My Goddess

Complete speech

In the final chapter, he wrote more than 10,000 words, and when he wrote the three "full text" three, he was in a small chain hotel, and a man watched the morning light outside slowly light up. It felt like going to school against the stars in winter when I was a child. Although the road was dark and the sky was very dark, I knew that everything would be fine. The feeling of waiting for all the vitality in the dark is rare after adulthood. Only occasionally rushed through the manuscript to stay up all night, listening to the birds singing in the dawn, trembling with hunger and looking at the light slowly in the cracks of the curtains. At this time, he came out of a world he created and returned to the real world.

This is the real feeling of writing something, as if you have to prove yourself after being abandoned by the whole world. In other people's happy or painful times, the keyboard sound becomes the only companion. People who can endure this kind of loneliness are good, and I shamelessly think so.

The full text of "My Goddess" is three hundred thousand words long, which is the longest attempt in history for me. Although it may not be satisfactory halfway, it at least proves that I can still stick to continuous writing for two years with almost no big problems. On the way, I delayed some progress due to physical problems, and in general, I surpassed myself. After writing, I told my friends that this feeling is quite like having a child at home. Although I am very dissatisfied with him, there will still be a lot of reluctance when he leaves me on his own. There is always a day when the novel will end, just like people always have to walk a paragraph and then another paragraph. There is nothing to regret. As an author, my regret comes more from my lack of hard work, which runs through almost all my writing life.

Since 2004, I have devoted myself to online articles and written Legend of Rebirth. I was lucky and became famous almost overnight. Since then, I have been criticized for being too literary and acidic, and willing to make great efforts to show the inner changes of ordinary young people. According to the current law of online articles, this kind of road is almost at your own pace. But I am also an extremely stubborn person, so choosing the theme of My Goddess this time is not a good idea for most people.

For this, I have also thought about what is a good idea?

The synopsis of the story of "My Goddess" has changed twice in my heart. The first time is called "A Good Man", which is too vulgar to be a vulgar name. Su Yifan, the character in the story, has been a good man countless times, but no girl really favors him. By chance, he began to change himself, and his life finally changed while insisting on being a good person. Because this theme is too close to reality and can't be written down.

The second time was called Dad, I'm Your Lover, and the summary of the story is almost the same as now. But considering the omnipotent network supervisor... This topic has also been PASSed, modified a lot of details, and finally became today's "My Goddess".

Yes, you and I both have one or many goddesses in your hearts, don't you?

The pursuit of goddess is an indispensable process for all young people to grow up, just like cooking with salt to have a taste. Regardless of open love and secret love, success or failure, life with this kind of experience is rich and worthy of your youth.

So in the end, I still want to say something to others. Although it is likely to be sour, at least I have to continue to try.

It's better to say than not to say, for me.

Someone asked me, what did you say in My Goddess? I don't know how to answer him, but I think I still have a more standard answer.

I told a story about how to recognize myself.

Only by recognizing yourself and knowing yourself clearly can you know who your goddess is, who your goddess wants to be with, and whether you can be with your goddess.

Whether it's pursuing girls or doing what you want to do, this is more important than anything else.

Patience, tolerance, kindness, these things that have been less favored by this era. If you can keep some, maybe you will get more than you think.

Even if it is waiting, sometimes it is a kind of beauty.

I want to say a lot, but this is just a story, and I hope it can give people satisfaction.



Su Yifan is different from most of the online protagonists. Although he always makes a statement and often has to make choices, he hopes that life can be calm and happy, and that the people around him can be happy.

This kind of role is not suitable for the protagonist of online articles, but I just wrote it.

The grades are not very good, and I feel really sorry for my editor-in-charge. This is the price of capricious. In the next book, I hope to write a story that can make everyone happier, at least make the editor in charge happier.

I would like to believe that there are people like Su Yifan in this world. He is kind but not weak. He is silent but not cowardly. He expects beauty but does not pursue crazily. He can accept the kindness of others and understand the pain of others. Each of us should have at least one or two of these qualities, so as to make the world beautiful.

I know that many people may say that this idea is too OUT, too old-fashioned and boring. But I prefer to believe that I can write something and bring something good to readers. Beauty is not given by others. If you want to get it, you must first understand how to do it.



There is no doubt that I have set the final identity of Su Xiaoqing from the beginning, why she came and why she did this. If you look carefully at the previous details, it is probably easy to find some clues. Su Xiaoqing's feelings for Su Yifan are not sister and brother, but with a mood similar to admiration, watching the person she has been loving grow up again.

Su Xiaoqing has never had any requirements for Su Yifan, just like Su Yifan named her Su Xiaoqing.

I hope you will be relaxed all your life, and I hope you will be healthy and happy. There is no requirement for you other than that.

Sometimes I think that if some parents can have such simple requirements for their children, life may be better.

Su Xiaoqing did not describe the details of getting along with Su Yifan during his growth, hoping to leave some imagination for everyone. The story of a girl who grew up gently by Su Yifan falling in love with her adoptive father is not surprising, but because of my personal beauty, Su Xiaoqing was set as a strong to almost powerful girl. Such a girl can endure extreme physical pain alone and go back to the past. Of course, she can do anything for Su Yifan. Therefore, I won't be surprised even if anything happens between Su Xiaoqing and Su Yifan. After seeing through life and death, those are nothing.

The soul is loved, and what else is it?



Cheng Shuixin didn't want to write the character like this at first, but she was the first to "live" all the characters.

When a girl writes the most delicate part, it will fit her thoughts, imagine her emotional changes, and even simulate the ups and downs of her thoughts. Cheng Shuixin played with interpersonal relationships with a little vanity at the beginning, and finally became an indispensable part of Su Yifan's life. I like to write about this transformation process. Just like something you may not like many years ago, no matter how many teenagers look at it, they will find that it is actually okay. In fact, our life has parts to forgive others. As the author, I also forgave Cheng Shuixin with Su Xiaoqing. This part has not been written, but the change of Su Xiaoqing's attitude can also be seen in the story.

There are many people who don't like Cheng Shuixin, because she is too realistic and almost real. But one of the reasons why I would rather write this is... If a girl is your goddess, she is likely to be someone else's goddess. In the case of being spoiled by many people, if you want to get her favor, you have to recognize the reality. Cheng Shuixin's own growth process is a mirror. I originally wanted to write her more realistically, but out of kindness to beautiful girls, I just let it. In the end, one of Su Yifan's greatest help was Cheng Shuixin. Because of reality, Cheng Shuixin chose to help Su Yifan stabilize and unite several girls around her, and also took on many things. From this point of view, Cheng Shuixin is actually the second female number.

This girl that makes people love and hate is the type that you and I are most likely to meet in life. When I write about Cheng Shuixin, I just think that everyone may encounter reality. Conquering reality is the dream.



Compared with Cheng Shuixin, Xiao Yang is more noble. But I don't like to write about that kind of bad cold beauty, so I wrote Yang Bingbing, a little idealist.

The little lion is undoubtedly my favorite character. I spent a lot of pen and ink to describe Yang Bingbing's figure. She is not as big as Cai Qi's breasts. She is a little more plump than Cheng Shuixin, and her height is also more advantageous. If you carefully imagine that such a tall girl and a little bird are by her side, will you feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness?

Yang Bingbing is the kind of girl that is ideal for all boys. She is both a friend and a girlfriend. She has low material needs and never cares about what she gets. These beautiful qualities are already rare today, but I believe that Yang Bingbing's dare to love, hate and full of justice will be seen in many girls.

The world needs to be beautiful, which I have stressed countless times, so there is Yang Bingbing.

Su Yifan didn't get much help from Yang Bingbing, and even more often he helped Yang Bingbing. This is because I think if Yang Bingbing always helps Su Yifan, this story will probably become "My Rich Girlfriend" and so on. Although it's also quite beautiful, we still have a little pursuit, right?

When Yang Bingbing went out with Su Yifan for the first time, I wanted to write about the sex scene, but at that time, I always felt that it was better to hold it... Later, I had an internal injury and forced me to blame.



Zhang Yao is a very magical character, which comes from a game man novel I have written before.

Singing shocked me, and I suddenly became a goddess. I was usually silent until I didn't say a word. This is actually a true portrayal of many otaku around us, even myself.

I've seen a performance before. A dancing girl twisted her feet the day before and could hardly move. In order to perform, she insisted on going on stage. I tried to observe the whole performance and couldn't see that her foot was injured. But after the performance, she almost jumped off the stage with one foot - everyone knows that it's dangerous to do that, and she really hurts so much that she can't stand it.

During the performance, she felt that she would shine, so she could shield the pain.

Zhang Yao is such a girl. Only when she sings can she have a self and a glorious soul. Zhang Yao is not good at communicating at ordinary times, so she can only express her thoughts clumsily.

Such a girl is to let Su Yifan take on the identity of a protector, which is another way for him to grow up. If it hadn't been for Su Yifan, Zhang Yao would probably not have encountered the following things and would not have been famous so quickly.

If it weren't for Zhang Yao, Su Yifan would not have realized that he needed to take the initiative to do a lot of things. If he wanted to protect Zhang Yao, he would have to make himself stronger internally and externally.

Life often becomes long and painful as we move forward, especially before we meet the right person.



Nill is the focus of the contradictions in the early story. The story about her is actually the same as Su Yifan. She came from loneliness and finally left the lonely person.

About Neil, many people think that she was stupid and naive at the beginning, which, of course, showed the illusion after seeing through many devil souls. Although the real Nell is simple, it is enough to distinguish right from wrong. For Nell, Su Yifan is the simplest safe haven she has seen. The reason why she is willing to live with Su Xiaoqing is a more important factor.

When Nell and Su Yifan are together, she can stimulate Su Yifan's wild side and let him learn how to attack. This is very important for changing Su Yifan's life, even more important than protecting it. There is always malice in this world. Su Yifan should learn to solve some things before they hurt him.

Su Xiaoqing's appearance contributed to a change in Nell's original life. The girl who was supposed to be gradually erased in missions fell in love with the simple Su Yifan. She didn't know that it was this decision that changed her fate.

Nyle's love for Su Yifan is the purest. She is not interested in most things in the world. It was Su Yifan who helped her regain her love for life and dragged her back to the mortal world.

I like the role of Nell very much. Lonely and innocent girls are always touching. If possible, I also hope that Neil can spend more time with Su Yifan, but things are always different from imagination.

Just like the trajectory of our lives.

When Neil came back, I felt as excited as Su Yifan.

After thinking about it, I feel that like others, I still hope that the world will be more beautiful, although this wish is very tacky.

Cacky fruits and food are always the best, aren't they?



Chu Ruo represents Su Yifan's past, and Su Yifan is an infinite possibility for Chu Ruo now and in the future.

This may include regret and nostalgia for the past, and also means expectations and yearning for the future.

Chu Ruo is a common little girl - she is stingy in front of others and being careful in front of people she really likes to care about, like an ignorant little girl. Therefore, most of the time in the face of Su Yifan, Chu Ruo is like a shaking M, and he is quite happy to be scolded as a dog by Su Yifan every time.

Before that, Chu Ruo had unyieldingly tried to seduce Su Yifan several times but failed. Although she was young, she knew that Su Yifan didn't really want to get that happiness from herself. He really cared about her.

As long as you really understand, no little girl will not be moved by this kind of thought.

So Chu Ruo thinks that being with Su Yifan is the best choice, even if this choice has to face the threat of other girls.

The little girl has the persistence of a little girl. Chu Ruo is undoubtedly more naive and simple than Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing, but she is also the most stubborn one. No matter how calm Su Yifan is, she hopes that she can hold her tightly. In the end, Chu Ruo didn't even hesitate to change herself to cater to Su Yifan. Her deep feelings for Su Yifan were beyond others to imagine.

Chu Yin is really pitiful, and the women's university is really not left...



Han Yun is a person who wants to stick to himself, and this kind of person will not have a good end in the real social system. It is not allowed to tolerate the environment or those who are accustomed to unspoken rules. If she hadn't met Su Yifan, Han Yun would probably not have been in the radio and television system for too long. She would definitely be excluded from this stable system.

Su Yifan's unusualness made Han Yun feel that there was still hope in the world, and she felt that some roads may not be right. A teenager can spray himself tit-for-tat every time, making Han Yun review herself more.

If there is a mirror in front of you in your life, do you look at it or not?

Han Yun likes to provoke Su Yifan so much, mostly for this purpose.

The battle of wits and courage you came and went, and finally became Su Yifan's side to help him. Han Yun marveled at Su Yifan's wonderful interior under his dull appearance, and was slowly attracted by Su Yifan's seriousness and sincerity.

This is an era when adults and children have "If you are serious, you will lose." Will you really lose if you are serious? Of course, Han Yun doesn't think so. How can a person who has lost his seriousness succeed? Han Yun had a strong agreement with Su Yifan's seriousness, so she finally fell into it and unconsciously.

Become the kind of person you don't want to be, and probably only the power of love will make people do this, right?

At least Han Yun did this, and she didn't regret it.



The love and killing of Cai Yan and Cai Qi sisters - well, in fact, there is only killing - was a catalyst for Su Yifan's transformation in the early stage.

In the face of Cai Yan, Su Yifan behaved normally. He knew that Cai Yan was curious about him, and later even knew that Cai Yan liked him. Because of this, Su Yifan would not tamper with Cai Yan. He felt that it was a very beautiful feeling, and he was deeply involved in it.

Compared with liking Su Yifan, Cai Yan value his family interests more. It would be great for the Cai family to get on Su Xiaoqing's ride. At the beginning, Cai Yan hoped to do something on his own.

This simple idea is a bit like the kind of spoiled lady, but soon Cai Yan completely changed by being saved by Su Yifan's hero. She felt that she owed Su Yifan a lot.

With this mood, Cai Yan began to atone for her mistakes until she found that everything was to be blamed on her sister Cai Qi.

Compared with Cai Yan, Cai Qi is more sympathetic.

Because she is an illegitimate daughter, although there is almost infinite space in terms of money and material, Cai Qi still lives a distorted life.

The life of friends has been with her for a long time, and Cai Qi will also hate her sister who got everything. It's not her fault, but she has to bear the fate of an illegitimate daughter and live with a mother who is as twisted as her character. Under the change of the general environment, Cai Qi finally made that crazy decision.

People will only feel regretful after making some wrong decisions, and Cai Qi is like this. Without Su Yifan, if there is no coincidence, she will probably get a lot but lose more. Therefore, in the end, it is not surprising that Cai Qi's destination is Su Yifan. No one in the world deserves her trust. Su Yifan's appearance may be the best redemption for her.

Weakness exists in everyone's heart, and Su Yifan happens to be such a patient person, letting Cai Qi release his weakness.

Many people are guessing who was the first girl Su Yifan pushed down. In fact, from the beginning, I thought that it should be a girl who was not too entangled with him. Cai Qi is undoubtedly one of the best choices, and her life experience also makes it easy for her to accept the current mode of getting along.

Compared with others, Cai Qi's life is more unfortunate, so she is also the most satisfying person.

Life should be content, which is a lesson Cai Qi learned from Su Yifan.



Everyone can learn a lot on the road of life, and I think this is also one of the meanings of life.

Change and persistence, choice and abandonment. This is always the theme of life. You have to learn a lot for a long time before you can know some clues.

Growth is part of the theme, and more importantly, I think life should be like this

Sincere, kind, simple, and full of optimism.

In fact, "My Goddess" is a beginning for me to regain the original state of writing online articles. Before that, I stayed away from online articles for a while, and a lot of things happened in the middle, and I paid a lot for my dreams. If you start writing online, maybe the theme will be out of place, maybe the text will not be in line with the current trend, and maybe the plot of the story will tend to be plain... But I really want to write this story that makes life more happy. This is the same as my original intention when I started writing online articles. Online articles and any other forms of works give people a window to other worlds. Su Yifan's campus life contains many people's yearnings when they were young, even me and some of my friends.

As I said before, the most important thing in novels may be satisfying. I hope many people can get satisfaction from my story. If it really has that effect, I will be satisfied.

Speaking of this, there will probably be someone who criticizes me, such as words and feelings - well, I admit that the word feelings has been used badly. Are these pedantic things really suitable for this era? I don't know, but I feel that since I have tried to persist, it's better than not trying. Just as secret love is meaningless, being rejected is a truly heroic life. Don't be afraid of being laughed at, not afraid of being misunderstood, not afraid of being looked down on by others. If you don't do what you want to do, who can do it for you?

If life is easy to take a mediocre road, at least tell yourself not to give up something when you are on the road. Life can be better, just as novels can be more interesting. I hope everyone can continue to read happily, and I hope everyone can live a serious life.

Life is the best gift given to you by fate. If you want to love it, you can also hate it. It's entirely up to you.

This is the core charm of life.

Look, I still like to be so talky and say something to people so much. It's really hard to change...

Thank you. See you in the next book. In fact, it hasn't been long, and it is estimated that it will be a month at most. Let me have a normal day first...