Wolin Opera

Chapter 359 Game, Unknown Win or Lose

For this strong explosion, the four people of Yuanfeng were not substantially harmed. However, in this experience, the four people of Yuanfeng paid more and more attention to the brakes.

In Yuanfeng's view, what Qisha has is not only force, but more importantly, if he and others are not careful, they will be buried in General Qisha's small abacus, which is also the most cautious thing for Yuanfeng.

Similarly, Yuanfeng is fine, and General Qisha is even more fine.

After the white cloud completely dissipated, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of several people opposite the source wind. And this figure is General Qisha himself.

At this time, General Qisha had no dust all over his body. Obviously, like Yuanfeng and others, he laid up a series of defenses around him to resist the violent explosion just now.

However, what made Yuanfeng and others strange was that when the clouds were about to dissipate, General Qisha seemed to be surrounded by two more objects, without any movement or sound. It's like two pieces of wood standing beside General Qisha.

"It's the moon!!" Finally, Jike saw the two objects on the opposite side clearly.

In essence, it is not two pieces of wood, but two green thick objects like tentacles, and one of the figures tied to the object is the moon!!

At this moment, Yuezhi has no strong strength in the past. Now he seems to be tied to that thick object with a pale face like a patient in a coma.

As for the moon, there is a woman, a beautiful woman with long hair. Unfortunately, this woman's face seems to be paler than Yuezhi's.

"Hum, it was finally discovered by you..." Looking at Yuanfeng and others' surprised faces, Qi Zhan's face changed and sneered, "No wonder the explosion just burst the whole cave with the upper half of the mountains. They have no place to hide, so they can only be found by you... ”

With that, General Qisha sneered at the corners of his mouth. Suddenly, two huge green objects appeared from the ground again behind General Qisha, that is, beside the moon!!

The huge green object flashed in front of the moon like giant earthworms. Seeing such a huge green object, Yuanfeng and others frowned again.

In fact, there has been a bad feeling from the source wind just now. I didn't expect it to be realized so soon. From the beginning, compared with Qisha, the strength of Yuanfeng and others can be said to be slightly stronger than that of the four of them, and now, when those objects emerged, the overall strength of Qisha has once again improved!!

And, through such things, the biggest problems of Yuanfeng and others also follow. It is likely that General Qisha is not a normal human, maybe a monster!!

This idea was instantly formed in Yuanfeng's mind. In fact, there is such an ancient monster in the Kirin's secret in Yuanfeng's mind, but this ancient monster is similar and different from the current General Qisha.

Legend has it that this ancient monster called 'Boots' is such a monster with eight heads and a huge body similar to snakes. This monster has eight tails, which are the same shape as what General Qisha shows now. However, the tails shown by General Qisha now are not eight but four, which is different from the ancient monster 'boots', which makes Yuanfeng not know what General Qisha belongs to. Which one?

"Hmm, are you talking about my father?" Just as Yuanfeng was thinking about these problems, General Qisha came up with such a sentence again, which shocked Yuanfeng's heart in an instant!!

He can feel what he is thinking!! This is quite a shocking thing!!

However, General Qisha didn't agree at this time. Looking at Yuanfeng's face, General Qisha shook the four tails behind him and said, "Indeed, my father is a 'boot'. As for what you said, there are eight tails and I have four tails now. That's my father's business, and I don't have anything now. Relationship"

"What...what?? What did you say? Listening to General Qisha's words, Moha, who was beside him, didn't know what they would say and asked strangely.

"It's a 'boot', an ancient monster" after listening to Moha's words, Dongying added: "In ancient times, there was such a 'boot' monster with eight heads and eight tails. It was precisely because of this characteristic that he dominated the whole world, but it was later recorded In this way, the monster's notes no longer exist, so no one can know the origin and final place of the ancient monster's 'boot'.

Dongying said this, looked up at General Qisha not far away, and then said, "Maybe... he is talking about the ancient monster 'boots'..."

"Don't compare me with my father!!" When hearing Dongying say this, General Qisha seemed to be very angry and roared at Dongying and others: "He is a bastard! Do you think you can dominate the world with eight heads and eight tails?? Humph, what a big joke!!"

At this time, General Qisha seemed to have an evil smile on his face: "Because he didn't know that creatures like us could evolve..."

"Do you want to know why I only have one head and four tails now?" General Qisha looked at the four Dongying and sneered, "That's strength, that's the symbol of evolved strength!! It is said that concentration is the essence. If he could understand this evolutionary method in those years, I'm afraid his strength would not be so weak... And the real purpose I have been hiding here is to be able to understand how to concentrate myself to make myself strong in the end!!"

"But it really lives up to my efforts. I finally evolved into what it is now, with four tails and one head, so that I am fully capable of trampling on everything in the world!! Hahaha..."

He said that General Qisha here seemed to be a little crazy and laughed wildly. The huge power contained in the laughter rushed to all directions of the outside world in an instant!!

Even the four Yuanfeng had to set up a defensive boundary around themselves, otherwise, even their powerful body would be smashed by the roaring impact of General Qisha!!


"Bum!!" At the top of a huge tall building far away, there was a strong sound of glass cracking!!

In front of a figure, the wide and transparent glass was shattered in an instant!! Those gusts of wind blew in unscrupulously!!

"The suzerain, that guy seems to be a little crazy..." When the glass shattered in an instant, a dark shadow appeared in front of the figure again and said respectfully.

Listening to the words of the shadow, the figure had been standing in front of the broken glass without saying anything, but at this time, he stretched out his right hand and put his palm down above the broken glass slag.

A semicircular action appeared in the hand of the figure. In an instant, the broken glass fragments suspended on the palm of the figure. At the same time, with such a scene, the original external wind rushed in from the window has now stopped.

It seems that there is something in front of this window that is resisting the huge wind. Obviously, the strength of the huge wind is also great, like a furious lion hitting the resisting object unscrupulously.

However, within a few seconds, the huge wind began to appear a little quiet, and the submissiveness subdued by the resisting object, and then the wind slowly calmed down and finally dissipated.

"He is not crazy, but has such strength." Finally, the figure said flatly, and the old glass on his palm has been compressed into a small ball at this moment.

This thick glass is obviously the kind that can withstand strong impact, and after being smashed by the wind, it was put in the ball by this figure, floating on the palm of your hand, emitting a light blue light.

"So, Yuanfeng is not his opponent?" Listening to the suzerain's words, the shadow hesitated for a moment and finally said what he thought in his heart.

"What do you think?" Listening to the shadow's words, the suzerain was ordinary and spoke impatiently and lukewarmly. It seems that even if there is a big fire in front of him, his voice still hasn't changed.

Listening to the suzerain's words, the shadow seemed to be a little hesitant. In fact, what he thought was that Yuanfeng was probably not Qisha's opponent.

For Qisha, it was the patriarch who came forward to find him. And now the suzerain sent someone to pretend to help Qisha actually retrieve the white chess pieces. For this, Qisha must have thought of it for a long time.

So what he is most afraid of now is that if they take the momentum, it is undoubtedly not an unfavorable thing for them.

Feeling that the shadow didn't speak for a long time, the suzerain said, "There are different results for anything in the world. If every result can be guessed, it will be meaningless. Just like him in those years, he never thought that I would come to this world with memory, and how could he think of winning or losing this chess game? Perhaps, for Qisha, victory or defeat is not necessarily calculated by people, let alone by heaven."

"A chess game, for winning or losing. No one will know that this is not a very interesting game? The suzerain said flatly, with a slight force on his right hand.

With a crack, the ball broke, and everything turned into nothingness and disappeared into the air.