Wolin Opera

Chapter 26 Imprisonment Area 7 2

"Hmm! Just compare, who is afraid of whom!" With that, the leopard pointed to the four big men behind him and said, "The four of you must grab him for me, or I will ruin you!"


"Ah..." With the command of the leopard and the tiger, the eight strong men walked towards the source wind standing at the gate of the prison area.

Feering the trembling muscles of these eight people, Yuanfeng clenched his fists tightly. He knew that he might be defeated even if he had a duel with the two of them without the Kirin's secret protection! However, the source wind will never retreat! Because he is a descendant of Kirin, he is a descendant of Kirin, and he will not be a bastard!

"Ah!" Watching the eight people rush to Yuanfeng and wave their fists out with a big shout!

"Puff!" Yuanfeng's heavy punch was blocked by one of the strong men! Hey, little brother, you're still far away!" With that, the strong man quickly waved a punch in the abdomen of the wind!

"Cough..." Yuanfeng punched firmly and instantly felt that his breathing was broken, and his legs trembled! Soon, a severe pain spread all over the whole body of the wind!

"Ah!" Yuanfeng shouted heartbreakingly and knelt on the ground with a plop of his legs! But a few seconds later, Yuanfeng suddenly stood up with his legs! At this time, his face was full of bean-sized sweat and fell down. The strong man's punch just now almost broke Yuanfeng's internal organs, but Yuanfeng could not admit defeat!

Without the severe pain, Yuanfeng stood up and kicked out with his right foot in an instant! I used the fighting skills that the instructor taught me during the military training!

"Bang!" Yuanfeng's foot is very strong. Although there is no Kirin's magic protection, this foot is enough to kick off a tree pole the size of a bowl! Yuanfeng's right foot suddenly hit the right leg of the first strong man to come up!

"Dong!" The strong man didn't know that Yuanfeng was so powerful that he suddenly fell to the ground unsteadily!

"Oh? This boy..." At this time, the leopard looked at the red-faced Yuanfeng and looked at him with some new eyes.

"Ky! It's just looking for death!" Seeing one of the strong men fall to the ground, all the strong men became angry and rushed up like a swarming! The strong man's iron fist hit Yuanfeng's body one by one, but Yuanfeng held on to the ground. The fists of his hands were already bloody and broken layer after layer, but Yuanfeng did not pay attention to these still fighting with these vicious strong men!

"Dong!" Yuanfeng's back was punched once again, and the blood in the mouth of the wind gushed out! Although he vomited blood, Yuanfeng suddenly turned around and wanted to punch back! At this time, Yuanfeng's eyes had already turned blood red, and his bloodthirsty demon-like eyes really shocked these strong men!

"Ah! You all die!" Yuanfeng roared and rushed up again with his bloody fists!

"Boom!" There was a fraudulent sound in the sky outside, and heavy rain fell from the sky in an instant! Heavy rain washed the ground, causing gaps in the ground.

"Wind, I hope you are safe. Without you, the world of smoke will be dark. Wind, you must wait for me and wait for me to save you!" At this time, Liu Yaner did not feel sleepy. Looking at the drifting rain outside the window, tears couldn't help flowing down.

From the first motion sickness medicine Yuanfeng bought for himself, he accidentally saved Yuanfeng from the warehouse in the suburbs to save himself, until the shining stone given to him by Yuanfeng some time ago undoubtedly did not show Yuanfeng's righteous and kind heart...

When looking at Liu Yaner looking at the heavy rain outside, Yuanyuan sighed softly. To be honest, Yuanyuan's heart was also very uncomfortable since he learned that Yuanfeng was arrested. Although he didn't know if he fell in love with Yuanfeng, his heart seemed to be crushed by a huge stone when he heard that Yuanfeng had an accident. Same. Sometimes Yuanfeng feels that he is about to lose his way, but Yuanyuan knows that he can't fall down, because Yuanfeng still needs to wait for himself to save himself...



At this time, a figure stood next to the iron window, and the original white shirt had already been stained with colorful blood, revealing his knee trousers, dishevelled hair and sweat and blood all over his body reflected a strong body.

"This..." Looking at Yuanfeng's undulating body, the tiger and the leopard showed an incredible expression on their faces. They really couldn't imagine that a person weaker than them could fight back these men who had experienced a hundred battles! What a terrible strength this should be!

At this time, looking at the strong man lying on the ground and moaning, Yuanfeng closed his big mouth and looked at the tiger and the leopard coldly, "What, do you two come one by one or together?"

"Well... leopard, tiger, you are not his opponents..." Just as the tiger and the leopard hesitated whether to go, the voice of a man in vicissitudes came.

The man's voice also attracted the eyes of Yuanfeng, but found that the owner of the sound came from the top of the row of beds, that is, the people lying on the bed. After saying this, he slowly sat up, put on the cloth shoes on the ground and got out of bed.

Finally, the man came towards Yuanfeng, and at this time Yuanfeng finally saw the other party's true face. He is a middle-aged man about 40 years old. Although he wears that shabby rural clothes and his hair is a little messy, Yuanfeng can still see from the shining eyes under his hair that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Hehe, young man, it's good and powerful. It is indeed very courageous to beat these strong men who have experienced many battles. Would you like to talk to me for a while? Looking at Yuanfeng's expressionless face, the man smiled at Yuanfeng.

Looking at the man's sincere expression, Yuanfeng felt that the other party was not malicious, so he nodded and agreed to talk to him for a while. After getting Yuanfeng's consent, the man smiled without saying a word and turned to his bed, and Yuanfeng also followed. However, at this time, Yuanfeng found that the man was actually a disabled man, but his two arms were missing, leaving only the empty arm on the right to ripple with the movement of his body.

Yunfeng followed the man to his bed. The man motioned Yuanfeng to sit down, and then sat on the edge of the bed. The tiger and the leopard also followed, but they did not sit down but stood next to another bed. The man who sat down took a look at Yuanfeng and smiled, "Isn't it curious why I don't have a hand?"

"Well..." Yuan Feng didn't expect that he could see his doubts and awkwardly stretched out his blood-stained right hand and touched his nose, but Yuan Feng still nodded to express his doubts.

"Oh..." The man looked at Yuanfeng's doubtful expression and stretched out his left hand and stroked his empty sleeve and smiled bitterly, "The sky is unpredictable, and people have misfortunes and blessings. This is the truth that has remained unchanged since ancient times. But for me, there is no blessing but endless misfortune. My arm also caused today's consequences because I chose the wrong way and entered the wrong door. Alas... As a consequence, I can only eat it by myself..."

Listening to the man's emotion, Yuanfeng had a sense of what seemed to have happened to him, which led to the loss of his right arm! However, although Yuanfeng thought so, after all, this was a painful past for the other party. The other party did not speak, and Yuanfeng still did not ask. After all, Yuanfeng knew that if the other party wanted to say something, he would naturally tell himself.

"Cough..." Speaking of this, the man coughed strongly, waved his hand at Yuanfeng and sighed, "I know you want to ask me what happened to me, and it's okay for me to tell you about this." The man looked at Yuanfeng again and said, "Actually, my name is Mo Lian. I think you should have heard of Rui That's the name, right?

"Rui?" Yuanfeng was a little surprised to hear the name. He still heard of the name Rui. Not counting his second visit to Kyoto, even if he had heard of the name Rui when he came to Kyoto to work, Rui represents a symbol of power.

Although many people know the name Rui in Kyoto, everyone only knows that Rui represents a symbol of power, but no one knows what Rui means. However, although no one knows what Rui means, no one will ever inquire about Rui's meaning. Yi, because of this, can only accelerate the time of this person's evaporation in the world.

And Yuanfeng has also heard of Rui, but Yuanfeng only heard the name and doesn't know what it means.

And Yuanfeng looked at Mo Lian beside him strangely when he heard the name Rui: "Are you and Rui?"

"Ha ha..." Mo Lian did not answer the question raised by Yuan Feng, but continued: "Rui, in this world represents not only a symbol of power, but also a symbol of terror. Rui is an absolute horror of the universe, and no one can defeat this horror. And it was because I strayed into Rui that led to today's situation!" After a pause, Mo Lian said slowly, "To be honest, I am the owner of Kyoto Rui."

"Is this Rui really an absolute horror in the universe?" At this time, Mo Lian was not surprised to hear that he was Ruiyuanfeng, the master of Kyoto. Instead, he asked calmly.

Looking at Yuanfeng's calm face, Mo Lian did not feel any strange explanation: "Rui, from a legendary mysterious organization 'destruction'. The legendary extinction is an organization that no one can compete with, and Rui is just a branch of destruction, but although It is a branch. All the Rui lords have never seen the annihilated suzerain, and the rumored annihilation suzerain can compete with heaven and earth..."