My Goddess

Chapter 425 Turning around and not recognising people

In Xiao Zhu's impression, Su Yifan should be a child, so he proposed a lot of benefits to Masamitsu Ohno. Although the Japanese are rigid, they have the common cunning of Asians in politics. They know that this is the weakest part of human nature, so they feel that they can have a try.

However, the two wanted to find time to contact Su Yifan. Unexpectedly, Su Yifan directly went to Linhai City not long after the transaction was completed. This quick reaction was simply unexpected. Xiao Zhu also wanted to pretend to be chic, but as a result, he was suppressed by Su Yifan and almost didn't recover.

But in any case, Xiao Zhu felt that this matter could be tried. In his mind, even a family should beware of each other. Even if Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing are a family, no matter how good the relationship between Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing is. It's better to be directly benefited by Su Yifan. This is the experience Xiao Zhu learned in the family struggle. He feels that it is suitable for any family that exceeds the ordinary civilian class.

Sure enough, as Xiao Zhu expected, Su Yifan agreed to persuade Su Xiaoqing not to care about this matter.

For Xiao Zhu, the only thing worth fearing is probably Su Xiaoqing. In fact, he didn't pay much attention to the Yang family.

Masamitsu Ohno gave Su Yifan a huge red envelope, five million US dollars on the spot, and promised to give Su Yifan five million dollars after it was done. This $10 million red envelope shows how high Masamitsu Ono made profits from the acquisition of Huazhimeng Hotel and related industries.

The root cause of all this is Zhao Xuan and Yang Zongyuan. Especially after Su Yifan knew that Zhao Xuan was not actually aimed at the Yang family, he couldn't laugh or cry about this chain reaction.

Cai Qi was almost shocked to see Su Yifan collecting 5 million US dollars from Masamitsu Ohno with an electronic bank, and then talked happily with Xiao Zhu and Masamitsu Ohno.

"Actually, this money is secondary." Su Yifan put away the aggressive posture just now and said to Xiao Zhu, "I'm more concerned about Yang Zongyuan's whereabouts. This boy wants to hurt me. I can't let him go."

At this time, in Xiao Zhu's view, Su Yifan is indeed much more useful than Yang Zongyuan. Although his posture is very high, he actually wants to attract Su Yifan.

Once Su Yifan showed a cooperative attitude, Xiao Zhu also became more approachable than before: "Yang Zongyuan should have left from Hong Kong, but we don't know where to go. The transaction is completed within a day. He has been prepared for a long time, as long as one person is willing to pay.

"Mr. Ohno is the one who is willing to pay, right?" Su Yifan looked relaxed after accepting the benefits of Masamitsu Ohno, "If I remember correctly, the Ono family should be a group business with chip manufacturing as the core, right? Does the high-tech industry also need to get involved in hotels?

Masamitsu Ohno said with a serious face: "Our family is also involved in the real estate and tourism industry. We want to build the best holiday chain hotel in China, and Huazhi Dream is our first step.

Su Yifan curled his lips in his heart. The Japanese can say anything when doing business, which is completely inconsistent with his national characteristics and painting style.

"Well, I really don't care about business." Su Yifan spread out his hand and said to Masamitsu Ohno, "You see, my company is just doing some online game business, and there is no intersection with you industrial groups. However, I still hope to know more about Yang Zongyuan. When will this person contact you?

Masamitsu Ohno is obviously also a typical river-breaking businessman, and said without any obstacles in his heart: "About a year ago, something happened in our retail business in the United States, and Yang Zongyuan helped us mediate from it."

Masamitsu Ohno's words were very obscure, but Su Yifan still understood it at once, and Cai Qi beside him also understood it.

The Ono family obviously provoked the Yang family in the United States, and Yang Zongyuan came forward to help solve the trouble. Now that the Yang family encounters a problem, Masamitsu Ono, a must-reported product, immediately came back to slap the Yang family's mouth.

As for Xiao Zhu, he has a reason to help Masamitsu Ohno for any purpose. Anyway, the Yang family does not have much help to the Xiao family. It is better to cooperate with the Ono family with core technology.

"How many people has Yang Zongyuan arranged in the hotel this time?" Since Su Yifan knew the starting point of the acquaintance between the two sides, he no longer continued to ask, "Has he told you?"

This time, Masamitsu Ohno hesitated for a moment. He was not good at Chinese, but wanted to confirm Xiao Zhu's opinion.

Xiao Zhu signaled Masamitsu Ohno, but it didn't matter. He felt that this kind of thing was a trivial matter. Xiao Zhu, who has been used to being surrounded by people since childhood, has always felt that he is the protagonist, and the feelings of other people are actually not important.

Since Su Yifan was attacked, Xiao Zhu thought that it had never happened. He thought Su Yifan should also think so.

Ono Masamitsu said, "There should be five or six. Yang Zongyuan asked to leave a few people before the transaction. I remember the list of these people."

Su Yifan snapped his fingers.

"Give me the list, and our transaction is completed."

Masamitsu Ohno nodded: "I'll have someone bring it over now."

Su Yifan took a look at Masamitsu Ohno: "Time waits for no one. Now tell me."

Masamitsu Ohno hesitated for a moment, took out his mobile phone from his arms and sent a picture to Su Yifan with Bluetooth.

That's a list of printing paper with six Chinese and English intertwined names.

"Oki, I'll take care of the rest by myself." Su Yifan got up and the meaning of sending the guests was obvious. "Since I know what's going on, I'll go back. Remember to return the money authorized just now to my secretary."

Cai Qi sat motionless beside Su Yifan, like a sculpture.

Ono Masamitsu looked at Su Yifan with a little surprise and hesitated to ask, "These people..."

Su Yifan looked down at the time on his mobile phone and said, "You won't see these people again before 11 p.m."

This was so murderous that even Xiao Zhu, who sat next to him and secretly looked at Cai Qi's chest, had a cold war.

Get up and send them away with Su Yifan. Cai Qi turned around and asked Su Yifan, "Are you crazy? How dare you take their money?

Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "I'm going to make a phone call now. Can we talk about it later?"

Cai Qi had nothing to do with Su Yifan. She could only stare at the teenager who had just behaved like an old man through her sunglasses and felt that he was unreasonable.

Su Yifan didn't care about Cai Qi's eyes, directly sent an MMS message on the phone, and then dialed a number out.

"Sister Qing, have you had a rest?"

Hearing the name, Cai Qi, who had a cold expression, almost fell down. She looked at Su Yifan again as if she didn't know her.

Su Xiaoqing's voice on the other side of the phone was soft and soft: "Not yet, have you been to Linhai?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "I can't hide it from you. I'm prepared, and I'm not afraid to come here. Xiao Zhula* let a Japanese named Masamitsu Ohno buy the Huazhi Dream Hotel, and the transaction has been completed. Do you know about this?"

"I really don't know. Yang Zongyuan is quite interesting? Originally, he had been holding back, and we probably wouldn't bother him. Is he being inspired by Xiaoke to do this now?


"The English name of SP-005." Su Xiaoqing said easily, "This name used to be worshipped by the Internet and modern computer technology in the United States, but now it has become a name that needs to be deliberately diluted. Shock became famous too early. You don't know it's normal.

Su Yifan calculated in his heart what the era he didn't know should be, and then he was a little ashamed.

In this way, that guy should have been a god in the era when the color display had not been applied, and it was indeed a terrible role that created Zhao Xuan's current personality.

"I think Yang Zongyuan is afraid that you will also reveal his identity." Su Yifan said, "It's better to take the initiative than to be passive."

"I didn't expect Yang Zongyuan to take the initiative." Su Xiaoqing still said in a mocking tone, "Have you gone to Linhai to see Masamitsu Ohno? Is Xiao Zhu also there?

"The picture I just sent you is a few people Yang Zongyuan stayed in Huazhimeng. I'll call someone to take them away later." At this time, Su Yifan pinched the phone and looked out of the window of the room. His eyes were like two sharp blades, which made Cai Qi dare not look directly at his slightly beautiful face. "As for asking for useful things, I don't think I need to expect too much."

Su Xiao said softly, "I feel that you are quite sharp today. Are you encouraged?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "They all work so hard. How can I sit still and watch?"

"It's difficult for you to finish the arrangement in such a short time." Su Xiaoqing sighed, "Jeffka went to Linhai with you?"

"Just outside the hotel." Su Yifan said, "That's the case in terms of their strength, but the identity of foreigners is easier to use."

"Well, I'll ask Guo to call the people over there to help you deal with it." Su Xiaoqing said, "As long as this kind of thing passes through the official hand, others can't say anything superfluous."

"Good." Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing no longer need to say thank you, "Then I'll also arrange it."

Su Yifan put down the phone, and Cai Qi asked in an unbelievable tone, "How did you talk to Miss Su directly?"

Su Yifan took it for granted, "Isn't this nonsense? If I don't tell Sister Qing, do I still have to hide it from her?

"But you received Masamitsu Ohno's money..."

"Ono Masamitsu condoned Yang Zongyuan to leave someone to deal with me, which is interest." Su Yifan bowed his head and cleaned up his things, "And if necessary, do you believe that Masamitsu Ohno's electronic bank transfer record will be erased? He has never transferred money to me."

Cai Qi was really surprised. She never thought that the generous Su Yifan could be so shameless, and there was no psychological barrier at all.

Before that, Cai Qi felt that she should indeed get closer to Su Yifan in terms of morality, but now she doesn't think it's necessary.

"So you promised so happily?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "In the past, I had conflicts with people. To put it bluntly, it was just a personal grudge. I can not blame the past, but also forgive my enemies. But now the situation is different. Why do I have to be elegant? They think they already know me very well. That's their mistake.