan, Athena, a supersystem, began to be taken over by the Strategic Information Bureau.

Because of the more cooperation, the relationship between the Strategic Information Bureau and DARPA is relatively harmonious. In a sense, Smith. Haydn actually supported Calder's view. He didn't think there was any problem with the report from Athena.

According to normal principles, DRAPA does not need to ask about Athena's current operation, so at the last secret senior consultant meeting of the Pentagon, Smith. Haydn didn't make any statement.

To this day, Smith. An internal email appeared in Haydn's computer.

All departments of the Ministry of Defense have internal networks, and the communication network is built separately using the best encryption protocol at present, and the OS used by the computer is also independent. The Ministry of Defense has paid hundreds of millions of dollars for this independent security operating system. The direct result is that so far, few people can get much leaked information from the Pentagon system.

If you can send emails to the personal internal mailbox of the director of DARPA through this system, then the sender should also be within the Ministry of Defense.

The title of the email is a series of ellipsis, Smith. Haydn thought for a moment and confirmed that all the interception software and security software were turned on before he opened the email.

The moment it was clicked by the mouse pointer, the entire OS page began to turn into small mosaics like the number of erased layers in Tetris, and then completely blackened.

Smith. Haydn was shocked and was about to ring the alarm bell when a sentence appeared on the page, which was actually made of pixel style.

That feeling... is like a line of text appearing in the screen of a game console in the 1980s.

"Relaxing, Haydn."

Haydn's hand stopped in mid-air, and his face was not good, but it could be seen that after the OS, which claimed to be the world's strongest defense capability, was hacked, the system was connected to a closed communication channel.

As the director of DARPA, Smith. Haydn has too many secrets in his heart. He knows most of the technologies that have not yet been civil in the world and the upper limit of military technology. Smith. Haydn has met many people, including several Nobel Prize winners, and he knows a lot about the terrible side of the world.

But at this moment, I saw someone hacking his computer just through the internal network of the Ministry of Defense, Smith. Haydn still felt a trace of coolness seeping into his heart.

Raise your hand and type a response on the keyboard.

"Who are you?"

Smith. Haydn is not worried about the secrets in his computer being seen. There is no secret worth digging on this computer connected to the internal network - since he served as DARPA director, Smith. Haydn is used to working without the Internet.

"You will know soon." The line replied, "I'm just telling you that someone will contact you again soon."

Haydn also wanted to type, but the black interface on the screen quickly collapsed and returned to the customized OS interface of the Ministry of Defense.

All this changes so quickly, almost like adding a layer of special effects to the computer. Smith. Haydn was a little refreshed and was about to call someone from the computer technology department to investigate, and the interface quickly switched back.

"For the secret in your heart, please be careful with your words and deeds."


Looking at the computer screen that I was most familiar with, Smith. Haydn felt that his hair was erect at the root.



At the same time, Harrison, an elderly adviser to the Ministry of Defense. Maid was getting off his bulletproof car, smiling at the young girl at the door of the Ministry of Defense, and then entered the iris scanning room.

The lobby of the Pentagon is almost the busiest at this time, and everyone is in a hurry. Harrison. Maid still slowed down to his office at his familiar pace and sat down in his own position.

The dropped report has not been removed from the table, Harrison. Maid glanced at it again and suddenly saw that there seemed to be something in the report.

Opening the report, the old man saw a card between pages 12 and 13.

The card is small and exquisite.

Only one small line was written on the card, as small as Harrison. Maid needs glasses to see clearly.

"Well done."

Harrison was not surprised at all when he saw this line of small words, but smiled with some relief and swept the report into the trash can.

turned around and turned on his work computer. Harrison watched the customized OS of the Ministry of Defense slowly light up, with a faint smile on his face.

There was a new email prompt in the mailbox, and Harrison opened the mailbox without surprise.

Just like the situation encountered by the director of DARPA before, the picture cut into an all-black interface.

Harrison is not like Smith here. Haydn chatted like that. He just saw a time countdown and wrote down the set of numbers.

After the interface was switched back to the customized OS of the Ministry of Defense, Harrison. The smile on Maid's face has also disappeared.

He just reached out and touched the drawer of his desk, took out a USB flash drive inside, and then put it back.

"Athena is indeed the crystallization of human technology, which is really amazing..."

With such a feeling in my heart, Harrison. Maid began his day of work that was not busy.