My Goddess

Chapter 458 Broken Era

Yang Zongyuan's attitude was beyond Su Yifan's expectation. He really didn't expect that Yang Zongyuan would see himself with such an attitude.

If what Yang Zongyuan said is true, then Gao Run should not appear, and Su Yifan doesn't have to worry about this boy making another trick to himself. Since Yang Zongyuan has pained himself with the history of the Chen family, Su Yifan can also guess part of what he wants to say next.

The painting style that Yang Zongyuan and Su Yifan knew was really much worse. He was stunned, but he did not show more emotions.

"What are you trying to do?" Su Yifan maintained his usual style and calmly said to Yang Zongyuan, "This kind of drama is really not suitable for you."

At this time, Yang Zongyuan's strength seemed to have disappeared. He lowered his head and did not answer for a long time, and his eyes did not look directly at Su Yifan.

Su Yifan looked at Yang Zongyuan and said, "If it's venting, I understand you, but I don't sympathize. It doesn't matter to me what you have experienced. I only care about your current position.

Yang Zongyuan was silent for a while before slowly raising his head and staring at Su Yifan and asking, "What do you think I am now?"

Su Yifan looked at the man and said meaningfully, "I don't believe you."

Yang Zongyuan smiled bitterly and shook his head mockingly: "I know you don't believe me, so I chose this way to see you."

"How do I know it's not a bitter meat trick?" Su Yifan asked, "You are so capricious, I believe that you are tantamount to making yourself more dangerous, what do you think?"

Yang Zongyuan looked at Su Yifan and said, "I have a better way, safer and safer, or I can hide myself for a while. I can't get anything from you. Why did I have to work so hard to see you? What does it mean to me to kill you or catch you?

"What's the point of competing with me?" Su Yifan asked, "Didn't you still do it?"

Yang Zongyuan was silent, and he really couldn't explain this. Su Yifan has something that makes him feel very uncomfortable. For this feeling, he left the United States alone, hoping to beat Su Yifan in the front competition.

Of course, all this has disappeared with the appearance of Xiao Ke, but Yang Zongyuan has to admit that in some days in the past, a lingering shadow in his heart is Su Yifan.

If he is in the position of Su Yifan, Yang Zongyuan can't believe that his opportunity is so simple.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not, at least listen to me first."

Su Yifan looked at Yang Zongyuan and let Chu Ruo sit down first.

"You said."

Yang Zongyuan looked at Su Yifan for a few seconds. He couldn't confirm whether the other party was the kind of person who could entrust himself, but he had no choice now.

"Well... You see, my relationship with Yang Jialiang has always been good, otherwise the Yang family will not give me a corresponding status. The education I received since I was a child made me believe that I am indeed unique. I don't need to tell you in detail about the things that Xiaoke left me. They are enough for me to gain an advantage less conspicuously among my peers. Anyway, as long as it looks slightly better in the Yang family and exposes some obvious shortcomings, Mrs. Yang has always been reassuring to me.

"But that's the problem." Yang Zongyuan sighed at Su Yifan and continued, "The relationship between me and the Yang family is too deep. No one can understand this kind of thing. I think you can understand it, right?"

Su Yifan certainly understands that the longer the contact between people, the more emotional changes will occur. Yang Zongyuan has been in the Yang family for so long, Yang Jialiang has been very good to him, and his heart must have changed.

Yang Zongyuan smiled bitterly and said, "Anyway, I really hesitated later. I didn't know that Zhao Xuan was my partner until Zhao Xuan took action against Yang Bingbing. Later, I was not surprised to think about it carefully. Zhao Xuan has been the best with me since I was a child. The relationship between us has always been very good, which is not without reason.

Su Yifan looked at Yang Zongyuan and said lightly, "Do you think your decision is right now?"

Yang Zongyuan replied seriously, "If you know what Xiao Ke wants to do, you won't think there is anything wrong with my idea."

"What does Shaw want to do?"

"On the surface, Shock has a broad network in the American military and political circles. Even if he has disappeared for 20 years, these relationships are still there. He will use these relationships to build his own ideal country." Yang Zongyuan said, "As the person who laid the American talent cultivation plan and future plan, do you think his ideal is really to be a prince?"

"I have no good will, and I can't think of a more meaningful goal." Su Yifan said.

Yang Zongyuan laughed and said, "Are you not promising? What you do casually makes people almost start to question my previous life for more than 20 years, okay? Some time ago, someone asked me that you created tens of millions of dollars of value out of nothing. How do I feel about being the proud son of heaven? Do you know what I thought at that time? I don't think I'm the best of heaven. You are the proud son of heaven!"

Su Yifan looked at Yang Zongyuan blankly, shook his head and said, "If you think so, you are really finished."

Yang Zongyuan laughed at himself: "Yes, I can't let myself think so, so I'll think of something good. I think I should be friends with you, not enemies.

"I don't want to be friends with you." Su Yifan replied, "You are so disgusting."

Yang Zongyuan was really disgusted for the first time since he was a child. He looked at Su Yifan with a little astonishment and laughed for a while before laughing, "Why do you think I'm disgusting?"

"Actually, you are the most capable person to solve these problems." Su Yifan said rudely, "Zhao Xuan likes you so much. If you pick her up and let her fall in love, she will definitely forget to help Xiaoke. You just want to pick up Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin. How can Zhao Xuan be worthy of his IQ if he doesn't do something earth-shaking?

Speaking of Cheng Shuixin, Yang Zongyuan also smiled: "I heard that Cheng Shuixin also won Zhao Xuan's game?"

"One game is determined." Su Yifan said lightly, "Zhao Xuan can't win back that momentum."

Yang Zongyuan was slightly silent and admitted, "Yes... Zhao Xuan probably won't win. Although she is very good, she is still too frustrated here with you and Su Xiaoqing, and nothing can be done."

Su Yifan said in a slightly mocking tone, "I don't know how Zhao Xuan felt when he heard this comment."

"She has always been too confident." Yang Zongyuan said that Zhao Xuan always had a little doting helplessness, "Although some of the character development was decided before birth, it is still too much and will affect his future life."

Su Yifan looked at Yang Zongyuan coldly: "Are you still thinking about your future life?"

Yang Zongyuan coughed and said with a wry smile, "It's not that he will die tomorrow. Can't you think about it?"

Su Yifan asked, "How do you know you won't die tomorrow?"

"When life is near death, learning seems boundless." Yang Zongyuan looked at Su Yifan and said with a smile, "Isn't this Apple's current CEO's mantra? I think I live on the last day, but I still have to think about the future to have the motivation to live.

Su Yifan unexpectedly felt that today's Yang Zongyuan seemed to be really open to himself, at least such Yang Zongyuan had never imagined before.

"Then tell me, what does Shaw want to do?"

This time, Yang Zongyuan's face showed a faint confusion, and Su Yifan had never seen such an expression on his face.

"I think Xiao Ke wants to establish a new order that is above the current world relations."

Su Yifan thought for a moment and shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't think there will be any new order in the era of hot weapons, above nuclear deterrence?"

Unexpectedly, Yang Zongyuan nodded this time.

Su Yifan's mind was originally **, and he immediately caught Yang Zongyuan's acquiescence.

This default has quite strong helplessness.

"What do you want to say?"

"I think I know a little about Shock." Yang Zongyuan regained his usual serious expression and said to Su Yifan, "What Xiaoke wants is not in this world. Do you understand?"

Su Yifan smiled bitterly and said, "Big brother, I'm only 17 years old. What do you think?"

Yang Zongyuan suddenly sighed.

"If you don't emphasize it, I have forgotten your age."

"I'm still wearing a school uniform." Su Yifan showed Yang Zongyuan his ugly school uniform, "Don't always think of me as old, okay?"

"You have exceeded your age." Yang Zongyuan sighed, "If I hadn't known your position, I would have doubted that you are also a child raised by Xiao Ke."

Su Yifan said seriously, "I'm not. I won't obey anyone."

"Then I'll tell you that." Yang Zongyuan whispered, "There is not much to pay attention to in the world for Shock. He was tired of the East-West confrontation since the last century, and he hopes to use the new era to establish order. As for how to establish it, he didn't specify it. None of us know.

Su Yifan listened carefully and kept every word of Yang Zongyuan in his heart.

"Is that all?"

"This is all." If Yang Zongyuan hadn't tied his hands, he would have spread his hands out. "Shake's plan is in his mind, and he won't tell anyone. Now if he really has a trusted person, I'm afraid it's Zhao Xuan.

Su Yifan shook his head: "Xiao Ke won't trust Zhao Xuan or you. He doesn't trust anyone, but he still needs help now."

Yang Zongyuan agrees with Su Yifan's statement.

"I know... so I make my own choice."

"What did you choose?" Su Yifan raised the corners of his mouth and looked at this once glorious brother, "I thought you left a mess for me and asked me to fight with Xiao Zhu and Masamitsu Ohno. Do you think they can fight me?"

"Xiao Zhu is a waste, and Masamitsu Ohno is almost the same." Yang Zongyuan said disdainfully, "Why do you think I want to find these two people to play with you? They don't pose any threat to you, do they?"

Su Yifan nodded with a smile, and then took a step back to pull up Chu Ruo, who had been sitting for a long time.

"You're right, but I still can't believe you. What should I do?"

Yang Zongyuan laughed and said, "That doesn't matter. I've said everything I should say. I've done what I want to do, and that's enough."

"Is that enough?"

Yang Zongyuan said helplessly, "What if it's not enough? People have to find some reason to deceive themselves, so that life can be less desperate.

Su Yifan pulled Chu Ruo around and walked to the door of the warehouse.

"Is it hope or despair? Leave time to prove it."