Wolin Opera

Chapter 127 Fairy Tales and Reality

Since Ka Xier woke up, she has talked with her grandfather Carit for a long time. In fact, both of them are now pregnant with ghosts. What Ka Xier is thinking about what kind of breakthrough she can find in her grandfather Carit as much as possible, and this breakthrough is to make herself able to be with Yuanfeng*, once you find When it comes to this breakthrough and use it, then this * will be detonated by a little spark, and the gap will become bigger and bigger, and finally achieve the goal of continuing to be with the source wind.

As for Carit himself, in fact, he also has another idea in his mind, that is, to try to find some abnormal things about her and Yuanfeng from Ka Xier. To be honest, although Carit told Ka Xier on the surface that he thought Yuan Feng was very good, it was definitely just words. If If you don't say so, can Ka Xier forgive herself easily?

As for Carit's thoughts about foreigners, it can never be changed. As the saying goes, it is difficult to change the nature of the country. It is really difficult to change if a person who has hated for a lifetime suddenly fall in love with what he hates.

Therefore, Carit also said to Ka Xier on the surface that she thought Yuanfeng was very good, but in fact, she had already thought of it in her heart, that is, if this Yuanfeng is very close to her granddaughter, then... she will also kill Yuanfeng without hesitation!!

This is also Carit's principle of doing things, and his principle is mostly based on the death of those who obey me.

However, although Ka Xier is a variety of temptations about Carit's views on Yuanfeng, as the saying goes, Jiang is still old and spicy. No matter what kind of ghost thoughts Ka Xier uses, she still can't get any news from her grandfather Karit, but only knows her grandfather. Carrett has a good impression of the source wind.

Therefore, Ka Xier gave up temporarily. After all, her grandfather Carit has been fooling around all his life. If he is really deceived by himself to tell the truth easily, then Carit will really live in vain all his life.

As for Carit, although he listened to Ca Xier say that he had nothing to do with Yuanfeng, he would not believe his granddaughter's words at all, so he secretly told his adjutant to keep an eye on Yuanfeng's every move. If there is really anything unusual, it must be fire. Report to yourself quickly.

After chatting with Ka Xier and Carit's grandfather and grandson for a long time, Karit went back. Originally, Carit invited Yuanfeng to dinner in the evening and wanted Ka Xier to follow, but he heard Ka Xier'er's refusal. Karit did not force it any more, but ordered the maid to bring the prepared food to Ka Xier's room. Go.

After watching her grandfather Carit leave, Ka Xier seemed to stare at the table full of dishes in a daze as if she had secretly made up her mind.

After Carit left, he had already asked the adjutant to invite Yuanfeng to the banquet hall for dinner, so more than three hours had passed during the dinner.

Soon, the bell rang at 10 p.m., and the dinner ended when the bell rang. When watching Karit leave with his men with satisfaction, Yuanfeng could only smile faintly. He knew what the dinner meant tonight. It can't be said that it was a Hongmen banquet, but it was almost the same as the Hongmen banquet. The most topic was about was Ka Xier, so Yuanfeng had already known Karit's intention. The picture.

If he shows a good impression of Ka Xier during this banquet tonight, the soldiers arranged around the banquet hall by Carit will not hesitate to rush in and remove himself.

But... Yuanfeng is impossible to fall into the trap of Carit, and from the perspective of the truth, Yuanfeng really doesn't like Ka Xier. In Yuanfeng's heart, he may be able to treat Ka Xier as his sister. If he wants to treat Ka Xier as his girlfriend, I guess This is an impossible thing.

Therefore, Yuanfeng still told the truth during the dinner, which made Carit quite satisfied. However, this dinner is really enough to cooperate with me. After all, the source of the evening dinner shows that I won't like Ka Xier at all. If Ka Xi'er is present tonight, then... According to Ka Xi'er's temper, she has to make a scene in this banquet hall like Sun Wukong's havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

After Carit left, Yuanfeng also returned to his room. After all, now he can't go anywhere with a bird in a cage. The only place he can go is his room. Of course, this is not his room, but a temporary place to live.

It's late at night, and it's still quiet outside. Although the weather in Wanluo Country is hot, it is extremely cool every night, and a full moon appears in the sky every night, illuminating the originally dark earth, and sometimes you can even sit in the moonlight and read a book.

And in this Karit's palace, it is also quiet. From time to time, several patrol soldiers will patrol here to see if there is any abnormal situation.

After Yuanfeng returned to his room, he still lay like day ** to practice his unicorn magic formula.

Just three weeks after the source wind ran the unicorn formula in his body, his sensitive hearing suddenly heard a slight creak in the door of his room, and after the squeak, there was a very slight and small sound of footsteps. Soon, as the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Only then did Yuanfeng feel that there was a slippery and warm thing getting into his quilt, and the thing suddenly pressed on his body, and then his hands kept groping on his body.

Finally, it stopped when the hands slipped onto Yuanfeng's trousers, as if they were thinking about something, but after a few seconds, the hands seemed to have made some kind of decision again, and finally grabbed Yuanfeng's trousers and wanted to take them off.

But at this time, one hand grabbed the hand that was about to act and said lightly, "Ka Xier, don't you really want to think about your future?"

When the sound sounded, Ka Xier finally did not move but looked forward. Only then did she find that the source wind, which seemed to be asleep just now suddenly became so awake, which made Ka Xier wonder whether the source wind was really asleep or not.

Looking at Ka Xier in silence, Yuanfeng moved Ka Xier's hands away, broke away from Ka Xier's embrace, got out of bed and said lightly, "If Carit knows, he will definitely be disappointed with your granddaughter."

Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Ka Xier finally said, "Yuanfeng, you already knew that I would come back to you tonight, so... you didn't take off your clothes and go to bed at all, right?"

"Oh..." Yuanfeng turned his head and looked at Ka Xier's cheek and didn't say anything, because Yuan Feng didn't know how to say it at all, because what Ka Xier said was also his own thoughts. Indeed, Yuan Feng had already expected that Ka Xi'er would come to his room tonight, so he did not take off his clothes and sleep, such as If I really take off my clothes and go to bed tonight, then I guess... Ka Xier will not let go of herself tonight anyway.

And Ka Xier had already known Yuanfeng's idea in the few seconds when her hands paused just now, but she still persisted, which also shows that Ka Xier really had feelings for Yuanfeng.

Looking at Ka Xier's beautiful face, Yuanfeng sighed helplessly and looked at the moonlight passing through the curtain and said helplessly, "Ka Xier, I know what you are thinking about me, and I also know what you think in your heart, but... after all, we are not the same person, and it is impossible to be together."

Speaking of this, Yuanfeng said again, "This is like two parallel lines. No matter how long you go forward, no matter how far you go, parallel lines are absolutely impossible for parallel lines to intersect, do you understand?"

"I don't understand!" Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Ka Xier was a little anxious. She really couldn't figure out why she and Yuanfeng could no longer be together. Is it really because of her grandfather's obstruction? However, what Ka Xier has always recognized is that nothing and any difficulty can stop the progress of love in front of love, but... But why Yuanfeng refuses himself again and again, which is also what Ka Xier can't figure out.

And Yuanfeng looked at Ka Xier and knew that although Ka Xier was an adult, his heart was sometimes not as mature as a child. She just knew the superficial thing and didn't know what the end of this matter meant. Moreover, Ka Xi'er also didn't know what it meant at all. So-called love, does the so-called love have to get the other party??

This is not a real love, nor is it what a mature person does.

However, although Ka Xier insists on her goal, Yuanfeng knows that this is only temporary, just like some people live in fairy tales all day long, and once this fairy tales are broken by reality, then... this person will definitely suffer a devastating blow, and this is not what Yuanfeng wants to see. Of.

Although Carit is a cruel and vicious general, Ka Xier is not. Ka Xier is still a flower girl. Although sometimes barbaric and sometimes capricious, she will never be full of Shaliu and evil in her heart like Carit, and this is also Yuan Feng who doesn't want to see Ka Xier because of herself. The story of the heart is broken by reality.

But... this reality will still be broken after all. Even if Yuanfeng is unwilling to hurt Ka Xier, reality is reality. Sometimes, it is time to let a person understand what reality means...