Wolin Opera

Chapter 121 Rich Morning Banquet

Soon, the two came to the banquet hall not far from the palace.

As soon as I entered the banquet hall, a gorgeous scene suddenly appeared in front of Yuanfeng. To be honest, Yuanfeng has never seen such a big scene. To be honest, the banquet scene is really comparable to the banquet of national leaders!!

This wide and bright banquet hall is simply luxuriously decorated. Among other things, the floor, walls and ceiling of the whole banquet hall are absolutely thousands of times better than the material of the room I lived in last night!!

This material is also made of the most expensive golden white jade in the world. Yuanfeng dares to say that if you dig a small piece of gold white jade made of this wall and ground, it will be a small piece the size of a palm. It is estimated that if you sell it outside, you will have to sell it for hundreds of billions at least!!

But now it is actually used to decorate the banquet hall, which inevitably makes Yuanfeng really sigh in his heart, and the rich will still enjoy it!!

In addition to the walls, ceilings and floors of the banquet hall made of expensive gold and white jade, the decorations in the banquet hall are also extremely gorgeous, such as antique tables, decorations worth tens of millions, etc., all decorated here.

If the banquet hall is a place to eat, it's better to say it's an exhibition hall!!

"Ha ha, Yuan magic doctor, some things that don't fit into the elegant hall, I hope Yuan magic doctor don't laugh." At this time, Carit looked at Yuan Feng and smiled.

"Oh..." Listening to Carit's words, Yuanfeng smiled faintly and didn't say anything, and at this time, a woman's voice suddenly came!!

"Grandpa!! Grandpa!!" With the sound, Yuanfeng looked along the voice and was not only stunned. The woman who spoke was none other than anyone else, but Ka Xi'er who was rescued by herself!!

At this time, Ka Xi'er came jumping, but at this time, Ka Xi'er was not like the savage girl Yuan Feng met on the street.

"Haha, Xier, come on, this is the person who saved you. You have to thank him well!!" Looking at his beloved granddaughter running, Carit laughed. From here, it is not difficult to see Carit's mood.

"I know, Grandpa." Listening to Carit's words, Ka Xier said with a smile, but she never dared to look into Yuanfeng's eyes. Even Yuanfeng seemed to find one thing, that is, after secretly looking at herself, Ka Xier lowered her head or looked away again, and sometimes Ka Xier was When he secretly looked at himself, Yuanfeng noticed that he also looked back, but at that time, Ka Xier quickly turned his eyes away.

This made Yuanfeng a little strange what happened to Ka Xier, but although Yuanfeng was puzzled, he didn't think much about it. Soon, with Carit's polite words, Yuan Feng sat at a table with Karit and Ka Xier respectively.

However, this table is not a round table like the table in his own country, but similar to the rectangular table in the West. Carit sits on the top of the rectangular table, which means that the elders are sitting, while Yuanfeng and Ka Xier sit on both sides of the rectangular table respectively.

After the three sat down separately, Carit smiled and stretched out his hands and patted them gently a few times. Soon, after Carritt clapped his hands, a crisp sound sounded, and the gentle and elegant music gradually sounded.

At the same time, after the music sounded, on the right side of the banquet hall, women in gorgeous clothes walked slowly with plates in their hands. A few minutes later, the first woman had come to Yuanfeng's side, and then the hands held the plate and gently placed it on the table, and the woman behind her also dropped the dishes in the same way.

This method of dropping dishes is very fast. In a few minutes, a whole large table has been filled with all kinds of dishes, and Yuanfeng looked at the dishes on this table and really couldn't be named.

Looking at Yuanfeng's expression, Carit, who was sitting in the upper seat, certainly knew what Yuanfeng was thinking. In fact, she could guess what Yuanfeng was thinking in her heart without thinking about it, so Carit picked up a long stick next to her table and began to introduce Yuanfeng.

"Doctor Yuan, I don't think you know this dish." At this time, Carit pointed to the first dish beside Yuanfeng with a stick and smiled.

And with the dish mentioned by Carit, Yuanfeng looked at the dish. To be honest, the dish is really strange, because the food in this dish is said to be like a fish but not a fish, and it is not like a duck. Generally speaking, it is very strange, and this dish is an animal that looks like a duck and fish. However, it was not chopped, but roasted whole, emitting a smell of meat.

"General Ka, I really don't know about this." Listening to Carit's words, Yuanfeng shook his head and said that he didn't know what kind of dish it was, because he had never seen the creature on the plate.

At this time, Carit looked at Yuanfeng and shook his head and smiled and said, "This dish is the most famous "roasted fish and duck" in the country. This roast fish and duck is not available everywhere, but a new variety specially cultivated here. It is a combination of fish and duck. It has a unique taste and has no duck meat. That kind of greasy doesn't have the fishy smell of fish. It can be said to be the best delicacy. Yuan magic doctor, why don't you taste it?"

Yuanfeng listened to Carit's words and felt a little novel. Yuanfeng had never eaten the variety cultivated by fish and duck. After Carritt opened his mouth, Yuanfeng picked up the fork and knife on the table, and then successfully cut a small piece of meat from the fish and duck, and then sent it to his mouth with a fork.

After entering the mouth, a strange fragrance instantly spread throughout the mouth. To be honest, this roast fish and duck is really the same as Carit said. It has neither the greasy duck nor the fishy smell of fish. On the contrary, it is a combined taste. The meat contains not only the fragrance of duck meat but also preserves the new fish meat. The delicious taste and the taste is melted. It is indeed the best and delicious food in the world as Carit said!!

Looking at Yuanfeng's face, Carit smiled and continued to introduce the next dish to Yuanfeng.

There are really many dishes on the table that Yuanfeng can't name, such as animals in the sea, animals in the river, etc. I haven't even heard of it at all, let alone taste it.

However, maybe a country is different from a country, maybe because the region and region are different. The food tasted in this Wanluo country cannot be tasted in your own country, but this is also a correspondence. For example, the things here are in their own The country can't taste it. On the contrary, you can't taste the food and snacks of your own country here, so this is also a correspondence.

This hearty breakfast has been eaten for nearly two hours, and it has been eaten since seven o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock. Yes, this breakfast is not something in my country has been eaten in a short time. Although there are not many dishes here, there are many patterns. If it hadn't been for these three people to eat together, it would have been enough for one person to eat for two hours!!

Soon, after two hours, the breakfast passed smoothly. After a smooth breakfast, Karit went to do his business. Although Karit is not the head of this Wanluo country, his position is almost the same as that of the lord of this Wanluo country, so there are a lot of things to deal with.

As for Yuanfeng, he is also going to go back to his room to have a rest after breakfast. There is nothing he can do. After all, this is in the territory of Wanluo, and he meets a powerful old man like Karit looking at him. He can't go out even if he wants to go out. Of course, even if he can go out, Yuanfeng estimates himself There will certainly be many soldiers behind him.

What does this mean?? This shows that you are still under the control of others.

However, Yuanfeng planned to go back to his room, but what he didn't expect was that he was stopped by a person, and this person was not someone else, but Carit's granddaughter Ka Xi'er.

Listening to Ka Xier's voice, Yuanfeng stopped and turned his head and smiled faintly and said, "Miss Ka Xier, I don't know what I can do for you?"

"Humph, can't I come to you if I don't have anything to do?" At this time, Ka Xier listened to Yuanfeng's words and said unhappily. As she spoke, the corners of her mouth still pouted. At this time, she knew that she was angry with Yuanfeng.

Looking at the source wind of such a situation, I was really depressed. What's wrong with this Ka Xier?? Why did you suddenly become gentle?? It seems that I was not like this when I first met her!!

When Yuanfeng and Ka Xier met on the street, Ka Xi'er had a fierce and barbaric image at that time, but... Now Ka Xi'er actually looks poor, which... makes Yuanfeng feel a little surprised. Is it possible that Ka Xi'er has changed her character??

Of course, it is impossible for this source wind to know what Ka Xier really thinks, so he was stunned by Ka Xier's questioning and didn't know what to say next.

Looking at Yuanfeng's expression, Ka Xier was a little dissatisfied and said anxiously, "Really!! People feel bored and want you to go out for a walk with me?!!"

"Oh..." Yuanfeng listened to Ka Xier's words and smiled faintly. Unexpectedly, this Ka Xier's savage girl had such a side, which also made Yuan Feng really never expect.

"Ouch!! Don't be stunned!! Let's go!!" Seeing that Yuanfeng was still motionless, Ka Xier finally couldn't stand her own nature. She grabbed Yuanfeng and dragged Yuanfeng to the gate of the manor.