My Goddess

Chapter 427 Civil Power

While Su Yifan and Cai Qi galloped in the night, the road from the coastal highway to the coastal suburbs was so dark that there were no friends. There are not many passing vehicles here at night, and occasionally there are headlights driving quickly, which also looks dead around.

The road has actually been well repaired, but because there are no guardrails on both sides, it still feels unsafe. In fact, this road often has heavy casualties due to speeding and random crossing the road. If there is really no way to go, many cars from Linhai City are not willing to take this road.

In the dark, Pan Xiaopo half squinted and lay in the car, staring at the vehicles coming down from the sea, looking for his target.

Pan Xiaopo is a native of Linhai. He was born and grew up in Linhai for more than 20 years. When he was a child, he went to school because of his poor grades. Stealing an electric bicycle was caught in re-education through labor for two years, and learned various basic elements of later from people in re-education through labor.

In the place where the old man bullied the newcomers, Pan Xiaopo struggled with his own fierceness and did not lie down without being bullied, based on two points.

Don't die, do it hard.

These two articles made Pan Xiaopo almost get a sentence from re-education through labor to reform. Later, because he really became the boss in the institute, he was released in advance by various ways of filial piety. After coming out, Pan Xiaopo, who felt that he understood, directly pulled a small team to help educate others, not with the boss, but to do it himself.

Pan Xiaopo has a lot of business. Breaking his legs is relatively minor and more serious. He is asking children who can't survive at home to help him. As long as you are not old enough, there is always room for manoeuvre if you can't be sentenced to death. After a few votes, Pan Xiaopo became bolder and bolder, and he simply moved his heart to become famous as the boss.

Pan Xiaopo, who was consciously in the rising stage, met a rich man through some twists and turns, and the rich man told Pan Xiaopo some truth. Nowadays, you can't really fight hard enough to become the boss. This is an era when merchants and bandits have been mixed together. If you want to go up, you still have to have an economic foundation. Pan Xiaopo felt that this was reasonable. In fact, he also envied those so-called entrepreneurs who turned black and white. He felt that there should be a place in that team.

Then the rich man gave Pan Xiaopo a chance. As long as Pan Xiaopo helps the rich man deal with a person, he can get the first bucket of gold in his life. This money is no more or less, which is exactly twice the total income of Pan Xiaopo's previous business.

For Pan Xiaopo, this is really a lot of money, and he agreed without thinking about it.

Because he attached great importance to this matter, Pan Xiaopo called out his most trusted brothers and prepared them according to the time and place given by the rich man, waiting for any of the license plates mentioned by the rich man to appear.

There are no lights on this section of the road, and the road surface is in very bad condition. As long as the passing car comes here, it has to slow down. Although Pan Xiaopo is not a coastal native, he is very clear about the terrain survey.

Pan Xiaopo is not a brainless person. He always thought that this ticket might be a little bitter. The nobleman didn't say how much he wanted to do it, but only said that if he caught someone to call him. Pan Xiaopo asked his brothers to prepare a lot of cold weapons and took one or two pistols, all of which were hidden in the car.

The wind at night has begun to cool down. Pan Xiaopo curled up in the car and scanned the vehicles coming and forth with a telescope in his hand. Although this job was a little painful, he always felt that this was a dragon gate that could jump over.

Looking back at the few people in the car and the small broken Jetta next to him, Pan Xiaopo inevitably swallowed his saliva.

If you don't see the rabbit and don't sprinkle eagles, Pan Xiaopo will certainly take the money to drink the night breeze here. He feels that he can look forward to the follow-up payment.

Just as Pan Xiaopo was staring intently at the road conditions over there with a telescope, a sound attracted his attention.

In the middle of the night, Pan Xiaopo actually heard the sound of someone knocking on the window in this wilderness.

At first, Pan Xiaopo thought it was someone's posture that touched the window and made a noise. When he found that it was not the case, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.


Like a frightened cat, Pan Xiaopo arched his body and quickly turned his head to ask in horror.

Generally, Pan Xiaopo's courage is not so small, but at this time, he has something on his mind, and he is indeed a little shocked.

Not only was Pan Xiaopo scared, but also the little brothers he brought were shocked. Several dark cars were lit up with mobile phone lights, which was like a meeting of little stars.

Pan Xiaopo fixed his eyes and saw that there was a dark-skinned skinny man standing outside the car door. The man was wearing a large vest with the common sports pattern, which was dirty and wore a straw hat on his head. A pair of thick blue trousers rolled up in half, revealing dry and thin calves and a pair of slippers on his feet.

This man's face is a little stubble. At first glance, he is the kind of person who usually does a lot of physical work. He has a dull smile on his face, which is illuminated by the light of those mobile phones and looks a little fright.

This shape was probably too impactless. Although he smiled stiffly, Pan Xiaopo suddenly recovered from the tension. He looked at the man outside the car window and stared at him to make a scary expression. But when he saw the man shining by the light of his mobile phone outside the car window, he grinned again and was still embarrassed. Then he stretched out his hand and said a word.

Pan Xiaopo didn't hear clearly through the window, but he understood the man's movements.

Is this to borrow fire? The mouth shape is also similar, although Pan Xiaopo doesn't know much about the native dialect of the Binhai generation...

"Get out of here, no!" Pan Xiaopo was annoyed, waved his hand to the man through the window, turned his head and looked at the situation on the road.

Who knew that the man was quite patient, so he stood stupidly outside the window and looked at the driver's seat on Pan Xiaopo's side.

Several little brothers in the other Jetta car couldn't see it. Two of them took their mobile phones back, opened the door and surrounded the farmer directly.

Pan Xiaopo also felt very unlucky. When he saw several little brothers going to chase the man, he thought that the little brothers were quite sensible, but when he thought about it carefully, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

This generation is divided into villages according to the coastal area. If this provokes the local migrant workers, those people will be much more professional than their own... Thinking of the scene of being stuck and thrown away, Pan Xiaopo really sweated coldly and immediately threw the telescope to the co-driver. The brother who drove on pushed the door and went down.

The two younger brothers who got off the bus first were about to reach out to push the black and thin man like a migrant worker. Pan Xiaopo looked back at the roadside and shouted in a low voice, " Stop!"

The two younger brothers were a little confused, but they still stopped according to Pan Xiaopo's instructions and waited for the boss's instructions.

Pan Xiaopo took another look at the man. He had the typical numbness of the bottom worker on his face, and his eyes were not bright. After such a close observation, Pan Xiaopo was relieved.

"Take it, let's go."

Throw his limited version of the flame god ZIPPO to the man, and Pan Xiaopo said to the two younger brothers, "Go back, don't come down without my order."

The two younger brothers looked at the lighter thrown out by Pan Xiaopo and were a little greedy, but they still turned back to the car honestly under Pan Xiaopo's stressed eyes.

As soon as the two people turned around, Pan Xiaopo felt black in front of his eyes.

The lighter was still flying out of the arc in the air, and the black-faced man suddenly punched Pan Xiaopo in the face without warning.

The action is too fast. Pan Xiaopo has been fighting with people for so many years, and he doesn't know that people can move so fast.

And so cruel.

That feeling is like a heavy hammer falling on his face. Before Pan Xiaopo could experience it carefully, the pervasive force has penetrated into the cells along the skin bones on the surface, stirring up all the body reflexes that can feel pain.

Pan Xiaopo's brain was blank by this punch. Before he could react anything, another punch had fallen on his face.

Two punches in a row!

Pan Xiaopo felt that he had been released from the top of his head to his chin by a magnitude 12 earthquake, and countless stars flew in the earthquake. He couldn't even open his eyes to see the real world.

Then Pan Xiaopo heard a few exclamation.

The doors of the two cars were opened just now, exclaiming from the two front and rear Jettas, from those little brothers.

Then Pan Xiaopo felt the third punch and hit him in the chest, as if a punch could hit the air in his lungs. Pan Xiaopo felt as if the ribs around his chest were trembling.

After the third punch hit, Pan Xiaopo originally wanted to reach out to touch the gun at his waist, but his calf hurt again. His whole body was pressed to the ground and the gun at his waist was directly removed.

When Pan Xiaopo recovered from his dizziness, he could see the situation clearly

All the little brothers were tied up tightly, and a group of young people who obviously came out to mix were watching.

The gun on his body has been held in the hand by the black-faced man. He looked down at his eyes and his eyes were still dull and stiff, but the posture of holding the gun was extremely correct.

Seeing this scene, Pan Xiaopo knew that he had fallen.

They have been prepared for their ambush for a long time, and they are obviously more prepared, and there is no chance to turn the table on their side.

The black-faced man turned his head and nodded to a slightly fat young man. The young man came over with a smile, took out a plastic button specially used to bind people from his pocket and gave Pan Xiaopo two gloves.

"Brother, how do we deal with this product?"

The black-faced man still stood still in place, as if the pile driver was not his hand just now. He thought for a moment and said, "Wait for the phone call."

After he said this, the phone really came.