Wolin Opera

Chapter 181 The Flaw of Fear

The moon stars are rare, and the night in Kyoto is extremely brightened by the bright moon in the sky.

In a small park away from downtown Kyoto, a man in ordinary clothes is facing several big men around him calmly.

And the clothes worn by these big men are all black clothes. Of course, each of them's faces are covered with sneering faces. Behind them stood a man, who looked at the man besieged by the strong man with a sneer on his face.

Finally, the man surrounded by the strong man took the lead! The fist with a strong shouting wind instantly ran towards the man closest to him!!

"Hmm! It's just looking for death!!" The man standing behind the strong man was resolutely looking for Yuanfeng's trouble. At this moment, when he saw Yuanfeng take the lead, the sneer on his face suddenly became stronger.

Of course, he knows how powerful these strong men he is. It is certain that these strong men he brought can rush back and forth among thousands of troops!! Therefore, when he saw the source wind in front of him, Nangong Ba also sneered in his heart.

Of course, it is impossible for Yuanfeng to know the real thoughts in Nangong Ba at this moment!! However, Yuanfeng knew that even if he didn't know what Nangong Ba was thinking at this moment, he was not timid at all when facing these strong men. And Yuanfeng is also from their momentum, this group of strong men is just a group of shrimp!!

At this moment, with the action of Yuanfeng, the strong men also moved, and their current goal is to kill the opposite Yuanfeng by any means!!

"Bum!" Yuanfeng quickly punched himself, and the strong man opposite him also punched himself. Suddenly, the two fists suddenly collided with each other!!

"Dongdong!" With a strong impact sound, Yuanfeng's fist burst into great power and suddenly knocked back the strong man a few steps, stopped and looked at the opposite Yuanfeng in surprise. However, Yuanfeng did not move at all, and his feet still stood smoothly on the ground without even the slightest movement, which not only made everyone present take a breath of cool breath.

At this time, Nangong Ba also seemed to see that the source wind on the opposite side was not easy to deal with, but he still did not mean to let his men stop, but ordered that he must find a way to get rid of the source wind!!

At this moment, the scene was suddenly covered by this fierce battle. In the current small park, due to the strength of both sides, many flowers and trees around them were suddenly covered by this strong explosion!!

"Dongdong!!" Bang!!" At this moment, Yuanfeng also raised the unicorn formula in his body to a very high level. In the hand, Yuanfeng felt how strong the strength of the opposite side was, but even if the other party's strength was strong, Yuanfeng could not easily admit defeat!!

"Dong!!" At this time, the source wind shouted loudly and roared away with the windy fist and punched a strong man in the face!!

"Kho!!" Only a crisp sound came, and the strong man's cheek was suddenly concave by the heavy punch of the source wind, and the blood instantly fell to the ground and could not breathe...

And Nangong Ba, who was watching the battle, saw that Yuanfeng's strength was too strong at this time, and there was a little fear in his heart. He really didn't expect Yuanfeng's strength to be so powerful!! In this short ten minutes, several strong men have been eliminated!!

This suddenly made Nangong Ba's heart extremely shocked at this moment!! Of course, it still contains that little fear!!

"Drink!!" At this time, when the source wind was running the powerful unicorn formula, his eyes also began to flash a trace of bright red, and his demon-like face suddenly shocked several strong men around him who were fighting with him!!

But there is nothing they can do. After all, there is Nangong Ba standing behind them. Moreover, they and others are also personal guards belonging to Nangong Ba. Even if they die for Nangong Ba, they must not have a trace of complaint!!

Therefore, under this strong pressure, these strong men have to do their best to attack the source wind!!

At this time, with the escalation of the battle, the sky has gradually changed, and the sound of thunder has also resounded in the sky at this moment.

With the strong roar, the moonlight in the sky seems to be blocked by the clouds at this moment, without the strong moonlight.

At this time, under the battle with several strong men, Yuanfeng's body was also under strong pressure. After all, the strong men he faced are extremely powerful. Although it can't be said that they are strong with the people in the mysterious organization, these several strong men attack themselves at the same time, so Yuanfeng is also a little difficult.

However, although it is difficult, Yuanfeng has no sign of retreating, because he knows that if he doesn't work hard, his life may fall into their hands!!

Thinking of the source wind here, he immediately gritted his teeth and strongly urged the unicorn formula in his body to fight!!

Now the source wind is full of blood, and other people's blood also has blood flowing from his own wounds.

After more than 20 minutes of fighting, there were only two strong men facing Yuanfeng, and the other strong men were all wiped out by Yuanfeng!!

"Bum!!" A strong muffled sound sounded, and Yuanfeng's back was suddenly hit by this heavy punch, and he took a few steps forward and suddenly a mouthful of dark blood gushed out!!

Then, Yuanfeng turned around with red eyes and flew out! This foot, with powerful power, immediately kicked the strong man in the chest!! With a bang, the strong man was kicked dozens of meters away!!

"Wrala!!" At this moment, the strong man was also like a broken kite. He was kicked out fiercely by the source wind and put it on a tree trunk. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spewed out and fell to the ground and never got up again...

Seeing such a strong strength as Yuanfeng, Nangong Ba also began to feel a little weak at this moment. Although he was the future heir of the Nangong family, although he had strength, Nangong Ba knew the difference between his strength and the other party's strength in the face of Yuanfeng!!

When the thunder in the sky resounded to the last sound, the source wind had already killed the last strong man.

Looking at the source wind covered with blood, Nangong Ba really experienced the pain of death at this moment!! At this time, the source wind also began to walk towards Nangong Ba, and the step of walking suddenly deepened the inner fear of Nangong Ba again!!

"No... don't kill me... Don't kill me... Please... Don't kill me..." At this time, Nangong Ba stared at the demon in front of him like the child, and the voice also changed a little more, like the whining of the animal before death.

But the source wind seemed to have not heard the wailing of Nangongba, and he was still slowly approaching Nangongba. At this moment, his eyes were like the blood-red demon's eyes, staring fiercely at the opposite Nangongba, but it also made Nangongba's frightened legs tremble at this moment!!

The fear of dying also made Nangongba taste what the real fear is in his heart!!

"No...don't kill me...please..." Looking at Yuanfeng and did not answer, Nangong Ba still howled and suddenly knelt on the ground and begged Yuanfeng for mercy. But at this moment, Yuanfeng looked at Nangong Ba under his feet and said in an extremely cold voice, "People don't offend me, I won't offend, but if people offend me, I It's necessary to kill!!"

The killing word popped out of Yuanfeng's mouth and looked so cold and piercing!! He penetrated deeply into Nangong Ba's heart, and his hands couldn't help trembling.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but I still have to punish you!!" At this time, Yuanfeng said coldly that he really felt the pity of Nangong Ba in front of him, which was as pitiful as a jumping clown.

Although Yuanfeng's eyes have the penetrating red cold light, his inner reason has not been eliminated. In his opinion, the opposite Nangong Ba is just a poor worm. Moreover, at least he is also a member of the Nangong family. Yuanfeng still needs to measure the enemy in an unknown family. My gap!!

When he heard that Yuanfeng did not kill himself, Nangong Ba suddenly felt happy in his heart, and then when he heard Yuanfeng say that he wanted to give some punishment, Nangong Ba's heart suddenly clicked again!!

He doesn't know what Yuanfeng said about the punishment, and he doesn't know what will happen tonight...

However, in his opinion, he still tried to take advantage of this opportunity to slip away. As the saying goes, this leaves the green mountains and is not afraid of firewood. As long as you can go back safely, you can still make a comeback!!

Thinking of Nangong Ba here, he began to think about how to escape from here quickly. However, although Yuanfeng did not know Nangong Ba's idea, he would not provide Nangong Ba with a convenient environment to escape.

At this time, Yuanfeng showed a smile on the corners of his mouth, like the devil's smile, and suddenly the powerful Kirin formula came!!


Only a strong sound was heard, and the source wind had already walked out of the small park. At this time, his eyes also returned to normal, and in the small park behind him, Nangongba fainted there, and his legs were stained with red blood...