Wolin Opera

Chapter 367 Jixi Consortium

"Miss! Give me a glass of juice," the loud man said loudly to a stewardess not far behind him.

Soon, after hearing the juice the passenger wanted, the stewardess took out a transparent glass from the cart, and inside was the orange juice, estimated to be orange juice.

At this time, the plane is flying in a moving orbit in the blue sky, and the target of the plane is overseas G country.

Overseas G is a country in the middle of the earth and a medium-sized country. Its country covers an area of less than 1 million square kilometers. The population is also about 150 million, and the population is indeed quite large. Moreover, although the overseas G country is located in the middle of the earth, it is also a country with advanced weapons. Trade is also extremely frequent. In addition to bananas, mangoes and various car brands produced in their country, more importantly, it is also a good place for tourism and vacation.

The journey from Kyoto to overseas G country is not particularly close, so it takes an hour for the plane to take off from Kyoto to overseas G country, which is basically positioned between 3 and 4 hours.

During this long flight, many tourists are really helpless. It's really not fun to stay on the plane all the time, and it is absolutely forbidden to use mobile phones on the plane, so most passengers have to turn their mobile phones to flight mode and play with their mobile phones. Stand-alone games.

At this time, Moha and Jike were talking more and more energetically. Looking at Moha's interest, Yuanfeng also shook his head helplessly. For Moha, he is the most talkative of the five people. Fortunately, he didn't sit with Moha, otherwise, Yuanfeng's ears would really suffer...

"Hey" At this time, Moha seemed to have found a new continent again. He gently patted Jike on the shoulder and said, "Look! Look! That foreign girl is on time!!"

Speaking of this, Moha's saliva was about to leave out, and it almost ticked on Jike's trousers.

And as for Jike, it is also very helplessly following the direction pointed by Moha, as expected! There is indeed a woman with super good figure and yellow hair not far away. Such a gorgeous woman is definitely Moha's favorite.

How's it going? On time? Haha," Moha said to the geck beside him at this moment.

"Uh-huh, on time!" Jike also seemed to be shocked by the foreign girl. Indeed, the foreign woman, about 245 years old, was young, beautiful and temperamental, completely displayed on her.

But she is different from ordinary women. Moha seems to be able to see the beautiful foreign princess in her!!

At this time, Jike looked carefully at the foreign woman and found that it was a little different. He found that the woman seemed to have come out of the first cabin, but she sat in a seat near the first cabin and was taking out her lipstick to make up for herself.

"Hey, old man, that's not right! She seems to have come out of the first cabin. Why did she come to the second cabin again? Looking at all this, Jike said, to be honest, he really didn't know what was going on.

Generally speaking, passengers will not go anywhere else after buying a ticket. For example, if the passenger buys a ticket in the first class, his seat will be in the first class instead of the second cabin.

"Stupid!!" Looking at the strange look that he didn't understand, Moha slapped him on the head and said, "That means that girl is rich! Think about it, when she came out of the first cabin and came to the second cabin again, it completely means that he bought two tickets, one in the first cabin and one in the second cabin, can't he walk back and forth?!!" Moha here really admires this foreign woman: "Hey, not to mention, when I meet this beautiful and rich girl, ut, I'm really lucky!! Haha..."

After Moha laughed softly, he said to the polar next to him, "Wait here and see how I can take down this girl!"

said that Moha here, took off the backpack on his back and put it on the seat, tidyed up his clothes and went to the beautiful foreign woman in front of him.

Similarly, Moha's performance was completely seen by Dongying and Yuanfeng, and they shook their heads helplessly. If you really talk about Moha, Yuanfeng is really ashamed. I didn't expect that Moha can not only speak but also be a beauty hunter...

Similarly, Dongying, Yuezhi and Yuanfeng are also helpless about Moha's practice. There is nothing they can do. This person's personality is just like that. It can't be changed...

At this moment, Moha was also a few steps away from the woman. Moha tidied up his clothes again and boldly walked over.

"Cough! Beautiful lady, can I sit down here? Moha speaks fluent English.

Listening to Moha's words, the woman seemed to have no reaction and was still continuing to make up.

Seeing such a scene really makes Moha a little depressed. I didn't expect that my old routine didn't work for this foreign girl. Of course, although I am also a foreigner, the women in their country won't even say a word like this foreign girl's character.

This makes the current Moha very embarrassed. But there's nothing we can do. Jike is still watching behind him. If he retreats, then he will have no face!!

Moha coughed slightly again when he thought of it, in order to attract the woman's attention.

"Hello, beautiful lady, can I sit next to you?" Moha still smiled and said slowly like a gentleman.

Finally, after Moha said this, the woman reacted. As if the makeup has been completed, Moha, who put the pastel box in his bag and turned his head to smile beside him, said coldly, "If you don't mind me throwing you out of the plane, you can sit here."

"Well..." This time, Moha was completely stupid there. He really didn't expect the woman's reaction to be so strong. And the violent embarrassment spread all over Moha's body, standing there stiffly and didn't know what to do.

For Moha now, it is neither walking nor not walking, not to mention how uncomfortable that kind of awkwardness is.

"Mom! Come back soon! I want to eat chocolate!!" At this time, when Moha was at a loss, a tender voice came, and then a small head appeared in the door crack at the end of the first cabin and the second cabin.

And seeing the little man's appearance, Yuezhi knew that it was the boy who had hallucinating before. However, in the boy's appearance this time, everything is normal without any difference.

And as for the little man, no one looked at him, not even the Moha beside the woman, and said to the woman opposite, "Mom, come on! You helped me tear the bag!" With that, the little man ran out and pulled the woman's clothes to go back.

And the woman looked at the little boy beside her and said with a smile on her face for the first time, "You boy, you will get fat just by eating chocolate..."

With that, the woman no longer ignored Moha's strange eyes and returned to the number one cabin with the little boy.

"Fight! Haha..." Finally, when Jike saw the opposite incident at this time, he finally knew that the woman must be a young woman with a child.

And Moha actually thought she was a big girl. This time it's really humiliating!! Thinking of the extreme here, laughing and trying not to make a louder sound, that face is really uncomfortable!!

"Laugh, laugh, laugh!" Looking at the smile behind him, Moha also felt ashamed to go to grandma's house. He quickly scolded Jike with a tiger face, and then returned to his seat.

"Alas! Buy it! I definitely didn't read the almanac when I went out today..." Moha was a little unwilling to be blocked by others for the first time. It's really unfavorable to be a teacher...

Looking at Moha's ugly Yuanfeng, Dongying and Yuezhi, the three were also helpless, especially Yuanfeng. When they saw Moha hit the wall, they shook their heads. For Moha, he will always have the energy of not hitting the south wall and not looking back.

Everything calmed down again, and the little boy and the foreign woman never appeared in cabin two again. As for Moha, it was also because of the previous setback and some psychological scars, so he was not in the mood to joke with Jike anymore, but rested quietly with his eyes closed. As for Jike playing the stand-alone game on his mobile phone in his hand.

And Dongying rested with his eyes closed like Moha. For Yuezhi and Yuanfeng, Yuanfeng looked at the newspaper in his hand, and as for Yuezhi, he still studied the map in his hand.

"Maybe we have a place to live for the time being," Yuanfeng said to Yuezhi beside him.

"What do you mean?" Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Yuezhi didn't know what he meant and asked strangely.

"You can see for yourself!" With that, Yuanfeng handed one of the newspapers in his hand to Yuezhi, who picked it up and glanced at it and was immediately attracted by the headlines in the newspaper.

That's the overseas G country. Luke, president of the Jixi Consortium, provides four days of free accommodation for the upcoming exhibition. Looking at the headlines of the news, Yuezhi whispered, "The strength of this Jixi consortium is really great! It seems that it's really hard to let so many people live in such a five-star luxury hotel."

"Hehe" Yuanfeng smiled faintly: "For this luxury hotel, the money spent is just a dime for the Jixi consortium. Moreover, according to the news, if the exhibition is held as scheduled, the money spent will soon be earned back!!"

"Yes!" Yuezhi whispered, "This newspaper published unexpected items in the exhibition, and I don't know what the exhibition will be. Even the news said that Luke went to the scene to direct the work. It seems that the weight of this thing is not light!"