Wolin Opera

Chapter 23 The Mysterious Man in Black

At this time, Yuanfeng returned to the dormitory, gently opened the door, and found that Wu Zhuang was sleeping in **, while Luo Ke and Li Lian were checking information on the Internet.

"Damn it! Yuanfeng, where have you been these two days? As soon as he saw Yuanfeng come back, Luo Ke rushed up and carefully looked at Yuanfeng's clothes: "It's strange, there are no scars!"

"..." Yuanfeng was speechless. What's this? He coughed and said, "You haven't been in the dormitory these two days. Of course you can't see me!"

"Oh, that's right!" Hearing Yuanfeng's words, Luo Ke remembered that he had gone to the Internet cafe with Wu Zhuang and Li Lian in the past two days, so he didn't see Yuanfeng in the past two days.

"Ha, are you kidding?" Luo Ke smiled and looked at Luo Ke's sinister smile. Yuanfeng shook his head helplessly and returned to his **. He picked up the martial arts book that Li Lian bought for him and opened it. Luo Ke was also bored and returned to Li Lian's bedside to study the computer with him. Liu Yaner's business is over, but Yuanfeng doesn't know that he will fall into a life-and-death trap because Liu Yaner...


A few days after Liu Yaner's incident, everything is normal and no different from usual, but no one knows that there will be a rough time behind this tranquility.

In the past two days, Liu Yaner and Yuanyuan often pull Yuanfeng out, but every time Yuanfeng always drags his tired body back. The reason is that Liu Yaner and Yuanyuan Yuanyuan pulls Yuanfeng out to make him a cool force. Every time they go shopping, they always leave a big bag, which is tired of Yuanfeng. Unexpectedly, it is better to accompany girls to go shopping than to practice Qi. Lin Shenjie is still tired!

"I said, sisters, are you all right? If I'm exhausted, let's see who you look for!" At this time, Yuanfeng was in a mess, with big and small things hanging around his body, and even his neck was full of bags.

"Hmm! A big man is so tired. How can he go out? Looking at Yuanfeng's complaint, Liu Yaner turned around and said deliberately.

"That's right," Yuanyuan echoed: "Man, it's good to recite more things." He said with a smile and rushed into the special store next to him again, which made Yuanfeng feel that he really doesn't work every day!

After six o'clock in the evening, it was already dark. Yuanfeng, Liu Yaner and Yuanyuan sent the two women back to the dormitory after wandering the street for a day, and then Yuanfeng left the school again.

Outside the gate of Kyoto University, there is a forest not far to the east. In summer, many couples and old women play here, but now it is close to winter, so there are few people in it. At this time, the source wind walked deep into the woods and came to a slightly wider place and stopped.

"Come out! Don't you feel tired after tracking for a day? Yuanfeng looked at the dark area in front of him and asked.

"Hey hey..." As soon as Yuanfeng's words fell, a dark shadow flashed behind Yuanfeng: "Kid, that's good! How can you know that I'm following you!"

"Hum" Yuanfeng turned around with a sneer and looked at the man in black opposite. At this time, the man in black was completely shrouded in a black dress, and the big black hat covered his face, so no one could see the expression inside.

"Ky, if someone hadn't hired me, I wouldn't have come out, but... as soon as I come out, you must be in trouble!" Saying that, the man in black suddenly moved with the wind!

"Hmm! Come here, it's not sure who is in trouble!" Looking at the windless and automatic robe, Yuanfeng sneered and was ready to accept the challenge of the other party.

"Swipe!" In an instant, the man in black disappeared in an instant! This scene immediately made Yuanfeng's heart terrified!

"Puff!" Yuanfeng only felt that his back seemed to be hit by a boulder, and a mouthful of blood spurt out of his mouth! Yuanfeng staggered and stood at his feet, looking at the man in black not far from him, as if the other party had never made a move, and he would kill him without anyone's knowledge.

"Hey..." Yuanfeng felt that the blood in his body boiled again, and his right hand wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and sneered, "Is this a warm-up exercise?"

Looking at the other party without answering, Yuanfeng moved his muscles and bones and drank: "Ah! Come on!" In an instant, the source wind raised all the original power in the body. Although the source wind's Kirin formula has only been cultivated to the first-order bottleneck, its strength should not be underestimated. At this time, a thin red light appeared around the source wind, which is also the phenomenon that the source wind has improved all the power.

"Drink!" In an instant, Yuanfeng rushed up with his back foot! Yuanfeng punched the face of the man in black with the 50% of his strength!

The fist is powerful enough to cut off a big tree as thick as the mouth of a well! But when Yuanfeng's fist approached the man in black, he suddenly found that his idea was too naive!

"Bang!" The man in black stretched out his right hand and cut off Yuanfeng's powerful fist!

"Humph, do you want to defeat me with this fist?" The man in black said and quickly punched under his robe in an instant!

"Wow!" Yuanfeng was hit in the abdomen by this punch firmly! A strong pain spread all over his body, and Yuanfeng knelt down weakly on the ground with his hands covering his abdomen and gasping for breath! It's terrible! Unexpectedly, there was a difference of 108,000 miles between one punch and the other party's punch!

"Hum..." The sinister voice of the man in black came from the robe: "Let's fight again next time! I hope you will still live in the world by then..." After saying that, the man in black robe moved and turned around and disappeared into the darkness...

At this time, there is a dead bumblebee on Yuanfeng's neck...


"Bang..." The door of the dormitory was pushed open by gravity. Yuanfeng fell to the ground as soon as he entered the door as if he was drunk. At this time, Yuanfeng endured the severe pain all over his body and forcibly turned on the electric light in the dormitory and found that there was no one in the dormitory.

"Wow..." By the light, Yuanfeng's cheeks turned blue at this time, which was supposed to be slippery. The moist lips have now turned blue and purple. At this time, he was still holding the dead wasp around his neck. Looking at the wasp, Yuanfeng knew that he was poisoned!

Now we can only force the toxin out! Thinking of this, Yuanfeng immediately sat up with difficulty and coiled his legs to run the unicorn formula in his body. Although the operation of the Kirin formula, Yuanfeng felt a strong soreness all over his body, just like the feeling of 20,000 wasps stabbing poison needles into the body, which was very uncomfortable!

"Humph..." Yuanfeng snorted coldly and suppressed the poison in his body with severe pain. As Yuanfeng's brain gradually increased, Yuanfeng's brain gradually appeared bursts of dizziness, but Yuanfeng still gritted his teeth and increased his vitality.

Just a few minutes later, I felt a strong sense of dizziness because the source wind increased its strength to force the speed. As soon as I felt that the dizziness source wind didn't scream well, I wanted to take back the Yuanli, but suddenly found that the Yuanli actually ate back!

"It's not good!" Yuanfeng was stunned and tried his best to control the power in his body, but it was too late. A stronger dizziness hit his heart and ploped! Yuanfeng fainted in an instant...


The morning sun shone on this land as usual. At eight o'clock, the students walked from the dormitory to the teaching building to prepare for class. At this time, two French cars drove from the gate of Kyoto University. After entering the campus, they drove straight to the downstairs of the office building.

With the stop of the Dufa car, four men in uniform came down from the Dufa car and went straight to the principal's room on the roof. Looking at these legal officers, many students are talking about it. I don't know who has violated the law this time.

Soon, four justices came to the principal's room on the roof, knocked on the door, and saw a fat principal about 50 years old sitting in a chair and looking at the computer. When he saw the Taoist come in, the fat principal quickly put down the reading glasses on his face and asked, "I don't know what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the old man's question, an older legal officer took out his certificate and said, "We are from the Municipal Law Department. We want to know the situation of a student in your school."

"Students of our school?" Hearing this, the old principal is a little strange. Did the students of our school break the law?

"Yes," another Taoist said: "There was a major murder in Wuhai Town the day before yesterday. The deceased was a woman and a middle-aged man, and according to our investigation, the suspect is a student in your school."

"So...what's the name of that student?"

"It's a student named Yuanfeng in your school." The master took out a portrait and handed it over: "It's the student in this portrait. I don't know if it's a student in your school."

Taking over the paper of the portrait, the old principal picked up the reading glasses again and looked at it carefully. After a while, the old principal nodded: "Yes, this is indeed a student of our school. He has just entered this year. It is indeed called Yuan Feng. It seems that he applied for the Department of Changes." Listening to the old principal's words, the justice asked again. He said, "Do you know where he is in the dormitory?"

"It's Room 350 on the third floor of the boy's dormitory building," the old principal affirmed, but he was very strange. Yuanfeng still heard from old Wen that he was a good person, but he didn't expect to be a murderer!

After getting the address of Yuanfeng's dormitory, the four officials left the principal's office and walked towards Yuanfeng's dormitory.

At this time, in the dormitory, the source wind was still lying on the cold ground. As the sun shines, the source wind's fingers moved slightly. Slowly, the source wind gradually opened its eyes. I found myself still lying on the ground.

"Cough..." Yuanfeng woke up and felt that his throat was dry, as if he had been burned by fire. After getting up with difficulty, he staggered to his cabinet, took out a glass of water and took a large glass of water, and drank it all in one breath.

"Hu... Hu..." Yuan Feng gasped: "Damn, I'm in a coma..." At this time, Yuan Feng thought of the man in black last night with lingering fear. That man was really terrible. Even if he approached the second level of the Kirin's Secret, his strength was far from his opponent.

But... Yuanfeng thought of a problem at this time. According to the mysterious man's little life, he would never let him take half a day to solve it, but the other party did not seem to have the desire to kill himself. So, what's going on? What on earth does he want to do?