Wolin Opera

Chapter 18 I lost!

Capture, as the name implies, is a hard enemy capture technique, which is often combined with other techniques to divide the bones, reverse joints and other methods of the enemy, so that the enemy loses the ability to resist and is captured. For example, the most commonly used hurdles, lead sheep, cross-legged, arms and so on. Of course, everything is compatible with each other. Since there is a solution, in addition to learning capture, you can also learn a certain method of liberation in the capture technique.

Instructor Yuan hit Yuanfeng's face with one punch. Yuanfeng quickly attacked Yuan's right hand according to the movements learned in the movie and wanted to hold Yuan's right hand, but when Yuan Feng's right hand stretched out, he saw the smile emerging from the corners of Yuan's mouth. Yuan Feng screamed badly!

But it was too late. Instructor Yuan instantly changed his moves, locked his throat with one move, and attacked Yuanfeng's throat. Yuanfeng hummed coldly with his right foot and jumped up. Before Yuan Instructor locked his throat hit him, Yuanfeng instantly flipped from the air and fell behind Instructor Yuan!

Since you don't want to use your ability, let me force you to use it! Yuanfeng thought in his heart that the dark Yun Yuanli's fists went to the back of the Yuan instructor with a little Yuanli!

"It's not good!" Feeling the sound of the wind, the instructor Yuan was terrled! Instantly turned around and hurriedly called the Zhenli fists in the body and pushed forward in an instant! Two fists with different abilities collided violently!

"Bum!" Instructor Yuan's true power finally couldn't resist the attack of Yuanfeng Yuanli, and his feet glided back dozens of meters in an instant!

When Instructor Yuan glided nearly 20 meters, he slowly stopped. There was a long mark on the ground, and even the place with green grass was about to be grounded. At this time, the source wind was much better than the Yuan instructor, just two steps back, and did not glide dozens of meters like the Yuan instructor.

Looking at this competition, all the instructors present stared with incredible big eyes. They really couldn't figure out how strong Yuan Feng was to push the Yuan instructor who had experienced hundreds of battles so far? In their minds, even the Yuan instructor was pushed so far with a van in the guard area, and now he is pushed so far by such a freshman as Yuanfeng, which really surprises them!

"Wow!" Instructor Yuan took a deep breath and shouted, "I lost!"

"Wow!" In an instant, the whole playground was suddenly filled with screams and applause from the students. They really didn't expect that this competition was only a few minutes, allowing a freshman to defeat an instructor who was in the guard area!

Seeing that Yuanfeng had nothing to do, Liu Yaner, who stood behind the crowd, was finally relieved, but she really couldn't figure out why Yuanfeng could defeat an instructor in a guard area?

Intor Yuan wiped the sweat from his face, went to Yuanfeng and stretched out his right hand with a smile: "Yuanfeng, I completely lost"

Looking at the smiling expression of instructor Yuan, Yuanfeng finally verified something. Instructor Yuan was indeed a hidden master who also stretched out his right hand with a smiling expression: "I'm giving up!"

After Yuanfeng and Yuan instructor's martial arts competition, the military training course began again, but this time no student was lazy, but desperately devoted himself to the military training state. Seeing Yuanfeng's victory in this martial arts competition obviously set an example in the minds of all students.

At this time, Yuanfeng and Yuan instructor came to a tree not far away and looked at Yuanfeng Yuan instructor and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that there was a powerful martial arts master in Kyoto University!"

"I'm flattered" Yuanfeng smiled faintly: "In the future, I have to learn more from instructor Yuan." Yuanfeng is right. In terms of Yuanli alone, Yuan instructor can't beat Yuanfeng in any case, but according to ordinary fighting skills, Yuanfeng can't beat instructor Yuan.

"Good!" Instructor Yuan appreciated Yuanfeng's character very much, and then began to patiently explain the basics of martial arts to Yuanfeng, and then began to explain some martial arts knocks, such as the fighting essentials of capture, the flowing water of Taijiquan and other ways to Yuanfeng one by one.

And do a few practical actions from time to time to let Yuanfeng see. And Yuanfeng also learned very quickly. With the brain transformed by Kirin's formula, as long as you read it once, you will never forget it. Sometimes Yuanfeng learned this fighting skill and fought with the Yuan instructor. Soon, Yuanfeng mastered the fighting skills of Yuanfeng mastered it.

Time passed quickly, and a week of military training passed quickly in a blink of an eye. During this period, the students established a deep relationship with the instructor. At the beginning, many students hated the instructor's training for themselves, but after a real week, all the students changed their original thoughts.

And the most beneficial thing in this week is Yuanfeng. He has learned a lot from the Yuan instructor, and the Yuan instructor has no reservation and taught everything he knows to Yuanfeng, which has greatly increased Yuanfeng's strength in this short week.

Finally, a week later, it was time for the instructors to go back. Watching the students stand all over the playground to see themselves off, even the instructor's iron-boned man couldn't help shed moving tears.

There is no feast that never ends. In the end, the military car carried the instructors out of the playground, and the source wind standing behind the crowd looked at the faraway cars one after another. When the Yuan instructor left, he left a sentence that he would meet with the Yuan instructor one day, but at that time, you and I Earth-shaking changes will occur...


A week of military training ended in this way, and soon the school returned to normal class time. The course schedule is still arranged as usual, and students go to the classroom according to the time of each course. At this time, Yuanfeng came to the classroom early. Yijing Department was indeed not very popular. There were only 20 or 30 students sitting there reading quietly in the classroom, unlike 70 or 80 people or even hundreds of classrooms like other departments.

Yuanfeng found an empty seat and sat down. Soon after sitting down, Yuanfeng's mobile phone buzzed. Yuanfeng took out his mobile phone and found that it was a text message sent to himself by Liu Yaner, which said: Yuanfeng, my father has something to teach me to go back. I asked for a few days off. I will not be on campus these days. Eat well. Looking at the content of the text message, Yuanfeng Huixin's smile put the mobile phone back in his pocket again.

After ten minutes in the classroom, the bell of the class rang. Soon, an old man in clothes similar to a Taoist robe came in with a compass in his hand.

From the perspective, this old man is about 60 years old, and his gray hair is tied up like an ancient man. Although his face is full of wrinkles, it can be said that his bright eyes are not old, and his face is ruddy and big. The demeanor of the ancients.

As soon as the old man entered the door, his eyes aimed at the source wind sitting in the back. Suddenly, a kind of fanatical ** flash appeared in his eyes. Then the old man went to the podium and put down the compass and smiled and said, "Classmates, today is the first lesson of the Department of Changes. My surname is Wen. Everyone calls me Lao Wen. Of course, you can also call me Lao Wen. Kindness"

Listening to Mr. Wen's words, all the students laughed and felt that the teacher did not have the domineering energy of those teachers. On the contrary, it was a kind feeling.

With the opening remarks of Mr. Wen, he began to get to the point, and this I Ching lesson officially began.

There are different courses on university campuses every day. Although Yuanfeng enters the Department of I Ching, it cannot be said that all courses need to learn the I Ching. Other courses also need to be learned. Of course, computers, musical instruments, etc. also need to be learned. Two days passed in these studies, and it was Friday in a blink of an eye. Learning in big school is much easier than in high school. Monday to Friday is the time for classes, while Saturday and Sunday are the time for entertainment, and Friday is only half a day. In the afternoon, the time is basically the time for students to study freely.

I feel that the source of things I have learned in the past two days is very simple. I don't know what's going on. Since I was transformed by Kirin's Secret, I found that my head is very fast to remember things, such as a book as thick as a dictionary. Even if other students study for a year, it is impossible to completely memorize the contents. Come on. Yuanfeng is different. Each book only needs to be turned over once to remember the contents and recite it backwards, which makes Yuanfeng a little happy.

Yuanfeng has read all the books of the whole semester of his freshman semester through these two days. Even in the current exam, Yuanfeng can definitely win the first place. Therefore, Yuanfeng plans to go to the next class, but Yuanfeng still plans to go to Yijing class. I don't know why old man Wen always gives Yuanyuan The wind is an indescribable feeling...

After lunch, the afternoon time was also good. Although the weather was a little cold, many students cleaned up and walked on the lawn of the campus wearing thick down jackets, forming a warm feeling.

Liu Yaner went home. As for Yuanyuan, she didn't like to go out to play because of the cold weather, so she went to the library alone. And Yuanfeng could only walk out of the school alone.

The afternoon sun is not very dazzling, but a little warm. The gentle sun shines on my face and feels warm. Because of the protection of Kirin's secret, Yuanfeng did not wear too many clothes, but only wore a pair of jeans and a white sportswear to walk on the road outside the school.

Looking at the rows of buildings and restaurants on both sides of the street, Yuanfeng felt that this era had progressed too fast. In his father's era, the roads were full of dirt roads. In that era, he ate a few cents of fried dough sticks and bean sauce steamed buns every day, even if he was very happy at that time, but now... No one will pick up a dollar when it falls on the ground!

Yuanfeng sighed and unconsciously walked to a grocery street. Yuanfeng was speechless when he raised his head and saw the knife grocery store hanging on the roadside. Why did he come here unconsciously?

When Yuanfeng was about to turn around and walk back, he suddenly found a familiar figure sitting in a corner not far from the roadside...