Wolin Opera

Chapter 119 A group of poor people

After walking out of the palace, the source wind found that the sun had begun to move west. The originally warm sun on that day had no strong light at this time. On the contrary, the current sunshine gives people a warm and warm light, which makes people feel comfortable.

And those poor doctors have been basking in this yard for a whole day, but now they are better, but now they are not as warm as at noon, so those doctors are slightly better, but they are only slightly better. It is impossible to be completely better.

Not to mention that I have been standing for so long, I just want to say that the whole body has been full of sweat when the strong sunlight shines, and now although there is no strong direct sunlight, the sweat on the body has already soaked the clothes inside, and the wet clothes are attached to my skin, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

What's more, it's almost dark. If Carit still doesn't let them go, it will be even more uncomfortable. He will definitely be blown to death by this wind!!

However, when they were sad, they suddenly found that Yuanfeng had left the palace, and suddenly all the people came to their spirits.

What's going on?? What the hell is going on??

This is the mood of each of them now. Of course, they are very happy to see the source wind come out. Anyway, even if this source wind can't cure Ka Xier's disease, as long as he comes out, it means that they will probably be able to leave this damn place soon!!

"Alas, how is this little brother doing?? Did General Ka let us go? At this time, a man in the crowd shouted at the source wind standing opposite on the palace steps.

"That's right!! That's right!! What the hell is going on?? Can we go home now?? There are still wives and children waiting to eat at home!!"

With the voice of the first man, everyone suddenly responded one after another. They really had enough. Originally, they were happy to come to treat Ka Xier. If it was good, they could be an official or a half. As a result, they couldn't cure Ka Xier's illness at all, and you said that it couldn't be cured. They are still here. After a whole day, I didn't go anywhere, and I haven't had lunch yet.

Isn't this really a loss for your wife and soldiers?? What's the pain!! Therefore, when everyone thought of this problem, they immediately began to feel anxious, so they shouted at the source wind opposite.

However, they shouted back, but did not make an extreme move. Yes, they know better than anyone what kind of master Carit is. Even if they have all kinds of unwillingness and anger in their hearts, they can only hold all these in their hearts, and no one dares to go over Ka Li. Special bottom line.

"Oh..." Yuanfeng looked at the doctors below and felt a little funny. This Carit was probably just thinking about his granddaughter and had forgotten these people. I guess they will be standing for a while again!! Alas... What a poor group of people!!

Thinking about it, Yuanfeng said to the doctor below, "Guys, I'm really sorry. General Carit is probably nagging now. Everyone is patient. I'll go back to rest!" With that, Yuanfeng yawned a lot and turned to the path next to the palace steps. In front of him was a soldier opening the way, which was also Carit asked Yuanfeng to have a good rest.

"Hey!! Hey!! Don't go!! General Ka is nagging?? What do you mean?? You have to make it clear!! Hey!! Don't go!!" After listening to Yuanfeng's words, the doctors below suddenly turned red again. Do you think it's okay not to be anxious?? They are still waiting to go home for a reunion dinner!!

But unfortunately, it is certainly impossible for Yuanfeng to help them out. Moreover, even if Yuanfeng helps them out and let Carit let them go home for dinner, it is impossible. Yesterday, in prison, the crystal skull had already said all of Carit's rules and his weaknesses. What Caritt liked most was that he was disturbed by others when he was happiest and happiest things.

And now because Ka Xier has woken up, Karit is very happy. At this time, Yuanfeng can't disturb her, otherwise everything he has done at the beginning will be completely lost.

Therefore, the source wind also disappeared in the shouts of this group of people.

Soon, under the guidance of the soldier, Yuanfeng came to the other side of the palace. After going to the second floor, Yuanfeng was led to the door of a room, where two young women in gauze clothes and dark skin were waiting.

And when the two women saw Yuanfeng coming, they immediately bent down and shouted respectfully to Yuanfeng: "The maid visited Yuan's magic doctor"

"Well..." Seeing the clothes of the two women, Yuanfeng's lower body felt a little ready to move. Although the two women were wearing clothes outside, they were the thin layer. The translucent shields inside were looming, and even the most ** part seemed to clearly see the outline.

And this is not terrible. What's more, the maid's coat is still low-chest. You said that ordinary low-chest is nothing, and Yuanfeng doesn't care, but this low-chest... is a little bloody.

Basically low and not wearing the same!! This suddenly made Yuanfeng scold the old man Carit to death. I guess the old man was afraid that he had any wrong thoughts about Ka Xier? Therefore, he found these two maids to serve himself.

With a long sigh, Yuanfeng looked at the two women and sighed, "Get up"

After hearing Yuanfeng's tone, the two women were immediately happy and stood up. In fact, where the two women were happy was because of Yuanfeng's tone. To be honest, if Yuanfeng's tone was disdainful and arrogant, it was estimated that these maids would have some scruples, because they were like this. Although the girls are still virgins, they are also enjoyed by men sooner or later, so many people don't like them at all.

After listening to Yuanfeng's tone, there was no feeling of neglect and disdain for themselves at all, so the two women were happy and knew that Yuanfeng did not hate them.

Looking at the two women standing up, Yuanfeng looked at them carefully. Not to mention, the two women were really a pair of beautiful women, with cherry mouths, big eyes, and a beautiful figure, and with the faint clothes on their faces, they suddenly looked so sexy and enchanting.

However, no matter how sexy they are, Yuanfeng can't think about them. Although the most primitive impulse rushed up at the moment they met, Yuanfeng still knew restraint, so he forcibly suppressed the dry heat in his body. Otherwise, Yuanfeng estimated that the lower body would support the tent. Shame on you!!

After the two women stood up and gently pushed the door open, suddenly a luxurious room that could not appear in front of the source wind.

To be honest, this room is really extremely luxurious. The floor, walls, and ceiling are all carved with white jade. After entering, the large and soft bed stands in it, and there are all kinds of air conditioners and TVs in this room, and after the source wind opens the refrigerator, Suddenly, my eyes were dumbfounded.

This...this...what's the matter with the winter??

The whole refrigerator is full of things, such as ham sausage, barbecue, steak, beer, etc., and the whole refrigerator is full, and the contents of the refrigerator are all cooked and ready to be eaten after heating it. Moreover, there is not only beer in the refrigerator.

There are all kinds of head horses and XOs, and after a glance at Yuanfeng, he almost jumped up. Shit!! 82-year-old Lafite red wine is available??!!

Looking at these things, Yuanfeng's face is full of black lines. People from Wanluo can really enjoy it...

"Cut!! What is this?!! It doesn't enter our eyes at all!!" When Yuanfeng was surprised, the crystal skull beside Yuanfeng said disdainfully, "This is still the worst!! Karit basically hasn't eaten anything in the sky, on the ground, in the sea or in the lake? This is still bad!!"

Yuanfeng listened to Yuanfeng's words and suddenly felt speechless. Now Yuanfeng really feels that his country is better. After all, it will not be as extravagant and wasteful as here. Of course, there must be extravagant and wasteful things in his own country. Therefore, this is also a place where Yuanfeng needs to focus on.

However, although this is a waste, Yuanfeng is hungry now. Without saying a word, he took out some of the things in the refrigerator, heated it up, and was ready to eat.

But when the source wind was about to move his mouth, two warm things suddenly got tired of it, and at the same time said, "Brother magic doctor, let's feed you..."

"Puff!!" Listening to the voices of the two women, Yuanfeng immediately spit out the donkey meat that had just entered!!

Looking at the two women beside him, Yuanfeng was really bitter and couldn't say anything. He smiled bitterly at the two women and said, "This...no, I can do it myself..."

"Come on, I'll feed you. After eating, our two sisters can rest with you..." Looking at Yuanfeng's refusal, the two women thought he was embarrassed and got more presumptuously.

At this time, Yuanfeng, when he heard the two women say to rest with him, he was suddenly speechless. Now Yuanfeng really felt helpless and really helpless. Seriously, now he really wants to have a good meal and have a good rest. How can the current situation make Yuanfeng eat at ease? Go down??

"Don't worry!! You can't do anything about it, it doesn't mean we can't do it!!" Finally, when Yuanfeng was distressed, the crystal skull beside him also sensed it and immediately said to Yuanfeng. Then, Yuanfeng felt a faint red light flashing next to him. Suddenly, the two tired women around him disappeared in an instant, just like the air, without a trace.