My Goddess

Chapter 450 The Safest Flight in the World

The man stabbed by Jerry snorted, and his whole body softened in an instant and collapsed to the ground.

Although the captain in the driver's seat was knowledgeable, he was also drunk when he saw Jerry hurting one person and killing another in an instant... Oh, no, he was scared, and his wrist almost made the plane fall vertically.

The configuration of the two crews made the whole cab a little crowded, but these did not stop Jerry's strength. He knocked down another person without looking at it. These strong aviation girls were like paper in front of him, and there was no room for resistance.

Jerry didn't expect things to go so smoothly. After putting them down, only the captain and the alternate captain dared not act rashly and dared not look at Jerry.

Violence sometimes has this benefit. It doesn't need to reason anything. It's just a simple and direct action, which not only shows attitude, but also solves the problem.

Jerry put away his blood-stained right hand, looked directly at the captain whose hands began to tremble, and said, "Turn off the communication first."

The interval between the plane and the ground is not short, which is enough time for Jerry to make some changes. The captain took a look at Jerry's right hand, which had been stained with blood, and did it without hesitation.

Since Jerry can find the locker line of the cockpit door from the outside, the seemingly complex dashboard and various switches in front of him must not be hidden from this person's eyes. The captain doesn't want to fake anything.

Jerry looked at the captain's movements and nodded slightly, without the smile after success.

"Wait patiently for a while. We are looking for another observer."

The captain is a typical American, in his thirties, handsome and sunny, and can simply advertise for airlines. He stared at Jerry for a while and found that he could not see anything from the hijacker's expression. He could only subconsciously look down at the alarm button under the dashboard.

Jerry didn't give the captain much time to think. His body suddenly leaned forward, and his whole body was like a rattlesnake. The hand without a metal fist in his left hand directly hit the captain's chest.

This punch made the captain unable to even touch the alarm.

After doing this viper-like move, Jerry still stood firmly in place, and he turned to look at the door. At the same time, he kicked another co-pilot who was going to get up and struggle again, and said to the alternate captain who was still trembling, "You don't need me to teach you how to resume communication in five minutes, right?"

The substitute captain nodded tremblingly and didn't dare to say anything. Looking at Jerry, his eyes were quite frightened.

At this time, the stewardesses had screamed and rushed over the first class, and their panic successfully caused panic among all passengers. No matter how much training you receive, the reaction of normal people when they really encounter terrorist attacks is similar. The theory of the stewardesses is undoubtedly superior, but they immediately appear weak and weak in the face of real terrorists.

There is indeed more than one inspector on this flight, and the other inspector is at the end of the economy class by the window, slowly enjoying a less delicious plane meal. When he found that something was wrong, he immediately pretended to be like all the passengers, with a confused expression on his face and covered himself up.

Under this cover, the ombudsman tried to observe the expression of each passenger around him, hoping to capture something different from it.

Since the hijacking has happened, the first thing to do is to calm yourself down, hide yourself, and then find the hijacker's companions.

This kind of hijacking is usually not a person's whim. Since it is organized and planned, if you want to control the situation, you have to wait for others to be exposed before considering the plan.

The inspector didn't know whether there was any support on the plane, but he knew that if it was still a death hijacking this time, he had to do something.

After the pain of 911, the world has a rather strong response to the hijacking, especially this kind of international Airbus.

The inspector took a deep breath and continued to show the panic on his face, but heard a woman next to him sobbing slightly.

Look at the woman around her with the corners of her eyes. She is a blonde girl, about 27 or 28 years old and has a good figure.

The blonde girl covered her face and made a sad cry similar to the despair of small animals. This scene inevitably makes anyone feel sad when they see it.

The inspector also felt a little pain when he saw this scene.

In the face of disasters and terrors, people's vulnerability is always too easy to show, and it is also the easiest to touch other people's hearts.

After a moment of hesitation, the inspector whispered to the blonde, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

The blonde covered her face and shook her head. Her legs curled up, and her whole body shrank into a ball in a rather instinctive self-protection posture, as if refusing to listen to anyone's advice.

Seeing that his persuasion was useless, the inspector sighed and could only continue to observe the crowd in **.

So many people on the plane, young and old, good-looking mediocre, and all kinds of expressions are struggling in the whirlpool of anxiety and fear. The inspector tried to distinguish for a while, but still could not confirm which was the companion of the hijacker. He had to give up his efforts and sit back to the seat with a sigh.

While the inspector sat down, the sobbing blonde around him turned her head and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Will we die?" The blonde asked the inspector in a desperate tone.

The inspector shook his head with a heavy face, which did not mean that he would not, but that he did not know. At present, it is not easy to control the scene in this chaotic situation. As for the reversal... That is the situation that only happens in hero movies, and he has never expected it.

The blonde covered her face and began to cry again, which was still heartbreaking and pitiful.

The inspector was not in the mood to comfort the blonde. He tried to adjust his breathing, but he didn't know how to do it. On the plane, the inspector will have a special communication device to pity the crew, but now he is not afraid to send any messages with this thing. He knows that someone must be waiting for his exposure.

After just a few seconds, the supervisor felt that the pressure in his heart was gradually increasing, and he now did not know what to do to change all this, but he knew that he had to be more patient.

The sobs around him were a little smaller. The inspector didn't look at the blonde. He wanted to find out and take a look at the situation at the end of the cabin passage.

At this time, a pair of hands were pressed on the back of the inspector, and something sharp pierced his body in an instant.

The body was cold almost instantly. The ombier found that he was stabbed into his body by something and tried to turn around. He wanted to see who was so decisive, but found that his body began to paralyze uncontrollably.

With the remaining strength in his body, the inspector saw that the blonde who had just cried to him was holding a wire in his arms.

You don't need to ask where the thing comes from, and the killing weapon hidden on the bra.

The blonde's eyes were no longer pitiful. She glanced at the ombier and pulled him to herself with a blank face. The posture of the two people looked like a weak woman lying on a strange man and trembling, and there was no sense of discord at all.

At the same time, Jerry, standing in the cockpit, received a text message.

At the same time, the man who first opened the laptop in business class stood up and began to walk to first class in chaos.

Because the scene was so chaotic that no one wanted to stop him. The man successfully walked through the crowd to the first class. He saw that his target was still lying on the sofa chair, and his eyes were slightly closed as beautiful as if it should not exist in the world.

There are also many people in first class, including Europeans and Americans, and more than a dozen people from China. After screaming, some of these people reacted strongly and some showed caution. Many people were questioning the stewardess loudly, but the stewardesses who were already quite afraid didn't say anything. They knew that they could not continue to expand the panic.

When the man appeared in first class, almost everyone's eyes focused on him. Many people in the first class are well-informed and can see the difference between this man and others at a glance.

A very standard European appearance, a slightly bald forehead, a very straight face, a pair of glasses on his face, and a suit.

In other words, this is the dress of managers or lawyers everywhere. Such people rarely take first class, but they will definitely indicate their relationship with the general public in business class.

This man didn't look at the others in the first class, but only focused on Su Xiaoqing.

Oura, who was sitting next to Su Xiaoqing, moved his eyebrows slightly and turned his head to look at the man.

The man completely ignored the strong pressure brought by Euler, still looked at Su Xiaoqing and announced in peaceful British English, "We have controlled this plane."

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone in the first class changed their faces!

It's really a hijacking, and it's a premeditated hijacking!

Su Xiaoqing opened her eyes at this time. She looked at the man, and there was no fear or worry in her eyes.

"Oh, I know."

Su Xiaoqing's indifferent expression was purely forced by the man's eyes. He stared at Su Xiaoqing and continued, "You know that the plane is being manipulated by our people. We can prove this with the captain's radio later."

Su Xiaoqing still looked at the man indifferently.

"The European Union once claimed that this was the safest flight in the world."

The man showed a very business smile.

"That's an advertisement. I can't believe it."

"I believe it."

The man didn't say anything, just took a step back. I don't know if it was due to the pressure from Euler or just because he wanted to show his demeanor.

At this time, the captain's radio finally began to sound in the plane, and both first class and economy class could hear the radio content.

"Hm, everyone, I'm not the captain, but I actually used this broadcasting system." It was a little rigid voice, "That is to say, I must regret to inform everyone that this plane is now under our control."

When this sentence came out, most people on the plane finally couldn't stand it and began to exclaim and scream.


Let's talk about it... The reason for the slow speed recently is that my lumbar spine is not very good, and I'm still recovering, and there were indeed too many common things a while ago, which led to a chapter a day. I would like to express my gratitude and apology to all of you who continue to vote here. I hope I can be in a better physical condition and write more. But this is very long and you have to take your time.

In addition, I actually read the book review area, and I also know what everyone is talking about, but there is really little response. This is also my own problem... After so many years of writing, I haven't received many book reviews. I hope it doesn't hit everyone's enthusiasm. I will try my best to write some PS to brush the sense of existence in the future.

What's more, I want to write a novel about rebirth. What do you think?

Today, make up for yesterday's arrears, at least two chapters. If you are in good condition in the evening, there will be three chapters.