Undercover maid

Chapter 65 Two people seem to be quite husband and wife

Lin Xiaoke's eyes were wet again. She looked at Nanjin gratefully. She had done so many wrong things and almost killed someone. Instead of hating her, Nanjin had to help herself! What else? It is a blessing for her life to make friends like Nanjin!

Outside the window, a few faint afterglows shone into the dark bedside. The two smiled happily and solved each other's knots. All the previous unhappiness also ran into the endless darkness and fell into the abyss...

In the hospital lounge, after Lin Manqing heard the news of the bolt from the blue, he was about to fall. Lu Shengjie picked up Lin Manqing, who was about to fall, and helped her to the chair.

"What? Yongkang? This is impossible! Impossible!" Lin Manqing said.

"Brother Nan! Are you mistaken? Lu Shengjie also doesn't believe it.

Nanyu Airlines frowned and said, "Yes, he did participate in the kidnapping, and... He has been smuggling drugs and laundering money for others, which has violated the law!" Nanyu Airlines also thought about it before saying it. The fire can't be wrapped in the paper. How can this kind of thing be hidden? The police will definitely send someone to question, it's just a matter of time.

"Yongkang..." Lin Manqing held his forehead with his hand, "He really did those illegal things?" The police questioned her, but she didn't believe it. She didn't start to worry until she really lost contact with her brother and he evaporated like the world.

"The police have enough evidence!" Nanyu Airlines said, "You... really don't know anything about it?"

"Ye! Blame it all! I didn't take good care of him and put him on this road of no return. My parents died early, but I didn't fulfill the responsibility of a sister!" Lin Manqing blamed himself.

Lu Shengjie asked her to lean on her shoulder. "Manqing, don't do this. Everything will be fine. I will mobilize all my strength to help Yongkang!"

"I hope you can talk to him. He hasn't spoken yet and doesn't cooperate with the police investigation. Maybe he has something difficult to say!" Nanyu Airlines is also helpless. Anyway, he and Lin Yongkang also met, and his wife Lin Manyun also regarded him as his own brother.

But everyone is equal before the law. If he does something wrong, he should bear the corresponding responsibility. What Nanyuhang can do is to help him as much as possible.

"Okay... I will persuade him..." Lin Manqing cried.

Lu Shengjie helped Lin Manqing into the villa.

"Master! Madam! Are you back?" Yu's mother greeted Lu Shengjie and Lin Manqing at the door of the villa.

"Are you back?" Lu Haochen was a little surprised to see his parents appear in the villa together. Looking at his mother, his face seemed to be very haggard.

"We just flew back this morning. Your mother is not feeling well. I'll take her back to her room first!"

Lu Shengjie supported Lin Manqing. Lin Manqing suddenly stopped and slowly walked to Lu Haochen: "Xiao Ke... is she asleep?"


Lin Manqing patted Lu Haochen on the shoulder and swallowed it back into his stomach. "You should also rest early!"

Lu Haochen turned his head and looked at the shoulder that had just been patted by Lin Manqing. How many years? How many years has she not cared about herself? Even if it's a cold and warm word? What's going on today? He suddenly felt sarcastic!

"Haochen!" After Lu Shengjie sent Lin Manqing back to his room, he called Lu Haochen, who was about to go back to his room.

"What's the matter?" Lu Haochen's expression was faint.

Lu Shengjie sighed, as if he was used to his son's tone, "Are you all right? I heard that you were also at the scene of the kidnapping last night!" Lu Shengjie's face showed some worry.

"Are you caring about me? Humph~~ Why am I so unaccustomed to it?"

Can't parents care about their children? In fact, your mother is also very worried about you!"

"Didn't you think it's a little late?" Lu Haochen's eyes became very cold.

"I know you have been wronged these years! I have almost dealt with the work abroad, and I will develop in China in the future, so that our family of three can often be together. Don't be so indifferent to your mother, okay? A successful middle-aged man said to his son almost at the request.

"A family of three? Humph~~~ That's ridiculous! Did she treat me as her son? I wonder if I'm the birth of you two? If so, why did she do that to me? She never turned a deaf ear to me! Especially after that!" Lu Haochen asked loudly.

"That's because..." Lu Shengjie hesitated. He didn't know whether to say it or not. Where did he start?

Lu Haochen turned back to his room in disappointment. What else is he looking forward to? His parents only left him at home and was taken care of by Yu's mother. It is a luxury for him to go out with his parents! Since that happened, they have gone home more often than before. They just stayed for a while and left, and then returned to their previous state, but their mother still came back occasionally! And his mother's eyes changed, and he became indifferent and inaccessible from then on! In fact, he doesn't know it himself, and he is just covering up his inner emptiness!

Lu Shengjie sighed again. Can you say who is right and who is wrong about that?

Nanjin has been recuperating in the hospital these days. Her father came to see her every day and even brought a mental doctor. In order not to worry her father, Nanjin obediently received treatment from a psychologist.

However, she was about to go crazy while lying on her sick** these days. I heard that Wenxu went home to help deal with gang affairs, and no one came to accompany her! After her father left, she had to drag her injured leg and go to Han Qingyu's ward to relieve her boredom. The two depended on each other and shared the past!

"Hahaha..." The laughter of Nanjin and Han Qingyu lingered in the room.

"What are you talking about? So happy? We heard your laughter outside the door!" Teacher Xu entered the door, followed by Lu Haochen and Lin Xiaoke, who helped carry things.

"Mr. Xu! Why did you come to see us now? Am I suffocating to death?" Nanjin said coquettishly.

"Oh! They are all those policemen who record confessions and are transferred! I just took some time to see you today and brought you a lot of food!"

"Ha ha... Thank you!"

"Yes! Do you know? It turns out that Mr. Fang is not a real teacher, but a policeman?!" Teacher Xu's face was full of admiration.

"Is it...?" Nanjin paused for a moment and then answered. Han Qingyu took a meaningful look at Nanjin.

"Emp! It turns out that he is an undercover agent! I came to school to be a teacher to cover up my identity. In fact, it is to solve the case! I didn't expect it! Ouch! These words can't be said to you! Be sure to keep it secret! But... Mr. Fang is really handsome!" Teacher Xu's eyes narrowed into a perfect arc.

"Ha ha... He is quite handsome!" Three black lines were printed on Nanjin's forehead, and Mr. Xu almost told the world that he couldn't say that the wheel was an undercover matter! Hey... Nanjin's mind suddenly came up with an idea. If Mr. Xu and Brother Wheel got together, what would happen? The two seem to be quite husband and wife!

No, then Lu Haochen will be sad! She peeked at Lu Haochen. Lu Haochen's face was still indifferent, but it seemed that she could feel the word anger faintly written on his face