My Goddess

Chapter 456 The World Changed for You

The center of the venue is the circular auditorium and stage, which was obviously planned to be used for concerts or some performances when it was built a long time ago. After all, when it comes to business activities that can really recover costs, this category is the focus.

The ticket checking process is very cumbersome. It is necessary to verify the code and provide some booking information. Of course, this kind of strictness is also good, that is, the infield is relatively not chaotic. The two walked through the scalpers waving tickets at the door, all the way into the infield, and followed the VIP passage of the auditorium all the way to the front of the center.

Cheng Shuixin really paid some money. The tickets she ordered for herself and Su Yifan were actually the best place. Su Yifan knew that these two tickets would cost ordinary students for a few months. At that time, Cheng Shuixin had not had the opportunity to get a large reward from herself. She used almost all her pocket money to buy these two tickets.

Thinking of this floor, Su Yifan felt that the girl with one arm was so beautiful that she couldn't compare with an angel.

Cheng Shuixin felt Su Yifan's eyes and turned her head and smiled at him.

"Let's sit down first. There will be too many people and it will be messy."

Su Yifan also knew that he was a little unscrupulous, but his purpose was very simple. As long as Cheng Shuixin does not continue to wear her arm, she will not have some strange thoughts in her heart.

It is said that today is everyone here, and it is Cheng Shuixin's birthday. Su Yifan should not have such a strange idea, but he feels that his mind seems to be out of control.

The two found their own seats and sat down, feeling a lot of envious eyes on the stands around them. The position in the infield is almost the best. Although they are all otaku, there are not many people who are willing to spend this money.

"This is my first time listening to a game concert." Cheng Shuixin looked around and looked a little excited. "Do you mind if I take a few photos?"

Of course, Su Yifan didn't mind, so Cheng Shuixin took out her camera and took a few pictures left and right at the stands and the stage.

There is no ban on photography at the entrance of the concert. I guess I know that this kind of thing can't be stopped now, so I'll go with everyone.

Su Yifan looked at the camera taken out by Cheng Shuixin and immediately smiled.

That's a Laika, which is almost the same as the one Su Xiaoqing threw to Su Yifan. Cheng Shuixin obviously had money to buy it after returning from the United States, and it should be online shopping. No one in Binhai has the courage to throw such a luxury camera at the counter and wait for the price.

"Have you found the feeling of taking pictures again?"

"Record the beautiful moments of life." Cheng Shuixin took a few selfies for herself and Su Yifan with Laika, and their faces were going to stick together. "Take a few pictures on your birthday, it's more important to enjoy life at ordinary times."

Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin's side face and suddenly felt a little distressed. He knew that Cheng Shuixin also took a long time to suppress the fear in his heart and show his smile to himself.

"Since it's important to enjoy life, don't be so tired." Su Yifan reached out and pinched Cheng Shuixin's finger, "Be kind to yourself."

Cheng Shuixin was obviously stunned by Su Yifan's action, and then turned her head and smiled.

"I'm good enough for myself, but you should be good to yourself."

Su Yifan felt that Cheng Shuixin's smile made him a little panic.

"I'm also good to myself."

That's all for the discussion between the two people. Su Yifan knew that she would pay attention to everything Cheng Shuixin said, and Cheng Shuixin also understood that Su Yifan's advice often contained more warm protection. Both of them will consider each other's mood coincidentally, so there is no need to say too much.

As more and more people enter, the whole venue has become very lively and has almost become a sea of mobile phones and handheld game consoles. Countless LCD screens shine under the light, like stars all over the sky.

Cheng Shuixin put away her camera and asked Su Yifan, "Did I hate it before?"

Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin in surprise: "I asked someone such a question on my birthday. Are you really going to relax for your birthday today?"

Cheng Shuixin squeezed her lips and smiled. She liked Su Yifan's reaction now. Although it has not been a long time since the clumsy teenager, Cheng Shuixin knows what kind of struggle Su Yifan has experienced. Su Yifan, who is sitting next to him now, has experienced many storms that others can't imagine. Especially this time after returning from New York, Cheng Shuixin had a deeper understanding of how terrible some of the dangers Su Yifan had faced before.

Because of this, Cheng Shuixin feels more and more that the time for two people to sit here and listen to game concerts is precious and rare.

There was a program list on everyone's seat. Cheng Shuixin picked up the track list and put it down. Then she leaned her head on Su Yifan's shoulder and narrowed her eyes without saying anything.

Su Yifan enjoyed this feeling very much. He felt that even if he had done so much before, it was worth it.

Every good time you have to spend safely requires hard work to get it. Su Yifan feels that he has experienced a lot and seems to have finally understood this truth.

On the big screen in front of us, there are visual effects that beat with music, and the audience below are basically waiting quietly instead of cheering and fluorescent sticks like ordinary concerts.

This state made Su Yifan feel very familiar, and he used to be one of this quiet waiting.

Only now, at this moment, Cheng Shuixin, a girl who was once coveted by countless people, lies on her shoulder. The orchid-like breath is close at hand. Su Yifan feels that life is indeed infinite possibilities. Those things that once felt unlikely finally came at this moment, just like the miracles seen on the big screen this night.

This miracle is that he has come to the present step by step. Su Yifan is a little proud, but he will think of Su Xiaoqing's smiling face all the time and misses her a little.

More and more people entered the venue. Not long after, the venue began to gradually turn off the lights, until there was only a pillar of light left on the stage, and today's guest host came to the stage.

On the night of the game concert, a host who can't afford to hire a big card came a famous editor of the game media, with a faint bad smile on his face and a cold joke in his mouth: "Good evening, everyone, are you all ready for tonight? Some people say that he thinks Monster Hunter's music is **, and I have to correct this statement. We are all ** tonight!"

The otaku men and women under the stage gave generous applause, as well as whistles and cheers. The scene suddenly became warm. Cheng Shuixin, who was lying on Su Yifan's shoulder, did not get up, but changed her posture and leaned more comfortably against him.

Su Yifan also reached out to hold Cheng Shuixin's waist on the road and turned his head and kissed her hair with some heartbeat.

Cheng Shuixin sighed slightly, which was the kind of satisfaction, and leaned into Su Yifan's arms.

Su Yifan felt quite enjoyable, but he soon realized that it was a venue for otaku everywhere. He looked around and looked around, and indeed some dissatisfied and resentful eyes shot over.

Su Yifan, who felt slightly uneasy, was a little embarrassed and relieved. He felt that holding Cheng Shuixin like this was more important than caring about those eyes.

The game concert started very quickly, and the front was not much. Soon, it began to get to the point from a magnificent theme song of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Su Yifan was a little distracted in the sound of this music. He remembered the time he had when he had played games alone at home.

Those times are actually very beautiful, but I'm almost forgetting them.

In the middle of the music, Shuixin approached Su Yifan's ear and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Su Yifan hesitated for a moment, put his mouth to Cheng Shuixin's ear and said, "I'm thinking about how much I have changed."

Cheng Shuixin pressed Su Yifan's ear and said, "It will change. Don't think too much."

Su Yifan nodded and kissed Cheng Shuixin's ear again.

This kiss was too gentle. Cheng Shuixin felt a burning heat flowing through her body. She looked at Su Yifan angrily, but did not sit up straight.

The music was played one after another, and the atmosphere in the field became very warm.

Cheers, applause, and whistles came one after another, and game fans with common interests exchanged their feelings and expressed their joy.

After all, there is only one game concert like this in a year.

Su Yifan listened to these cheers and felt a little ups and downs, but what he cared more about was that his hand seemed to slip into Cheng Shuixin's autumn clothes and touched the fat.

Cheng Shuixin still has no reaction, as if Su Yifan's actions did not cause any trouble to her.

Su Yifan was hot, but he didn't dare to continue to do anything deeper. He knew that today was Cheng Shuixin's birthday, and he should not go too much.

But he really couldn't help it... Touching and touching, Su Yifan felt that his skin had become hotter and smoother, and he still didn't want to withdraw his hand.

Looking at Cheng Shuixin leaning on his shoulder from the side, Su Yifan felt that her expression was still very calm. He looked directly at the big screen on the stage and looked at the familiar game CG animations, as if he had not been disturbed by his strange hands.

Now that he is familiar with Cheng Shuixin, Su Yifan knows that this is just an appearance, as if Cheng Shuixin can always do a perfect job in the face of Zhao Xuan's strength.

Looking at the girls around him so quietly, Su Yifan felt that it was no longer important whether he looked at the big screen or not. Cheng Shuixin's way is very unique. She always does so well and excellent before telling others how strong and stubborn she is.

The two hugged each other and listened to the whole game concert, and they were not separated until the last part.

In the short time before the return track began, Cheng Shuixin suddenly turned her head and said to Su Yifan, "This is my happiest birthday."

Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin, and his heart was like a sigh. The sound echoed and the sound was long.

For this love, Su Yifan felt that he could change the whole world.