Wolin Opera

Chapter 380 It's her

At this time, such a word suddenly came to his mind!! In an instant, his brain went blank! All this is a conspiracy!

"Withdraw!" These are the two words that appear in Hezi's mind at present! Soon, after that brief loss of distracting, Hezi finally retreated quickly with the * in his hand.

And as for touching the beard outside, he seemed to see something. Just a few minutes after Hezi entered, he carefully observed everything around here and finally found that there was a miniature camera installed in this place!!

An ominous foreboding instantly hit the whiskers's mind!! For him now, of course, he also knows that both of them have been trapped by others!!

In the regret of touching the beard, he watched the lotus withdraw quickly.

"Hezi, let's go, we've been tricked!!" Looking at Hezi returning empty-handed, Touching Xuzi had affirmed the current situation and whispered to Hezi beside him. After Hezi nodded slightly, the two quickly withdrew according to the same road.

"It seems that they have discovered the existence of the crisis!!" At this time, Luke, who was sitting in the room and looking at the screen all the time, took another sip of the hot coffee in the cup and said, "Go ahead, it's time for you to take action!!"

Yes! I'll do it now!!" After Luke's order, one of the men nodded slightly and quickly retreated to prepare for the next thing.

At this time, Xuzi and Hezi in the exhibition hall quickly left this place. For Xuzi, he seemed to be a little anxious. Before he came, he could not ask about all the situation here.

This exhibition was organized by Luke, the president of the Jixi consortium, that is to say, this time was completely done by Luke, the president of the Jixi consortium!!

"Damn Luke! It seems that I really underestimate you!!" At this time, the beard left quickly while gritting his teeth.

I really didn't expect that I would become the meat on other people's chopping board!! However, it's too late to say anything now. What Xuzi and Hezi have to think about now is not how much Luke hates and wants to kill him, and what they need to consider now is how to escape from here!!

This is the first thing to consider at present. Now the thing that Xuzi and Hezi can consider is that since what happened here is deliberately done by Luke, it is likely that there will be a lot of people waiting for their arrival outside this exhibition hall!!

But now they have no choice. After all, because of their negligence, the two are trapped in such a place, which can be said to make Xuzi feel annoyed.

However, for the current beard-touching son, what he can rely on is the lotus around him. Since he cooperated with Hezi, all the obstacles encountered have been removed by Hezi alone, so he is still very clear about Hezi's skills.

After all, for Hezi, a person who has been struggling in the killer world for so many years is definitely a guy with terrible strength. As for Touching Suzi himself, he can't even do any martial arts skills except for stealing treasures and unlocking locks. Of course, this can't be completely blamed for touching the beard.

Touching Xuzi is the descendant of Captain Touching Gold, and the people in Captain Touching Jin, that is, none of the ancestors of Touching Xuzi can have superb strength, so Touching Xuzi is not able to explain any martial arts.

Soon, when the two left the exhibition hall quickly, across the door of the exhibition hall, the two had heard the noisy footsteps outside!!

"They came really fast!! Hezi, the rest is up to you!!" At this time, Xuzi felt that the people outside were getting more and more, and said to the lotus beside him.

Generally speaking, once you encounter any danger, Hezi is fighting with others alone, and as for touching Xuzi himself, he follows Hezi closely and waits for the opportunity to escape.

At this time, Hezi nodded coldly as he listened to the words of touching the beard. For her now, it's completely easy to deal with people outside, but it makes Hezi feel a little uneasy, not those people outside, but as if someone else is waiting for them somewhere.

However, for the current situation, even if the lotus can feel something, now is not the time to think. After all, at such a critical juncture, if you still think about things that are not particularly useful for now, then you and Touch the beard will definitely explain here!!

And now Hezi nodded to the touch beard beside him with a cold face. Touching the beard already knew that the murderous spirit shown by the lotus at this time was extremely strong. I'm afraid that even those people outside are definitely not against the lotus. As for Hezi himself, he needs to be killed!!

Sure enough, after the lotus nodded slightly. The two quickly walked out of the door of the exhibition hall.

Soon, when they watched the two people come out, all the guards around them rushed up. Their purpose now is not to kill those who can catch them alive as ordered by President Luke.

"It's really her!!" Similarly, at the moment when Xuzi and Hezi came out, Yuezhi, far away on the roof, was shocked and whispered.

"What's wrong? Yuezhi, who are you talking about?" Listening to Yuezhi's words, Moha asked strangely.

And Yuezhi did not answer Moha's question, but looked anxiously at the lotus who was fighting with so many people below. As for Yuanfeng next to him, when he saw the woman below and the little boy beside him, he already knew what Yuezhi had said to himself in the park before.

Sure enough, as Yuezhi thought, the woman and the little boy beside her are the descendants of Captain Touching Jin, and as for the little boy, I'm afraid it's what the head and instructor Yuan said!!

At this time, at the moment when Hezi came out with a beard, Hezi seemed to be a different person and killed everyone around him!!

"Brush!!" The short knife in Hezi's hand has killed dozens of men in black in just a few minutes!!

Seeing such a situation, Yuezhi on the roof was also very surprised. He really didn't expect that the strength of the lotus had reached such a profound level for several years!!

I only saw the short knife in Hezi's hand flying up and down, invincible left and right. Among the hundreds of people in black, He Zi was stunned to kill a bloody road in it!!

This had to make Yuanfeng, Moha and others sigh how spicy this woman did it. At this time, Yuezhi frowned. Of course, he knew that such a little person could never trap Hezi, but Yuezhi was still a little worried that he didn't know what was going on. Yuezhi always had a bad feeling in his heart.

This kind of hunch also makes Yuezhi never meet before. However, although there is an ominous feeling in Yuezhi's heart now, as for the appearance here after Hezi escaped, this makes Yuezhi a little uncertain.

Looking at the lotus below, the beard around him did not stop for a moment, closely following the bloody road killed by the lotus and quickly retreated out!

Finally, the two came to a corner, and the roof of this corner was not particularly high, which was enough for Hezi to jump up and escape. As for the back door of the Kuhao Hotel, Hezi and Touching Xuzi have not considered it. I believe Luke has already been able to detect such a big noise. That is to say, if the two of them don't escape from here quickly, they will eventually be trapped here!!

Thinking of the lotus here and touching the beard beside him, the lotus suddenly grabbed the beard's clothes and climbed up, and instantly stepped on the wall and quickly went up to the roof!!

"Let's leave separately! Gather where we are!!" At this time, Touching the beard looked at the lotus coming out with him and said to the lotus beside him.

As for listening to the words of touching the beard, he only nodded slightly to agree. Soon, Xuzi jumped off the wall and left alone, leaving He Zi alone.

When he saw Moxuzi leaving smoothly, it was also time for Hezi to leave. Although the people below have not come up yet, once they don't leave now, they really can't leave in the future!!

Thinking of the lotus here, after looking at the people swarming to defend below, he planned to leave.

Suddenly, when the lotus was about to leave, the corners of his eyes suddenly skimmed to a pair of eyes not far away! Not only did I look over there, but I found that those eyes were also looking at me!!

So familiar feeling, such familiar eyes, immediately made Hezi think that that person is Yuezhi!! This had to shock her a little!

As for Yuezhi, the moment he saw the opposite Hezi looking here, his heart also thumped. What Yuezhi never expected was that the treasure thief was actually her!

As for the lotus at this time, he was also briefly distracted at the moment he saw the moon's eyes, but he recovered immediately. Now this period can't be the time to think about something else. All I have to do now is leave quickly!

Thinking of this, He Zi finally jumped off the wall and left quickly without looking back. As for Yuanfeng and several people, after seeing Hezi leave, the five of them also quietly returned to the Kuhao Hotel according to the same road.

"What?! You didn't catch it and let them run away!" At this moment, in a house, Luke listened to the situation reported by his subordinates, and suddenly the same strong sense of anger swept up in an instant!