My Goddess

Chapter 471 Real Su Xiaoqing 1

Xiao Ke was silent until today before he told his plan, which shocked Zhao Xuan and was also a little worried. She felt that Xiao Ke's idea was certainly good, but such a person would never tolerate flaws in his plan. Now that Yang Zongyuan has shown his intention to defect, she is very worried about what means Xiao Ke will use to deal with Yang Zongyuan.

For Zhao Xuan, there may not be many important people, and Yang Zongyuan is still one of them.

Zhao Xuan is looking forward to meeting Yang Zongyuan again, but now it seems that this hope is already very slim.

Shake has a complete idea. He intends to occupy the virgin land that has never been visited by human beings and intends to play the role of a judge and arbitrator. These ideas, which should have been completed by the hands of the U.S. government, were accelerated by the impetus of Su Xiaoqing. Zhao Xuan believed that Xiao's original idea must be longer than this, but now it has become so simple that he finally chose the computer field he is best at.

With Athena's security protocol and the highest authority, Shock can do 10,000 times more than now.

Zhao Xuan can almost imagine Xiao Ke's participation in the whole deep space project, and he can also imagine how Xiao Ke completed his resource integration through various means.

"There are our people in several private companies involved in the deep space project." Shock continued, "If it's just Athena, it's not enough to control anything."

Zhao Xuan is deeply aware of this. She knows that Xiao Ke can't pin his hopes on something, just like she is just one of Xiao Ke's backup plans.

"And we will set up a new company and join the construction of the orbital space ladder." Xiao Ke looked at Zhao Xuan calmly, "The financial turmoil a few days ago was for fundraising. Do you understand now?"

After Xiao Ke explained all this, Zhao Xuan didn't know what to say. She knew that she could neither change this man's mind nor even help. Shock has a thorough understanding of the world, and he has a thorough grasp of technology and human nature. Now Shock is still willing to take himself, which may be true as he said, but it is just a reward for her to save him.

David, who had been listening next to him, already felt that he was out of breath. He knew what kind of person Shock was, but he never thought that he would connect with the world in this way.

Ambitious and powerful, is this really a person who has been imprisoned for 20 years and isolated from the world?

Xiao Ke now even disdains to look at David more. In his opinion, the greatest value of this young man who once planned to fish in troubled waters is to satisfy Zhao Xuan's bad taste. David is now like a caste dog, and he can hardly even bark. It's interesting to be watched.

David felt the eyes from Xiao Ke and Zhao Xuan, but now he is more afraid of death. Although there is no Luo Yang in this room, David can try to jump up and kill Zhao Xuan and Xiao Ke, but he no longer has the courage to do so.

Now David really wants to see how Shawk works miracles. After hearing Shaw's plan just now, he is not well.

All this may not be possible in the eyes of others, but David believes that it is extremely easy for Shock.

There was a brief silence in the room, and only the fan sound of the computer case was still buzzing. Xiao Ke had turned around and continued to operate on the computer, as if he was calculating some data.

Zhao Xuan looked at Xiao Ke's back and suddenly felt a little heavy.

I do overestimate myself. She has never been important to Shock.

This heavy feeling made Zhao Xuan feel strange. She thought she should be relaxed.

After waiting for a while, Zhao Xuan was about to open his mouth. All the display screens in the room seemed to have been switched to another image in an instant.

The picture flashed, and Shock's originally motionless face finally changed.

These monitors are connected to different hosts, but they are in the same local area network and can be switched instantly, which only means that the startup program has already been installed in the local area network.

How long will it take to install? At the current hardware and operating system speed, it will take at least a few minutes.

That is to say, these computer hosts have been hacked a few minutes ago, and Shock is not aware of it.

Not only did Xiaoke look bad, Zhao Xuan and David looked at each other, but also saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The signal here has been encrypted many times, and the uploaded data is almost unrecognizable. Shock is very satisfied with this hiding place, because there are many kinds of folk network radio stations around, just to provide the best cover for their data activities.

There is no email, no instant messaging, and no behavior that can expose your coordinates. Except for receiving some encrypted signals and restoring them locally to the CIA's current global scope of operations, Shock will have almost no active contact with the outside world.

How does this situation of all monitors switch screens together now?

The screen shook and almost seamlessly switched to Su Xiaoqing's position. There was no Su Xiaoqing on the screen, only a small teddy bear doll.

The bear is a character in the famous bloody and happy Flash animation Happy Tree, which is too old for today's people to be recognized by almost no one.

Shark stared at the screen and turned around to cut off the power, but his action was no more than a sound.

"Do you really think the guard track is so easy to be occupied by you?"

Shake's action suddenly stopped. He turned his head and looked at the screen, and the bear doll on the screen actually moved.

At this time, everyone found that the picture on the screen was not actually a real picture, but a 3D animation rendered to the extreme.

This scene is even more surprising.

not to mention how many hours it takes for this level of 3D picture to be rendered by a professional team to complete a second of picture. If the other party transmits this quality-level picture through the network, it has also violated the common sense of bandwidth here.

Zhao Xuan, who had already sat down, suddenly stood up and stared at the screen.

"Yes... Su Xiaoqing."

Zhao Xuan is too familiar with this voice. She will probably not be afraid of anything in her life. Only this Su Xiaoqing makes Zhao Xuan feel that he is in a nightmare again and again.

Shock's fingers have been put back on the keyboard, and his movements are faster than the human eye can catch, and he crackles and begins to enter program instructions.

Su Xiaoqing's voice sounded again, and the doll bear also stood up and swayed a few times.

That action is like laughing at Shock.

Shake's input is so fast that it can't be recognized by the naked eye. Of course, this speed is not surprising to Zhao Xuan. She just opened her eyes and looked at the happy bear on the screen. I don't know why Su Xiaoqing arranged such a thing for herself.

David has been completely stunned. He has speculated countless times about what is extraordinary about Su Xiaoqing, and now he finally knows it.

What you see is what you get. This horror is that Su Xiaoqing didn't take the intrusion to Shock's host seriously at all. She bypassed Shock's own operating system, bypassed encryption and firewall, and bypassed all the methods that Shock could think of to hide herself, and directly started the conversation.

And while doing this, Su Xiaoqing was still in the mood to show them an animation!

How casual is this?

Zhao Xuan's breathing became extremely rapid. She stared at the display screen in front of Xiao Ke and never left the happy bear.

With Shock's input, the new program began to run, and the 3D animation finally began to disintegrate, but Su Xiaoqing's voice did not seem to be affected at all.

This further proves that Su Xiaoqing actually uses two completely different programs, and it is meaningless to destroy one of them.

After Happy Bear disappeared, the screen appeared on the simple style interface of the early 1990s, which is Shock's homemade program with a strong style of the times.

Shark's action also stopped at this time. He looked up at the camera at the top of the screen and asked, "Do you know my plan?"

"It's not difficult to know." Su Xiaoqing said, "Although you don't need to communicate, the traces of doing things are still too obvious."

Shock's eyebrows were twisted into a ball. Zhao Xuan had never seen this man show such an expression. She knew that Xiaoke was definitely shocked by Su Xiaoqing now.

For a long time, the most proud thing about Xiaoke is that he doesn't need communication. His plans are in his mind, and the layout doesn't have to be too cumbersome. Before Shock escaped from the Pentagon, his ambushed pawns occasionally needed encrypted communications, which was not necessary for Shock himself.

Shake's brain is like a precision-running computer. He remembers everyone's characteristics and information, and knows how to use these people.

There is no communication trace to follow, so it is naturally not easy to track.

But this self-confidence was instantly broken by Su Xiaoqing, and Xiaoke even began to doubt whether his previous actions were also under Su Xiaoqing's attention.

This kind of air-to-air dialogue is not good news for Xiaoke. He thought about the program dialog box on the screen and asked, "How did you do it?"

Su Xiaoqing gave an answer calmly.

"Quantum computer."


After a moment of silence, Shock said, "That's impossible."

"Observing, understanding and mastering requires a process, but the process is shorter than you think." Su Xiaoqing said, "Athena is still just a traditional computer. Do you think the traces you left are not easy to analyze? Or this song, you think you haven't been tracked, that's just wishful thinking.

Shock looked at the screen and whispered, "Have you completely abandoned silicon crystals and metals?"

Su Xiao snorted slightly: "I was looking forward to your performance, but now it seems unnecessary. You are also uncreative."


This is the second speech that made Xiao Ke speechless today. The girl who spoke will not be much older than Zhao Xuan, but the tone of this lesson makes Xiaoke not know how to refute it.

Su Xiaoqing's slap in the face is always so powerful.

Shake looked at the screen and was silent for a few seconds and said, "Do you think it's safe to win?"

This sentence was asked in authentic Tian Dynasty dialect, and the words were round, which surprised Zhao Xuan.

Su Xiao smiled lightly: "Not necessarily, do you want to try it?"

Shock's eyes quickly became cold, as if the monitor in front of him could convey his expression.

"Of course!"



With Shock's instructions, the signal spread along the optical cable and air to the other end of the world, and the team that had already prepared immediately set up and headed for a single villa on the coastal suburb.

This is Yang Zongyuan's temporary resettlement site, with simple guards and several Dong Mowen's younger brothers. The people who were called by Xiao Ke to deal with Yang Zongyuan were only one team, and the other team slowly pushed towards Su Yifan's home.

Xiaoke buried people early in China, and he was just waiting for a suitable time. Through these days of observation, Xiaoke knew that Su Xiaoqing should not have arranged too strong protection measures for Su Yifan. At this moment, he was despised by Su Xiao, and he finally showed his ferocious and decisive side.