My Goddess

Chapter 404 You have a new message 3

The Pentagon was built in the 1940s and has gone through countless renovations, adding functions and deep expansion. From manpower management to mechanized management to automated management. This evolutionary process can be almost compared with the progress of human civilization in recent decades. The U.S. military has invested countless times in this landmark building, adding supercomputer cabinets and relocating various optical cables. Let information transmission and invisible, also make the functions of various institutions coordinate with each other, and let many studies be optimized specifically for this office model.

Since its establishment in the last century, the Pentagon has basically solved the electricity problem. The required power and energy are solved in several different ways. Optical cable transmission is only one of them, as well as self-generating equipment and backup power. Controlled nuclear fusion, which has been brilliant in recent years, is about to be applied here.

Even in New York, the world's financial capital, there have been large-scale power outages, but several government departments in the Pentagon and the Special Administrative Region have never put an end to this situation. A total of dozens of sets of backup power supplies can cope with various situations, including nuclear war.

At this moment, it was like a fairy tale telling the most bizarre moment. The Pentagon suddenly lost all the power support, and everyone's vision was dark.

The consteries caused by questions that transcend common sense are also more lasting than normal, and the psychological state of those who were once full of confidence at this moment is indescribable. Some men and women are still walking in the corridor, some are looking through documents at their desks, some are making phone calls, and some are observing data. Communications, talks and plans are constantly being implemented, just like the vitality that this country usually shows.

The huge machine is moving forward with its inertia that it has been used to for decades. For people of the Ministry of Defense, this day should have been no different from all daily life. Except for the frustrating days many years ago, few people can challenge the national authority represented here.

No one will doubt the strength and stability here, just as no one has doubted that this country is still the most powerful country in the world. Many people's dreams and beliefs are placed here, and countless people are willing to fight for the honor brought by that prosperity.

This is the Pentagon, the top of the world's military institutions, the symbol of the United States, and even the spirit and soul of this country.

So at this moment, the collapse of powerful things brought not only surprise and fear, but also a trace of despair.

People who work here for too long don't know what a power outage is like. Even if it is a small departmental failure, there is timely power support and technical maintenance. Who has ever imagined the dark scene of the Pentagon, and who has ever thought that the system would suddenly collapse here?

No one believes all this, and no one knows how to deal with all this.

In the dark, screams and exclamation began to occupy the eardrum, becoming the only universal note in the building.

At the same time, Colonel Thomson in the reception room was also shocked, and he still rushed towards Zhao Xuan.

Killing this girl is the only idea in Colonel Thomson's mind now.

Zhao Xuan had no words and quickly walked to the corridor to the next district.

It took less than half a minute from Thomson pounced on Zhao Xuan and was killed by a middle-aged man with long hair. At this time, the full reaction of the whole Pentagon into darkness had just begun, and many people screamed and exclaimed. The shouts continued for nearly a minute, and there was still no sign of stopping.

should be the most orderly place in the world, and the chaos shown after losing its mind is more than ordinary people imagined. At this time, in this building with more than 20,000 people, everyone was at a loss. Both the security code and the entry manual have been full of what to do after the Pentagon is attacked, but like many software service protocols on the Internet, most people feel that it is completely a form of proof of rigor.

It was not until this moment that everyone understood that the strongest fortress would also encounter a sudden ** situation.

In the dark, many people calmed down quickly in the screams and took out their mobile phones to see what was going on. But after taking out their mobile communication equipment, these people were shocked to find that the worst situation they could think of was more than a power outage.

All mobile phones can't be lit, just like being hypnotized by a group.

Men and women working in the Pentagon have some common sense. Seeing such a mobile phone, they already know what happened to them.

There is only one possibility that all electronic devices can be destroyed on such a large scale and mobile phones can be paralyzed.

EMP attack, that is, electromagnetic pulse attack.

Civilians obviously know nothing about the EMP attack, and only those professionals standing in the military field know how terrible it is.

Since it was discovered that the nuclear explosion can produce an EMP effect, this attack method that can quickly paralyze all electronic devices has been favored by all countries and has begun to be vigorously studied. Various application weapons and technologies have been released, but due to the particularity of electromagnetic effects, most of the truly satisfactory EMP attack weapons are bulky and have a very long start-up time. So far, the most effective EMP attack is a high-altitude nuclear explosion, which is enough to destroy all electronic equipment and communication facilities in an international city.

No one expected that someone would use EMP attacks in the Pentagon, and the effect is so obvious!

The effect of this attack is obviously more rapid than those EMP attacks known to everyone. The power has not been immediately restored within the Ministry of Defense, and all communication means have been interrupted. Those automatic doors were closed while the power was cut off. Some were isolated in the corridor and some were locked in the office. At this time, the whole Pentagon was like an island that could not call for help, where darkness, loneliness and fear shrouded.



"Became me to the bottom."

In the dark, Zhao Xuan's voice was calm and clear, ringing in David's ear.

Four people walked through the chaos, and no one paid attention to them. The huge riot just now made people unaware that there had been a short battle in the reception room or that a colonel had been pierced through the skull.

David was stunned and replied truthfully, "I don't have enough authority. I haven't been to the bottom."

"So do you know where to enter?"

"I know." David stared at Zhao Xuan in the dark and his mood was indescribably complicated. "What is your goal?"

"Go and have a look and you will know." Zhao Xuan said lightly, "I will satisfy you."

David looked around the corridor where people kept screaming in the dark and muttered with emotion, "I'm already satisfied..."

In recent decades, countless people have tried to attack the Pentagon in this way to hit the face of the world's military powers. But so far, even if the beard of 911 blew up a corner of the Pentagon, Zhao Xuan did not succeed at this moment.

Zhao Xuan actually launched an EMP attack directly on the Pentagon, and it took full effect!

David knows that the Pentagon's design in recent years includes a design to resist EMP attacks, and even prepares vacuum tube-type electronic equipment for this purpose. But at present, few defense officials will really use it, and few believe that hundreds of millions of dollars of special defense materials will be so weak.

"Did you destroy the electronic defense system?" David asked Zhao Xuan while pointing the way.

Zhao Xuan did not say anything, but looked at the direction pointed by David and asked, "Are you ready?"

This "you" includes David and the other two.