Wolin Opera

Chapter 328 Source Wind Amnesia

"Where am I?" At this moment, in that dark world, there is neither sunshine nor any breeze, and there is only that trace of silence and darkness. But somewhere in the darkness, a voice asked.

Under that voice, a man in ordinary sportswear was sitting there looking at the darkness in front of him and muttered. Although the darkness in front of him could not cause him anything, in this boundless darkness, there was a trace of waves in his heart.

Soon, in that voice over and over again, there was still no response, as if all these sounds would disappear without a trace in the whole black hole space...

The man sitting on the ground is trying to recall his previous memories, but he can't think of anything, as if he had just been born in this world.

"Who am I...? What have I done before... What have I done... Why can't I remember it all?" Trying to recall what he had done before, the man's thinking still did not get any better, as if there was just a blank piece of paper in his mind, no ink or any handwriting.

In the man's thought for more than ten minutes, his head was about to explode. But I still can't remember anything.

When he couldn't think of anything, the man simply didn't think about it. Instead, he stood up gently from the ground and looked at the endless dark world opposite him.

In this dark world, there is no sound, just like a dark hell. In this dark hell, there is nothing but the man standing in front of you. Even if it is the wind, even if it is the sun, even if everything is in this place, it has ceased to exist...

And when the man stood up, his eyes were unusually bright, as bright as a bright moon. And with such bright eyes in this darkness, no one can have such a pair of eyes except the man in front of him.

"Wow...bang!!" Suddenly, just as the man was thinking about who he was, a red light suddenly blew the strong wind towards the source wind in front of him!!

"Dong!!" As if in those seconds, the red light hit the man's chest in an instant. After hearing a strong impact, the source wind brushed dozens of feet and fell to the ground fiercely by the red light!

And this terrible fall did not kill the man. And what's more incredible is that after the man was hit on the ground, there was no damage except a strong "dong" sound, and even the black ground and the man's clothes showed no signs of damage.

After the man hit the ground, the man got up from the ground and patted his clothes without any bleeding or damage to his clothes.

"Bad boy!! You are so bitter! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid you would have gone to hell long ago!!" In an instant, when the man stood up, a huge flame fell from the sky and hit the man with a roar.

After the huge flame slowly dissipated, a huge red fire unicorn appeared in front of the man!!

At this moment, its whole body is full of masculine and strong spirit, which instantly turns the empty dark place around it into a bright place without any life.

"Ky! Do you know that you are almost going to hell this time!!" At this time, the fire unicorn looked at the man in front of him and said with flames. Although it could not see a trace of angry expression from the fire unicorn's face, what he said could make people feel very angry at this moment.

"Who are you?" Looking at the huge fire unicorn in front of him, the man did not feel a trace of fear, but looked at the huge guy in front of him with some confusion.

To be honest, in the depths of the man in front of him, it seems that he has seen it a long time ago. Although he has this feeling, the man still can't remember who the fire unicorn in front of him is, when he met it, and all the things in the past are completely I can't remember.

Looking at the man's confused expression, the fire unicorn finally sighed and said, "Yuanfeng! Source wind!! It seems that this is really the doom of your hit!"

Say that the fire unicorn here, looking at the source wind, who is still confused, continued to say, "Kid, do you know who you are?"

"Me?" Yuanfeng listened to Huo Qilin's words, was slightly stunned, and then said dullly, "To be honest, I don't know who I am..."

"Hum..." The fire unicorn hummed and said to the source wind below, "Actually, you are just living in the space I set up now, and you are really sick in the hospital**." The fire unicorn who said this point gently opened his mouth and spewed out a red flame in an instant. Spray in front of the source wind below.

Soon, the red flame did not cause any other damage in front of the source wind, but slowly began to disappear. After the red flame gradually disappeared completely, it was a mirror that appeared in front of the source wind.

Of course, this transparent mirror does not illuminate the face of the source wind, but reflects the outside world intact.

However, the picture in the mirror is in the ward of a hospital. In that ward, there are several women sitting at this moment, and these women are, of course, such as Yue Hong, Yuanyuan and Xixian. Naturally, it is Liu Yaner who has been sitting in front of Yuanfeng's bed. At this moment, she seems to be holding Yuanfeng's right hand again as if she is saying something. But behind them stood several men. Of course, these did not make any waves in Yuanfeng's eyes at this time, but what surprised him was the sick man lying down.

The man's face and clothes are exactly the same as what he is now. Obviously, the sick man is himself. Even if Yuanfeng is amnesia and can't remember everything that happened before, Yuanfeng's wisdom and thinking in the past still exist, so the current Yuanfeng still knows that The sick man lying in the mirror is himself.

Similarly, this also shows that the huge fire unicorn in front of him did not lie to himself.

Now Yuanfeng, standing in the dark, is looking at himself in the mirror and chatting with a person in the room that he can't remember now. Although he doesn't know what they are talking about, Yuanfeng knows that they must be talking about something about himself, because from the solemn facial expressions of all the people, he can It can be seen completely.

"brush!!" At this time, the mirror in front of the source wind began to slowly dissipate, and then disappeared in front of the source wind little by little until the last bit of red flame went out.

"Kid, do you know now!! You are the source wind! And the sick man is yourself, and now you have just entered the space I have arranged. Of course, I also had to do it. After all, your injury was too serious. In addition to the external injury and the serious injury of your internal organs and other places, I had to come out and bring you to this place first. After all, this place is different from the outside world. You can continue to survive in this place. But once you continue to stay in the outside world, I'm afraid you will never survive for 78 hours at that time..."

Said that the fire unicorn here, after scratching its fiery red nose with its huge claws, it continued to breathe flames and sighed, "For you, what is worse now is not your physical condition, but the unicorn formula in your body... Alas... Just now since my blow, it has been able It has been explored. Now there is no Kirin formula in your body. Simply put, the Kirin formula has disappeared in your body..."

"So, I'm just like an ordinary person now?" At this time, Yuanfeng listened to Huo Qilin's words and thought about it before saying that although the current Yuanfeng still can't remember what he had done at the beginning, and also can't remember his previous strength, now Yuanfeng still knows one thing from Huo Qilin's mouth, that is, he no longer has With the original strength, I am no different from an ordinary person now.

"Well, yes, it can be said," the fire unicorn shook its huge head and said, "However, there is still a possibility that it will happen, and according to the current situation, the probability of this possibility is very high, which can be said to be millions of years. That's why such a thing happened!!"

"What kind of thing is it?" Yuanfeng listened to the fire unicorn's words, and then looked up at the huge eyes of the fire unicorn above and asked, waiting for the fire unicorn's answer.

"Alas, this matter may be that you are reborn for the second time because of one of the disasters, and all your appearance, sounds, appearance and unicorn secrets in your body will completely disappear, and you will be equivalent to being reborn again, and everything will be changed. Change"

"Is that..." Listening to the words of Fire Kirin, Yuanfeng's heart is still as calm as water at this moment. Of course, although Yuanfeng has lost his memory now, he can still feel that his transformation will bring greater changes to himself...