Wolin Opera

Chapter 116 Is the injured a magic doctor?

"What?!! What did you say?!! Can you say it again?!!!" At this time, Carit, who was already crazy, suddenly heard the report from his men and immediately grabbed the little soldier's collar excitedly and asked hurriedly.

"Yes...yes... general..." At this time, the little soldier was picked up by Carit's two strong big hands, and suddenly felt a burst of breath, and even his words became a little stammed.

General Carit, calm down! Calm down!" At this time, Lidin, who was standing aside, saw Carit's excitement and quickly grabbed Carit's hands to signal him to calm down. If Carit really strangled the little soldier to death, then he would no longer know who the magic doctor he said could cure Cassier's disease.

And with Liding's reminder, Carit finally felt a little too excited, quickly loosened his hands that grabbed the little soldier's collar, and then took a deep breath and suppressed his excited expression and asked, "Which magic doctor can save Ka Xier? Come on!!"

"Yes, General!!" At this time, the little soldier who recovered quickly said, "It's the foreign teenager who was imprisoned yesterday."

"What??!! He??!!" Listening to the little soldier's words, Carit was shocked. How could this... be?? Yesterday, Ka Xi'er was injured by him, but today he came out to cure Ka Xi'er's illness, but the person who hurt people is a magic doctor?? What the hell is going on??

Except for Carit, everyone at the scene, including Liding, who arrested Yuanfeng, were also surprised. They really didn't expect that if they injured a person, they would treat each other??

However, although Lidin was extremely surprised, he was also an extremely smart person. Soon, he thought of one of them and quickly came to Carit's side and whispered to Carit's ear, "General Carit, I think... we might as well use this foreign teenager"

" Liding, you mean..." At this time, Carit listened to Liding's words and turned her head to look at Liding and said.

"Yes!! General, that's what Liding means, but he knows very well in his heart. Although he knows what Liding means, he doesn't know what it means.

So Lidin whispered in Carit's ear again: "General, with all due respect, I think there are two points that we can judge to let the foreign teenager have a try. First, as the saying goes, a dead horse is a living horse doctor. Now Miss Ka Xier has not developed a treatment plan under the diagnosis of so many people. It shows that no doctor in our country can cure Miss Ka Xier's illness at present. In fact, as you know, the doctors who came this morning are already all the doctors in the whole country. It is impossible to say that other doctors have not come. After all, we have already Turning the whole Wanluo Kingdom upside down, even if there is, it has already been dug out by us."

At this time, Carit listened to Liddin's words and asked, "What about the second point?"

"Hey" Liding smiled and said, "General, this second point is very important. Think about it, who injured Miss Ka Xi'er?"

"Nonsense!! Who else can it be if it's not that foreign boy?" Listening to Lidin's words, Carit said with a beard and staring.

"That's right!!" Liding still smiled and said, "General, you think that Miss Ka Xier was injured by this foreign boy, so only he knows the condition of Miss Ka Xier. This is like a cure. First of all, you have to find the cause of the disease to cure the disease, and I'm afraid that the cause of Ka Xi'er is only in the whole country. The foreign boy knows it best, what do you think?? General??"

At this time, Carit listened to Lidin's words and gently stroked the white beard on his face with his hand as if thinking. What Lidin said was reasonable. Yes, who beat Ka Xier's illness, then the other party will definitely know the way to save him!!

"Good!!" Finally, Carit made a decision and said to Lidin next to him, "You go to the detention office in person and immediately bring the foreign teenager here to treat Ka Xier as soon as possible. Remember, once the foreign teenager escapes from prison in this way, then... kill him on the spot!!"

"Yes!! I'll do it now!!" Lidin received Carit's order and immediately turned around and left the room to carry out the order, leaving Carit alone to think.

On the other end, in this dark prison, Yuanfeng sat leisurely on the broken chair and looked at the newspaper in his hand and sighed, "Tut, I didn't expect this prison life to be so beautiful, and there were newspapers to read, tsk..."

Now Yuanfeng's heart is really clear. It is estimated that the people who watched the prison are also a group of snobbish. After you were first caught, they all treated each other coldly. Until just now, when Yuanfeng said that it could cure Ka Xi'er's disease, the eyes of those who watched the prison suddenly turned green.

Because they are very clear in their hearts that if Yuanfeng can really cure Ka Xier's disease, then Carit will definitely praise Yuanfeng, and at that time, they think that Yuanfeng will definitely not treat them badly.

And this is the foresight as the saying goes.

In fact, in this world, everyone's success requires not only an opportunity, not only a talented mind, but also a foresight, and this foresight is a shortcut that can help you move towards success in the future.

This is like two people playing chess. Why does one of them lose and the other wins? Even if two people play chess for a lifetime, the loser has never won chess once, which means that the person who always wins chess has a presight. That is to say, this person has already figured out the next step of his opponent, so he will win repeatedly.

However, this foresight still needs to see the right person, just like these people who guarded the cell. Although they suddenly began to smile after learning that Yuanfeng could cure Kaxi'er's disease, but... they really ignored one point, that is, Yuanfeng was not what they thought to come to this Wanluo Kingdom. Settlement, let alone the source wind as they thought, came for the power of the Wanluo Kingdom.

Therefore, it is estimated that the attention of these people will only be in the end.

However, although Yuanfeng knows this, he won't tell these people, jokes, fools will tell the real thing!! And now Yuanfeng is more leisurely than a rich man. Although he is still trapped in this shabby prison, it has also improved a lot. Just from the leftovers on the table, you can see how much money the prison guard has paid for Yuanfeng to get these special and precious snacks.

After cleaning up these meals, Yuanfeng could only sit in his chair and read the newspaper in his hand and wait for Carit to send someone to pick him up. Of course, the newspaper in Yuanfeng's hand must not be a newspaper from Wanluo's own country. In that case, Yuanfeng must faint, and the newspaper in Yuanfeng's hand is the guard prison. People specially made foreign newspapers for themselves. Although this foreign newspaper is not from its own country, the source of the word on it can still be recognized. After all, it was also written in books when I was in school, so it can be understood.

At this time, when Yuanfeng was reading the newspaper leisurely, he suddenly heard a noisy sound outside the prison and knew that Carit must have sent someone to pick him up.

Soon, when Yuanfeng was thinking about it, a man followed four or five guards rushed over, and Yuanfeng knew that the man in front of him was the head who had arrested him at the beginning.

"Quick!! Hurry!! Hurry up and let people out! Hurry up!!" At this time, Liding, who came to the prison door, hurriedly said to the guards behind him. It's an extraordinary time. It doesn't matter if it's time to hurry up. It would be bad if it delays the best time for Ka Xier's treatment!!

"Ah, yes!!" Listening to Liding's instructions, the guard quickly took out the key and opened the prison door. When the prison door was opened, Liding quickly walked in and apologized to the source wind who was reading the newspaper and said, "Dear foreign friends, I am deeply sorry for what I did yesterday. For Miss Ka Xier's illness, I Here, I beg my friends to come forward to cure Miss Ka Xier's illness. If it can really be cured, I would like to apologize with death!!"

"Oh..." Listening to Liding's words, Yuanfeng finally put down the newspaper in his hand and smiled faintly: "Thank you?? No, I'm not that stingy." Yuanfeng stood up, gently patted the dust on his clothes and smiled, "Troublehead, lead the way. I'm not familiar with you here. I'm afraid I'll get lost."

"Yes!!" At this time, Liding listened to Yuanfeng's promise to treat Ka Xi'er, and suddenly felt happy. He quickly stood up, made a gesture of invitation, and went out of prison with Yuanfeng.

Out of this prison, the strong sun suddenly shone again. However, although the sunshine here is unusually strong, the source wind still feels comfortable. It is also true that I have been in the dark and damp prison for a whole day and eight hours, and my body has long been stained with the dark and humid atmosphere. If you don't come out to bask in the sun, I'm afraid the source wind will be moldy.

After Yuanfeng and Liding came out, the soldiers who had been staying at the door of the prison quickly surrounded Yuanfeng.

Looking at the movements of these soldiers, Yuanfeng certainly knows what it means. I'm afraid that Carit is still worried about himself and is afraid that he will escape from prison for the reason of treating Ka Xier.

But Yuanfeng is not such a person. Moreover, even if Yuanfeng really wants to escape from prison, even if the whole Wanluo country comes, he still can't trap himself.

Therefore, Yuanfeng looked at the soldiers who surrounded him, just smiled faintly and didn't say anything. He followed Liding to Carit's palace.