Wolin Opera

Chapter 94 I want to try it myself!

After thinking for a while, the team member finally decided to give it a try without any way. If he fails this time, it means that his strength has not yet arrived. If he succeeds this time and successfully climbs the last five meters, it means that his choice is right.

And now he has no choice but to gamble!!!

Thinking of this, the team member finally gritted his teeth and made the final decision!! Soon, under the gaze of everyone, the team member finally jumped on the smooth iron pillar next to him with his legs together!!

"Wow..." At the time of this team member's action, everyone was surprised to grow up the most, including Yue Hong. He really didn't expect that this team member's idea would be so bold!!

Because when the team member jumped, everyone knew his idea, that is, to use the power of this thin, long and slippery iron pillar to climb the last five meters!!

In fact, everyone was surprised that the team member's idea was so bold, because everyone knew that the iron pillar was only 15 centimeters in diameter, which was such a thin and slippery iron pillar. Can he... really climb up with its power?!

This... seems to be a little unlikely!!

To be honest, Yuehong is actually the same as everyone's mind. To be honest, if Yuehong wants to climb up the iron pillar alone, the chance of success is absolutely minimal, just like winning the five million lottery prize!! Therefore, Yuehong is so surprised by the bold move of this team member. And everyone can also see that this team member is going to start betting on his success and failure. If he succeeds, it will not only win glory for his first group, but more importantly, his rank will definitely improve, but... if he does not climb the last five meters in the end and lead to failure Well, then... he almost followed in the footsteps of the first team member.

At this time, Yuanfeng, standing below, looked at the team member's behavior, and his eyebrows still did not unfold. To be honest, Yuanfeng was really puzzled. Can't the team members of this golden team even climb this small rock climbing?

Is it because all the team members are not strong, or... Is the height of rock climbing too high and too difficult?

At this time, when Yuanfeng saw that the team member's right foot wanted to step on the iron pillar, Yuanfeng shook his head helplessly: What a pity!! It's a good idea, but it's doomed to fail in the end!!

Because of the source wind, I saw the right foot of the team member, which obviously lacked a gap with the smooth iron pillar, that is to say, this foot of the team member will never step on the iron pillar steadily!!

Soon, the team member's practice fully verified Yuanfeng's idea, and his right foot had been miscalculated at the same time as he stepped out.

Simply put, if you want to steadily step on an iron pillar with a diameter of no more than 15 centimeters and is slippery and thin, you must quickly calculate the precise position in your mind at the moment you step on it, and this accurate position must be calculated to be no less than one millimeter. If the calculation is wrong , the difference of just one millimeter is also completely doomed to failure.

In fact, this is the same as leading troops to fight. Every general represents not only himself before the battle, but millions of soldiers behind him, that is to say, if the general does not think of a complete strategy before the war and has no idea of all the ways to deal with it. Even if what you think is only that little, it will be doomed to lead the destruction of the millions of troops led by them, and there will be no life!!

And this team member, in fact, at the moment he made his own idea, his calculation was already one millimeter short, and even this only one millimeter was destined for his failure!!

Finally, the team member wiped the smooth iron pillar with his right foot in everyone's eyes. At this time, the team member was also regretful. He knew that he had calculated a wrong step!!

Aim for quick success and quick profit! Hurry up for quick success!! It's too urgent for quick success!!

At the moment when his right foot was at a loss, he finally understood that his determination was still not good. Under the powerful test and the tension of race against time, he did not fully calculate the last millimeter, which led to the current failure...

Soon, after his right foot stepped into the air, the team member's body also flew away. At this time, when the team member's upper body was next to the iron pillar, he instantly stretched out his hands and held the smooth iron pillar tightly, and then took two laps on the iron pillar, and his body followed the long The iron pillar slid down rapidly.

Soon, after a few minutes, he had steadily stepped on the ground, and as he landed, his chest began to rise and fall a little, and he also felt fatigue. Under such strong mental pressure and strong physical strength, it would be impossible if he did not feel tired.

Seeing that this team member also failed, they immediately put heavy pressure on one group. Now their group has failed two players in a row, and there are only three players left. I really don't know if there is any hope of victory in the future.

In fact, not only one group is under great pressure, but also the second, third and fourth groups will be under great pressure. To be honest, the results of the two players in the previous climbing assessment competitions are very outstanding, and it can even be said that they have the highest winning rate in the previous rock climbing competitions. High, but now the failure over and over again, how can we not let all the team members psychologically cast a shadow?

Looking at the defeat of the first two players, Yue Hong sighed helplessly. She really didn't expect the ending to be like this. In fact, the height of 25 meters of rock climbing is not what she means, but what she means above.

To be honest, Yuehong is also extremely puzzled now. In the past, the height of each rock climbing training was only maintained at an average, but this time the height was unexpectedly increased. How can these players not be under pressure!!

Soon, when Yuehong was helpless, the competition began again. After all, the assessment still needs to be assessed. It can't be said that the players are under pressure in their hearts, and the assessment will not continue.

After the next round of team assessment competition, the result is still a failure, followed by the third wave and the fourth wave... After the sixth wave, the results have not changed much. The players are doomed to fail.

At this time, with the failure of the previous waves, the pressure in the hearts of all the remaining team members is even greater. Everyone seems to have the same vitality as before, standing there listlessly, which is also something that could not have happened in previous years.

Now Yuehong, looking at the listless appearance of these team members, she is also very uncomfortable. In fact, it is no wonder that these team members are like this. Even Yang Jiang, who was appointed as the general of Yang Men in the group, failed miserably. Does this show that the difficulty of this assessment is so difficult??

Looking at the listless appearance of her team members, Yue Hong's upper teeth tightly bit her lower lip and looked at the high rock climbing.

Finally, Yue Hong made a decision, shouted a pause at the team members and came to them.

When all the team members heard Yuehong's call to pause, they also kept muttering in their hearts. They didn't know why Yuehong suddenly paused today, but although everyone muttered in their hearts, they could see it from Yuehong's face that she seemed to have something to say.

The source wind standing in the line looked at Yue Hong's slightly frown and looked at her without saying a word. Soon, Yuehong stood in front of the team and said solemnly, "I know everyone's mood now, and I also understand everyone's current thoughts, but... What I want to say is that in the face of every difficulty, we do not require discouraged thinking, but a thinking that has the courage to overcome suffering."

Speaking of this, Yue Hong glanced at everyone and said again, "To be honest, I am also very sad to see the defeat of so many team members. In fact, I also wonder why the people above suddenly arranged such a high height to challenge us, but I think that since the people above gave us this Such a challenge opportunity, then we must face the challenge. If we don't even have the courage to overcome difficulties, then what kind of gold team members are we? Do you still wear the medal of this gold team member?!"

All the team members also felt a little guilty when they listened to Yue Hong's words, yes!! They are important departments of the country and members of the Gold Team. If they don't even have the confidence to overcome this difficulty, it's better to really take off the gold team's clothes!!

At this time, Yuehong, after speaking her heart, said to Yang Jiang next to him, "Yang Jiang, please bring me a pair of climbing gloves!!"

"What? Yue team, you..." Yang Jiang's heart suddenly thumped when he heard Yue Hong's words. Does Yue Hong want to climb this high cliff in person?

In fact, it is no wonder that Yang will be surprised. Although this rock climbing assessment is what every team member needs to assess, the only captain in the golden team does not need to carry out this assessment. Therefore, when Yue Hong said this, Yang will start to thump in his heart, but this is also a helpless thing. Yang Jiang's heart It's also like a mirror. Yue Hong's approach is to set an example, be a leader, and use her own practical actions to drive these frustrated team members!!

At this time, Yuehong looked at Yang Jiang's surprised eyes, expressionless and said solemnly, "Yes, I want to try it myself!!"