My Goddess

Chapter 438 Crying with Joy

As Su Yifan saw, Cai Qi, who was dressed in a dress, did not wear the iconic sunglasses on her face, but her whole face was light without powder, and her eyes were a little dodging Su Yifan's gaze, and her posture seemed to be a little shy.

Su Yifan has never seen Cai Qi behave like this before - well, he didn't see it before last night. Since he lowered his head and kissed Cai Qi's scar, the girl's performance became slightly awkward.

Of course, what is really surprising is the scar on Cai Qi's face, which has almost disappeared now. Su Yifan knew that there would be no way in the world to make the scar disappear overnight. He should have used the previous method to cover it. But this is not the point. The point is that Cai Qi met people in such a manner under the arrangement of Su Xiaoqing, which obviously represents Su Xiaoqing's attitude.

Su Xiaoqing probably feels that the punishment can be over. She has more say than Cai Yan in this matter. Even Cai Yan, whose status has been greatly improved in the Cai family, has to listen to Su Xiaoqing on this issue.

Su Yifan was stunned and really didn't know what to say. Looking at Cai Qi's elegant appearance, he was a little shocked.

Cai Qi used to show people in a quite mature manner, but today's completely clear appearance makes people remember that she is just a young girl. No matter how she shows her maturity and ruthlessness, she is just a young man who has just begun her life.

Su Xiaoqing laughed jokingly and said in a relaxed tone: "Today, there will be no good party. You don't have to look outside like this. Sit down."

Since Su Xiaoqing spoke, Cai Qi had no reason not to listen, and Zhang Yao was also very obedient. Only Su Yifan was qualified to stand still for a while before sitting down.

In the semi-closed six-person platform, Su Xiaoqing sat on one side by himself, while Cai Qi and Zhang Yao sat around Su Yifan respectively, and the stars held the moon at the center of him.

Su Yifan is actually not unfamiliar with this situation. In the absence of Su Xiaoqing's appearance, many times the girls will sit around him.

Of course, Su Yifan does not think that this ranking method is related to feelings. He knows that the main reason is that he can make people feel a little safe.

Su Xiaoqing never seems to dominate this scene and does not take the initiative to provoke a conversation, but the focus of the two girls is obviously on her, and her sense of existence is very strong.

"Don't look at me, I'm eating today." Su Xiao glanced at Cai Qi, who was still uneasy, and spoke in a flat voice without any pressure. "Yesterday, your reaction was good."

Cai Qi was uncomfortable with Su Xiaoqingjian. She felt that Su Xiaoqing's eyes were like being able to see through all the disguises in her body, and her pride and indifference were completely useless in front of Su Xiaoqing. And just after being teased by Su Yifan, Cai Qi felt that she was quite uncomfortable sitting next to Su Yifan.

If she is uncomfortable, she will still sit next to Su Yifan.

In this strange city, Cai Qi has no one to rely on. Those who can carry out her orders will not give people a sense of security. Only Su Yifan, who has a deep hatred with her in theory, is the most reliable.

Su Yifan keenly felt Cai Qi's uneasiness. He stretched out his hand and gently patted Cai Qi under the table to reassure her.

Su Yifan often did this action, but Cai Qi was undoubtedly the most responsive one. She trembled like an electric shock all over, and then the whole person slowly relaxed.

Su Xiaoqing didn't ask Cai Qi what she likes to eat. Maybe she knew, maybe she didn't care. But after ordering, Cai Qi realized that she might have no secrets for Su Xiaoqing. Su Xiaoqing ordered different sets for four people, and the taste matching is completely based on everyone's preferences. This made Cai Qi more convinced that if she really had a small move, she would have no place to escape in front of Su Xiaoqing.

"I..." Cai Qi opened her mouth and wanted to answer what Su Xiao said, but she couldn't say anything. Now Cai Qi realized why her sister Cai Yan didn't even dare to see Su Xiaoqing's face at the beginning. Such a person may not even be able to overwhelm her with the appearance of the current head of the Cai family.

Su Xiaoqing ignored Cai Qi's twist and turned to Su Yifan and said, "Are you satisfied with Cai Qi's work?"

Before Su Yifan could answer, he had found that Cai Qi's expression around him seemed to be very strange. The struggling expression seemed a little pitiful, and his eyes fell on him pitifully.

Su Yifan, who had basically understood Su Xiaoqing's intention, paused for a moment, nodded slowly while Cai Qi almost held her breath, and confirmed, "I'm very satisfied."

Su Xiao gently snapped his fingers: "Okay, that's good."

Cai Qi also breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had been pardoned by death. Her back was completely leaning against the sofa seat, and her breath fluctuated and made the two groups on her chest rise and fall, which was very dazzling.

Su Yifan smiled helplessly at Su Xiaoqing: "You still like this way."

Su Xiaoqing also smiled and said, "Since everyone thinks you are crucial, of course you are crucial."

Although Zhang Yao couldn't understand what the two were talking about, she saw tears oozing from the corners of Cai Qi's eyes and immediately drew a tissue and handed it to Cai Yan.

There is a Su Yifan between the two, but it does not hinder their movements. Cai Qi took the paper towel, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, nodded to Zhang Yao and said, "Thank you."

This thanks should be limited to Zhang Yao, Su Xiaoqing, Su Yifan, and many other recent events.

Su Xiaoqing waved his hand as if he would not be infected by this emotion at all and said, "Don't think it's okay. It's definitely not over."

Cai Qi lowered her head and continued to wipe her tears. She looked a little pitiful without saying anything, but Su Yifan did not go to comfort her this time.

This emotion still needs to be digested by himself. Su Yifan felt that Cai Qi should be more happy than sad at this moment. Su Yifan felt that Cai Qi actually did not need to share it with others.

"Do you have a very similar feeling?" Su Xiao looked down at Cai Qi and gave full play to her ability to complain about various problems. "Just like a beautiful woman who turned into a beast in a fairy tale, she finally has a chance to be a new person."

Su Yifan almost wanted to kneel down to thank Su Xiaoqing. She did not say that she kissed Cai Qi in front of Zhang Yao to save face.

Cai Qi nodded with sobs, and then covered her face and continued to cry.

This emotion has been held in my heart for too long. At this moment, it can finally be completely vented, and Cai Qi doesn't want to put up with it.

It took a long time for this kind of restaurant to serve food. Cai Qi cried about two packets of facial tissues before she recovered. She still looked refreshing, but her eyes were pitifully red and swollen.

Su Xiao pointed to the position under Cai Qi's eyes and said, "Keep it. It's still in a disguise, but it only takes a week to recover. Starting tonight, tear off the wound again and apply the medicine. If you can't do it yourself, let Su Yifan help you, okay?"

Cai Qi nodded repeatedly. As time went by, she actually had no confidence in the disappearance of her scar. Su Xiaoqing suddenly lit up hope and made Cai Qi feel that the world was much better.

Su Yifan kissed himself yesterday, and today Su Xiaoqing decided to help him heal the wound. Cai Qi didn't have to think about it and understand the relationship. Before that, Cai Qi had wondered how good the relationship between Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing was, and now she understands.

In retrospect, Su Yifan's kiss may be an expression of his attitude, right? Cai Qi wants to thank Su Yifan now, but she knows it's not the right occasion.

Su Xiaoqing only said the problem once, and then shifted the topic to another direction.

"After Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing come back tomorrow, if you want to see Jin Shenhong, remember to prepare a little. Although that person's ability is average, he is not bold. However, since Yang Zongyuan can't do anything to you, Jin Shenhong guess you don't talk about it.

Su Yifan also knew that Su Xiaoqing was explaining what happened after she left. He nodded and said, "I know... Jin Shenhong should not be stupid enough to do something directly to me, right?"

"He doesn't dare to tear his face. Some of the interests he represents are related to the South Korean authorities. However, I don't rule out the possibility that Jin Shenhong will find someone to cause you some trouble or something. This kind of small thing is not risky, and it is easy to drag you down.

Speaking of this, Su Yifan smiled and said, "I know this well."

"Well, that's why I'm not too worried." Su Xiaoqing said, "Although AUU cooperated with me, I can't guarantee that if I really have some trouble, they won't fall into the well."

Su Yifan asked, "Is Nell all right now?"

"Not bad, better than you think." Su Xiao smiled and said, "What, do you miss her?"

Su Yifan admitted shyly: "A little..."

Cai Qi knew who Neil was and was slightly stunned. Although she had never been in direct contact with the girl, she knew that she was powerful and difficult to deal with.

Su Xiaoqing mentioned Neil, and Cai Qi thought that this was nothing more than reminding herself that her importance was not so strong and that she might be replaced by another girl at any time.

Since Su Xiaoqing's intention has been so ready to come out, Cai Qi certainly dares not be unresponsive.

She thought for a moment and sat a little closer to Su Yifan and leaned forward. The plump part was almost on the table and was about to rub Su Yifan.

Su Xiao smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Nelle still has something to do, just wait."


Su Xiaoqing turned his head and said to Cai Qi, "Don't worry about it. If you really want to prove to Cai Yadong that you are not a burden, just do something."

Cai Qi looked neat and almost bit her lip and nodded.

Su Xiaoqing glanced at Zhang Yao again, and her eyes became very gentle.

"Zhang Yao doesn't have to worry. When you leave the high school campus, life will become colorful."

Zhang Yao actually didn't understand the true meaning of Su Xiaoqing's words, but she still stared at Su Xiaoqing, and her eyes were so clean that people like Su Yifan were ashamed.

Because the dishes were about to be served, the conversation between several people was temporarily suspended. Su Yifan looked at the exquisite dishes being served and was about to say something when a phone call suddenly came in.

I took out the phone and took a look. The phone call was from Han Yun.

After answering the phone, Han Yun didn't talk nonsense and said bluntly.

"Zhuang Shihan said that it was done and let you meet her."