There is a cat servant in my family


There is a cat servant in my family

There is a cat servant in my family

Author: Smile

Category: Traversing

State: Completion

Love bears, love to eat, little arrogant.
Enchanted, cunning, natural black.
A doomed encounter, an accidentally concluded contract.
In this world of infinite reincarnation, the secret hidden for a hundred years is gradually revealed with the opening of the door of space.
"Hey, I'm the master. Believe it or not, I'll burn your tail with a fire!"
She blushed and tiptoed to intimidate the cat servant on the sofa.
In exchange for its demonic and disdainful glance, the cat's ear on the top of his head trembled slightly, completely ignoring it.
Don't forget, from now on, "I am the master and you are the servant!"

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