Undercover maid

Chapter 53 It's hard to stay in your heart!

Only then did Nanjin analyze the matter clearly.

The reason why Mr. Xu broke up with Lu Ziqiao was that Lu Ziqiao met Han Zhiya, and his previous relationship with Han Zhiya seemed to be very deep. It was Mr. Xu who was willing to be the girlfriend of this person who did not care about him. Now they are getting married again, but it's a pity that the bride is not Mr. Xu... It seems that love will really make people blind! This society is so chaotic!

What the little uncle said is also right. Isn't falling in love with someone saying that you can forget it, just like Lu Haochen? Because he was afraid that Mr. Xu would be hurt, he beat his uncle regardless of his superiority and inferiority! Nanjin's heart is sad. She likes Lu Haochen, Lu Haochen likes Mr. Xu, Teacher Xu likes Lu Ziqiao, and Lu Ziqiao likes others! In this world, this bullshit feeling is really confusing!

Nanjin thought that Lu Haochen was also for Mr. Xu, but he could not sacrifice her to hurt her, and his performance was too obvious! The more she thought about it, the more angry she became! He suddenly stood up from the ground and stared at Lu Haochen fiercely: "Incurable!!"

Lu Haochen turned his head and looked at Nanjin and said, "What else! You are the cause of this!"

"Why is it none of my business again?" Nanjin felt puzzled. Don't blame her for anything!

"If you didn't see the invitation, you wouldn't have caused this!"

"Don't you do it without reading the invitation? I don't believe it?! Anyway, you can't beat your elders!" Any responsibility is blamed on her. What kind of person is this? She knew that Lu Haochen was worried about Mr. Xu, but the means were a little extreme!

"I said it was your fault!" Lu Haochen said in an ordered tone.

Mr. Xu smiled and said, "Okay, don't quarrel!" Haochen! Thank you for everything you have done for the teacher.

"I'll send you back!" Lu Haochen took Mr. Xu and left, leaving the injured Nanjin.

Nanjin smiled bitterly and looked at the backs of the two leaving. How many people in this world are looking at the back of their loved ones with others? She finally understood it! She wanted to forget him, but he was like stuck in her heart and couldn't drive him out...

"Haochen, thank you today!" Mr. Xu and Lu Haochen stood downstairs.

"Are you sure you're all right?"

"Ye, remember to apologize to your uncle in the future. After all, he is your elder!"

"He did something wrong, of course he should fight!" Lu Haochen's mouth is hard.

"The teacher knows that you are good for me! You can't completely blame your uncle for this. I'm also responsible! Emotions are also unclear. Teacher Xu smiled.

"Yes, feelings are not clear... Teacher! Do you know? In fact, I have always liked you!" Lu Haochen looked into Mr. Xu's eyes.

"What?" Teacher Xu looked at the big boy in front of him in surprise.

"... I have thought about chasing you after I graduate? But you didn't wait for me, and you were with your uncle at that time. He······"

"Do you think someone took your things? But he won't come back, so he has been staring at me secretly?" Teacher Xu said with a smile.

"Yeun! Yes! How do you know?"

"Ha ha... Because I secretly fell in love with my teacher before, and I felt the same way at that time!"

Is that right? At that time, I thought I would always stand behind you silently, but until the appearance of a person made my heart start to become confused, and I don't know who the person in my heart is!" Lu Haochen touched his head with embarrassment, like a big boy who was in love.

Mr. Xu smiled when he saw Lu Haochen like this and said, "Really? You! Still a child! Maybe you really like me, but is it the kind of man you think likes women? This situation is normal at your age!"

Lu Haochen nodded, "Maybe, maybe it's because your eyes look like a person, so I feel safe with you, so I will like you!"

Is that right? Xiaojin also said that my eyes looked like her mother! It seems that I'm really a public face! By the way! Is the person you just mentioned Nanjin?


"Do you want to see her when you can't see her? Can't help teasing and torturing her when you are with her? Is she depressed and unhappy when she is with other boys? Will she appear in front of you when you sleep at night? Will you look at her in class intentionally or unintentionally?

"······ seems to······"

"Ha ha... I think you like Nanjin!" Teacher Xu was very happy. She did not advocate puppy love, but she felt that Lu Haochen and Nanjin were quite suitable. Young people are so cute!

"Do you like Nanjin?!" Lu Haochen asked himself in his heart! He will call her when he can't see her! He has been looking for trouble for Nanjin, and there is only one way for him to express himself - to make her! But when she didn't see Nanjin for a while, she felt that something was missing, and she would appear in her mind intentionally or unintentionally! My heart seems to be getting closer to Nanjin little by little! In the next two days, Han Qingyu will also be innocently angry! Is it because of Nanjin? Is this what you like? Does he like Nanjin?!

But who is Nanjin's favorite person? Han Qingyu's confession has made him very unhappy, and Wen Xu also came to intervene, as if he was a little interested in Nanjin. Did you fight for Nanjin and Han Qingyu that day?!

Is it true that this Namjin said that he would never like himself? She always thought that the person he liked was Mr. Xu. Will he be hard-mouthed? And his parents seem to like her very much! No way! You have to trap her words! Lu Haochen thought of this and was in a good mood and finally recognized his feelings!

"Go back to see Nanjin. She seems to have been injured just now!"

"Teacher, I summoned up the courage to say these words to you today. Don't tell anyone!"

"Haha... Got it! I won't tell Xiaojin either! Don't worry!" Teacher Xu smiled happily.

"Well, goodbye, teacher!" Lu Haochen rode a motorcycle and left. When he just left, he saw the blood stains on Nanjin's leg. This stinky girl actually endured it. There have been many injuries on her body. I don't know if the wound on her leg has been treated?

"Miss Nan, what's wrong with you? Hurt?" Yu's mother saw Nanjin limping with a Band-aid on her forehead.

"Oh, it's okay, Mom, can you help me get the medicine box?"

"Hm, okay."

Nanjin looked at the empty villa. It was so quiet. Aunt Qing went to deal with the company a few days ago, and I don't think she will come back for a while! If she knew about her and Lin Xiaoke, she would definitely come forward. However, Yu's mother is still very good to herself. It seems that Lu Haochen ordered Yu's mother to treat herself like that at the beginning.

When she thought of Lu Haochen, she got angry! Throw yourself down every time! What a man!

"Xiao Ke?" Nanjin saw Lin Xiaoke, who had just gone downstairs, and shouted, hoping that she would talk to him.

Lin Xiaoke wanted to get something to drink, but she didn't expect to see Nanjin sitting there and injured. She came over and said, "Are you injured?"

"I'm fine. This little injury is nothing!" Nanjin was secretly happy, and Lin Xiao was willing to talk to himself!

"Yu Ma! Give me the medicine box!" Lin Xiaoke took the medicine box in Yu's mother's hand, opened it, took out the alcohol ball from it, and began to clean up the wound for Nanjin.

Nanjin gritted her teeth and endured the sudden tingling.

"Call it out if it hurts! It's uncomfortable to stay in my heart!" Lin Xiaoke took a look at Nanjin and seemed to have something to say.