Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 45 Lost in the God

It was noon when she woke up. He Qian couldn't help blushing herself last night. Unexpectedly, she passively knocked Ye Chen down for taking the initiative. The essence of the sex woman was undoubtedly exposed. Thinking that when she was 16 years old, she was afraid that Ouyang would not marry her. She repeatedly tried to seduce her, thinking that there would never be ** again. After all, it was she Is the ability to resist ** too poor or too big?

She casually put on a pajamas and went to the living room to pour water. As soon as she went out, she saw the neatly dressed and refreshed Ye Chen sitting at the table in front of the window to apply for concentration, probably processing work emails.

He Qian was stunned and opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Ye Chen watched her step on the ground barefoot. Although the floor heating and air conditioner were on and very warm, it was winter here after all. He walked slightly and strode towards her.

He Qian only felt that the world was spinning, and his body was suddenly picked up by him.


"Why don't you know how to wear a slipper? What should I do if I catch a cold?"

"Forget...forgotten." Her heart beat like a drum, "What about Rong Ruo and them?"

"They went to the ski resort." Ye Chen put her on the sofa and handed her a glass of soy milk. When she woke up, she must drink soy milk. Ye Chen noticed the habit she had developed at school.

He Qian was a little stunned with hot soy milk, so did he stay here to wait for her?

Ye Chen said, "Is there any discomfort?" He seemed to have tossed her up yesterday.

He Qian's face turned black. President Ye asked how he could be so righteous about this kind of privacy, as if he were saying, "Have you eaten yet?" It's such a common problem.

Ye Chen saw through her mind and smiled softly: "The little girl is a little girl. She is too rigid and pretending to be deep. How nice it is."

He Qian rolled his eyes speechlessly. Who is with a straight face? It's far from your ice face.

Ye Chen said, "Wash up and eat something. The waiter will bring lunch here in a moment."

It can't be said that Ye Chen is really a gentleman, showing good upbringing in every move. He Qian is actually thinking about another thing now. Yesterday's storm, they don't seem to have taken safety measures. Do you want to buy some after-fact contraceptive pills to prevent it?

But this kind of thing is really difficult to say, and he is the president. How can she control him? She stopped talking several times, and finally decided to go out to find a pharmacy by herself after dinner.

He Qian wanted to take a shower first. Ye Chen said that taking a shower without eating was easy to hypoglycemia. He was afraid that she would faint in the bathroom and insisted on helping her wash it. The two quarreled in the bathroom for a long time and almost wiped their guns and went off. He Qian was furious: "Damn it, if you don't go out, I will kill you!"

Ye Chen paused in surprise. He Qian took the opportunity to push him out and closed the door to realize what he had said. He was ashamed and annoyed that he really wanted to jump into the bath and drown himself.

He Qian found that she was more and more unable to control her temper when she was with Ye Chen. Every time he easily flirted, she immediately blew her hair. She was 21 years old and had been rolling in society for five years. Where did lawyer He, who is self-respecting to be calm and wise?

When eating, Ye Chen cut the steak on his plate into small pieces, which are square, which is both beautiful and easy to eat. After cutting it, he put the plate in front of He Qian, and then took one-third of He Qian's steak cut and torn in front of him: "Qian, you are not eating steak, you are I'm eating hand-grabbed mutton. Her fast steak was indeed cut by her and couldn't bear to gamble, just like a savage dragging it with his hand.

He Qian looked at Ye Chen's series of actions in horror, doubting whether he was too tired yesterday.

After dinner, Ye Chen asked, "Do you want to go out for a walk?"

It suits her. With Ye Chen's company, you don't have to worry about getting lost. Just find the pharmacy and open him.

Queen's Town is a tourist town with a national style. Many people greeted them along the way. He Qian found that she had far low in Ye Chen's charm and popularity. After only 100 meters, eight girls wanted to take a photo with Ye Chen, which was particularly tight and enthusiastic. He Qian scolded at it. Nose, and three aunts took Ye Chen to the house as a guest. The two uncles talked with him, and a young man asked for his autograph.

Strange, is there no racial separation here? Aren't Westerners not very good at Easterners?

It was not easy for a child to take the initiative to talk to He Qian. What he said was: "I'm-sorry!" He accidentally bumped into He Qian.

He Qian was depressed, and Ye Chen looked at her with a charming smile: "What's wrong?"

He Qian stared at him angrily: "I don't understand what they are saying. I'm depressed." Whatever, you can prevaricate for any reason.

Ye Chen said seriously, "Didn't you pass CET-6, and you also passed the intermediate interpretation?"

He Qian's dark face: "You have read the swimming tutorial and theoretically learned to swim. Will you swim by throwing you into the river?"

"I will. At that time, when I learned to swim, I read a few essentials, and I could swim after two strokes in the water."

He Qian is angry. He is not a human. Don't be like him.

"Well..." Ye Chen pondered, "It's a pity that I will teach you English every night and waste the knowledge you have learned."

He Qian was speechless, and he made his own decision again.

He Qian finally saw the pharmacy at the corner of an intersection, and his heart was as excited as a deer: "Mr. Ye, do you have any special drinks in Queenstown? I'm so thirsty."

Ye Chen looked at her carefully. He drank a large cup of soy milk in the morning and drank a lot of fresh juice for dinner. Did she get thirsty so soon?

"Yes." He cherishes his words like gold.

"Great, could you please buy a cup for me? I'm a little tired and can't walk. I'll wait for you here."


As soon as Ye Chen left, He Qian got into the pharmacy. There were all kinds of drugs on the self-selected medicine rack, all in English. He Qian couldn't understand any of them. If he had known, he would have remembered a few English words of common drugs. How to say the contraceptive after the event?

He Qian was so big that he hesitated for a long time and couldn't come up with a way. The clerk kindly came up and asked, "Hello, can-I-help-you?" Hello, do you need anything?)

"Hello,I...I...want..." (Hello, I...want..."

He Qian couldn't find the words she wanted in her mind. Grandma risked: "can-you-speak-chinese?" Can you speak Chinese?)

The clerk smiled apologetically: "Sorry!"

Eh...there's nothing we can do o(╯□╰)o

At this moment, Ye Chen came in with a cup of colorful juice and said, "Qian, why are you here and what do you want to sell? Are you not feeling well?"

He Qian hesitated for a moment and made great determination to say, "Mr. Ye, I want to buy contraceptive pills after the event."

Ye Chen's eyes darkened, and he said expressionlessly, "Come with me."

He Qian was a little embarrassed to follow him to the checkout place. He only heard Ye Chen say something to the clerk in a fluent London accent. The clerk immediately took something from the back counter happily and walked between He Qian and Ye Chen with his eyes shining.

He Qian was embarrassed when she saw those things. All kinds of packaged condoms were placed in front of He Qian. He Qian's face turned red in an instant. She looked at Ye Chen in embarrassment.

Ye Chen said leisurely, "Let's see which one you like. If you can't, buy it all. Anyway, you have to use it in the future." His eyes clearly flashed with the pleasure of revenge, and he did it deliberately!

He Qian fled angrily, and Ye Chen smiled: "She-is-a-shying-girl!" ( She is shy.)

In the afternoon, they met the manager of the ice and snow park in the Catrona Valley. The brown-haired and blue-eyed New Zealander actually spoke fluent Chinese. The manager took them to visit and introduce them, and finally led them to the ski resort. All the equipment was provided for free, and all of them were the best. If they were equipped quickly Well, He Qian put on ski clothes, ski shoes, glasses, hats, gloves with the help of the staff...

After being fully armed, He Qian's whole body was swollen like a penguin, and when he came, he was afraid of the cold and deliberately wore a thick down jacket. Now he is a zongzi. There is no need to ski, just roll directly.

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing at her. He didn't change into ski equipment. Obviously, he didn't plan to go skiing. He wore a mink jacket, which was so handsome. Compared with a suit, Ye Chen in a jacket was a little more free and wild.

He Qian once slipped through the ice with Ouyang Feibai. Her skills stopped by letting Ouyang Feibai walk or she grabbed the railing. Ouyang Feibai once laughed at her skating appearance like a duck with a cut off its head. She shook left and right, couldn't find the direction, and had no sense of beauty at all. She once ignored him for half a month.

And she has never played this kind of sled skiing.

Ye Chen said, "Don't worry, a senior skier will teach you."

He Qian wanted to ask Ye Chen why she didn't play, but none of them wanted to ask, and she didn't do much of this, so as not to be thought that she cared more about him.

To be honest, even if you don't ski, just looking at the scenery of the Catrona Valley and overlooking Crown Peak is already a very enjoyable thing. The endless silver and white, like a silver ocean, form a strong contrast between the blue sky and the white and flawless valley, meeting in the distance.

They are halfway up the mountain, looking into the distance. The relatively low mountain is surrounded by white cold air or clouds, as if they were stepping on the nine heavens.

He Qian was led to the easy entry area for beginners, which was not far from the lounge. Looking up, he could see Ye Chen sitting on the bench outside the lounge and quietly looking in her direction.

He Qian looked at Chen Baimohua and they were having a lot of fun there, laughing constantly. They swooped down from the mountain road and rowed the sky full of snow. It seemed to be gold-plated in the golden sun. The relatively small snowflakes around him turned into water droplets reflecting colorful glow, beautiful, the perfect combination of strength and beauty, and then quickly slipped. The person who came down flew to the sky through the arc of the hillside, like an eagle flying in the sky. That feeling must be very wonderful and exciting.

Why didn't Ye Chen join?