My Goddess

Chapter 462 Missing is like this

Su Shen and Gu Ying are next door. No matter how bold they are, they dare not move more, but they don't go further. Compared with Su Yifan, who burned a little too much in his heart, Yang Bingbing cut off her emotions earlier, left the room with a little excitement, and did not forget to look back and smile at him.

Su Yifan swore to God that he had never known that Yang Bingbing would be so seductive before. It can be seen that girls are all born with this ability.

Su Yifan didn't sleep well this night. He always felt that Yang Bingbing would run to his room barefoot in the middle of the night, but this time it was obvious that Yang Bingbing was very satisfied. She slept sweetly in the middle of the night, and the next morning she was obviously much better than Su Yifan, who had slightly darker circles under her eyes.

The transfer of funds between Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing has almost been completed. It should have been done by Mrs. Yang, but the two girls insisted on making their own decisions. Although the United States has experienced a hacker storm, their money is at least safe. Cheng Shuixin is just a little sorry that she doesn't know Shaw's next move, otherwise she will make more profits if she continues to short.

Su Yifan doesn't know how to evaluate Cheng Shuixin's fear of chaos in the world. Anyway, he thinks he is quite happy that Cheng Shuixin makes so much money.

After the hijacking of Su Xiaoqing's plane was disclosed one after another, AUU really touched a large number of people for this, although it did not clearly point out who the target was, at least let people understand that they already knew the real murderer behind the scenes. It is unknown whether this kind of thing can make those who hire killers tremble.

Su Yifan's only concern is Shock. He feels that a person who can stir up the waves of superpowers is more terrible than the army. Especially what Yang Zongyuan said that Xiao planned to restore order, Su Yifan always felt that there was a lot of shadow in his heart.

Su Xiaoqing did not make any statement about Xiaoke's matter. Su Yifan didn't know whether to ask or continue to wait.

Thinking of what Su Xiaoqing said, Su Yifan decided to wait. Because Su Xiaoqing said that waiting is sometimes beautiful.

This time, Su Xiaoqing left for a longer time than expected. Su Yifan felt that he was just dealing with the company's chores. In a blink of an eye, October had passed.

The time that I used to feel was very full has become fast and thin under the double pressure of school and the company.

During this period, Su Xiaoqing occasionally wrote back to Su Yifan, but most of them casually talked about some of his living conditions in Europe. Su Yifan knew that Su Xiaoqing was contacting the senior management of AUU one by one and seemed to be promoting a new joint plan, which was originally launched by the Russians and then recognized in Europe. According to the prediction of the European space industry, after the completion of the deep space space project, the time for the construction of the space ladder is ripe. If countries devote themselves to the construction of the space ladder, it will eventually usher in a new space era.

This undoubtedly excites those countries that have advantages in space projects. The idea of the space ladder has been around for many years, but there are two problems that are difficult to solve.

One is material, and the other is deep space transportation.

Now Su Xiaoqing solved the material problem with graphene and derivatives, and then promoted the deep space space project to solve the transportation problem.

The golden future is right in front of us, and it's strange that everyone can hold it.

Su Xiaoqing called or wrote to Su Yifan and basically said what he was doing. These things involve too many interest groups and need to bargain with too many details. She sits in Europe so that everyone will not tear their faces in private negotiations.

With Su Xiaoqing's explanation again and again, Su Yifan probably understood the order of the whole matter and various interest points.

Su Yifan felt very excited and proud to think that Su Xiaoqing could promote the development of the world on his own.

Because more than half a month has passed, AUU's action has also been fully launched. Two high-ranked crown princes in the Middle East were killed in an accident. One of them was hit by a car full of steel bars and more than a dozen steel bars were inserted into his chest. The other was playing with his beloved pet and suddenly the tiger had a beast and bit off his head. This kind of thing is major news for the whole world, but the country where the two crown princes are located only issued an obituary and hurriedly went through the motions without in-depth reporting and investigation. People who can see the news naturally know what this is, and some gossips are only slowly spreading under the surface of the water without causing much waves.

Su Yifan is one of the insiders. After reading the news, he immediately called Su Xiaoqing: "Is this done by AUU?"

Su Xiaoqing basically answered Su Yifan's phone in seconds, and this time it was no exception: "Don't talk nonsense. No one will admit it."

Su Yifan understood: "Is it shocking?"

"There seems to be no intention of pursuing it. I guess they don't want to be the enemy of the whole world. The transition of the new energy plan will take at least a period of time. If it really breaks the face, everyone will not be good.

"I'm worried that these people will die..." Su Yifan is mainly worried about Su Xiaoqing, "You know, those who have religious beliefs are quite terrible. Their concept of sacrifice is different from that of ordinary people."

Su Xiao smiled lightly: "As long as you live well, the implementation of faith is definitely not as strong as you think. These people are more afraid of death than you think, and AUU dares to do so based on this.

Su Yifan was taught. He used to feel that death threats were privileges of bad people, but now he suddenly understands that these means can be used for him.

"Will the new industrial layout take them to play?" Su Yifan asked again.

"It used to be, but now it won't." Su Xiaoqing said, "There will be some people declining in every era. This is a normal historical trend. I don't need to compromise with them for a few days of peace."

"But don't you still reconcile with AUU?"

"There are other reasons for settlement with AUU." Su Xiao smiled and said, "Anyway, you will know then."

Su Yifan heard Su Xiaoqing's familiar laughter, and somehow his heart seemed to be gently pressed with his hand, and his heartstrings moved slightly.

Sometimes it's like this. If you are too close, you can't find your mood. Only after you stay away can you understand what you have hidden in your heart.

Now Su Yifan misses Su Xiaoqing very much. He can't wait to let Su Xiaoqing come back to him immediately.

So Su Yifan was silent for a moment and did not respond to Su Xiaoqing's words.

Even across the phone, Su Xiaoqing can still feel the mood from Su Yifan. She seemed to be still in front of her. She paused slightly and said with a smile, "I will stay here for a while, and I will leave it to you in China. Come to me when you're not busy for a while. I happen to have something to tell you.

Su Yifan always felt that Su Xiaoqing's words seemed to have other meanings, but he didn't want to think too much and answered without hesitation, "Okay."

"As you said to me, take care of yourself and be safe." Su Xiao smiled and said, "You can take advantage of AUU's deployment in China. Don't worry, they won't turn against me now."

Su Yifan wanted to ask Su Xiaoqing where this self-confidence came from, but he felt that there was no need to ask. Su Xiaoqing must have her way.

The two people hung up after making a phone call for a while. Su Yifan was a little sad. He rubbed his face, as if to make himself more energetic. Now the company is on the rise, and thousands of thoughts are in front of him, but he is actually not very interested in these. Cai Qi has become much more cheerful since her face was cured. She is actively running in the company and helping Cheng Shuixin undertake a lot of work. Su Yifan felt that Cai Qi was actually more suitable for light touch work than Cai Yan. Cai Yan had to face a higher level. A small light touch constrained her. On the contrary, Cai Qi's pattern and style are just right.

A lot has happened in the past half month. For example, Yang Bingbing's new game Any has been developed, and the Demo version is ready to run and is being debugged. Art materials require a lot of work, partly by Lu Feng's team, and partly given to the busy Zhao Yutong.

Zhao Yutong began to double her value in the industry because she contracted the art of Cute Girl. She herself knew that the image of a girl in the game was more the result of many girls she knew by Su Yifan to assist in motion capture. This time, Su Yifan outsourced part of the art of Any to her, and she accepted it without hesitation. Zhao Yutong has seen the planning of Any, and she knows that if the promotion is good, it will probably be a game that will shock the whole world. Being able to become a part of this game, Zhao Yutong did not take over the reward.

The most important thing is the light and touching promotion... How can it be weak? Zhao Yutong has great confidence in Su Yifan. She thinks that Wang Jiantao's step is really right.

In addition to Any, the global sales of Puzzle.Age have been shocking. Although the sales in PSN and Nintendo's own stores have not reached the level of jaw loss, the game's loyal users and login rate have become benchmarks in the industry. Even many critics who once laughed at the light touch began to change the trend, praising this game that can be participated by all people as an innovative cloud in the model.

In the face of external comments, the light touch seems quite indifferent. However, various clips of Wang Jiantao's previous interviews have become the material for many news websites to write comments. Journalists have once again proved how unscrupulous they are. The company has been praised and even comparable to those world-class game software companies.

Of course, there are also bonus points for the Japanese version of Windows7 with desktop extensions, but Qingling still issued a written statement calmly and restrained, saying that the company's recent focus is on social applications. I hope everyone will pay more attention to life. The fun of living itself.

The social platform based on time tree software has become increasingly mature, and the increasing number of users also brings more problems. For example, those large companies that have been quite ** in various fields have seen the results, and although they have not yet taken action, they have also begun to prepare their own new social platforms.

Based on this, the light touch must go faster and further, otherwise it is easy to be submerged in the blue sea.