Wolin Opera

Chapter 194 Escape from Death

"Source wind!! Sure enough, the strength is indeed strong. If we hadn't been strengthened and imprisoned, I'm afraid we would have died in your hands..." Finally, one of the more than a dozen men in black in front of Yuanfeng snorted coldly, and the voice contained endless coldness and gloomy.

"Strengthening confinement?" Yuanfeng is a little strange. It seems that he has never heard of any confinement dispersion, and he doesn't know what this enhanced confinement dispersion is, but Yuanfeng can now be sure that this reinforcement confinement dispersion must have been mixed with some kind of drug component by that guy, otherwise it is impossible to contain the power in his body!!

This is the real idea in Yuanfeng's heart. Similarly, Yuanfeng also knows that the strengthened confinement in his body seems to have begun to control the nerves in his body. If he still doesn't think of any way to kill the other party, or break through the strengthened confinement in his body. San, then there will be only one end... that is death! That is to be killed by the cold blade in the other party's hand!!

No!! I can't die yet! You must not die! Because there are still several women waiting for themselves, as well as the school, double-sided snake, Li Lian, Luo Ke and others are waiting for themselves to go back, so they can't die now, at least they can't be controlled by others like this!!

Thinking of the source wind here, he suddenly beat his hands on both sides of his body, and suddenly seemed to burst into some kind of power. He clenched them tightly. His eyes seemed to be faintly red, shining with extremely cold eyes like the devil of hell!!

"Humph!! It seems that he is also at the end of the crossbow now. He is just a bluff. His real strength has long been unable to exert, so we have to work together to kill the source wind!! The head once said that the source wind is one of the biggest threats in the organization. If we keep him alive in the world for one day, our organization will be seriously threatened!!

He said that the man in black here tightened the long knife in his hand and said to the remaining strong men in black beside him. Listening to his words, more than a dozen other strong men in black also nodded. They said the same as this man. If they don't get rid of the source wind now, then the other party will be the biggest threat to themselves and others and their whole organization!!

They still know the consequences of releasing the tiger back to the mountain!!

Therefore, thinking of this, they immediately picked up the long knife in their hand and shouted at the opposite source wind again, and instantly rushed to the opposite source wind!!

"Humph!! Just in time! I, Yuanfeng, will kill all of you here!! Come on! I'm not afraid of you!! Ah!!" Speaking of the source wind here, his eyes suddenly burst into a strong light and rushed towards more than a dozen strong men in black on the opposite side!!

The current source wind has long been filled with this strong anger. The hands are constantly waving in the crowd, and the strong explosive power is enough to make these more than a dozen men a little unbearable.

But everyone knows that they are very clear in their hearts that the current source wind only induces a small part of the power in their body because of anger. As the saying goes, the side effects of this force is very strong on their own body. Simply put, the current source wind forcibly stimulates the original force in the body because of this strong anger. On the surface, it can be said that it can gain a small part of the powerful strength in the body, but this small part of the strong strength can only last for a short time. That is, it can only last for about half an hour. If it is more than half an hour, then all the little power penetrated by the light source wind will be exhausted, and more importantly, the body of the source wind will also withstand endless counterattack!!

At that time, the source wind, coupled with the reverse phagocation effect on the body, can be said that more than a dozen men in black on the opposite side will also fall to the ground and die because of the ban on the veins in the body!!

Similarly, Yuanfeng is also very clear about the consequences of doing this, but there is nothing he can do now. There is really nothing he can do now. If he doesn't do this, then Xuanyuan, Yuanyuan and Lingfeng on the top of the mountain, including all the whole three families, will Suffered from this devastating disaster!!

Therefore, the current source wind can only take risks and fight, hoping that he can break through the confinement in his body with his strong will of anger!!

Time passed minute by minute by. Although Yuanfeng thought very well at the beginning, the proof of time once again verified that his idea just now was wrong. The strengthening of confinement in his body did not break up because of his anger, nor did he cause the anger in his body because of his forced urging. Lin Shenjue Yuanli can break through the limitation of this confinement dispersion. It can be said that his action just now has no effect on the confinement dispersion in his body!!

"Damn!! How could this happen!!" Now the source wind is terr for me!! The unicorn formula in his body did not break through the restriction of confinement, which shocked the current source wind!!

He really didn't expect that the prohibition ability made by that guy to strengthen the confinement was so strong that he can now say that there is no way to break through the prohibition in the body!!

"Hey hey..." Looking at the frightened expression on Yuanfeng's face, one of the men in black smiled coldly: "Kid, just accept your fate!! The confinement powder added to our head can be called that there is no one in the world, and there is no way to solve the poison of this confinement dispersion, so... now you can only die under our knife!!" The man in black here instantly picked up the long knife in his hand, quickly reversed his right hand, and pointed the knife handle of the long knife at Yuanfeng's back and hit it down in an instant!!

"Wow!!" Hit by this huge knife handle, Yuanfeng suddenly felt the umbilical blood in his body boiling, and instantly spouted blood from his mouth, and then ploped on the ground!!

Now Yuanfeng can be said to be full of scars. Due to the confinement of the Kirin formula in his body, he is not the opponent of more than a dozen men in black at all. Then he was severely beaten by the man's knife handle, and suddenly knocked out the internal organs in Yuanfeng's body!!

"Hum!!" Looking at Yuanfeng lying on the ground in pain, the man in black sneered and said, "How's it going?? Yuanfeng, is it good to be hit by this knife handle?"

The man in black here picked up the long knife in his hand, stretched out his blood-red tongue and licked the blood on the tip of his knife and sneered, "It's almost time. It's time for us to recover. Remember, don't come to me after hell!!"

The man here suddenly flashed with sinister eyes on his face, and then raised the long knife in his hand and reversed it again. The blade quickly cut down to Yuanfeng's neck!!

"brush!!" That is, when the huge blade was about to cut on Yuanfeng's neck, an incredible thing suddenly happened!!

Yuanfeng, who was originally lying motionless on the ground, suddenly turned over as if he had come back to life, and his hands quickly "popped" twice to catch the long knife that the man in black knocked down!!

"This...how is this possible!! This...this..." Seeing this scene, the strong man in black was shocked and quickly wanted to take back the long knife in his hand, but found that it was too late!!

Because of the source wind at this time, when the other party hadn't pulled back his long knife, his eyes suddenly flashed, and his hands were instantly hard!!

"Kka!!" After hearing a crisp sound, the long knife in the man's hand in black was instantly broken into two by Yuanfeng's hands!!

Just when the other party hasn't recovered, Yuanfeng put a cold smile on the corners of his mouth and raised his hands in an instant!!

"brush!!" A sound of the blade cutting through the air came, followed by a strong blood column gushing up!!

In an instant, the strong man with a sneering look just now cut off Yuanfeng's neck in just a few minutes!!

The strong blood column quickly sprayed out with the bloody smell, and suddenly sprayed Yuanfeng's face with blood! As for the man in black, his body fell down without support points!!

"Guru..." At the moment when the man in black fell down, there was another dull sound on the ground, and a head stained with red blood and messy eyes rolled into the blood not far away.

Those big eyes seem to be telling their unwillingness and anger...

At this time, the source wind had already stood up and looked at more than a dozen strong men with shocked faces and sneered, "What?? Isn't it shocking how I regained my strength?"

Say the source wind here, stretched out his right hand and gently wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and the green juice oozing from the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "Actually, I'm really surprised why I can recover my strength so quickly..."

Looking at the other party, Yuanfeng sighed the broken bottle on the ground: "Now I understand that I can break through this prohibition of strengthening confinement and escape from death, thanks to this small bottle of aloe juice..."

said the source wind here, threw the bottle of aloe vera juice on the ground and said coldly, "It seems that the sky will not die!! Just wait for you to go to hell!!"