Undercover maid

Chapter 37 Is there a third person?

"Cough... I'm fine!" Nanjin answered. She turned her head and saw Lu Ziqiao holding Mr. Xu, who was a little unconscious. Lu Haochen stood behind them with an anxious face.

After hearing that Nanjin woke up, Lu Haochen looked in the direction of Nanjin and saw that Nanjin was staring at him with strange eyes. Nanjin quickly turned her head and wiped the water on her face, although she didn't know whether it was seawater or tears.

Her heart hurts so much. Why did Lu Haochen do this to himself? Does he really hate himself? At this moment, she finally understood how deep Lu Haochen's feelings for Mr. Xu were before she found that she was so stupid that she found that she fell in love with a guy who didn't like her at the critical moment of life and death! She fell in love with Lu Haochen, but she was just a passer-by in his life.

Nanjin took a deep breath, smiled relievedly, stood up, and walked slowly in the direction of Lu Haochen. Lu Haochen wanted to say something, but Nanjin passed him and continued to walk forward and stopped in front of An Qi.

Nanjin looked at Angie, "bang--" She slapped Anqi's right face hard!

"This is for Mr. Xu!"

Angie covered her face and looked at Nanjin angrily: "You're crazy!" Angie raised her right hand and was ready to slap Nanjin's face.

Nanjin covered her hand with her arm and slapped her left face hard: "This is for me!"

Nanjin quickly raised his right hand and slapped Angie and said, "This is for yourself!"

Angie covered her face and cried, "How dare you hit me!" What are you?!"

"If I can wake you up, I can keep hitting you! You are simply hopeless! I hate it when people joke with their lives!" Nanjin's eyes became cold, and Angie was a little scared. If she is not a girl, Nanjin will definitely beat her until her parents don't recognize her.

"Wouldn't it have been for you? It was you who wanted to teach me a lesson and was found by Mr. Xu. When Mr. Xu came to persuade him to fight, you pushed Mr. Xu into the water. You are so vicious!" Angie put all the responsibility on Nanjin.

Suddenly, he grabbed Nanjin's arm with both hands. Nanjin raised his head and saw Lu Haochen staring at him with doubtful eyes.

"Is it you who pushed Mr. Xu into the water? Is what she said true?"

Nanjin shook off Lu Haochen's hand: "If I say no, do you believe it?"

There was a trace of doubt in Lu Haochen's eyes, and Nanjin saw it.

Nan Jin didn't pay attention to Lu Haochen anymore. She looked at An Qi and asked, "Then tell me!" Since I pushed Mr. Xu into the water, why did I fall into the water? I can't swim! It can't save Mr. Xu and kill himself! Why?"

"How do I know?" Angie was a little flustered. She just had an idea to put all the blame on Nanjin.

"Don't quarrel anymore! Xiaojin has just fallen into the water, and she must not be feeling well. Let her rest first. We will investigate the matter of falling into the water later!" Wenxu stopped them loudly.

He pointed to Angie again and said, "It's you again! You must have done it! Can you stop making waves?"

"It's not me! It's her!"

"Come here!" Wenxu dragged Angie into the cabin rudely.

Nanjin covered her ears and didn't want to hear anything anymore! She went into the bedroom and closed the door. She leaned behind the door and shed tears drop by drop.

"He doesn't believe me? He would rather believe Angie's words than me! Nanjin, Nanjin! Why did you fall in love with him? He doesn't belong to you..."

After taking a shower, Nanjin changed her clothes, and the yacht just stopped on the shore. Nanjin returned to her room silently without saying a word.

After Wenxu saw Nanjin's lonely figure, he pulled Angie down from the yacht!

"Where are you taking me!"

"Shut up!" Wenxu rudely pulled Angel to the small speedboat in the distance, and the speedboat started, leaving white waves.

Angie was scared by the warm look, "Why did you take me here?"

"What do you think?!" Wenxu stopped the speedboat on the sea and slowly walked to Angie, who was curled up in a corner.

"Don't come here! I'm going to call someone!"

"Call! Even if you break your throat, no one will come to save you!" The warm-eyed thief said.

"You...you! What the hell do you want to do?! We have no grievances!"

"Who said that! To have a grudge against Nanjin is to have a grudge against me! You must have pushed Mr. Xu into the water and blamed Nanjin, right?

"I...no!" Angie stood up and slowly leaned behind the speedboat to see that there was no boat around her. Suddenly, she became afraid. She knew the warm and special family background, so she didn't provoke him too much!

"We have already learned your means, but you still don't admit it?" Wenxu forced Angie.

"Don't come here!?" Angie suddenly stood on the edge of the speedboat. As long as Wenxu started the speedboat or shook it, Angie would fall into the sea.

"Are you going to jump into the sea? Very good! I will never save you!" Wenxu put his hands in his arms and slowly walked to Angie.

"Don't come here! Ah——" Angie's foot slipped and fell into the vast sea.

"Haha--" Wenxu laughed, "You deserve it! It makes you often fall into the water!"

"Help me! Help me--" Angie struggled to ask for help.

"You used to lie to us, but this time I won't be fooled!" Wenxu stood on the speedboat waiting to see Angie's joke.

Angie's hand for help slowly disappeared into the sea, and there was no sound...

"Ouch! Good acting! Should I award you an Oscar-winning actress?

What about the



"Why haven't you come up yet? I'm leaving!"

"I'm rushing back for dinner!"

"I'm really leaving--

"Angie-Angie--" Wenxu didn't even respond to the place where Angie fell into the water. Is it true this time? Is it really true? Not a prank?!

Warm jumps into the sea, looking for Angie in the sea...

"Why are you so heavy?" Wenxu finally saved Angie.

Warm hands folded on Angie's stomach and kept pressing!

"Ouch! Wake up! I won't save the drowning!" Wenxu pressed Angie and said that there was water coming out of her mouth, but why didn't she wake up? Do you want artificial respiration? It seems to be like this in the movie!

"Go for it!" Wenxu looked up at Angie's neck, took a deep breath, and then aimed at Angie's mouth and blew in! Once, twice, three times!

"Cough..." Angie spit out a few more mouthfuls of water. She opened her eyes and saw the warm face and mouth that were about to get close to...

After Wenxu saw Angie awake, she said excitedly, "Are you awake?! Hey - I finally woke up!"

Angie blinked her big eyes doubtfully, and then saw Wenxu riding on herself?

Wenxu followed Anqi's eyes and looked at herself, and then quickly stood up.

"Did you save me?" Angie leaned back and whispered.

"Is there a third person?"