Wolin Opera

Chapter 205 Sister Qian

"Well, I want to inquire about all the information before Yue Hong, the former gold team training base, entered the gold team." Listening to the other party's words, Yuan Feng did not talk nonsense and said directly.

"Moon red??" Zhang Tian couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Yuanfeng's words. No one in the whole golden team knew the relationship between Yuehong and Yuanfeng. According to the relationship between the two, even if Yuanfeng wanted to know something, Yuehong would definitely say it herself, but now he has subverted his idea, but Yuanfeng Find yourself to check Yuehong's information. Does this mean that Yuehong has a conflict with the source team??

However, although Zhang Tian thought so, this was an order given by Yuanfeng himself, so Zhang Tian was not easy to neglect. After saying a word on the other end of the phone, he checked it on the computer at that end.

After the computer crackled, Yuanfeng quickly got Zhang Tian's reply: "Yuan team, Yuehong has been doing chores in Kyoto before entering the golden team training base. The data shows that she is not a native of Kyoto, but S city a little farther away from Kyoto..."

"S city?" Yuanfeng was a little stunned. Of course, Yuanfeng knew that the people in that city were not Han people. To be precise, it is the largest Miao city in the country. If so, Yuehong means that they are not Han people but Miao girls.

"Head Zhang, what is the specific location of Yuehong's hometown in S City?" Finally, Yuanfeng asked. After all, Yuanfeng's purpose this time is to go back to her hometown with Yuehong. If you don't even know the specific location, you don't need to talk about going there.

"Oh!! It's in Pingding Village, Beiguan County, S City..." Listening to Yuanfeng's question, Zhang Tian immediately knocked out the detailed location of Yuehong's hometown on the computer, and then replied to Yuanfeng at the other end of the phone.

At this time, Yuanfeng asked Zhang Tian to inquire about the specific situation there in detail, and after a general understanding, Yuanfeng put down his mobile phone.

Looking at the mobile phone in his hand, Yuanfeng muttered, "Pingding Village, Beiguan County, S City, mother Yue Zhimei, father Luo Zhi..." After Yuanfeng said a few words, Yuanfeng put away his mobile phone and returned to his dormitory.

In the afternoon, Yuanfeng did not all stay in the dormitory of the school. After all, the dormitory was empty now. I'm afraid Wu Zhuang went to the Internet cafe again, but Yuanfeng learned from Li Lian that only Wu Zhuang went to the Internet cafe, but Luo Ke did not go.

It seems that Luo Ke found a girlfriend named Xiao Lin, a freshman at Kyoto University. I guess they don't know which hotel to fool around at this time!! When he learned the news, Yuanfeng shook his head helplessly, but according to Luo Ke's personality, this is not surprising. Luo Ke is handsome and can say back, which naturally attracts many girls. If Wu Zhuang finds a girlfriend, it is really strange!!

After Yuanfeng left the dormitory, he drove to the headquarters of Rui in Kyoto. This time, the purpose of Yuanfeng's visit is not only that he hasn't been to the headquarters of Rui for a long time, but more importantly, Yuanfeng wants to find the old snake to help find the whereabouts of Yuehong's biological father. After all, the strength of the old snakes is to find one. People are still easy to turn against their palms.

Soon, in the sound of the roaring engine of the car, more than ten minutes, the source wind came to the headquarters building of Kyoto.

And Rui's headquarters is actually a huge nightclub, just like a long time ago. However, although it looks like a nightclub, many people know that this nightclub is the headquarters of the most powerful Rui in Kyoto City, that is, Rui's nest. Therefore, anyone who comes to this nightclub to drink and play is a rule. No one dares to provoke trouble here. After all, they all know what kind of organization the Kyoto Rui force is. If they openly provoke trouble here, it is estimated that there will be only one end... either crippled or... dead!!

At this time, the source wind walked into the nightclub alone after stopping the car at the door of the nightclub.

I haven't been here for a long time, Yuanfeng sighed. Since he became the leader of the Kyoto Rui power, Yuanfeng has rarely come here. He has given most of this matter to the old snake and the little five sons, but he has become a shopkeeper.

After all, Yuanfeng prefers freedom and doesn't like the feeling of bondage. If you want to stay in this headquarters building every day and deal with all kinds of things every day, Yuanfeng is better to die directly!!

Of course, although the current Rui organization is taken care of by old snakes and others, they still know one thing, that is, who is the only boss of the Kyoto Rui force.

If there is no source wind, there will be no them. If there is no source wind, there will be no current Rui power!! Therefore, the current strength of Kyoto Rui is to treat Yuanfeng as a god-like figure.

However, with Yuanfeng not coming here for such a long time, coupled with the expansion of Rui's strength in Kyoto during this period, many young organizations do not know what Yuanfeng looks like, although each of them knows that Yuanfeng is the strength of the whole Kyoto Rui. Of course, they also know what kind of status Yuanfeng is in the whole Rui organization, but the newcomers have never seen Yuanfeng, let alone what kind of character the legendary Dragon is.

Therefore, as soon as Yuanfeng walked into the nightclub, many strange faces suddenly became aware of it. In fact, it is no wonder that they are so aware of it. After all, the nightclub of the Swiss headquarters is not an ordinary place. It can be said that it will never be compared with all the nightclubs in Kyoto. Even the heaven and earth that everyone knows in Kyoto can't compare with the nightclub of the Swiss headquarters.

And this nightclub is not an ordinary place, which means that none of the people who come here are ordinary people, either dignitaries or rich and prominent. As for Yuanfeng, he spread out dozens of yuan of clothes and a pair of old sneakers, he looks like a rustic. Students don't seem to be rich people who come here to play, so it's no wonder these new faces looking at nightclubs are so aware of it.

As for the source wind, he didn't care about this, but walked straight to the upstairs of the nightclub. Yuanfeng knew that this nightclub was much bigger than any nightclub, that is to say, the top of the nightclub was the place where the headquarters of the Swiss forces stayed, and as for the bottom, they were all real nightclubs.

And when Yuanfeng went upstairs on each floor, Yuanfeng did not know that a figure was staring at the camera screen inside the nightclub and looking at him.

"Sister Qian, this boy is very suspicious!! Wearing such old-fashioned clothes, it doesn't seem like he came to play here at all, and this doesn't count. More importantly, he came here straight upstairs. Could it be... What's his purpose? At this time, a bald man standing next to a beautiful man asked.

"I don't know, let's observe." The woman listened to the words of the bald man beside her and sighed, "The old snakes have gone to S City some time ago, and the backbones in the Swiss organization have also gone a lot. Now they let me a girl to look at such a big Swiss organization, alas... I really think there is I can't do it!!"

Sister Xi here sighed, and her eyes were a little confused. Once she was a gangster female leader on a street in Kyoto. Later, she was excavated by the old snake and others and then joined the Swiss organization. Although she was promoted to one of the leaders of the Swiss organization with her extraordinary strength and outstanding talents, it was really big for her. Very few are seen.

And this time, the old snake and others arranged themselves to temporarily control the strength of Kyoto Rui, which means that the old snake absolutely trusts themselves. Since others trust them, they must fight for a sigh of relief. Therefore, Sister Qian also desperately warned herself during this period of time to manage the strength of Kyoto Rui!!

Of course, when thinking of this problem, Sister Qian is also a little helpless. Of course, she has heard of it a long time ago that the old snakes are not the biggest leaders of the Kyoto organization, and they are just the subordinates of the founders of the Kyoto organization, which makes Sister Qian always doubt that the founder of this Kyoto organization Is there anyone with this person?? After all, since she joined the Kyoto Rui organization, she has never seen the founder of the legendary Rui organization.

And when Sister Qian sometimes wanted to find out who the founder was from the mouth of the old snake, the old snake and others just smiled and did not answer. Their explanation is that this is the words given by the founder. Don't disclose any information about yourself. Therefore, in the whole Kyoto Rui organization, except for the old snake, the little five sons and the knife Apart from Scarface and the backbone, no one knows a little information about the founder of the Kyoto Rui Organization, which has not only made Sister Qian guess what kind of person the founder of the Kyoto Rui Organization is??

"Sister Xi!! Look!! I guessed it was really good!! That boy did come here for us. It's really strange. How did he, a student-like, know our place? The bald man standing next to Sister Qian said at this time, but his tone contained all kinds of doubts.

"No, you guessed wrong." Sister Qian carefully observed the source wind in the camera and finally shook her head and said, "His purpose is not here, but the VIP cafe on the 18th floor..."