My Goddess

Chapter 409 is not a coincidence

Before getting on the highway, Su Xiaoqing and Guo Nu changed their positions and asked Director Guo to drive. She and Su Yifan sat in the back seat. Guo Nu did not dare to be dissatisfied with this kind of hard-working work. He took the initiative to be a driver and then asked shamelessly.

"What on earth does Zhao Xuan want to do?"

"It doesn't matter what Zhao Xuan does. The important thing is that what she does is actually not bad for you, right?" Su Xiaoqing leaned his head on Su Yifan's shoulder and said gently, "The U.S. military was slapped in the face this time. It is estimated that resources will tilt to find Zhao Xuan for a long time. Those senior officials who agreed to let Zhao Xuan take David back to the United States were also implicated. Aren't you happy to see this kind of fire in other people's backyard?

Being so rudely satirized by Su Xiaoqing, Guo Nu did not show any shameful reaction on his face, but still drove the car with a smile.

"That... It's natural for relatives to be happy with their enemies. However, we want to know the reason more than the result. I don't remember any strange records of Zhao Xuan. Why did he suddenly become so fierce?

Su Xiao smiled lightly: "Who told you that Zhao Xuan was the biological child of Zhao Chuanzhi?"

"Impossible, right?" Guo Nu glanced at the rearview mirror unexpectedly, "I can check Zhao Xuan's birth record."

"When Zhao Xuan was born, he did not use a computer to record it in China. Anyone can modify it manually." Su Xiao narrowed her eyes and said softly with Su Yifan's arm in one hand, "Actually, I found that it was nothing. It was mainly Zhao Xuan's growing environment. She received a lot of education that she should not have received."

Su Yifan remembered the results of his discussion with Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing, and looked at Su Xiaoqing in surprise.

"Are you really that grown up?"

"It's similar to what you guess. There are many human factors in Zhao Xuan's growth." Su Xiaoqing said, "If you follow this clue, I will probably understand what Zhao Xuan did."

Guo Nu has no doubt about what Su Xiaoqing said, because Su Xiaoqing has no need to deceive others at all. She doesn't have that need.

"You mean, it's the person who made Zhao Xuan grow up..."

"Almost." Su Xiaoqing said, "Zhao Xuan is just one of the better ones. Maybe Yang Zongyuan also grew up like this. Maybe there are more people, all of whom gather in a huge network of relationships. What the U.S. government is most worried about is happening all the time, but it really can't stop it.

Guo Nu carefully chewed the meaning of Su Xiaoqing's words, which was actually not clear. He thought about it: "So, is this a terrorist activity?"

Su Xiao gently leaned against Su Yifan's shoulder and closed her eyes directly this time.

"If you think so, you're not wrong."

"So Zhao Xuan's series of actions against the Yang family at the beginning were just *. Her real goal is to divert her attention?" Guo Nu still consulted Su Xiaoqing as a primary school student. He knew that there were not many such opportunities, and this outsider was definitely not a talkative.

Although Su Xiaoqing narrowed his eyes like a cat at this time, he was obviously in a good mood, and he also answered Guo Nu's questions: "I think it should be like this. In fact, we all ignored one thing."

"What's the matter?" Guo Nu's ears moved, and the cute appearance was quite different from the appearance of the obscene uncle.

"Many things in the world are connected. Even if there is no relationship outside, there are inextricable connections inside." Su Xiaoqing said in a light voice, "Many things that seem to have nothing to do with it, but in fact, the reasons and purposes are the same. Just like Zhao Xuan's case this time, in fact, she may not be the only one who wants to enter the Pentagon, but in the end, she is the closest to this goal.

Guo Nu, as the new director, knew more about this mysterious statement, and immediately understood what Su Xiaoqing meant.

"Closely connected... What you said made my hair stand up. Is it that terrible?"

Su Xiaoqing closed her eyes and smiled: "Many things are unpredictable, aren't they? Maybe it's not Zhao Xuan, but someone else who did this. Anyway, the result is the same.

Such a simple conversation between the two set off a stormy wave in Su Yifan's heart.

Now that Su Yifan can't understand these words, he probably should commit suicide... He found that the world he understood was too different from the world in Su Xiaoqing's mouth. In contrast, the Albert he had met before was actually not so terrible.

Guo Nu's expression quickly became serious: "So, in fact, there are still many things we don't know?"

Su Xiaoqing seemed to fall asleep, and her voice became light: "As long as there is contact, it can be deciphered. This is not a problem. Now this problem is a headache for the U.S. government. I don't think you need to do anything. Just start the theater mode.

"That won't work..." Guo muttered angrily, "We can't just watch."

Su Xiao gently raised a smile at the corners of his mouth: "Then what do you want?"

Guo Nu's face quickly changed to his usual obscene appearance and said with a grin, "I think we should add fuel to the flames anyway..."

Su Yifan looked at Director Guo, who was driving, completely speechlessly, and said to himself, is this also a person in the system? This face is not common in school, is it?

Su Xiaoqing reached out and grabbed Su Yifan's clothes, which was completely different from her usual decisiveness and indifferentness. She was like a little girl who was a little clingy. She still closed her eyes and said, "Zhao Xuan went to the Pentagon to look for someone. I guess you can also find this person in the previous archives. You have heard of it. The SP series in the American black archives, right?

Guo Nu simply straightened his waist with awe: "Ah...SP? I know that the most special ones in the top-secret archives, but we don't get much content.

"It will take at least 20 or 30 years to lift these bans." Su Xiaoqing said, "Americans have been trying to cover up a lot of things, and the few turning points they have accelerated the course of history are not glorious. Some of the SP series are events, and some are specific people. If I guess correctly, Zhao Xuan's goal should be SP-005.

Guo Nu neither laughed nor said anything this time. He knew that every word he heard was very meaningful. Unfortunately, this was Su Xiaoqing's car and Guo Nu was not allowed to use recording equipment, otherwise he really wanted to record it.

Su Xiaoqing still fell on Su Yifan's shoulder and took a nap. He didn't want to open his eyes at all and whispered, "When the U.S. military promoted Internet technology to the world, it predicted that the world of electronic information would eventually become a new battlefield. They have made a lot of preparations to take the initiative in this war.

Guo Nu knew a lot about this history and said, "In fact, they have basically succeeded. Now in the electronic information world, the dominance of the United States is almost unwavering."

"Since the 80s of the last century*, many people have paid a lot for this plan." Su Xiaoqing closed his eyes and continued, "At that time, people thought that the world would eventually be ruled by machines. In order to cultivate people who could solve this problem, some geniuses gave up their original jobs and turned to find suitable children to change their growth trajectory in a way similar to simulating emotions."

"Zhao Xuan is one of them?"

"Zhao Xuan was born in the late 1980s, what do you think?"

Guo squeaked his lips angrily: "This is too strange. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have believed it."

"Not only Zhao Xuan, but also many people in the U.S. military have been involved in this matter." Su Xiaoqing said, "The main reason why the project was terminated at that time was that the bigwigs found that if this plan continued, the executors could probably change the political situation of the country."

Guo angrily said, "Let'ss around first, and wait until you find the danger... It's really the style of the U.S. government."

Su Yifan interrupted: "It is the consistent style of ambitious governments around the world."

Guo angrily looked up at Su Yifan in the rearview mirror. He was leaning on his shoulder, which should be the most powerful girl in the world. He didn't know where the boy's luck came from, that is, he could trust the genius of the Su family so much.

"Xiao Su, your attitude is not very good, it's too *."

Su Yifan smiled faintly, and his smile was somewhat similar to Su Xiaoqing.

"You know I'm not that kind of person."

Guo smiled angrily and stopped talking. Instead, he was a little eager to expect Su Xiaoqing to say more.

Su Xiaoqing didn't want to go on. He also put his other hand on Su Yifan, grabbed him and rubbed him on his shoulder, and whispered to Su Yifan, "Anyway, the goal of SP-005 should have nothing to do with Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin. Zhao Xuan has not been able to persuade SP-005 to help her deal with Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shui. Xin, so you don't have to worry about their safety.

Su Yifan knew that his little thought would be seen through by Su Xiaoqing. He smiled and didn't say anything, and patted Su Xiaoqing on the shoulder with his backhand.

"Take a break when you are tired. Don't talk too much."

Su Xiao gently squeezed her lips and changed her posture, and really began to sleep. No one paid attention to her.

Guo angrily glanced at Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing beside him. He intended to talk to Su Yifan, but he was not sure whether Su Xiaoqing was really asleep. He was afraid that what he said would offend the aunt, so he could only continue driving.

In fact, Guo Nu was quite satisfied. Although Su Xiaoqing only said a few words casually, it was already an unexpected gain for him.

Su Yifan saw Su Xiaoqing fall asleep, pressed his hand on Su Xiaoqing's shoulder and changed his position, pulled off the blanket on the seat and covered her.

Although it is only a few very ordinary actions, Guo Nu can see the depth of the relationship between the two. It is understandable why Su Xiaoqing favors Su Yifan so much. Most people have Su Xiaoqing's wealth and status in their eyes, but they will never care about her from the bottom of their hearts like Su Yifan.

Guo Nu's job is to observe all kinds of people. He feels that Su Yifan is indeed real in this regard and has no fake element.

At this moment, Guo Nu even envied Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing. He almost didn't remember the last time he covered his family with a quilt.

The road ahead extends as if there is no end. A car looks lonely on this road. So many people walk together, which is life.