My Goddess

Chapter 402 You have a new message 1

The sunshine in Washington is brilliant, especially after the morning, which falls on those world-renowned buildings, which is the beginning of a new day.

Generally speaking, the road to the suburbs will be a little crowded at this time. Those license plates seem ordinary, but in the amazing fleet, no one knows which car is sitting in the big man.

Among these vehicles heading in the direction of Arlington, there is an inconspicuous black 2005 Mercedes-Benz business car, moving slowly towards the suburbs southwest of Washington.

There are four people in the car. A middle-aged man with long hair is driving intensively. He is wearing an untimely windbreaker. He looks like a character coming out of some vicissitudes of foreign movies, leaving a stubborn mark on his face.

Sitting next to the long-haired middle-aged man is a blonde young man. His face is a little gray, but his whole body is still meticulously dressed. The beautiful blonde is very clean and tidy, wearing a decent gray suit, and she looks very handsome.

Sitting in the back seat is a girl and an old man with white hair. The girl is a typical Asian beauty face, with red nails and pink toenails on her hands, a pair of open-toed fish mouth high heels, silver-white buttock shorts, and a pair of gray stockings wrapped around her legs. The upper body is wearing a short-sleeved shirt, revealing the arms with many beautiful metal jewelry hanging on it, and the two arms are snowy white at all.

The white-haired old man sitting next to the girl has dark skin and can be seen that he is a little black or Indian. He is wearing a jeans without sleeves, and his exposed arms are covered with various tattoos.

The painting style of these people is so inconsistent that the atmosphere in the car is a little strange. No one said anything along the way. Everyone was just silent and doing their own things - the gray-haired old man was playing with his mobile phone, while the young girl in fashion was reading a book.

The blonde young man sitting on the co-pilot stared silently at the road ahead and occasionally looked up at the rearview mirror, revealing many complex emotions in his eyes.

The young man has a very common English name, David, and he still has a complete wound.

In fact, David doesn't understand why Zhao Xuan didn't confirm her peer team until the last day. Is she worried about providing information to the Ministry of Defense?

Now, David has almost seen Zhao Xuan's intention. Since Zhao Xuan was willing to suffer and win the victory that day, David has known what kind of person Zhao Xuan is.

As the car drove out of the city, the silence was finally broken.

"The four of us are unlikely."

David sitting in the front row still looks not very good, and his pale face still looks like he has lost too much blood and has not recovered. He stared at the girl in the rearview mirror and spoke with some difficulty.

David is actually very clear in his heart, just as his attitude has never changed because of anything, and Zhao Xuan's decision has never been convinced by others. At this time, Zhao Xuan felt more relaxed than usual and could not see any psychological pressure at all.

Just from the appearance, David has to admit that Zhao Xuan is the one with the best mentality among the four people. From dress to tone, the girl is like going on an outing rather than going to a place close to the legend.

"Of course it's impossible for the four of us." Zhao Xuan didn't mind David's retreat at all. He smiled and shook his finger and said, "Anyway, I haven't been there yet. It's good to see the bustle."


David used to think that Zhao Xuan was crazy, but now he has a deeper impression of him.

The old man sitting next to Zhao Xuan looked up at David, and then lowered his head to continue to look at his mobile phone.

The atmosphere was still quite heavy, and David suddenly felt that he was stupid to speak.

It seems that David is the only one among the four people who is still looking forward and backward.

Zhao Xuan smiled at the old people around him, and his attitude was obviously much better than that of David.

"Mr. Oldman, thank you for joining."

The white-haired old man just nodded to Zhao Xuan and still didn't say anything.

Oldman was a pseudonym. David once carefully observed the old man who joined their team in the morning and found no trace to follow. On the outside, he looks like a native mixed-race, and the whole person feels a little evil, and the silent appearance makes people unable to see through.

David also carefully observed the mobile phone used by Oldman, which is a customized mobile phone, and there is no industrial logo, and there is no uniqueness. Oldman's mobile phone operation frequency is very low and there is almost no input, which makes people guess that he may be just a news enthusiast.

But David will never be naive enough to think that Oldman is really an old man who watches the news. If he can join Zhao Xuan's team this morning, neither the middle-aged driver nor this old man will be a simple person.

Just last night, Zhao Xuan contacted the person of the Ministry of Defense and said that he wanted to send the wounded David back to the Pentagon. At the same time, he also said that he wanted to participate in the antitrust investigation of the Yang family.

These are two issues that you don't want to do at all, so you can't decide until both the Department of Defense and the FBI have reviewed and approved them at the same time. Zhao Xuan has been waiting in Washington for so long, and now he finally has a response.

David vaguely guessed Zhao Xuan's idea, but he felt that Zhao Xuan still underestimated the officials of the Ministry of Defense. Whether it is the people of the military system or the officials of the intelligence system, they are not the kind of people who can easily change their minds with a few words. Even if there are good reasons and enough ** in front of them, these people will be very cautious.

Now these four people, to put it bluntly, only the middle-aged man with long hair looks a little combative. Although David can't see the depth of the other party, from the man's pace and movements, he should be a person familiar with killing.

When he first got on the car, David wanted to ask the other party's name. After looking at the long-haired man, he gave up this idea.

"You won't succeed." David looked at Zhao Xuan with a little penance. He was about to be convinced by the courage and means of the other party. "No one has ever negotiated with the U.S. military"

"I'm already in the United States, aren't I?"

Zhao Xuan's answer made David speechless.

David's return to China and even Zhao Xuan can go to the United States, which is the result of a series of negotiations. Although he doesn't know the details, David knows that this kind of negotiation must not be easy. Zhao Xuan can take the initiative to prove that she still has a card in her hand that she can't see clearly.

This gap made David realize more clearly that he must follow Zhao Xuan's side and even strictly implement Zhao Xuan's ideas to follow Zhao Xuan to see the second half of the story.

Is it ** in the second half? David didn't know that he just wanted to know now, so he sat in this car.

It was difficult for David to accept that he didn't know what to say to be refuted by Zhao Xuan. There has never been such a moment in his career. At this time, Zhao Xuan's calmness and peace were in sharp contrast to David, which made the conceited young man feel frustrated again.

After a long time, David was a little difficult to accept this quiet embarrassment and whispered, "No plan?"

"No at present."

Of course, David knew that Zhao Xuan was talking nonsense, but he was not qualified to refute Zhao Xuan, so he could only take a deep look at the rearview mirror.

Through the state and county highway, the huge building body of the Pentagon slowly came into view.

Looking at this long-lost building, David's mind inevitably fluctuated a little.

It was not until this moment that David realized that the peace of mind he usually tried to achieve was only a superficial phenomenon. Deep inside, he was still a young man who was slightly confused about this vast world. Although he can be indifferent in the face of many seemingly huge changes, once it really involves some problems in his heart, he immediately collapses.

It can be said that Zhao Xuan's knife cut through David's self-righteous defense.

The Pentagon is gradually getting closer in sight. One of the impressive American landmarks occupies a wide area and has many departments. As far as the eye can see, the Pentagon surrounded by walls and various buildings feels like a future building. It is hard to imagine that this is a building designed decades ago, as if the brightest era of the whole country in the United States was in those 20 or 30 years.

The car drove to the checkpoint, and the soldier with live ammunition stopped the Mercedes-Benz.

The long-haired middle-aged man in the driver's seat glanced at the young soldier and gave a number to the other party.

The security inspection system of the Pentagon is divided into several categories, targeting different groups of people. Visitors generally use invitation documents and event serial numbers. Although the procedure is slightly simple, because visitors can only move in the outer areas, there is not much objection to this kind of security measure.

The young soldier glanced at the long-haired middle-aged man, found the incident number that belonged to him, confirmed the note behind the number, and guided the vehicle to a special parking area.

When you get off the car, there will naturally be civilian reception from the Pentagon. Zhao Xuan and others are a female official, not young, with blonde shawl, wearing a dark green suit and a very friendly smile on her face.

David looked at this familiar scene and suddenly felt a little disgusted.

What is this? The smile on this woman's face is a little more disgusting than those interns in the White House. Does the Department of Defense really need this smile? Shouldn't this be a place where people should smile and use simple rules to distinguish whether anyone will threaten this national security and try to eliminate those threats?

As the bureaucracy becomes larger and larger, these disgusting details are increasing. David used to think it was nothing, but now he is disgusting to see this smile again.

"Is this our hero?" The woman also showed a charming smile to David, "Please come this way."

Looking at the woman's elegant pace, David suddenly wanted to know what Zhao Xuan would say to the officials responsible for receiving them later.

No matter what you say, as long as you can make these people look surprised or annoyed, David will feel very happy.