Wolin Opera

Chapter 96 Transformation

Just when all the team members below shouted danger at Yuehong in the air, Yuehong also seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the matter, and her body suddenly began to twist, hoping to get rid of the danger of hitting the sharp iron bar in this way.

But Yuehong completely ignored a point. After all, she is now in the sky, and there is no borrowing point around her body at all. Therefore, no matter how her body twists, she still can't get her body out of the danger of hitting the iron bar.

At this time, the back of Yuehong's head is getting closer and closer to the sharp iron bar, and every team member under the cliff is very anxious!!

That is not an inflatable balloon! It's not anything else!! That's a solid iron stick!!

No matter how high Yue Hong's martial arts skills are, even if Yue Hong's strength is strong, the back of his head can't resist the impact of the iron bar!!

If... the back of Yuehong's head hits the iron bar, then the consequences must be that the hard iron bar will instantly penetrate the back of Yuehong's head!!

At this time, all people are extremely anxious, but they have nothing they can do!! There is no time now. Even if Wang Qiang, the fastest climbing in the Golden Team, is here, it is useless at all, because there is not enough time after all. If a master like Wang Qiang climbs such a cliff, it will take five minutes at the earliest, and now the back of Yuehong's head is less than four meters away from the iron bar!!

And this four-meter distance will definitely hit the iron bar in just two minutes, so even if you climb the cliff to save Yuehong now, it is impossible!!

"Month Team!! Team of the Moon!! Team of the month!!" All the people below are shouting, they are regretting now! They are desperate now!! If it hadn't been for their low morale, the monthly team would not have taken this risk! If it hadn't been for their low morale, the monthly team would not have had this crisis!!

But... It's too late to say anything now. Yuehong's back of the head is about to hit the iron bar. Everyone really doesn't want to see Yuehong's cold body after a few minutes!!

At this time, the moon red in the air also felt that the crisis was quietly approaching. No matter how she twisted her body, she still did not change the direction of her body.

"What to do! What to do!" Now this is the idea that appears in Yuehong's mind. Although Yuehong is the captain of the golden team and Yuehong is a female warrior who has experienced many battles, when she really encounters an inevitable crisis, Yuehong now finds that her strength can't change all these facts at all.

After nearly two minutes of Yuehong's efforts, Yuehong gradually found that she had no room to return to the sky, and she was destined to die here today!!

Thinking of this, Yuehong's body stopped twisting, she was disappointed, and she was desperate... She is really desperate in her heart now, just like a person who wanders in the sea and can't find a direction and doesn't have a straw. It's so pitiful.

"Farewell! Teammates! I'm sorry... I'm unswerve and caused the current crisis. I'm not able to set an example for you... I'm sorry..."

At this time, Yuehong had found that she was destined to die here today, so she had no choice but to close her beautiful eyes. Now she keeps recalling the bits and pieces with these team members.

A few years ago, she was selected from school alone as a member of the Golden Team. Since then, Yuehong has begun to survive the test of life and death.

During this period, I met Wang Qiang, who had just entered the Golden Team. Later, because he failed his assessment, he met Yang Jiang, who guided him, and every teammate he met later... And...

A few days ago, I actually found that I fell in love with a boy two years younger than myself. With a little contact of time, Yuehong found that Yuanfeng has countless advantages, young and steady, simple and kind, and everything stimulates Yuehong's hazy heart.

And a few days ago, Yue Hong was still hesitating whether she really liked Yuanfeng. At that time, she was still uneasy about her thoughts, but...

Now the moon heart has understood, and I have completely understood!!

I really fell in love with this boy Yuanfeng, who is two years younger than me. At this time, Yuehong has really confirmed her thoughts in her heart, because... At the moment when Yuehong is about to die, the face she wants to see most... is Yuanfeng's handsome face...

But... now Yuehong already knows that it is impossible for her to see the handsome face that she can't forget...

Yue Hong felt the sound of the wind in her ear and silently said in her heart: "Goodbye... Yuanfeng, in fact... I really want to say... I love you... I really want to say... I like you... I really want to say... I want to be with you... But... All this... I can't I'm telling you..."

When the moon is red thinking, the crystal tears quietly slide down the corners of the moon red eyes, and it is so dazzling under the sunshine!!

At this time, Yuehong knew that she was about to hit the iron stick, but she still hoped to say what she wanted to say most in her heart before she died.

Thinking of this, Yuehong finally spit out the words in her heart with her eyes closed, which was also a word of love for Yuanfeng: "Yuenfeng... I'm sorry, I can't see you anymore... Actually... I really want to tell you..."

"What are you going to say to me?" Just before Yue Hong finished speaking, Yue Hong had already felt a gentle voice recalling in her ear.

This sound is...?

Not bad!! At this time, the voice heard by Yuehong is not someone else's voice, but the voice of the source wind!!

How could this happen? Did Yuanfeng also follow me to heaven?? Now Yuehong feels very strange when she hears Yuanfeng's words. It's not right! Why did I never feel pain just now??

Can't people feel pain before they die??

Now there are all kinds of questions in Yuehong's heart, but although there are these questions, Yuehong really dares not open her eyes, because Yuehong is really afraid that she is dead, and she is really afraid that her soul will go to heaven...

"Big Yue, why are you so timid that you dare not open your eyes?" At this time, when Yuehong tried her best not to open her eyes, Yuanfeng's voice thought of her ear again, and this business seemed to be different from just now. The voice just now contained questions, but now's voice... Why does it seem to contain a smile??

"Month Boss! You are not dead!! Open your eyes quickly. What you look like now makes me a little excited!!" Just when Yuehong was thinking about it, Yuanfeng's words came again, but what Yuanfeng said this time surprised Yuehong with her eyes closed!!

What?!! Didn't you die? Is it true that you are not dead?? Although she couldn't believe it, Yuehong slowly opened her eyes as Yuanfeng said.

And when Yuehong opened her eyes, a burst of dazzling sunlight suddenly ingested her eyes, and the stimulating Yuehong quickly closed her eyes again. Soon, after gradually adapting, Yuehong opened her eyes again. At this time, Yuehong had already seen clearly and fully saw the face in front of her.

Yes!! This is indeed Yuanfeng's cheek!!

At this time, Yuehong found that Yuanfeng was looking down at herself and smiling. Looking at Yuanfeng in front of her, there was a warmth in Yuehong's heart! It turns out that I'm really not dead!! It turns out that I'm really not dead!!

Yue Hong really can't imagine now. She was about to hit the iron stick and was about to die, but now she is alive. What's going on??

At this time, Yuehong's heart was more confused or shocked in addition to the warmth, and what surprised Yuehong was why Yuanfeng's cheek appeared in front of her, and... where is she now??

Thinking of this, Yuehong began to turn her head to observe the situation around, but it didn't matter, which immediately shocked Yuehong! My current position is actually at the top of rock climbing!! That is the highest part of the cliff assessment by the members of the Golden Team!!

"I said, Boss Yue, can you get up first? I can't stand it!!" At this time, Yuanfeng looked down at Yuehong with a confused face and smiled bitterly.

Now it's no wonder that Yuanfeng is uncomfortable. He is holding Yuehong now, and what's more, the two proud peaks on Yuehong's chest are actually firmly attached to his chest, and the water snake-like body is wrapped around his body. How can this not make Yuanfeng feel a burst of blood boiling!!

What's more, Yuanfeng is also because he has learned the Kirin's secret, and I don't know why he has practiced this layer until now, but he finds that his determination on women is getting less and less enough. Just like this, Yuanfeng has already felt a hot flame running up in his stomach!!

And when Yuehong heard the words of Yuanfeng at this time, did she also feel uncomfortable, as if she felt that her buttocks were like something against her, which was extremely uncomfortable.

And soon, Yuehong seemed to think of what was on her!!

Suddenly, at the thought of this, Yuehong's cheeks quickly floated a row of crimson, and quickly broke away from Yuanfeng's arms and stood next to Yuanfeng, but at this time, Yuehong's white cheeks became more and more red.