My Goddess

Chapter 386 Technical Application

The people from Qingling touched this side and sat in a row. In the middle was Su Yifan, Yang Bingbing on the left hand side, and the empty seat on the right hand side was left for Cheng Shuixin. Cai Qi sat next to Cheng Shuixin, and Yang Bingbing was Wang Jiantao. It can be said that the primary and secondary are clear and clear at a glance.

"Shouldn't you pick up someone?" Su Yifan asked Wang Jiantao, "Can those Japanese come here?"

"I was going to pick it up, but there was an interpreter with the group, so there was nothing to do with us." Wang Jiantao said, "That translator should be a compatriot working at Microsoft in Japan, and this work followed directly."

Su Yifan nodded. Since there is a translator, it will be much easier. Cai Qi is basically competent for her portable translation work, and she must be very good at English in Microsoft Japan.

Cheng Shuixin also came quickly, but she felt that she was in a hurry, as if she still took a taxi. He is carrying a handbag with good taste but not expensive at a glance, and he is dressed like a student.

When Yang Bingbing saw Cheng Shuixin come in, she stood up with a smile and greeted him: "Is it really okay to run out like this?"

"I said I would sing with my classmates." Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "It's still under the guise of Cai Yan."

Cai Qi's face has changed. Now she still seems to have nightmares when she hears the name. In any case, she can't forget the scene when Cai Yan scratched in front of her with a knife. Originally, she was very contemptuous of her sister, but now Cai Qi can't summon up any courage to do anything against Cai Yan.

Cheng Shuixin also smiled at Cai Qi and sat next to her naturally.

"I drank so fast yesterday, are you all right?"

Cai Qi lowered her head a little unnaturally and said, "Well": "It's okay..."

Faced with the girl whose aura can crush Cai Yan, Cai Qi feels that she can't be strong without alcohol.

Everyone is here. Sun Zhong personally brought something to everyone, and did not forget to say a few more words to Su Yifan to show that he really has no grudges in his heart. He is purely a welcome Su Yifan's arrival.

It wasn't long before Wang Jiantao's phone rang. He thought for a moment and took Cai Qi down to pick up people.

"The two of us are enough. You can wait upstairs."

Su Yifan really didn't move when he thought about it, waiting for the Japanese Microsoft people to come up by themselves.

The other party came with three people, and even the translation was brought by Microsoft Japan. The leader is a very serious little man with short hair and beard, which is not much different from the Japanese people usually think. Wearing the same serious work dress, he walks slowly and his eyes are sharp.

Behind the small man is a thin and tall man, dressed slightly lively, with a long face and a little scattered eyes, about 30 years old.

At the end is a woman in her twenties, wearing a professional OL dress. She is thin enough to compete with Zhang Yao, long hair up to her shoulders, and her eyebrows are so clear that it is easy to recognize a Japanese girl.

Wang Jiantao led the way in front of him, and Su Yifan and his party stood up with welcome.

"This is Mr. Akitoku Nakamura, the head of the entertainment department of Microsoft Japan."

Su Yifan already knew the identity of the visitor. He stretched out his hand to Akira Nakamura: "Welcome to China, Mr. Nakamura."

Aki Nakamura was obviously not too surprised by the teenager who greeted him. Microsoft's intelligence collection ability should not be underestimated, and he obviously had enough understanding of the light touch. Otherwise, he would not have offered to meet the person standing behind Wang Jiantao.

"Hello, Su Jun."

The bite is quite clear in Chinese, and it can be heard that it has been specially practiced for meeting, which makes Su Yifan can't help but respect the Japanese in front of him.

Seriously, it is the most terrible talent in the world.

Wang Jiantao introduced again. The tall man is indeed a translator named Zhao Mingxuan, and the thin woman is the public relations manager of the entertainment business department, named Ono Toru.

After the two sides introduced each other, according to international practice, Nakamura first affirmed Su Yifan's achievements.

So far, Nintendo and Sony have praised Su Yifan once, and Microsoft is not too much again. Everyone listened patiently and then made a modest gesture.

"... Su Jun's achievements are also eye-catching for the whole world." Anyway, praise people for free. Nakamura's wording is relatively exaggerated, which is probably because of the influence of European and American corporate culture. "We are quite optimistic about Su Jun's future works."

Su Yifan corrected with a smile: "Light touch is a complete group, and every work is not my personal achievement."

After saying that, Su Yifan still looked at the people around him. This gesture made Nakamura Zhaode very emotional. He didn't expect that the teenager in front of him would not be easily carried away by success. Before that, based on the various news that touched the recent Internet, Shode Nakamura always thought that he would meet a relatively impulsive young man.

Ono suddenly asked, "What does Su Jun think of the current Japanese market?"

Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "This is a special market. Its real potential comes from players who don't know how to use their lives and time. With all due respect, Xbox360 devoted most of its energy to that kind of core Japanese RPG before, and it was a waste of resources to win a small number of core players.

There is some kind of light in Ono's eyes: "Does Su Jun have any good suggestions for us?"

If it was in the past, it was just the stage of playing games casually, Su Yifan would probably easily make a lot of suggestions. But now Su Yifan is no longer at that level. He smiled and replied, "Microsoft's current problem is to move his whole body with one hair..."

Speaking of this, Su Yifan also took a look at Zhao Mingxuan, the translator, and continued to say after seeing that he nodded that there was no pressure on the translation: "... Many changes will touch the interests of other teams, so I can't say such words."

Akiyoshi Nakamura coughed and said to Ono, "Ono, don't offend Su Jun like this."

Su Yifan sneered in his heart and said that your performance was too pompous. Although it is a Japanese branch of an American enterprise, it is known that the Japanese's superior and subordinate system is strict. Without Nakamura's instructions, how dare this Ono Toru suddenly ask himself questions?

I'm afraid this is to test whether you really understand the current situation of Microsoft in Japan, right?

Su Yifan knocked on the table. He knew that it was not polite to do so, but he obviously didn't need to worry so much about Nakamura's Zhaode. After a few words of conversation, he could already see that Nakamura's request to himself was more than just an exclusive game.

"Mr. Nakamura, if you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

Zhao Mingxuan, who is in charge of translation, looked at Su Yifan with a little astonishment. He was probably surprised why Su Yifan had the confidence to talk to a Japanese executive of a large international company like this, but he still translated Su Yifan's words to Nakamura Zhaode.

Nakamura still frowns, but his tone seems to be gentle to Su Yifan: "Su Jun, we hope you can design a small game that supports the desktop for Widows7, and we will pay for your company according to the sales volume."

Windos7 is an operating system promoted by Microsoft since XP. Although there are various trial versions online, the real release date is set in almost three weeks. For the release of Windows7 in Japan, Microsoft even invited popular voice actors to give special voices to the operating system, and the famous painter drew a beautiful "Windows Girl", inheriting the fine tradition of feminizing all images in Japan.

Su Yifan knows that Microsoft's different Windows7 promotion plan in this region has been planned for a long time, and has made a lot of efforts for this purpose. Why did you suddenly find yourself and make such a request when Window7 is on sale in three weeks?

"Windows 7 desktop extensions allow interactive programs." When Nakamura saw that Su Yifan didn't say anything, he thought he didn't understand the current situation and patiently explained, "Your company's interactive game has reached an unprecedented height, and we hope to see it on the Windows desktop."

This is equivalent to hoping that Su Yifan will use the set of "Cute Girl" to customize a new game for Microsoft, as long as the characters are different and the style is suitable for the theme of the Windows series.

Judging from Microsoft's proactive attitude, this is not just as simple as customizing games for Japan, and it is estimated that it may spread all over the world with the release of Windows 7 in the future. This is tantamount to the best promotion plan in the world.

Looking at the seriousness of Nakamura Zhaode in front of him, Su Yifan believed that this matter was not so simple.

"Mr. Nakamura, let me tell you directly... You can find a company like Bandai to complete this project with the best animation image in Japan." Su Yifan looked at Nakamura Zhaode and said calmly, "Why are you looking for me? Interactive technology is not the focus, and Windows desktop does not need such a complex technology.

Aki Nakamura was silent for a few seconds and didn't say anything. Before he came, he had thought that the teenager behind the light touch was not easy to deal with. Now seeing Su Yifan, Nakamura Zhaode feels that it is really difficult to deal with, but unlike the proud young man he imagined, the teenager in front of him is not easy to deal with because of calmness and reason.

Su Yifan was not in a hurry to urge the other party. Today's conversation was basically between him and Nakamura Zhaode. Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing did not interrupt. They believed Su Yifan's decision.

Zhao Mingxuan and Ono's eyes looked at Nakamura Zhaode. Obviously, both of them were also a little restless. I don't know why.

Su Yifan is more patient than anyone else. He bowed his head and drank water without looking at Nakamura Zhaode.



After a while, Nakamura suddenly sighed.

"Su Jun, what I said today, I hope it can become a business secret of your company and not reveal it."

Aki Nakamura is also a smart person, and he didn't even say anything about letting irrevant people go out. This attitude made Su Yifan have a little fond of him.

"Okay, we will keep it a secret for you."

Zhaode Nakamura sorted out his thoughts and said to Su Yifan, "Su Jun, I know that your company has a whole series of imaging technology."

Su Yifan nodded: "Yes."

"We want your company's exclusive license for a month, this holographic imaging technology."

This request stunned Su Yifan.

"Exclusive license?"

"Yes, only Microsoft in Japan can use it, and other companies and regions can't."

Su Yifan subconsciously asked, "Why?"

Akiyoshi Nakamura took a breath and said calmly and resolutely, "We will use this technology to support the prime minister election next year."

At this moment, Su Yifan suddenly understood all the plans of Nakamura Zhaode.

Japan's Microsoft performance is not good. If it doesn't get government support, it will only continue to be embarrassed. Well, according to the current political situation in Japan, political investment is more cost-effective than advertising. Nakamura and Japan's Microsoft's big boss probably didn't do much for a long time, so they decided to let go.

For the curious and insecure Japanese people, the election campaign has not been innovated for a long time. Japan's Microsoft actually launched the idea of holographic projection to help candidates canvass for votes. I have to say that it is really a motherless child with a wide range of ideas. Su Yifan thought it was really feasible. If the holographic projection can record different lectures according to different regions and then play them together at the same time, at least it can surpass other candidates in terms of coverage, right?

Because it is a political investment that Nakamura can win such a good order for Su Yifan and Qingling Touch. An additional small game of Window7 buys one and get one free can simply make Qingling become a well-known star company in the world within a few months.

This kind of**, Nakamura Zhaode believes that Su Yifan will not refuse.