Wolin Opera

Chapter 64 Commissioner Liang's Visit

"Oh..." Yuanfeng listened to Yuanyuan's words and smiled faintly and looked at the twinkling stars in the sky and said, "Actually... I was framed and imprisoned by Zeng's father and son. At that time, they framed me into the No. 7 prison area, where I met the leader of the largest force of the Rui organization in Kyoto City, Lord Murray

"Rui organization?" Hearing Yuanfeng mention this word, Yuanyuan was shocked: "I heard that this Swiss organization is a powerful and mysterious organization! Power can be distributed almost all over the world!"

"Yes! That's the organization!" Yuanfeng nodded and continued: "Later, I was appreciated by Mr. Murray, the leader of the Swiss organization, but the next day, the Zeng father and son took action to eradicate all of us. At that time, it was also Mr. Murray and others who tried their best to stop the people sent by the Zeng family, which made it easy for me to escape. I met Scarface and others, and later learned that he was also a subordinate of Murray. In this way, after getting to know them, I began to plan a plan to eradicate Zeng's father and son step by step.

Say this, Yuanfeng paused and continued, "Finally, the day before yesterday, I led the former Mo Ruizhu's men and finally defeated Zeng's father and son, which restored the calm of Kyoto City..."

After listening to Yuanfeng's experience, Yuanyuan was silent for a long time. Finally, Yuanyuan brushed his hair with his hand and sighed, "Wind, I don't know you have encountered so many things during this period, and I don't know that you have suffered so much. I'm sorry..."

Listening to Yuanyuan's apology, Yuanfeng smiled faintly: "Yuyuan, in fact... I'm sorry. I know your feelings for me... But I..." said here, and Yuanfeng did not continue to say.

To be honest, although Yuanyuan didn't say anything about his feelings on the surface, he knew it in his heart. Yuanfeng admitted that he also had a certain position in his heart, but he never expressed this feeling. After all, he had Liu Yaner around him. If he had anything to do with Yuanyuan now, it must be a little unfair to Liu Yaner, which is also Yuanfeng's most troublesome thing...

Looking at Yuanfeng who wanted to stop talking, Yuanyuan seemed to guess something and said with a smile, "Feng, in fact, since you saved me for the first time, I know that I can no longer tolerate any boy in my heart, but... I know your relationship with Yan'er'er sister, and Yan'er sister is also a good girl. I just hope you won't let me down. Negative her... In fact, I don't care..." Saying this, Yuanyuan smiled at Yuanfeng, but the smile seemed to be mixed with a trace of desire.

Listening to Yuanyuan's words, Yuanfeng did not speak, but looked at the stars in the sky. Yuanfeng knew that now he could only let nature take its course. As the saying goes, there was nothing he could do.


A week after Zeng's father and son were arrested, Yuanfeng did not go anywhere and stayed in the hospital with Yuanyuan to accompany Liu Yaner. During this period, due to the careful care of Yuanfeng and Yuanyuan, Liu Yaner's body recovered surprisingly quickly.

However, another reason why Liu Yaner's body recovers quickly is the flint that Liu Yaner carried with her, that is, the heart-shaped flint that Yuanfeng gave her at Liu Yaner's engagement ceremony.

Of course, Yuanfeng knows that this fire crystal contains rich fire elements. As the saying goes, fire is the source of all things, and the fire element that exists in this fire crystal also plays a great health role when wearing it with her. If a woman wears it, it can make her skin more delicate and smooth. .

Looking at Liu Yaner's gradually recovering, Yuanyuan and Yuanfeng were also relieved a lot. During this period, Yuanfeng handed over the full power of the Rui forces to rectify Kyoto City to Scarface and Double-sided Snake, and with the help of Little Five Sons, Tigers and Leopards, he thoroughly cleaned Kyoto City.

As for Commissioner Liang, he knew about Yuanfeng, so he was not in a hurry to see Yuanfeng. Therefore, during the period of Liu Yaner's recovery, Yuanfeng was also relatively relaxed.

"Come on! The steamed bun I just bought, hurry up and taste it!" Early in the morning, Yuanfeng bought five or six steaming meat buns from outside the hospital and swayed in front of Liu Yaner.

"Hee... I think you look like a meat bun!" Liu Yaner seemed to be in a good mood, and the careful care of Yuanfeng during this period did move Liu Yaner very much. Liu Yaner lost her mother when she was a child. It was her father who raised her little by little. In Liu Yaner's heart, one of her best boys is her father, and the other is Yuanfeng.

And when looking at Yuanfeng's busy appearance, Yaner was also a little distressed and said, "Wind, you have been busy for so long, and you are not going to rest soon."

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay to take care of your girlfriend." Yuanfeng smiled and brought the millet porridge to Liu Yaner for Liu Yaner to drink.

"Fuck you, who promised to be your girlfriend?" Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Liu Yaner immediately blushed and said andly, but she still drank the millet porridge in Yuanfeng's hand obediently.

At this time, the door of the ward was gently pushed open, and two men came in. One of them was about 30 years old, wearing a straight suit, and the other man was about the same age. The two came in one after the other.

Listening to the footsteps, Yuanfeng doesn't have to think about who it is. It must be the good commissioner and defense entourage sent from above. The two sources heard Li Lian say that if it hadn't been for their help, it would have been difficult for Zeng's father and son to be completely eradicated in Kyoto.

"Hello, Yuanfeng" entered the door, and the man walking in front of him saw Yuanfeng standing up, smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, Commissioner Liang." Yuanfeng also held the man's right hand with a smile. Yuanfeng knew that the man was the good commissioner Li Lian said.

"Oh? Do you know me? Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Commissioner Liang was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he thought of the meaning. I guess Li Lian told him. Thinking of this smile, he said, "Is it Li Lian who told you?"

"Oh..." Yuanfeng smiled faintly: "It's worthy of being a big shot sent above. It's a good guess. It's indeed what Li Lian told me. However, Commissioner Liang, Yuanfeng also thank you. If it hadn't been for your help, it would be difficult for the Zeng family to eradicate. At that time, it is estimated that we will suffer the chaos. "!"

"Haha!" Commissioner Liang laughed and said, "It's me who said thank you!" If it hadn't been for a young hero like you in Kyoto! I'm afraid we are also strong but weak!"

"Hee, Uncle Liang, don't praise the source wind! Otherwise, he will be praised." At this time, listening to the polite words of Commissioner Yuanfeng and Liang, Liu Yaner, who was sick, smiled and said that in fact, during the period of his recovery, Yuanfeng could not accompany her here every day, so the rest of the task was entrusted to Yuanyuan, and sometimes when Yuanyuan was here to take care of Yaner, good Members also came to visit themselves from time to time, so Liu Yaner knew the good commissioner.

"Haha!" Commissioner Liang smiled and said to Yuanfeng, "Yuenfeng, do you mind going out for a chat with me?"

Listening to the good commissioner's words, Yuanfeng was a little hesitant. He was a little worried that Liu Yaner was here, but at this time, Liu Yaner, who was sick**, seemed to see Yuanfeng's mind and smiled and said, "Wind, it's okay. I can be here alone. Don't worry."

Originally, Yuanfeng was a little worried, but when listening to Liu Yaner say so, Yuanfeng had to nod. After simply cleaning up the ward and helping Liu Yaner lie down, Yuanfeng and Commissioner Liang left the ward.

I left the hospital area and came to the park downstairs. Commissioner Liang exhaled a long breath and said, "Yuanfeng, in fact, there is one thing I think I can tell you now."

"Oh?" Yuanfeng smiled faintly and said, "I think what Commissioner Liang wants to say is about your coming to Kyoto to investigate the case of Zeng's father and son and me!"

At this time, the Liang Commissioner was indeed so smart at such a young age that he could immediately think of what he wanted to say before he said, which had to surprise the Liang Commissioner!

Although it was unexpected, Commissioner Liang's determination was also relatively strong, and soon recovered and smiled, "Ha ha, it's worthy of the source wind! It seems that my Laoliang really underestimated you. Yes, that's what I'm going to tell you about."

Speaking of this, Commissioner Liang stopped and said, "Actually, it was not my own decision to investigate Zeng's father and son and investigate your matter, but the order given by Yuanyuan's brother."

"Brother of origin?" Listening to what Commissioner Liang said, Yuanfeng was stunned and said, "Commissioner Liang, do you mean that after my disappearance, Yuanyuan found his brother, and then Yuanyuan's brother gave the order to send you here to investigate this matter?"

"Yes!" Commissioner Liang nodded: "To be honest, the Zeng's father and son have been doing evil in Kyoto for so many years, and Yuanyuan's brother has been paying close attention to this matter, but after all, the Zeng's father and son are extremely careful in doing things, and Zeng darkn never leaves any clues for anything, so even we want to do anything. Zeng's father and son launched an investigation, and there was no chance to start.

Speaking of this, Commissioner Liang paused and said, "Yuanfeng, as you know, there must be evidence when doing anything, and we also suffer from finding the evidence left by Zeng's father and son, which makes Zeng's father and son have been doing evil in Kyoto for so many years!"

Seeing that Yuanfeng didn't say anything, Commissioner Liang continued: "At the beginning, when you disappeared, Yuanyuan really had no choice, so we asked her brother for help. After discussion, we felt that this was a great opportunity. Maybe we could find the spider silk of Zeng's father and son along this line from you. Horse, but at the beginning, we were just holding hope. At that time, no one knew what the final outcome was. If anything went wrong now, it would be a surprise!"