My Goddess

Chapter 466 Delicious

After Cai Qi summoned up the courage to say this sentence, everyone was silent for a while.

Cai Qi's eyes no longer dared to touch Su Yifan directly. She looked down at her feet and felt ashamed that she had just said that kind of words, and was a little vaguely proud.

Su Yifan looked at Cai Qi outside the car window. He didn't know how determined Cai Qi was to say this. He could just feel the mood of the girl in front of him from his trembling shoulders. Now Cai Qi is undoubtedly fragile and **. She is a little looking forward to Su Yifan's answer and is afraid of this answer.

Su Yifan looked at Cai Qi for a few seconds, and then pressed the window glass.

Cai Qi, who stood still, watched the glass in front of Su Yifan slowly rise and slowly raised her head, with a disappointed look on her face.

In Cai Qi's disappointed expression, Su Yifan closed the window and immediately pushed the door and got out of the car.

"Okay, I'll go up with you."

Cai Qi, who had no time to switch the disappointment on his face, looked at Su Yifan, and his expression slowly turned into surprise. Then he thought of reaching out and holding Su Yifan and letting him walk beside him.

Su Yifan could feel Cai Qi's uneasy mood at this time. He patted the sister on the shoulder and comforted her like a big brother, "Don't think about it. You are very charming."

This is the first time that Su Yifan has completely praised Cai Qi, which makes Cai Qi almost happy to jump up.

Su Yifan didn't give Cai Qi more opportunities to express her emotions, so he simply took the initiative to pull her into the elevator.

Along the way, Cai Qi felt dizzy. She couldn't believe that she really invited Su Yifan to come up and sit down. She knows better than anyone how powerful and connotative this sentence is. In the so-called upper-class social circle that Cai Qi contacted, such behavior is basically equivalent to agreeing the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

This initiative is also generally in the hands of girls.

Cai Qi said such a thing to a boy for the first time in her life. Although she theoretically knew how to play this story, Cai Qi is still completely stunned.

It was not until the door of the room was opened that Cai Qi regained consciousness in the smell of her familiar perfume.

When she regained consciousness, Cai Qi found that Su Yifan was already in the room with herself. Su Yifan is boiling water and making tea for himself, acting carefully like a perfect boyfriend serving his girlfriend.

Sitting on the sofa and watching Su Yifan busy back and forth, the strong uneasiness in Cai Qi's heart faded.

May all this is the arrangement of fate. Cai Qi doesn't hate fate at all now. She feels that fate is still good for her.

When a cup of steaming tea was handed over to her hand, Cai Qi recovered from her wild thoughts. Looking at Su Yifan, who sat not far away from him, he also held a water cup in his hand, which smelled of coffee.

"Why do you drink coffee?" Cai Qi knew Su Yifan's taste, "Special tea for me?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Your father Cai Yadong likes tea. I think although you don't have many opportunities to contact him since you were a child, you will definitely like tea."

Cai Qi was stunned and sighed.

"Now I know why Cai Yan is willing to stay with you all the time."

Cai Yan is actually a taboo topic for two people. Cai Qi suddenly mentioned it, and Su Yifan didn't know what to say. Recently, Su Yifan has been wanting to call Cai Yan, but he is afraid that she will feel annoyed, so he has never taken action.

Cai Qi picked up the teacup and blew his breath. His red lips gently touched the edge of the teacup, tasted it lightly, and turned around and smiled at Su Yifan.

"I seldom make tea myself, thank you."

Su Yifan felt that Cai Qi was the shrewd and capable woman in the daytime, and couldn't help smiling: "You're welcome, it's a small matter."

Cai Qi held a teacup in both hands and recalled with a pair of beautiful eyes with some nostalgia: "I haven't seen Cai Yan since I was a child. I just heard about her from all kinds of people, so I have always been jealous of her. In fact, I am also jealous of her now. She came to you earlier than me. She has been with you for a long time, and you have a good relationship. Unlike me, I have always been disgusted to come to you.

Su Yifan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Cai Qi. She looked at Su Yifan and continued, "Don't feel embarrassed. For me, Cai Yan's business is her business and mine is my business. What's the relationship between me and you? It has nothing to do with her, and you don't have to worry.

Su Yifan looked at Cai Qi and said, "I'm not worried. I'm worried that you have drunk too much now."

Just now, Cai Qi drank about half a bottle of red wine with the meal. Because the performance at the meal was too pitiful, Su Yifan did not pursue Cai Qi's drunk driving problem.

As usual, Su Yifan will definitely scold Cai Qi for his bloody dog.

"You don't have to believe my drinking capacity so much." Cai Qi smiled charmingly, "No matter how much I drink, I will be very awake when I see you."


"Because I'm afraid of you..." Cai Qi said without hiding it, "I'm more afraid of you than Cai Yadong. Do you believe it?"

"Why are you afraid of me? Because of Sister Qing?"

"It's not Su Xiaoqing. She is very terrible, but I think she just killed me, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Cai Qi's tone of voice made people feel very calm. She actually moved to Su Yifan, "I don't know why I'm afraid of you. Anyway, I think you are lighter than Su."

Su Yifan smiled bitterly. He never felt that he was terrible.

Cai Qi took another sip of tea, shook her head and said, "No, I can't drink it anymore. If I drink it again, I will really wake up."

It was too late for Su Yifan to realize that Cai Qi's words were wrong.

Putting down the teacup, Cai Qi got up and sat directly on Su Yifan's lap, facing him. A pair of plump on her chest was like the top of Mount Tai, directly across Su Yifan's eyes.

For a normal man, it is basically difficult to look away with a figure of this size in front of him.

Su Yifan didn't expect Cai Qi to be so enthusiastic. He stretched out his hand and wanted to push Cai Qi away as soon as possible. When he put his hands on Cai Qi's waist, it froze.

Cai Qi didn't give Su Yifan a chance to push herself away. She leaned her body forward.

Before, it was still the pressure in front of him, and the next second it became a sense of physical oppression, which fell directly on Su Yifan's face.

Cai Qi hugged Su Yifan's head with both hands and bowed her head and kissed him on the forehead first.

"I made a vow on my way back just now."

Su Yifan can't stand the offensive launched by Cai Qi with her body. Usually, Cai Qi's behavior makes people feel that she doesn't attach much importance to this pair of amazing twin peaks. Now Su Yifan knows that Cai Qi doesn't care. She just doesn't want to highlight this.

If such a pair of beautiful things are smashed down, a man will faint without hesitation.

Su Yifan is no exception. The sight in front of him has basically been blocked, and the plump and soft touch is piled on the cheeks on both sides of his chin through his clothes. Cai Qi lowered her head and kissed Su Yifan's forehead with a little spiritual expression of love, but it was set off by her good figure, as if she was trying to seduce Su Yifan.

Realizing this, Cai Qi didn't mind that the most prominent part of her body was squeezing Su Yifan. She still lowered her head and kissed Su Yifan's forehead again.

Su Yifan felt that his determination had been not as good as he thought. His face was in the middle of the two exaggerated plump and smelled a deep body fragrance. Cai Qi's smell is not strong, and most of them are also covered by the smell of perfume. However, Su Yifan can still distinguish Cai Qi's own taste, which feels a little like a little warm light mixed in the night. Although it is inconspicuous, the sense of existence is also quite strong.

Holding Cai Qi's waist with both hands, Su Yifan subconsciously wanted to take the time to hit a pair in front of him. It doesn't seem appropriate to move your hand halfway, and it will be difficult for you to take back your hand again.

Cai Qi is still working hard. She seems to be encouraging Su Yifan to go further, but Su Yifan can feel that her movements are quite clumsy. In contrast, she is more experienced... Cai Qi didn't know what to do next after kissing Su Yifan's forehead. She hugged Su Yifan's neck a little foolishly. Move and let Su Yifan's hand slide up on both sides of his waist.

Although he was very restrained, Su Yifan couldn't help climbing up from Cai Qi's ribs and felt the softness of the two round balls.

Cai Qi felt Su Yifan's hands, and then she realized that she didn't seem to be really ready, and her body shuddered with this touch.

Although Su Yifan touched it familiarly through his clothes. He raised his head and his face slowly approached Cai Qi's chin.

Cai Qi's breathing became much heavier, her eyes were still dodging, and her body kept trembling. She felt that Su Yifan's hand touched her most concerned part, as if she had been ignited by two flames through her skin.

It felt like breathing and couldn't spit out in her chest. At this moment, Cai Qi felt as low as her mother had been scolded when she was a child, and she felt faintly excited.

Lowering her head, Cai Qi greeted Su Yifan's lips clumsily. She felt that she didn't care anymore, as if she didn't care about anything.

Surprisingly, Su Yifan just kissed Cai Qi and did not go any further.

Cai Qi felt that Su Yifan's hand had left her chest, and she felt a little lost in her heart.

Her hands were still around Su Yifan's neck. Cai Qi did not let go of her hand. She still pressed Su Yifan with her chest and did not mean to move away.

How's it going? Do you like such a cheap female secretary?"

Su Yifan heard that Cai Qi was almost self-indulgent and suddenly wanted to laugh. He reached out and slapped Cai Qi's beautiful buttocks one by one.

"What do you think?"

Being slapped by Su Yifan, Cai Qi was shocked all over and her face was redder than before, but she still did not mean to let Su Yifan go.

"...I think you like it."

Su Yifan smiled bitterly and looked at the pretty face close at hand and said, "Do you think this is good?"

"It's good." Cai Qi tried to make her voice look charming, which was a little unsuccessful. "Men like this, don't they?"

Su Yifan's hand fell again, still stopping at Cai Qi's waist.

"You don't have to do this. You are attractive enough at ordinary times."

"Then what are you hesitating about?" Cai Qi tried her best to ask shamelessly.

Su Yifan looked at Cai Qi and found that her eyes were confused that she could not understand the world in addition to pretending to be strong.

Maybe this is the real Cai Qi, and the usual one is fake.

"You are so delicious. Don't be in a hurry to eat it right away."

Cai Qi twisted her body and asked a little lowly, "Su Yifan... Am I not cheap enough? What else do you want me to do?"

Su Yifan smiled even more when he saw Cai Qi like this. He kissed this little face and shook his head and said, "I don't want you to do anything. Anyway, it's not like this."

Cai Qi lowered her head, grabbed Su Yifan's hand and walked up, falling on her chest.

"I don't believe you are not moved!"

Su Yifan's smile froze.

After a long time, Su Yifan's fingers exerted a little force, which made the expression on Cai Qi's face change.

"I'm really moved, are you sure?"

Cai Qi took a breath and closed her eyes.

"If it's not your words, I'm afraid I will regret it."