Wolin Opera

Chapter 137 Killing without a reason

At the front of the convoy, a man in black and a long black hat blocked the whole convoy in the middle of the road.

"What's going on?" Carit, sitting in the carriage, found that the convoy was not moving forward and quickly asked the man in the passenger seat in front of him.

"General, the vehicle in front reported that a mysterious man in black who could not see clearly blocked the way of the convoy, so he was forced to stop..." At this time, the man in the co-pilot put down the communicator in his hand and turned his head to Carit in the back seat.

"Mysterious man in black?" Carit was a little strange. What did the other party want to stop him??

Although Carit is a little strange, today is a special day for him. It's better not to make any branches, so he said to the man in front of him, "Tell them to let a car go down and blow the mysterious man in black away!"

"Yes, General!" The man nodded, picked up the communicator in front of him and shouted, "A car, the general ordered to bombard the man in black in front of him and continue to move forward!"

"Yes!" Soon, the voice of a man came from the communicator.

After receiving Carit's order, several men in a car quickly opened the door and got out of the car. Sure enough, the figure in black clothes was standing quietly opposite him, as if the man had no life. Same...

Looking at the other party's motionless appearance, several men in a car also seemed to have some fear in their hearts. After all, the other party did not speak or move, and they could not see their appearance clearly, which made these men have a small sense of fear of some unknown things that they had never come into contact with.

Although these men are still somewhat afraid, they still have to obey Carit's orders. Moreover, they are not only these people now, and there are many accomplices in the seven cars behind them!

Thinking of this, these men suddenly had the courage to settle down, and finally summoned up the courage to walk towards the mysterious figure opposite and drive the other party away according to Carit's order, otherwise the convoy could not continue to move forward.

"A hungry wolf and a group of white rabbits duel. The number of white rabbits is huge, but the hungry wolf is just one..." Finally, when the men moved towards each other, the mysterious figure spoke, but this opening said something about the hungry wolf and the little white rabbit.

"What...what?" Listening to the words of the mysterious man opposite, several strong men were stunned and couldn't understand what he was saying at all. However, although they couldn't understand what the mysterious man meant, the only thing they could understand was that the other party was a man, the voice was also a man's voice, and it was still ice like a hell devil. The cold and piercing sound...

The mysterious man in black did not answer the men's questions, but still said to himself: "The little white rabbit rushed one after another to rely on its own power to kill the hungry wolf, but the hungry wolf is finally a hungry wolf, a demon who doesn't care about anything to survive. With the little white rabbit The number is getting smaller and smaller, and the end of the hungry wolf is..."

The man in black paused and looked up at the man who was slowly moving forward and said coldly, "The end of the hungry wolf is that he can have a good meal..."

When several men heard this, they were still stunned, but after a few seconds, all the people suddenly seemed to have figured out something, and their faces suddenly turned pale!!

Even if these soldiers are stupid, it is obvious that what the man in black means is. They and others are like groups of white rabbits, and the other party is hungry wolves, so their ultimate end is... being killed!!

" hiss!" The men who thought of this instantly took a breath of cold air and immediately felt that their backs were cold. Suddenly, these soldiers couldn't help but quickly turn around and run away from here!

Now, even if Carit has supreme power, even if there is a lot of money**, it can't play any role in them.

A person who is about to die, all the money and rights have been thrown away!

And all they want now is to survive! As long as you can survive, it will be more valuable than anything else!! Therefore, after hearing that they were going to be killed, these men fled like the frightened wild horses in an instant!

However, fate is fate, and no one can change it. Even if they don't want to die, they are pale and powerless in the face of this fate!

When they turned around and fled, they suddenly felt that their bodies could not move as if they had been filled with lead! Then, they could clearly feel the slight pain in their neck.

That's it, just a slight pain, and I don't feel anything...

"Plop! Plop! Plop!" The sound of several objects hitting the ground sounded, and the men who wanted to escape from here fell to the ground and stopped breathing in an instant, leaving only the face distorted by fear...

Looking at the cold bodies on the ground, the mysterious man in black did not say a few more words, but walked towards the car behind the first car.

Of course, the man in the second car had already fully seen what happened in front of the first car. At this time, all of them were sitting in the cab and their minds were blank!

It's terrible!! It's terrible!! Is the other party the devil?!! Is the other party the devil?!!

Question marks came to these people's minds one by one, and the fear in their hearts also broke out. And with the passage of time, the feeling of fear is getting stronger and stronger, so that they seem to be out of breath!!

And when they saw the mysterious man in black walking slowly towards here, they suddenly turned around and suddenly picked up the communicator beside them to tell the people behind to evacuate quickly! The sooner the better!!

But... the mysterious man in black did not seem to let him succeed. At the moment he picked up the communicator, the window glass broke in an instant. When the glass fragments dispersed, the man had already died, and the communicator in his hand had already fallen on the ground of the carriage and was destroyed.

Similarly, none of the other men in the car was spared. They were killed instantly by the mysterious and powerful man, and even the blood did not have time to flow out and freeze and then cut off.

However, after the mysterious man killed the carman, it would naturally attract the attention of the people in the back carriage, so they also decisively notified Carit behind him, and Carit was still very frightened when he heard that the mysterious man was strong, and immediately ordered the convoy to turn back quickly!

"Huh... Do you think you can escape?" Looking at the car behind quickly turning around and leaving, the mysterious man snorted coldly and said, "Since you are all here today, I'll see you off together!!"

With that, his hands suddenly raised and went straight to the place where the convoy was quickly transferred. He said coldly, "Goodbye..." With that, his hands seemed to touch slightly.

In an instant, the convoy that had turned around and was about to leave exploded!!

The huge explosion caused a shocking sound and scattered with the strong sparks! Obviously, this explosion did not explode at the same time, but caused a chain reaction, causing an explosion from a car at the end, and then causing the explosion of other vehicles!

The explosion was endless, and the whole road was swallowed up with the strong sparks and black smoke!!

With the passage of time, the violent explosion and the sparks in the sky gradually disappeared and dissipated.

Because of the shocking explosion, the car had been destroyed into scrap metal in an instant. Looking at the dark car team, the mysterious man in black did not drive away, but walked towards the place of the explosion, as if waiting for something.

"Cough!" At this moment, a violent cough came out not far from the explosion of the convoy.

Soon, a dark old man got up from the ground. The old man was none other than Karit sitting in the car. At this time, Carit's coat had already been burned without a trace by the strong flame, and the gray hair also had a large area when it was exploded. The resulting flame was burned.

Now Karit is like a person who came out of the fire scene. There is no white place all over her body, and her whole skin has become that dark color.

And now Carit's ability to escape this strong explosion is also entirely due to one of his men. At the moment when the car exploded, one of Carit's men instantly opened the door and pushed Carit out fiercely!

And in this case, Carit was able to escape from the strong explosion wave.

At this time, Carit coughed violently and felt that he had survived, but he didn't expect that he suddenly saw a pair of black shoes standing in front of him.

Carit's original excitement fell into the cold valley in an instant, because he knew that he was in trouble today...

"Before I die, I just want to ask a question..." At this time, Carit knew that she would definitely be killed, so she looked up at the man in black and said, "Why did you kill me?"

Listening to Caritte's words, the mysterious man in black did not say anything. After a long time, the man in black finally spit out a sentence coldly from his mouth: "There is no reason to kill..."

After saying that, Carit's eyes suddenly lit up and instantly felt a slight pain in his neck, so he immediately lost consciousness and fell to the ground...