Wolin Opera

Chapter 147 Destroy the device

Leave the source wind and blackhead of the helicopter and quickly went straight to the ground of the virgin forest.

Because of the blackhead, even if the distance from jumping off the helicopter is a lot higher, the source wind is still safe.

"Wow..." With the sound of wind blowing across his ears, the source wind gradually saw the green branches and leaves on the ground. Of course, he knew that he would soon land now.

Sure enough, when Yuanfeng was thinking, Yuanfeng immediately felt his feet stepping on a hard object, which showed that Yuanfeng had landed safely.

"Blackhead, where are we going next?" Stepping on the wet ground, Yuanfeng lowered his head and asked about the crystal skull on his neck.

"Now we are not too far away from that place. Just follow the path under your feet. If you see a big tree that is thicker than ordinary trees, that's where we are going.

"Good job!" Yuanfeng nodded gently and walked forward along the small path under his feet again in the direction guided by the blackhead.

Through a small dense area, the source wind standing in the middle of the path seems to be able to see a towering tree that is thicker than ordinary trees not far away.

The source wind approached the thicker tree according to the description of the blackhead. Yuanfeng looked at the towering tree and faced the black head on his neck and said, "Is it this big tree?"

"Yes!" The blackhead replied, master, you put your palm on the pole of the big tree, and then I opened the secret key through your hand.

"Good!" Hearing the words of the crystal skull, Yuanfeng nodded slightly, and then gently put his right hand on the thick trunk of the big tree. At this time, when Yuanfeng's hand was on the pole, the black head instantly emitted a faint yellow light. Soon, when the yellow light opened, the leaves of the tree pole also opened. There was a slight shaking at the beginning.

"Swipe, brush!" At this time, the big tree began to swing violently as if it had encountered a gust of wind, as if it were a monster with teeth and claws.

At this time, the "rumbling" was accompanied by a shocking roar, and the big tree seemed to sink with the whole ground, and the speed of sinking was getting faster and faster.

"Swipe!" When the sunken soil was about to cover the legs of the source wind, the black head immediately released a red light to protect the source wind tightly in the center.

In an instant, in just a moment, the source wind has come to a darker and somewhat dark place. However, although this place is dark, Yuanfeng's eyes are also transformed by the Kirin God, so this dark place can still be seen clearly.

The source wind of this place looks like the place where the ancient Egyptian pharaoh is located. The whole space is full of a unique atmosphere, and with the emergence of that unique atmosphere, large boxes gradually appear on the ground. Some of the boxes are square or rectangular and The rows are piled together.

"Brush!" While Yuanfeng looked around, a strong light appeared in an instant, and the whole space became bright. Yuanfeng knew that this was a blackhead.

Sure enough, the blackhead lit up the space and said to the source wind, "The things in this box have been stored for too long, and it doesn't work. Take it all away if you want!"

"Things??" Listening to the blackhead's words, Yuanfeng didn't know what was in the box, but also because of Yuanfeng's curiosity, he walked to a box and gently opened one of the rectangular wooden boxes.

It is said that curiosity can kill a cat, but this curiosity can never kill the source wind.

Soon, after Yuanfeng opened the rectangular wooden box, he was dumbfounded. Because there is nothing else in this box, but the string of gold jewelry!

Blackhead saw Yuanfeng's surprised expression with consciousness and then said, "These things were left by the people who created us. Later, after we were sent out, we have been left here for a long time, and we really don't need these things. These things are simply a waste for me. It's just copper and iron, so if you want it, you can take it all away!"

Speaking of the black head here, I suddenly thought that the origin wind had nothing to bring back, so a faint red light emitted again, and a small bag immediately flew out of a box next to it, and quickly searched all the gold, silver and jewelry in the box in front of the source wind, all One is put into this blue bag.

"Swipe!" Soon, when all the gold, silver and jewelry were put into the blue bag, the blue bag began to compress again in an instant. Little by little compression, it quickly became compressed into a small sachet bag and flew to the palm of the palm of the source wind.

At this time, Yuanfeng looked at this small sachet, and his psychological surface not only really sighed that such a small thing could hold so many things!!

When the source wind sighed, the black head immediately emitted a light red light to a place on the right side of the source wind. Then, after the red light disappeared, the wall and the soil fell down in an instant, covering the ground into a hill.

And when the source wind looked at the stone falling, he suddenly found that there was a red device like a cannonball in it, and there was a small red bulb flashing on it. The red light was flashing, like a star in the night sky.

"Is this the so-called destruction device?" Looking at the red button, Yuanfeng thought psychologically that in fact, the most important purpose of himself and Blackhead coming here is to destroy this device that destroys the world. If this device is not destroyed, the world will definitely suffer annihilation one day!!

"Yes, that thing is the last part of the task that our crystal skull is going to complete. Originally, what we planned was to start this device and then destroy the whole world, and we also returned to the past with the destruction of the whole world, but now it seems that there is no need. After all, the master, you have smashed my other four brothers and only me, and it can't play any role, so This device can only be destroyed!"

Yuanfeng listened to the blackhead's words and felt more relieved. If he hadn't smashed four crystal skulls because of anger, it was estimated that the whole world would be in great chaos now!!

Looking at the red device, Yuanfeng walked over and wanted to smash it with the Kirin God in his body, but when Yuanfeng moved forward, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a string of things floating on his face and his teeth and claws!!

"This is the soul set by the person who made us, in order to prevent criminals from using that device," the blackhead said to Yuanfeng at this time.

"Oh?" Yuanfeng listened to the blackhead's words and wondered whether his Kirin had a way to deal with these souls. Thinking about it, Yuanfeng instantly lifted the Kirin God in his body.

"Wan! Wow!" When the source wind raised the Kirin God, for a whole moment, the whole room was quickly covered by an invisible and powerful airflow!

Then, the souls with teeth and claws gradually appeared under the urging of the powerful Kirin God of Yuanfeng. At this time, the source wind could clearly see the appearance of these souls. One by one, the teeth and claws were more horrible, but this night only lasted for a few seconds. Soon, this Some souls have changed again.

However, the change in the soul this time is not that has become more and more terrible, but that it seems to be a little kind.

Finally, those souls gradually became kind old people. One of the old men floated over and said to Yuanfeng in front of him, "Thank you for your help. We're going now!"

Say this, the old man bowed to the source wind with some people behind him, and then flew into the sky under the strong light and gradually disappeared...

Watching these old people leave, Yuanfeng smiled slightly. At this time, Yuanfeng had already come to the place of the red device. Looking at the source wind of the red device and said to the blackhead, "Blackhead, do you have any way for me to return to my country in an instant?"

"Of course there is no problem!" The blackhead promised that if he could not let the source wind return to his country quickly, once the device detonated in the space set by the source wind, it would definitely affect himself and the source wind, so the source wind was the blackhead on his neck.

When the source wind equivalent black head could do it, he did not speak but nodded, and then stretched out his right hand and put it on the device. The source wind intends to use the Kirin God in his body to form a space for the device, so that the device can detonate in this space.

Of course, the space made by Yuanfeng is absolutely impossible to completely hold the explosion of the device at a low level, so you must be fully prepared.

Soon, after the source wind gently put the right hand on the device, the source wind gently exerted force, and the palm of the hand suddenly emitted a red light!!

"brush!!" When the red light appeared, Yuanfeng only felt that his feet were stepping on cotton, and his body quickly rose into the air in an instant!!

"Rumble!! Rumble!!"

With a strong explosion sound, the source wind only felt the slight explosion sound in his ear, and his eyes blurred again...