My Goddess

Chapter 396 What do you want to do

Light International's New York headquarters, Su Xiaoqing's office.

For Cheng Shuixin, this is almost a place where pilgrimage is needed.

The simple white tone style looks quite bright in the sun. Cheng Shuixin once saw Su Xiaoqing's style and knew that she liked the white tone very much.

Bookcases, desks, work computers, and even seats are white, and there is a huge sofa that looks very comfortable. All this shows that Su Xiaoqing is a minimalist enthusiast. She is not luxurious for all her requirements, but is based on pragmatism.

There is a thick velvet blanket on the ground, which is probably the only difference Cheng Shuixin has seen in other offices, and it feels very comfortable to step on it.

There are no curtains on the glass window. Cheng Shuixin is curious about how Su Xiaoqing usually achieves the shading effect. She looked back at Yilan standing at the door and always felt that her expression seemed to be very miscellaneous.

Cheng Shuixin looked around the office, took two steps back to the door, and faced Yi Lan.

"Miss Yilan, I want to know if Sister Qing usually works here?"

Yi Lan took a look at Li Enqi and nodded and said, "Miss Su is here most of the time."

Cheng Shuixin looked at the room again and sighed: "The more you know Sister Qing, the more you feel that you are too small in front of her."

This sentiment was approved by several people around him, and even Li Enqi, who was standing not far away, nodded a little unconsciously.

"Miss Su asked you to use this office." Yi Lan pointed to the simple desk and said, "There is a remote control in the first drawer on my left, which can control everything in this room. You can ask Miss Su for specific instructions."

Cheng Shuixin nodded and thanked: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Yilan shook her head politely and asked, "I want to know how long you two will stay in the United States?"

Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing looked at each other, and the two exchanged glances to get the answer almost without any process.

Yang Bingbing replied on behalf of Cheng Shuixin, "We plan to stop for a few more days. We don't know how long it will take. It should not be more than two weeks."

Li Enqi, standing next to her, had her eyes tightened. She knew that Yang Bingbing's original arrangement should have been less than a week.

Yang Bingbing turned her head and smiled at Li Enqi without explaining anything, and Li Enqi did not ask.

Yi Lan was not surprised about this two weeks. She thought Yang Bingbing was fine, at least she was the first heir of the Yang family. The little girl named Cheng Shuixin who came with Yang Bingbing should be curious about everything in the United States. It is understandable to take this opportunity to stay for a longer time.

Cheng Shuixin also smiled at Yi Lan.

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

Yi Lan also smiled at Cheng Shuixin: "You are Miss Su's guests, and entertaining you is part of my job."

Cheng Shuixin nodded and then stepped into Su Xiaoqing's office again.

This office seems to have a kind of magic. When Cheng Shuixin just entered, she felt a different wave floating in it. Although she didn't know what it was, she still felt that this place should be magical.

According to Yi Lan's previous prompts, Cheng Shuixin took out the remote control from the drawer, which is a silver-white metal cylinder with some button switches on it. If you lower your head and identify it carefully, you can probably see some numbers and symbols.

Yi Lan still did not enter the office, and this attitude was also saying to Li Enqi that she was also not qualified to enter Su Xiaoqing's office. The posture of the two facing each other looks a little exaggerated, but their expressions are still serious to a certain extent.

"The circular switch in the middle is the room light, which will be adjusted according to the pressure." Yilan simply didn't ask Cheng Shuixin to find any instructions and explained directly, "The button at the bottom adjusts the transparency of the window."

The first sentence was okay, but the last sentence made Li Enqi suddenly raise his eyes, and she looked at the glass window.

This is the technology and smart glass with controllable light transmission that the Ministry of Defense once dreamed of. Unexpectedly, it was casually used by Su Xiaoqing on the glass window of the office.

Cheng Shuixin pressed the adjustment button. Sure enough, those bright window glass darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye and eventually became completely opaque black.

The whole office was shrouded in darkness, and almost nothing could be seen except the light at the door.

This magical scene was amazing and shocked Li Enqi.

The U.S. military once spent a lot of investment in this kind of smart glass, but the effect has not reached the ideal state, and the shading rate has not reached more than 90%. Seeing this effect, Li Enqi had to be surprised no matter how calm he was.

Yi Lan seemed to have not seen Li Enqi's shocked eyes and said, "The button with direction in the middle is the screen switch, and the ceiling part is the screen, but the use of this function requires iris recognition."

Cheng Shuixin can no longer describe her feelings with shock at this time. She held the remote control in a complicated mood and hesitated, "Then I can't use this function yet?"

Yi Lan said without worry at all, "I think Miss Su should have helped you with iris recognition when she asked you to use this office."

Cheng Shuixin is a little unbelievable: "I don't remember doing it..."

"You can try it." Yang Bingbing was also greatly shocked. Looking at this scene, she couldn't help encouraging Cheng Shuixin and said, "Otherwise, I can try it."

"I'll go first." Cheng Shuixin did not flinch, "Maybe it will be dangerous."

Yilan was a little unhappy when she heard this, but she didn't say anything, but instructed: "The iris recognition device is next to the monitor."

Cheng Shuixin walked over and saw an inconspicuous white circular device next to the monitor.

"What should I do?"

Yilan is naturally familiar with this office and said to Cheng Shuixin, "Just aim directly at the calibration hole and be tested."

Cheng Shuixin nodded, walked to the device without hesitation, and bent down slightly.

Seeing that Cheng Shuixin was so decisive, Yi Lan couldn't help but praise the girl in her heart. She knew that Cheng Shuixin was only 17 or 18 years old. Now Yilan understands why Su Xiaoqing looks at this girl differently. She is really a little special.

The time for iris recognition is very short, only a few seconds. In these seconds, even Li Enqi's eyes were attracted, staring at Cheng Shuixin without blinking.

Originally, she thought it was just an office and nothing would surprise her. Li Enqi didn't expect that the material and craftsmanship of smart glass alone would be shocking. Of course, she wanted to see what was new about this iris recognition technology.

Unfortunately, Li Enqi was doomed to be disappointed this time. After Cheng Shuixin's pupils were scanned, the ceiling above her head immediately lit up.

appeared a customized personal OS interface. Li Enqi didn't know what the system was, so she could only try to write it down with her own eyes.

Cheng Shuixin also reacted quickly. After seeing the operation interface, she quickly closed the screen and turned to look at Yi Lan.

"Sister Yilan, is it okay for me to go in and out of the company like this?"

Yi Lan looked back at Li Enqi and said to Cheng Shuixin, "I will start the company's internal scanning system from tomorrow. As long as you can come in, no one will ask you questions."

Li Enqi's face has not changed, but she knew that Yi Lan's words were definitely aimed at her.

Cheng Shuixin smiled, but waved to Li Enqi.

"Sister Enki, I want to talk to you."

Yi Lan looked at Cheng Shuixin with a bad face. She instinctively felt that the girl's mind was magical and not easy to catch.

This feeling made Yilan feel a little uncomfortable. She didn't accept that a little girl was so smart and difficult to understand, and it seemed that Cheng Shuixin was very good at taking advantage of her initiative.

In contrast, Yang Bingbing looks much quieter and less aggressive. Yi Lan likes her a little more.

Of course, Cheng Shuixin felt that Yilan was unhappy, but she obviously thought more and smiled at Yilan: "Sister Yilan, don't worry, I won't stain the office."

This is already quite an obvious hint and guarantee. Yi Lan also heard Su Xiaoqing's instructions just now, so she could only nod even if she was unhappy.

"I'll wait for you in the reception room."

"Well, we'll be there in a while." Cheng Shuixin still smiled sweetly, but her actions were not ambiguous at all. She still greeted Li Enqi into this office.

Yang Bingbing, Li Enqi, Cheng Shuixin, and Annie.

Four people sat in Su Xiaoqing's office. Annie originally planned to leave, but was retained by Yang Bingbing.

"Annie, since you promised not to leave me, I hope you can be there for anything."

Yang Bingbing just wrote an understatement to leave Anne and stood quietly beside her.

Li Enqi looked at Cheng Shuixin. She didn't know what Cheng Shuixin wanted to do.

Cheng Shuixin's eyes in front of Li Enqi seemed very natural, as if she didn't feel any pressure. She smiled and said, "Sister Enki, I know your time is very precious. It's really a waste to protect us. Then I'll make a long story short. We have some ideas now. I hope you can cooperate.

Li Enqi didn't say anything and turned his eyes to Yang Bingbing.

Cheng Shuixin didn't care about Li Enqi's attitude and continued: "During the United States, our security was threatened and who was threatened. I don't need to say that you know better than us."

Li Enqi finally responded this time and nodded.

Cheng Shuixin pressed the remote control in her hand again to transform the smart glass into its usual appearance and fill the whole room with light.

"We hope we won't be so passive. Would you like to support us?"

Li Enqi looked at Cheng Shuixin and opened his mouth for a long time.

"What do you want to do?"

Cheng Shuixin spread out his hands.

"I don't want to be here all the time waiting for others to do it to us."

Li Enqi did not argue with Cheng Shuixin whether her idea was right or wrong, nor did she analyze the risk factor of doing so. She just looked at Yang Bingbing.

"Is that what you think?"

Yang Bingbing took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yes, this is our unanimous decision."