Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 14 Come to the competition

Of course, the meaning of "go" is to go home, because he is already so sour that he has to go home to take care of him.

When Aunt Wang saw them coming back one after, Ye Chen was cold and didn't say a word. He Qian was full of joy and happy. Aunt Wang thought happily: We, the He girl, are awesome, and we wiped out the president in the afternoon. It seems that the girl He used some means. Also, the other party is handsome and tall. Large and noble, almost perfect, it is normal to be a little reluctant at the beginning, but this kind of thing will always get used to it in the future.

At dinner, Aunt Wang specially made turtle soup to make up for Ye Chen, but he never came out to eat. Aunt Wang was worried and asked He Qian to have a look. He Qian laughed rampantly and ate it over and said, "Danny, don't worry. I guess he won't be hungry. Let's make some millet porridge for him later." If your teeth are so sour, you can only eat porridge.

At nine o'clock in the evening, He Qian went to send millet porridge to Ye Chen. He was reading the documents attentively. He Qian gently put down the porridge and planned to leave, but he heard Ye Chen's low and extremely magnetic voice: "Come here!"

He Qian paused and walked over slowly.

"Sitting down!"

He Qian has three black lines on his forehead. This is a training dog!

"Feed me!"

Several crows flew over He Qian's head, and President Ye had a fever?

Seeing that He Qian did not act, Ye Chen put down the document and raised his eyebrows to look at her. His eyes were black and bright.

This man! He Qian patiently picked up the bowl and dug a spoonful and delivered it to his mouth.

Ye Chen looked at the porridge and then: "Do you want to murder your boss?"

He Qian's temple jumps suddenly, is it still hot? I can't blow, but I just ate a few sour apricots. Why is my whole body sore and stupid? She brought the porridge to her mouth and blew it, and then fed it to him.

Ye Chen's bottomless black eyes looked at He Qian and slowly took a sip.

A woman will be thought of by such a handsome man with such unclear eyes, and a man will also be fantatical, oh! By the way, the president is GAY! He Qian suddenly remembered.

Ye Chen's eyebrows twitched and didn't want to pursue the "truth" she thought she suddenly realized. He said, "He Qian, I find that you are always on guard, or not just me, but anyone else you don't know. Why? Is it because of that?"

He Qian's body stiffened, and his eyes immediately became cold: "Mr. Ye, you think too much."

Ye Chen smiled lowly. Look, he immediately changed his attitude, just like installing a mood button. As long as she touched her reverse scales, she would immediately erect the thorns on her body to guard against it. He said, "You don't have to guard against me. I don't mean any harm."

He Qian smiled faintly: "Thank you, Mr. Ye took care."

Ye Chen said, "If you no longer trust anyone because you have been betrayed, it is because of choked."

She said expressionlessly, "It's better to chop and waste food than not knowing how to die."

He said, "living in hatred can only make you lose. Haven't you noticed that you have changed a lot?"

She said, "I may not be good in the past, and I may not be bad now. Mr. Ye, the nature of the country is easy to change, but it is not that it can't be changed. Maybe the things you have experienced will not change, but after all, I am not you. I am what He Qian looks like now."

Ye Chen said no. The more you want to release a hedgehog that wraps itself with a thorn, the tighter it is wrapped. He looked at her rosy and seductive lips, white and delicate facial features, against such a moonlight... She suddenly lowered her head and kissed her with her big arms.

He Qian was shocked by the sudden attack and didn't know how to react. When she wanted to push him away, he had already let her go. The faint fragrance mixed with the smell of tobacco is still flowing on the tip of her nose, and the electric feeling is still swimming in her body. He Qian opened her mouth and gasped rapidly. She actually had feelings for GAY!

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly became deep, and the soft touch seemed to remain between his lips. This kiss made him unable to stop, and every pore of his body opened excitedly, calling for more.

Ye Chen looked at her deeply, his eyes were running, his deep eyes were as deep as the sea, and his voice was hoarse and sexy: "The girlfriend contract will officially take effect today."

He Qian looked at him in surprise. Why did he suddenly decide to let the contract take effect?

Ye Chen hooked the corners of his lips and rubbed her hair dotingly: "Go to bed early."

He Qian did not respond.

Ye Chen asked with a smile, "Do you want me to sleep with you?"

He Qian was immediately shocked, shook his head like a rattle drum, and hurried away.

The moonlight is bright, and I'm going to have complete insomnia today.

The next day at breakfast, He Qian deliberately sat in the farthest position from Ye Chen and lowered his head and dared not look at him, but he could still feel two hot eyes sticking to him.

Aunt Wang immediately saw the problem and smiled: "Oh, how can young people nowadays be more antique than us old antiques? Come on, Qianqian, you sit next to the president."

He Qian's face turned red and dark: "Danny, it's the president!"

Aunt Wang suddenly realized: "Oh, president, come on, sit next to the president. What's wrong with you young people? They are more antique than us. When your godfather chased me, he pressed me directly in the alley..."

"Hmm, huh," the old village head pulled the elder's face, "It's not ashamed to let the children see jokes when they are old!"

Aunt Wang glanced at him: "Old antique!"

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and hooked the corners of his lips and said, "Qianqian, come and sit down."

He Qian had goose bumps on his body.

Aunt Wang happily pulled the old village head: "He girl, eat slowly, and I will go for a walk with the old man."

The old village head was delivering food to his mouth with chopsticks in his hand: "Alas? I'm not full yet. Ouch, slow down..."

The two people's words and my voice gradually faded away. He Qian turned his head and happened to meet Ye Chen's quiet eyes. He said, "I didn't expect you to be quite shy."


He smiled, picked up his chopsticks and began to eat. He Qian was stunned. He was so elegant and hateful to eat.

While eating, He Qian calculated who would wash the dishes later. She clenched her hands, held a spoon in her hand, and looked at Ye Chen attentively. He didn't blush!

He finally put down his chopsticks and looked at her faintly: "Qian, if you don't eat well, how can you have the strength to wash the dishes later, and how can you have the strength to exercise at night." His eyes sparkled with gorgeous light.

Shit, her face turned red. I didn't expect him to be not only lazy, shameless and sultry!

She said, "Mr. Ye, is there a company here? You don't have the right to dominate me. Now you men should also share the matter of advocating a harmonious society, equality between men and women."

He raised his eyebrows: "What's the solution?"

She said, "Well, let's go to the village celebration event to have a try. Whoever loses will wash the dishes." She has participated in the three-year village celebration. With her familiarity with the activities and past experience, she will definitely win.

Ye Chen sneered and said, "Okay!"

When he went out, he took her hand and was as affectionate as a lover in a passionate relationship, but He Qian felt uncomfortable. The villagers who did not know turned back one after another, causing the female dolls to look envious and jealous. The old people squinted and said, "A dog tail grass is inserted in the fertile soil, hey."

Public opinion and pressure have aroused He Qian's determination to win.

Ye Chen walked towards the center of the village with cold and noble eyes without squinting, and the slightly raised curvature of the corners of his mouth revealed his mood.

The rules of the game are set by He Qian, winning three games in five games, and taking turns to decide the game. He Qian starts first (so that she can decide three games and roar).

In the first game, He Qian chose the "glass ball competition". The glass ball was placed in a basin full of ink. The players had to carry the glass ball into another clean basin with chopsticks. Whoever holds more within a minute is the winner.

A clever girl has an advantage over a clumsy man.

She secretly glanced at Ye Chen, and his face was covered with ice and snow.

The whistle sounded and the game began.

Several male players went crazy with their hands and went straight to fish for it and fouled the elimination. Several little boys were so naughty that they secretly took the glass balls in other people's basins into their own basins and fouled them.

Although He Qian is not the fastest, it is already quite good. But Ye Chen was more powerful, stable, accurate and fast. When the end of the whistle sounded, Ye Chen had almost carried all the glass balls into the basin.

He Qian can't believe his eyes!

Ye Chen smiled and the iceberg melted in an instant. He said, "When I was a child, I practiced the piano. In order to exercise the flexibility of my fingers, I had to contact the red bean every day. Qianqian, you lost!"

He Qian beat his chest and stopped his feet. Oh, this is a fraud. Why didn't he say it earlier!!

In the second game, Ye Chen chose to have a good heart. This is not a single-player competition, but a cooperative completion by two people. In terms of form, it does not meet the requirements of their competition.

He Qian looked at a pair of lovers on the field and frowned more deeply: "How can this compare?"

Ye Chen said, "Of course I'm in a group with you."

"But how to distinguish the winner? Change it!"

"No change!" Ye Chen is very resolute.

"If you don't change, you will lose!"


This game is a pair of lovers standing on a newspaper to answer questions. If they make a big mistake, the newspaper will be cut in half, fined a glass of wine, and the last pair is the winner.

He Qian and Ye Chen stood face to face. The breeze blew and lifted her soft bangs. Her hair gently brushed his cheeks, and there was a faint fragrance. Her bright eyes seemed to contain beads of water, shining and touching, and his heart pounding.

"Are you ready?" The host said, "Question 1: Are you lovers?"

Ye Chen: "Yes!"

He Qian: "No!"

The onlookers burst into laughter.

Host: "Oh, the answer on the 26th is inconsistent. Did the man make the woman angry? Aha, sanctions!"

Their newspaper was cut in half, a glass of white wine, He Qian's cheeks immediately blushed, and the two stood tighter.

He Qian could feel the sudden drop in the temperature around him. Ye Chen stared at her coldly, with an unclear look in his eyes, but he could be sure that it was very dangerous!

"Question 2: Where did you meet for the first time?"

He Qian: "Bar!"

Ye Chen: "Bar!"

She raised her eyebrows proudly. He looked at her deeply. He Qian, the bar you mentioned and the bar I mentioned are definitely not the same place. Can't you really remember it at all?

Host: "Oh, there are four pairs of lovers who have made mistakes, sanctions! Next question: Where did you kiss for the first time?

He Qian blushed: "At the door of the court!" It's really hard to say, but in such a solemn place...

Ye Chen: "Bar!" A firm answer.