My Goddess

Chapter 418 Dangerous Action

The lunch lasted for less than three hours with everyone's satisfaction. Cheng Shuixin's phone was almost half out of the electricity, but her eyes never glanced at her mobile phone, but stood up to greet Buffett, who had taken a little rest.

"Thank you very much for the lunch. This is probably the most unforgettable lunch of my life."

Buffett is not too surprised that the two girls have made any moves. When others try to delay lunch time, although the people who take the initiative to ask for the end are different, they are more respectful, even if they are two such young girls.

Yang Bingbing also got up and stretched out her hand to Buffett and said, "Thank you for your teaching. We may have to spend a lifetime learning many things."

"The times have changed, and our set may not work." Buffett sighed slightly, which was very rare for him. "I hope your path will go smoothly."

"Thank you for your blessing." Yang Bingbing responded politely, "We will definitely remember what happened today."

The warmest part of the conversation has long passed, and both sides used a relatively relaxed gesture to say goodbye. While Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin got up, Li Enqi and Annie, who had been sitting still, also stood up. Their postures were the same upright, and their eyes were also firm and calm. It seems that the conversation just now had no impact on them.

At this time, Buffett also took a special look at these two young girls who had always been in excellent mental state and said to Yang Bingbing with a smile, "Your bodyguards are very professional."

Yang Bingbing smiled and glanced at several cars outside the glass window: "It's far worse than yours."

"Can I send you away?" Buffett asked the two.

"No, we still want to sit here for a while." Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "I hope the boss won't drive people away."

Buffett also smiled: "Of course not. Please count all today's consumption on my account."

Cheng Shuixin thanked him again, and then saw Buffett take people out of the door.



While the atmosphere between the two sides is harmonious and different, a young man in a formal business suit is looking at this side with a telescope on a high-rise building about 1,500 meters away.

"Lunch is over."

To the Bluetooth headset, the man's voice is very soft, but every word is extremely clear.

The sound floated through the sky through data signals, passed through the barriers between cities from New York, and instantly cut into a matchbox-shaped residential building in downtown Philadelphia.

On the central sixth floor of this residential building, almost no one will come to this floor. I don't know how many years ago, someone paid a lot of money to buy this property.

For many years, no one has come here to check in, but all the fees for the room have been paid meticulously. At first, it was sent by mail, but later it became electronic remittance, so that the house on this floor has been under the name of the property owner and has not changed.

Now the lights here finally turned on, and four people lived in this floor. With simple luggage, they bypassed the eyes of the apartment manager and went directly to the room that had been prepared many years ago and stared at the endless world outside.

SP-005, who changed into clean clothes, stood at the window and looked at the street outside. He had maintained this posture for a long time.

"Now the world is indeed more prosperous than before."

David sat in the corner of the room, and his eyes remained on SP-005's face. He wanted to know the name of this person, but Zhao Xuan and the man named Luo Yang would not tell himself.

Zhao Xuan still looks relaxed. He is half lying on the sofa, with a pair of flawless long legs shining in the room. His beautiful toenails are like gems, shining the eyes of men.

"My mother will probably come over later, and there are many people." Zhao Xuan listened to the sound of the blue headphones in his ear and said to SP-005 with a unchanged face, "There are still many people around her. Do you need these people? If I don't need it, I will find a way to arrange them.

SP-005 withdrew his eyes that had been staring at the street, looked back at Zhao Xuan and said, "Can you still remember my name?"

Zhao Xuan met the man's slightly terrible eyes as if there was no pressure and nodded, "Of course, everyone calls you Shock. What an American name."

There was no smile on Xiao Ke's face, but his eyes were unexpectedly gentle when he looked at Zhao Xuan.

"In the past 20 years, you have been the first person to call my name."

Zhao Xuan smiled and said, "I'm your daughter."

"No, you are still that person's child." Xiao Ke looked meaningfully at the small Bluetooth headset in Zhao Xuan's ear, "Do what you want to do. Don't worry about me."

The smile on Zhao Xuan's face has not changed much, and it is still light and sweet. Then she said to the headphones, "Wait for instructions."

The man over there answered and continued to observe the situation in the steak shop.

Xiao Ke looked at Zhao Xuan finish the instructions and pointed to the outside and said, "I'm going out for a walk."

Zhao Xuan understood what Xiao Ke meant, but still hesitated for a moment: "You need someone to accompany you."

"Just let him stay with me." Shock pointed to David, "He should have a plastic surgery now."

"We all need it." Zhao Xuan said, "The new identity is conducive to leaving this country."

"No, we don't need it." Shock said calmly and confidently, "We can leave at any time."

This strong sense of self-confidence did not make Zhao Xuan show any unexpected expression. She nodded calmly and looked at David and asked, "Why must he have plastic surgery?"

"In order to punish him."

Zhao Xuan smiled. Of course, she understood what Xiaoke said about the punishment. As a member of the intelligence department, David is naturally the object of Shock's hatred. Although he seems to be in the same boat as Zhao Xuan now, Xiao Ke will not let go of his chance.

After David experienced the egg shortage incident, he did not have much resistance to the topic of plastic surgery. He just looked at Shock and asked, "What should I do if the wound recovers?"

Shake still said confidently, "I have a way."

This seems to be the conclusion, and Zhao Xuan once again focused on monitoring the whereabouts of Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing.

After Buffett left the restaurant, Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing stayed in the steakhouse for a while, where they seemed to talk about something. In a hurry, Zhao Xuan could not do close monitoring, and could only listen to the verbal description of the people arranged on the spot.

This practice is very inefficient, but Zhao Xuan really has no better way. She doesn't want to turn to Xiao Ke.

On the contrary, Xiao Ke, who looked at the scenery outside the window for a moment, suddenly turned around and said to Zhao Xuan, "You seem to be very worried about electronic monitoring?"

Zhao Xuan pressed the headphones with one hand, and his eyes were a little scattered and nodded: "Yes, I don't trust all the products in the electronic era."

"Because of me?"

"Because of you, because of the United States, and because of a woman."

"Woman?" Xiao Ke was still a little unclear about the world. He looked at Zhao Xuan and asked, "What kind of woman?"

Zhao Xuan recalled Su Xiaoqing in his memory, which was not a good memory, so that she had goose bumps on her skin. This feeling of trembling has never appeared in Zhao Xuan's life, and it was only at this moment that he felt so clearly.

Zhao Xuan's physiological reactions are so strong, which surprised Xiao Ke.

Although he did not really witness Zhao Xuan's growth trajectory, Xiao felt that he should know at least 90% of Zhao Xuan's personality. Shock knew all the children in the original plan, their classification and growth trajectory.

In Zhao Xuan's personality, the factor of fear has been lowered to the lowest point.

It can make Zhao Xuan have such a fierce natural reaction. Xiao Ke thinks that woman must be amazing.

"Do you have any information about that woman?"

Zhao Xuan nodded: "Yes."

Shock also nodded and said simply, "Don't worry about electronic monitoring and do what you want to do."

Zhao Xuan hummed. She still believed in Xiao Ke more in her heart. After all, the man in front of her had been leaving the cage for many years. In terms of far-sightedness, it must be far beyond Su Xiaoqing.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan was sure and issued the next order to the Bluetooth headset.

"Start the attack."



When Zhao Xuan issued the order, Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing just came from Smith. Volensky's steak shop came out. The long hair and backs of the two are so beautiful, and because of their similar clothes, it makes people feel like a pair of sisters talking and laughing and sharing rare experiences in life.

If you see this scene, Zhao Xuan will probably be in a worse mood. These two girls made Zhao Xuan so unhappy that she abandoned her long-standing principles and made a decision directly without making a more detailed plan.

Xiao Ke is right. It is not surprising that Zhao Xuan also regards Zhao Chuanzhi as his father.

At the moment when she was recognized by Xiao Ke, Zhao Xuan immediately gave full play to her strengths and chose to attack.

So at this moment, the attack order was transmitted in ten thousandth of a second and reached the ears of the people waiting for the order.

In terms of commanding the attack, Zhao Xuan used French, which was easy to distinguish her from Xiaoke's chat and self-spoken.

The action was activated quickly by the command, and the person who heard the order began to execute it.

The man standing in a private house 1,500 meters away first took action. He pointed the mirror in his hand at the bodyguard standing next to the car and pulled the trigger.

At the same time, many black Volvo SUVs appeared from around the steak shop. These black cars seemed to suddenly emerge from the ground and crashed into the team where Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin were!

From the top of several buildings around the intersection, someone began to slide down the rope that was built at some point.

It seems that in an instant, the warm sky-high lunch place has turned into a place full of malice and violence.

No one expected that Zhao Xuan would organize a large-scale counterattack in such a short time without mercy.

There is no warning or threat. Zhao Xuan's method is the same as her style, simple and direct, leaving no room.