My Goddess

Chapter 460 Changing the Pattern

Clover always feels like he has entered another world.

AUU headquarters is already one of the most stringent security systems in the world for Crawford. He has never been to the deepest part of the U.S. Department of Defense, but his knowledge of European intelligence agencies alone can also imagine the strictness there. So not long ago, the Pentagon was directly penetrated, which also shocked him, and then he realized that he might have been too inflated. After all, there are still stronger people and things in this world.

There are many traces of transformation in the interior of the castle. Su Xiaoqing's change here is greater than expected, and he can't see that he wants to come here temporarily. Crawford knew that this was not Su Xiaoqing's trust in AUU, but that people didn't pay attention to AUU at all.

It's just a multinational arms company. Maybe Su Xiaoqing doesn't even care about the United States of America. She just doesn't show it.

Following the LED lights on the ground, Chloe passed through at least five or six doors before coming to a huge room.

As a local snake, Corover knew about this castle, and he once had the idea of buying it. But thinking that I don't have much time to transform, and I don't have much time to come here to enjoy life. Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoqing had the same vision as herself, and she was a little complacent when she thought of this layer of Corover.

The room is not much different from before, but it has become very clean and has some new furniture. Su Xiaoqing sat by the window in the distance and looked into the distance through the window. She heard someone coming in and didn't look back.

Crawford intended to be a little more gentlemanly, but he felt that this way was definitely useless for Su Xiaoqing, so he pushed the door directly in and sat down far away from Su Xiaoqing.

Su Xiaoqing still didn't look back, but his voice came a little lightly.

"Do you like it here?"

Clover felt that he had lived in vain for decades. He was a little nervous about Su Xiaoqing's back and hesitated a little and said, "I don't like it very much."

Su Xiaoqing said, "Yes, this place is not fun enough. It is an ideal place at best and does not meet your aesthetics."

Clovre wanted to laugh, but felt that it seemed too shameful to do so, so he could only cough and say, "It would be better for us to hide in the crowd."

Su Xiaoqing slowly turned around and looked at Crawford and said, "My choice to cooperate with AUU does not mean that I'm worried about what you will do against me. Do you understand?"

Clover did not hesitate this time and nodded quickly.

"Yes, I understand."

Crawford has long learned about Su Xiaoqing's strength, which is one of the reasons why many AUU board members are unwilling to take the initiative to contact this girl. AUU executives are regarded as high-ranking people in the political circle, and few people can do it in a low voice in front of a girl. Since Crawford is responsible for the hijacking, it is naturally one of his responsibilities to meet Su Xiaoqing.

The last time Albert conducted a comprehensive test of Su Xiaoqing with the acquiescence of the group, and the result naturally made all the onlookers' intelligence departments take a deep breath. Su Xiaoqing didn't even use the official power of the Celestial Empire. He solved Albert and others alone, and by the way, he also sounded the alarm for AUU. Although the supporters of Albert in the AUU leadership did not appear, the center of gravity of power has shifted in recent months, and Colover probably guessed who manipulated all this behind his back.

Crawford feels that the most important thing now is how to appease the girl. He can't even think of any benefits to impress the beautiful Asian girl in front of him. The conditions that AUU can give can also be given by other countries and companies. Su Xiaoqing is not without choice. She has too many choices.

And simply in terms of real force, although Su Xiaoqing did not show anything, he felt that there was no need to test it again.

"Say something practical." Su Xiaoqing said, "Who did it?"

Crawford didn't believe that Su Xiaoqing would not know who did it. She made it clear that she wanted to know the sincerity of AUU. Of course, from my own point of view, this matter is really annoying. Su Xiaoqing is willing to come to Europe. If he insists on coming on the plane, he will be more annoyed than Su Xiaoqing.

"It can't be 100% confirmed for the time being." Crawford knew that it was useless for him to play tricks with Su Xiao. In this regard, he could only tell the truth, "It should be that a guy from Central Asia hired a killer..."

At this point, Corover's tongue seemed to be knotted and did not continue.

Su Xiaoqing's light international main promotion of new materials, after half a year of digestion, all countries have a corresponding research direction. Judging from the current situation, many countries have reached a consensus that if they cannot completely mass produce, as long as Su Xiaoqing is at the right price, they can make a large number of industrial purchases.

The importance of graphene and its derivatives to the future industry has been determined, and this semi-young international rising business contains the shadow of the research and development of many countries. Many products have been bought to study the possibility of mass production and how to make the product structure more stable and perfect. However, after a period of research from the beginning of the year to now, in addition to some countries that have made achievements in poor alternatives, most countries have acquiesced to Su Xiaoqing's monopoly position in this regard.

Except Su Xiaoqing, almost no one can provide such a large amount of graphene and derivatives, and the quality is perfect.

AUU is also desperate for this project. At the beginning, he sent Nell to contact Su Yifan, hoping to get a little information. Perhaps a little useful research information can save more than one billion euros for research in the UK and the whole of Europe. Now it seems safer to continue to be Su Xiaoqing's next home. If it is eliminated in this round of new industrial transformation, it is likely to be left behind by the whole era.

Those countries that are not thinking about it are still receiving Su Xiaoqing's stable supply. AUU has been cut off for more than two months and has not been re-supplied until recently. This phased punishment makes AUU helpless, after all, they still have more important deep space programs.

AUU is honest, but some people have new questions about graphene products.

The primary problem of the new industrial revolution is energy. Although there is not much energy used by human beings on earth at present, the oil economy is one of the most important part. In terms of industrial monopoly alone, oil almost dominates the world.

The emergence of graphene provides infinite possibilities for the research of new energy. As long as there is a continuous supply of stable and perfect graphene materials, new energy is no longer a problem at all.

To build a new world is to destroy the old pattern, which is also the main reason why people in the Middle East have wanted to contact Su Xiaoqing.

Some people lying on their underground oil and gas began to worry. As depicted in some science fiction movies before, if someone grasps the key to new energy, he will definitely be persecuted by the old forces, such as Edison has done similar things to Tesla.

Breaking people's money is like killing parents, and it is not difficult for some people to understand what Su Xiaoqing did.

Obviously, Su Xiaoqing was more satisfied with Chloe's answer. She looked at the old man, smiled and asked, "So are you still going to be responsible for this matter?"

This question is a little serious. Before Chloe came, he expected Su Xiaoqing to ask, but he still dares not give a direct answer now.

Su Xiaoqing smiled when she saw the silence: "It's boring. Go back."

These light words made Crawford excited all over. Although he didn't know how to persuade Su Xiaoqing, he knew that he could not let Su Xiaoqing drive himself back like this today.

"Miss Su... we will investigate to the end."

Su Xiao looked down at Crawford, his eyes seemed to be under invisible pressure, and nodded silently, with a more satisfied expression than just now.

Crawford felt that his suit was full of sweat, and he didn't know when it came out.

"Well, since your company can determine your position, we can talk about the next issue."

Clover sat still and did not move. Su Xiaoqing was really rude to him at all and didn't even ask for anything to drink. The decoration of the room is very simple, just like an antique room that has been modified into a public room. Su Xiao's chair is the kind of all-metal chair with free support. Her sitting posture is very beautiful. Even Crawford, who has seen countless beautiful women, feels a little moved.

The old man only dares to be moved. He feels that if his mind is peeped at by Su Xiaoqing, he may not be able to get out of this castle today.

"Miss Su... If you have any other requirements, we will try our best to meet them."

Su Xiao looked down at the man in a straight suit. She knew all the ugly things behind him and all the scenery in front of him, so she looked at him as if she were looking at a rabbit on her farm.

"I have nothing to ask for, but are you unwilling to be elected by everyone to take this responsibility?"

Clover hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't think it was necessary to lie to Su Xiaoqing. He nodded.

"That's right." Su Xiaoqing said, "There are too many members on the board of directors, and everyone has their own thoughts. It's not easy for such an AUU to be strong until now. Do you know who supports Albert to deal with me?

"...I know."

"Do you want to say that name?" Su Xiaoqing asked, "Say it, and your position will change."

Clov had thought about many possibilities before coming to the castle, but he never thought that Su Xiaoqing would force himself to stand in line.

This is really something he never thought of. Crawford looked at Su Xiaoqing and suddenly felt that he had always been smart enough.

Su Xiao looked down at Crawford and asked seriously and directly, "If you become a senior executive director of AUU or even a VIP of the board of directors, how will you change this company?"

Clover felt that he was trembling from soul to body. He looked at the girl who was regarded as a devil by many people, shook his head with trembling force and said, "No, this is impossible..."

Su Xiaoqing asked with a smile, "How do you know it's impossible for me?"

Clover didn't know what to say for a moment. He instinctively felt that it was a trap, but Su Xiaoqing's promise was so convincing that he really hesitated.