Wolin Opera

Chapter 225 Such waste is useless

The gorgeous and dazzling light shines on the whole sky, covering the whole sky like a huge umbrella, which also makes the originally dark sky suddenly add a darker color.

As for Yuanfeng and Wu Zhan, because of the strong light generated by the explosion, they have already swallowed up the two, just like the mouth of a huge shark.

With the gradual rise of the surrounding temperature and the huge energy generated by the strong shock wave, the whole sky has become a sea of fire, but the sea of fire is in the sky and has not had a huge impact on the real ground. Otherwise, let alone double-sided snakes and scar faces, I'm afraid the source Wind and martial arts will also be implicated.

Soon, half an hour passed, and the strong explosion lasted for nearly half an hour, and then slowly began to fade away.

As time went by, the whole sky began to slowly become clear. After this huge explosion, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to have decreased a lot, and the sky began to seem to be a little lighter. It is estimated that the strong and huge explosion just now will be extremely heavy. The dark clouds have dissipated a lot.

As the strong light and smoke gradually dissipated, the original appearance began to appear on the ground.

The ground did not cause great damage, and it was still the same as before, a group of old and dirty chemical factories. Similarly, the double-sided snake and the scar face on the huge chimney are still unconscious. Although the huge chimney is still standing, at a glance, the originally high huge chimney has long been After being cut off by the strong energy wave, only the lower half is still standing.

Fortunately, Wu Zhan did not tie the double-sided snake and scarface to the top of the chimney. Otherwise, the two of them would have turned into a pile of ashes.

However, what I have to admire is that the drugs used in the martial arts are indeed extremely powerful. Although the strong explosion in the sky made such harsh noise, it did not wake up the double-sided snake and scarface from the coma at all. This can reflect the medicine released by the martial arts to the double-sided snake and scar face. How fast the force is.

At this time, after the huge smoke and the strong light dissipated, a huge mark was separated on the left and right sides of the ground, and this mark was neither a crack nor a trace crushed by any object, but indeed a human footprint!!

And these two footprints are the marks that appear on the feet!! What a powerful and terrible power!!

You should know that this is far away from the city of S City. The reason why this place is arranged as a chemical factory group is that the soil on the ground is very suitable for chemical experiments, so the ground is definitely much harder than ordinary places. Even with an iron rod, it can only be slightly poked on the ground. A small mark that can only be recognized by looking carefully, so it is absolutely a terrible thing to step on the deep pit line up to five or six centimeters with those feet!!

And these two footprints, not only have such deep marks at the end of Wu Zhan, but also left the same deep marks on the opposite source wind.

And with the deep marks on these two sides, the coat on Yuanfeng's body had already had many holes, and his elbows, sleeves and shoulders were all scorched or incinerated by the strong energy, forming ragged and irregular pits, just like the beggar's clothes.

At this time, Yuanfeng leaned his back against a big tree, and his back had long been stained red by the bright red blood. Now Yuanfeng seemed to have been greatly impacted. He lowered his head and did not say a word, not even a slight movement, just sat there quietly.

The hair has blocked his eyes. Because he lowered his head, no one can see what Yuanfeng's face looks like at this time.

And as for the martial war far away from Yuanfeng, it is not much better. Although he has been standing anywhere, anyone can see it. At this moment, he really can't stand it.

"Plop!!" After a strong muffled sound, Wu Zhan finally knelt on his knees, and from the moment he knelt down, the corners of his mouth, corners of his eyes and nostrils began to ooze blood out, like a ladle that had been poked several small eyes.

At this time, when neither of them had any movement or words, in a dark corner, a purple-black dress floated with the wind.

When the slight smoke floated by, a beautiful hand threw the smoked cigarette butt on the ground, and then trampled it out with his right foot. Then he raised his head and looked at the source wind and martial arts in the distance.

On the handsome face, an evil smile flashed. This is a beautiful face, and also a beautiful and suffocating woman's face.

The long oblique hair on the forehead is slanted on the cheek, and the face with beauty, frost and evil charm is none other than the mysterious woman who appeared beside Wu Zhan at the beginning.

At this moment, when she saw that there was no movement between Wu Zhan and Yuanfeng, her face became a little cold: "What a waste!!"

After scolding this sentence, the woman said lightly again: "It seems that the suzerain's choice is right. No matter how strong the military battle is, it is definitely not the opponent of Yuanfeng, but..."

The woman here looked up at the source wind on her left, and then wondered: "But it's really strange why the suzerain has not hesitated to spend the strength of the whole organization to help him improve his strength for such a boy for so many years?"

Although the woman doesn't know what the suzerain's intention is, she also doesn't know why the suzerain killed Yuanfeng without sending anyone at the beginning, and uses the power of her whole organization to enhance Yuanfeng's strength like cat and mice, so what are the benefits to the organization and herself?? The woman really couldn't figure out what the suzerain was thinking.

However, although the woman did not understand the patriarch's intention, she still had to implement it herself. After all, she could not defy the patriarch's words, including the people in many organizations that had died in the past, as well as today's military war.

"A waste that is useless to the organization is not necessary to survive, because such waste is useless..." Thinking of the woman here, the corners of her mouth rose again, forming a beautiful arc.

Then he took out a small red button from his cloth bag and held it in his hand.

"Wu Zhan, you are very smart and also know why I have been with you, but... you can't disobey the suzerain's orders, including me... Goodbye!! I hope you won't enter this organization in your next life..." The woman here finally pressed the small red button in her hand!

"Papa!!" Just as the woman pressed the small red button, there was a slight sound on the body of the martial arts in the distance, and with the passage of time, the slight sound began to gradually expand and expand until the whole factory group could hear it clearly, suddenly "bang!" With a slight dull sound came, and the military battle that was still kneeling on the ground had already been scattered by the strong dull sound.

The woman who died in the war, and the woman who had been hiding in the dark also took a long breath at this time. Her own people actually wanted to kill their own people, which really made the woman unable to do it, but the regulations of the organization are the regulations. The patriarch's words are also the regulations of the organization, and there is no emotion to join the 'extermination' organization. Qualifications are required.

After solving the martial war, the woman threw away the red button in her hand, and then left this remote and chemical factory group with both hands...


"Wind? Source wind?? Wake up, wake up." In that dark place, such a beautiful voice sounded.

And with this sound, there was a messy sound, and all this sound was nothing more than awakening someone's memory.

Suddenly, a strong tingling came, and then a manic roar spread throughout the empty place!! But after this manic sound, I suddenly felt a burst of stronger force as if it were restraining myself, making me unable to move at all!!

Finally, after that brief mania, it gradually calmed down, and after this calmdown, a pair of eyes quietly opened.

At this time, these open eyes looked around for a while before asking, "Where is this...?"

"Wind! Are you awake? Are you really awake?!" Hearing this sound, a woman's voice suddenly rose, and then a figure appeared in front of Yuanfeng in an instant. Looking at this familiar figure, Yuanfeng knew that the person in front of him was definitely Yuehong.

And when Yuehong ran excitedly to Yuanfeng's bed, a burst of footsteps came, and soon there were several people in front of Yuanfeng again.

And these people are not others, but double snakes, scarfaces and little five sons.

Looking at the double-sided snake and the scar face, Yuanfeng's heart finally relieved, opened his cracked lips and smiled, "Old snake, as long as you are all right."

"Hmm! We are fine! Yuan Ruizhu! Just take it easy!" The double-sided snake whispered, and then said as if he had thought of something, "But Lord Yuan Rui, the matter of the little five..."

"Oh, I know" Yuanfeng waved his hand gently to stop the words behind the double-sided snake, because Yuanfeng knew that it was Xiao Wuzi who heard about his injury and did not listen to the obstruction of the double-sided snake and scarface to come here.